The Lonely Hearts 06 The Grunt 2 (11 page)

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Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson

BOOK: The Lonely Hearts 06 The Grunt 2
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“You feel so good too,” Courtney said, moving her hips and keeping her eyes on his. 

He watched her torment him with slow pumps for a moment. Trailing his hands all over her body, he finally gave in and clasped her perfect ass.  The need inside of him began to build to a thunderous level and he could feel himself giving in to her pleas.  “Fuck it,” he said, thrusting harder inside of her.  “I. Can’t.  Stop.” 

Courtney moaned aloud.  Her voice, audible and sexy, turned him on even more.

His back arched as he pushed deep into his wife over and over again, making her his once again.  Moving his hips in circles, he made sure to feel every single part of her soft brown temple.  The motions became mindless and they melted into each other.  Slow then fast, hard and then soft. In and out.  He focused, eyes narrowed on her body. 

Courtney bucked against him.  Skin against skin, her nails dug into his chest as he held on to her by her hips.  He watched himself slip in and out of her as she rose up off of him and then plummeted back down to his hips. 

Grabbing her by the back of her head, he pulled her down into his eager kiss and then trailed his lips down her neck to her breasts.  Sucking on her nipples, he speared into her, feeling himself moved from one wave to another of complete bliss.

Releasing her mouth, he let out a sigh. “Damn,” he said as sweat rolling down his chest. He had forgotten how
it was. 

“Harder,” she screamed, grinding her hips.  “Harder!”

“Not yet,” he said to himself.  But just the sight of her pushed him to the brink. 

He ground harder like she commanded. Their bodies slapped against each other madly.  Taking deep breaths and closing his eyes, he let out a growl.  Wet sex pooled between them as she came hard with her body going rigid as her eyes flashed open and her mouth parted. 

“Brett!!” she screamed as her orgasm exploded, releasing her from the bondage of her first concerns.  He did want her! 

Forgetting about his leg, he pushed up in the bed, back arched, slamming into her over and over until finally, heart pounding, he felt himself release.  The veins in his neck protruded as he let out a loud unmistakable moan.  Alas, he emptied himself inside of her ounce by ounce until he was left twitching and weak under her. 

Collapsing on top of him, Courtney’s heartbeat against his own.  Sweat dripped from her forehead onto his neck. 

“Was it good for you, baby?” he asked, out of breath.  He wiped the sweat off his wet marble face and rubbed it on the bed.  

“Yes,” she mumbled.  Rising up, she looked him in the eye. “You?”

“Oh yeah,” he said, feeling his leg throb.  “But can you…get off me?  My leg is killing me,” he said mock crying and tapping her bare bottom. 

Courtney’s head snapped toward his leg and then rolled off of him. “I’m sorry, baby.”

“It’s okay,” he said, laughing and out of breath.  “Just for a minute.” 

“And then?” she asked, lying on the pillow beside him.

“And then, I want you again,” he said, reaching for the glass of water on the nightstand.  Glancing over again, he grabbed his bottle of pain pills.  He was definitely going to need those. 


Chapter 10

And the winner is…


After weeks of being around each other with no intimacy, it seemed that all they could do when they finally touched each other was make love.  Hours of endless, mindless sex had left the pair, exhausted, naked and wrapped in each other’s embrace well past the alarms that sounded, the blaring sun shining in on them from the bay windows or even the constant phone calls. 

Courtney hadn’t slept so well since before Brett had gone to Afghanistan.  In a near coma, she nuzzled in the middle of her husband’s chest, between his legs, and melted into him.   

Somewhere in the morning, Brett had found a comfortable spot in the middle of the bed and dug in there to sleep. He had drifted away feeling Courtney’s heartbeat against his own. It hypnotized him along with her enchanting smell.  With his hands planted on her firm, round behind, he slept without a care in the world.  No dreams of war.  No dreams of death.  No dreams at all.

At 11:00 on the dot, Kevin Daugherty and his team of two lawyers pulled up in the driveway of the Black family home as promised.  Armed with pens, documents and laptop, they moved with a purpose up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

As soon as the doorbell sounded, Courtney’s head popped up from Brett’s chest.  She looked around in a daze, trying to figure out what time it was.  Wiping her mouth, she slowly tried to ease off of Brett, but his strong hands grabbed her and pushed her back down against his bare penis. 

“Where are you going?” he asked without opening his eyes.

“I heard the door,” she said, narrowing her gaze on the alarm clock.

“Whoever it is can go away,” he said, rubbing her back.  “Come back to bed.”

“It might be Mom,” she knew it was not, but what if it were.

Brett knew better. “It’s not your mom.  She wouldn’t come over without calling.” 

She looked over at her cell phone on the nightstand.  “She probably did call.  We just didn’t hear it.”  Then it hit her.  “Shit!” she exclaimed, heart racing.

“What?” he said, now fully awake.

His eyes batted quickly as he adjusted to the sun.  With a groan, he pulled himself up as he watched her leap off the bed and run to the bathroom.

