The Living Bible (455 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Two, needed to establish a fact

Num 35:30
but only if there is more than one witness;
Deut 19:15
There must be at least two, and three is even better.
John 8:17
two men agree on something that has happened,
1 Tim 5:19
two or three witnesses to accuse him.

Needed to transfer property

Gen 23:11
Here in the presence of my people, I give it to you
Ruth 4:2
asked them to sit as witnesses.
Jer 32:25
paying good money for it before these witnesses
Jer 32:44
deeds signed and sealed and witnessed

For a marriage

Ruth 4:11
the people standing there, and the witnesses
Isa 8:2
to watch me as I wrote so that they could testify

Corrupt, examples

Mark 14:56
Many false witnesses volunteered,
Acts 6:11
they brought in some men to lie about him,


Rev 11:3
I will give power to my two witnesses to prophesy


Creation of

Gen 1:27
Man and maid did he make them.
Gen 2:22
made the rib into a woman,

Laws concerning

Exod 22:16
If a man seduces a girl who is not engaged
Lev 15:19
Whenever a woman menstruates,
Deut 22:5
A woman must not wear mens clothing,

Domestic duties of

Gen 18:6
said to Sarah, Quick! Mix up some pancakes!
Exod 35:25
The women skilled in sewing and spinning
Prov 31:22
She also upholsters with finest tapestry;
Song 1:6
sent me out into the sun to tend the vineyards,
John 18:16
spoke to the girl watching at the gate,
Acts 9:39
coats and other garments Dorcas made

Dress of

Gen 24:65
So she covered her face with her veil.
Isa 3:16
bracelets on their ankles, with wanton eyes
1 Cor 11:5
or prophesies without a covering on her head
1 Tim 2:9-10
or because of their jewels or fancy clothes.
1 Pet 3:3
on jewelry, or beautiful clothing, or hair arrangement.

Privileges in the early church

Acts 1:14
Several women, including Jesus mother,
Acts 12:12
went to the home of Mary, mother of John Mark,
1 Cor 11:5
a woman who publicly prays or prophesies

Nature and characteristics of

Isa 19:16
the Egyptians will be as weak as women,
Isa 49:15
Can a mother forget her little child
Jer 50:37
allies from other lands become as weak as women.
Nah 3:13
Your troops will be weak and helpless as women.
1 Tim 3:6
make friendships with silly, sin-burdened women
1 Pet 3:7
honoring them as the weaker sex.

Social status of

Est 1:9
Queen Vashti gave a party for the women
Dan 5:2-4
he and his princes, wives, and concubines
Acts 24:24
Felix came with Drusilla, his legal wife,
Acts 25:13
King Agrippa arrived with Bernice for a visit

Good, examples

Ruth 1:1
With him were his wife, Naomi, and his two sons.
Ruth 1:14
but Ruth insisted on staying with Naomi.
1 Sam 1:26
Sir, do you remember me? Hannah asked him.
2 Kgs 4:8
A prominent woman of the city invited him
Mark 14:3
breaking the seal, she poured it over his head.
Mark 16:1
Mary Magdalene and Salome and Mary
Luke 1:27
a virgin, Mary, engaged to be married
Acts 9:36
a believer who was always doing kind things
1 Tim 1:5
your mother Eunice and your grandmother Lois

Wicked, examples

Num 12:1
One day Miriam and Aaron were criticizing Moses
1 Kgs 11:1
King Solomon married many other girls
1 Kgs 18:3-4
Jezebel had tried to kill all of the Lords prophets,
2 Kgs 6:26-30
This woman proposed that we eat my son
Job 2:9
His wife said, Are you still trying to be godly
Matt 14:3
in prison at the demand of his wife Herodias,
Acts 5:2
(His wife had agreed to this deception.)


Zec 5:7
I could see a woman sitting inside the basket!
Rev 17:3
I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet animal
Rev 19:2
He has punished the Great Prostitute


Jer 6:2
Helpless as a girl, you are beautiful and delicate
2 Cor 11:2
be for Christ alone, just as a pure maiden
Rev 14:4
they are spiritually undefiled, pure as virgins,
Rev 17:4
The woman wore purple and scarlet clothing

, see
Christ, names of

, see

Of the wise, see

Will be judged

Matt 12:37
justified by them or you will be condemned.

Of a fool

Eccl 10:12-13
but a fools speech brings him to ruin.

Of Jesus

Luke 4:22
by the beautiful words that fell from his lips
John 6:68
You alone have the words that give eternal life,
John 12:48
all who reject me and my message will be judged

, see

Laws concerning

Exod 20:9
Six days a week are for your daily duties
Exod 23:12
Work six days only, and rest the seventh;
Lev 19:13
you shall pay your hired workers promptly.
Deut 24:14-15
Never oppress a poor hired man,
Deut 25:4
Dont muzzle an ox as it treads out the grain.

As a punishment for sin

Gen 3:19
All your life you will sweat to master it,

Before the fall

Gen 2:15
placed the man in the Garden of Eden as its gardener,

Exhortations concerning

Prov 12:11
Hard work means prosperity; only a fool idles
Prov 14:23
Work brings profit; talk brings poverty!
Prov 22:29
He shall be successful and stand before kings!
Eccl 9:10
Whatever you do, do well,
Eph 4:28
begin using those hands for honest work
1 Thes 4:11
minding your own business and doing your own work,


Of God, examples, see
God, His names, The Creator

Psa 8:3
the night skies and see the work of your fingers
Psa 89:12
You created north and south!
Psa 147:8
makes the green grass grow in mountain pastures.
Eccl 3:11
man cannot see the whole scope of Gods work
Jer 10:12
but our God formed the earth by his power

Not sufficient for salvation

Rom 3:20
in Gods sight by doing what the law commands.
Rom 8:3
arent saved from sins grasp by knowing the commandments
Gal 2:16
right with God by obeying our Jewish laws,
Eph 2:9
Salvation is not a reward for the good we have done,
1 Tim 1:9
for his holy work not because we deserved it

Good, evidence of faith

Matt 25:40
to these my brothers you were doing it to me!
John 3:21
those doing right come gladly to the Light
Rom 2:12-15
to those who know what to do, unless they do it.
Heb 6:10
How can he forget your hard work for him,
Jas 2:18
anyone can see I have faith by the way I act.

Exhortations concerning

Psa 37:23
The steps of good men are directed by the Lord.
Matt 3:8
that you have turned from sin by doing worthy deeds.
Matt 10:42
water to a little child, you will surely be rewarded.
Gal 6:4
Let everyone be sure that he is doing his very best,
Col 1:10
that the way you live will always please the Lord
2 Thes 2:17
help you in every good thing you say and do.
1 Tim 6:18
Tell them to use their money to do good.
Titus 3:1
be obedient and ready for any honest work.
Heb 10:24
let us outdo each other in being helpful
Jas 3:13
If you are wise, live a life of steady goodness,

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