“Who is it?” he asked.

“It’s the Airlines people!” she screamed from the bathroom.  Slipping on her pajamas, she pawed at her hair as she made a quick exit out of the bedroom. 

Brett laid his head back down on the pillow and blew out a breath.  Hearing her feet halt on the hard wood floors in the hallway, he sat up as she ran back toward the bedroom.  “Get dressed,” she ordered, sticking her head back into the door.

“You first,” he said, looking at her attire.

Snatching the front door open moment later, Courtney looked at the well-dressed group of men from Southern Atlantic and gave a side-smile.  “Gentlemen,” she said, stepping to the side so that they could enter her home. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
Oh God, I forgot my bra
, she thought to herself as she tried to smile. 

“Mrs. Black, how are you?” Kevin asked, removing his shades as he walked past her.  He knew better than to comment on her afternoon wardrobe.  Evidently, she had overslept. 

Courtney couldn’t even muster a lie.  “I’m well…actually,” she said, closing the door and leading them to the dining room table. “We’ll be ready in a minute.  I’m just going to go up and change really quickly.  I do apologize.”

“Don’t apologize, ma’am.  Take your time.  Thank you for seeing us on such short notice,” Kevin said, looking around the table at the men.  It was show time.  There was no way in hell that they weren’t going to do this deal today.   

When Courtney arrived back at the bedroom door, she saw Brett still lying in bed, naked and groggy.  She came in and closed the door loud enough to wake him.  “Rise and shine,
sleepy head
.  I need you dressed in like five minutes.”

Brett grunted.  “Like five minutes, which could be more like 10 minutes, or exactly 300 seconds.”

“Three hundred seconds,” Courtney answered, slipping out of her pajamas.  They dropped to the floor, and Brett’s eyes popped open. Her brown temple had him immediately transfixed.

“Now we’re talking.” He stroked his penis.  “A little early morning incentive.”

She couldn’t help but blush.  Moving her hair out of her face, she pointed at the door. “Those men are downstairs waiting.  So, no sex.  Not until you’ve taken care of this.”

He rolled his eyes.  “Don’t they know how early it is?” 

“It’s 11:00,” she said, pulling her top dresser drawer open.  Fishing through her folded panties, she sighed. “God, I smell just like sex.”

“What do you think we did all morning?  Take a shower.  Make them wait.”

She snapped around and looked at him with her most serious glare.  “Two hundred and forty seconds, now Marine.  So move your ass.”  Slipping on her panties while she looked at him, she raised a brow.  “And I won’t take a shower and leave them down there.  That’s rude.  Plus, you said that you wanted them to come.
So get dressed

Brett finally pushed up out of the bed and grabbed his crutches off the floor.  “I hate these things.”

“Well, you can’t walk without them,” she said, pulling a pair of his PT jogging pants out and throwing them on the bed. 

“Shit, if I can’t.”  He popped his neck. “I’ve been shot before.  I’ll be on my feet in no time.” As he tried to stand up, a pain ripped through his broken ribs.  Sitting back down, he grinned. “Okay, maybe it’ll take a little longer than normal.”

Courtney quickly wiggled her jeans up her legs by bouncing up and down and then grabbed her soft white lace bra off the top of the dresser.  Slipping it on, she grabbed a cotton white t-shirt and her thong sandals from beside the dresser.  “See, it didn’t take that long,” she quipped while pulling her hair up in a ponytail.

Brett frowned. “Why don’t you ever get that dressed that fast when we have somewhere to go?”

“Because it doesn’t involve a few hundred
dollars,” she said, walking over to the bed.   She picked up his pants and then bent in front of him. 

“I can’t get those over my cast.  I’ll need shorts.” He rubbed his hand over his five-o’clock shadow.  “Just give me a shirt, baby.”

She did as he instructed and in a few minutes she had him dressed in black Nike basketball shorts and a black USMC t-shirt.

“Do you think that they will at least offer us $500,000?” she asked hopefully. 

“If they offer us half a million dollars, then we’ll accept it,” he said, walking with her to the bedroom door.

“Promise me,” she said, stopping in her tracks. She turned and looked up at him with her arms wandering around his waist.  Her voice was pouty. “I’m tired of haggling with these people.”

He made a cross over his heart. “I promise.  Half of a million dollars, we agree, but not a penny less,” he said, stomach growling. 

“You sure?  Because you sound like you’d settle for a cheeseburger right now.”  Winking at him, she turned and took a deep breath.  “Okay, baby.  Get your game face on.”

As the lawyers sat down at the table, Courtney and Brett slowly made their way down the staircase.  It looked trickier than it actually was for Brett, but he took it slow as to not worry
the wife

“Good Morning, Mr. Black,” Kevin said, popping up.  He immediately glanced down at Brett’s leg in a cast and noticed the bruising still visible on his face and neck.  “Welcome back, sir.”

“Thank you.”  Brett shook his hand and the hands of the other men as they neatly filed in line to do the same. “But we can leave the
off.  I work for a living.”

Not for long
, Kevin thought to himself.  He gave a clever smile. “I brought our best lawyers.  This is Trey Donovan and Mike Dell,” Kevin introduced them quickly before taking a seat again.  They couldn’t waste any more time.  There were still other families that they needed to see. 

Both men nodded and greeted Brett as he sat down at the head of the table with Courtney at his side. 

“Thank you so much for seeing us.  Mrs. Black told us about your injuries sustained while in the line of duty. Your service is truly appreciated.” Kevin made his introduction to the conversation as amicable as possible.

No matter how many times he heard it, Brett always shied away from being thanked.  “No problem,” he said, darting his eyes over at Courtney.

She raised a brow at her husband and then shifted her focus on Kevin. 

“I know in the past, we’ve haggled about the final benefit amount that Southern Atlantic was willing to pay you for your loss,” Kevin said, looking over at Brett.  “But we finally feel that we have something to offer that you’ll be more comfortable accepting.  We want to offer with this, our truest and sincerest condolences.  And while we know that this won’t take away your pain, we hope that it can provide you some closure.”

Without looking at the check, Brett sucked in a breath.  This whole fake sorrow thing was really getting to him. How could he pretend that he was all broken into pieces about Amy’s cheating ass with Courtney sitting right beside him?  It was rude, condescending, and complete bullshit. Clearing the air, he held up a hand. “Let’s be real, gentleman.  I’m sitting here with the woman of my dreams.  I don’t need any closure from the act of God that took place two years ago.  I need some financial benefit.”

, Courtney said to herself. 
That was harsh…but true.
   She covered her face slightly and tried not to look at the reaction of the men.

Kevin hesitated and nodded his head. “Yes, sir.  I mean, yes Mr. Black.  We understand.” 
In truth, he didn’t give a flying shit.
He had memorized the lines that were given to him by their PR person.  That was it. 

Brett smacked his lips.  “Alright. Well, now that that’s out of the way, we can move on with a certain amount of transparency.”  

The other men smirked as Brett finally looked down at the check. 

Trey Donovan, the young, eager, attractive dark haired attorney put his elbows on the table.  “Keep in mind that this agreement will be executed and finalized today.  We’ll sign all the necessary documents here and immediately provide you with this live check.” 

For a moment, Brett did not blink.  Finally making himself breathe, he passed it to Courtney. “Sorry baby. It’s not $500,000.”  He winked at Kevin. “That was her dream number.”

Rolling her eyes, she took the check in her hand and then let out a small whimper.  “$2,600,000.00,” she said in disbelief.  She dropped the check on the table and put her hands over her mouth. Could this be? Was this real?  Did this just happen?  Darting her confused look between Brett and the men, she let out a laugh, followed by tears. 

“Right here, today,” Kevin said with a smile.  “I told you we’d come back with an offer that was more

“Well,” Brett wiped his hand down his mouth and chin. “I can respect the hell out of that.” He finally laughed aloud.

There was a sigh of relief around the table.  The lawyers immediately began to pull out their paperwork to be signed, and Kevin pulled out his shiny executive pen – the one he only used when he closed deals.

“Let’s make you a millionaire, Mr. Black,” Trey said with a wide grin. 

Brett had never signed his name so fast.                Within 10 minutes, they were all done.  He had signed over 30 pieces of paper and would have given them a blood sample if they liked.  When it was all done, he looked over at Courtney in complete shock.  What a fucking twist? 

Passing the check to Courtney, he rose up out of his chair and kissed her lips. “Hold on to that for me, will you, baby?”

“You bet,” she giggled. “All the way to the bank.”

The men laugh and stood.  As they were about to shake Brett’s hand the doorbell rang.

“Who is that?” Courtney said, getting up from the table.  She turned and looked at the figure at the door. “If you would excuse me, just one moment.”

She walked a few feet to the door and opened it to find a Sheriff’s Deputy waiting.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, tears still in her eyes.  “What happened?”

The look on her face made the Deputy stutter.  “Ma’am, I’m sorry. I know how this looks.” He raised his hands so that she could see them.  “No one’s hurt and no one’s dead.” Looking in the door at the men around the table, he smiled. “Is one of those men in their Brett Black?”

Brett walked to the door on his crutches. “I’m Brett Black,” he said, the smile still permanently on his face. “What can I do for you, deputy?”

The Deputy pulled a summons from his back pocket and slapped into Brett’s hand.  “Sir, you’ve been served.” Walking away, he left Brett to open the paper and look at it more closely.

“What is it?” Courtney asked, looking over his shoulder.

Brett opened the paper and stared at it.  “It’s a fucking paternity hearing for Cameron,” he said, dropping the paper on the floor.  He rubbed a hand through his hair and laughed cynically.  “That fucking bitch!  Even in death, she’s still ruining my life.”

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