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Authors: Humberto Fontova

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Nobel prize
Noel, James A. “Jim,”
Noriega, Manuel
Noriega, Roger
North Korea
NPR (National Public Radio)
Nuremberg trials
Nyad, Diana
Obama, President Barack H.
Observer, The (U.K.)
Ocean Foundation
Ochoa, Fabio
“Occupy” movement
O'Farrill, Albertina
Oglesby, Joe
Old Man and the Sea, The
Oliva, Erneido
“Oprah” (Oprah Gail Winfrey)
O'Reilly, William James “Bill,”
“Organization Man,”
Organization of American States (OAS)
Oropeza, Olga
Ortega, Daniel (see also Sandinistas)
Ortega, Miriam
Ortez, Enrique (see also Honduras)
Orwell, George (Eric Arthur Blair)
OTMs (Other Than Mexicans)
Oxygen (TV)
Pacific Gas & Electric Company (see also Erin Brockovich)
Palfrey, Penny
Palmerola U.S. Air Base (see also Honduras)
Papua New Guinea
Paredon (see also Executions)
Paris Review, The
Park Police Station bombing, San Francisco
Patton, George S., Jr.
PBS (Public Broadcasting System)
Peabody Award
Pedrick, Kathy
Pelaez, Lorenzo, Jr.
Pena, Esperanza
Pena, Mercedes
Penalver, Eusebio
Perdomo, Roberto
Perez, Jorge
Perez Mendez, Jesus Raul
Perez, Stable, Marifeli (see also DGI)
Perfect Storm, The (film)
Peters, Philip “Phil,”
Phillips, Lou Diamond
Pinal County, AZ
Pinochet Ugarte, General Augusto
Plimpton, George
Pliyev, Issa Alexandrovich
Plymouth (N.H.) State University
Politburo (Cuba)
Polk Award
Pollack, Sidney
Porro, Pedro
Powell, Gen. Colin Luther
Prado Salmon, Captain Gary
Prague Spring
Prensa Libre
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Project on Government Oversight (POGO)
Propaganda Ministry (Cuba)
Pujals, Jose L.
Pulitzer Prize
Puller, Lewis Purely “Chesty,”
Puzo, Mario
Quevedo, Miguel Angel
Quintana Roo
Radio and Television News Directors Association of America
Radio Rebelde (Rebel Radio)
Rafters (Cuban)
Raitt, Bonnie
Ramirez, Leonardo
Ramirez, Richard
Rangel, Charles Bernard “Charlie,”
Rather, Daniel Irvin “Dan” (a.k.a. “Gunga Dan”)
Raw, Dr. Isaias
Reader's Digest magazine
Reagan, President Ronald Wilson
Red Terror
Redelfs, Arthur H.
Redford, Robert
Reed, Gail
Reed, Rex
“Reign of terror” (Cuba)
Reiner, Peter
Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War (see also Guevara, Ernesto)
Reno, Janet
Republican National Convention (1976)
Revolution (Cuban)
“Revolution of youth,”
Revolutionary tribunals (see also Guevara, Ernesto)
Reyes, Ralph
Reynolds, Burt
Reynolds, Robert
Richardson, Rep. Laura
Riefenstahl, Leni
“Ripper, Brig. Gen. Jack D.” (see also Dr. Strangelove)
Rivas, Leonin
Rivera, Rep. David M.
Rivero Aguero, Andres
Rivers, Stephen
Riviera, Hotel (Havana)
Riviera Casino (Las Vegas)
“Roberto,” Cuban rafter
Rockefeller, David
Rodon, Felipe
Rodriguez, Ana (Lazaro)
Rodriguez, Carlos
Rodriguez, Carlos Rafael
Rodriguez, Emeterio
Rodriguez, Felix
Rodriguez-Bueno, Juan Carlos
Rodriguez Cruz, Rene
Rodriguez Lopez-Callejas, Luis Alberto, Maj.
Rojas, Nelly
Roosevelt, President Franklin Delano, “FDR,”
Roosevelt, President Theodore “Teddy,”
Roque, Caridad
Rosenberg spy case
Rosetta Stone
Ros-Lehtinen, Rep. Ileana
Roth, Philip
Rubio, Senator Marco
Rubottom, Roy R., Jr.
Ruiz Acosta, Antonio
Rusk, Dean
Russert, Timothy John “Tim,”
Saliva, Niurka
Samizdat (Cuba)
San Roman, Jose Antonio
Sanchez, Gregorio
Sanchez, Juan Reynaldo
Sanchez, Miguel
Sanchez, Yanet
Sanchez Guevara, Canek
Sanchez Parodi, Ramon (DGI)
Sanchez Wood, Daniel
Santa Clara, battle of
Santana, Carlos
“Sappho,” Cuban common prisoner
Sardinas, Tito
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Satraps, as applied to Cuba
Sawyer, Diane
Scarface (film)
Schlesinger, Arthur Jr.
Schwellenbach, Nick
Science Daily
“See It Now” (CBS)
Shah Mohmmad Reza Pahlavi
“Shark Week” (see Discovery Channel)
“Sharkbite Summer” (see Discovery Channel)
Sharpton, Rev. Alfred Charles “Al” Jr.
Shaw, Bernard (newscaster)
Sherritt International
Shoah Foundation (see Spielberg, Steven)
Shriver, Maria
Sicko (film)
Sierra Maestra
Simmons, Lt. Col. Christopher “Chris,”
Simon, Joel
Simpson, O.J.
“60 Minutes” (CBS)
Smith, Ambassador Earl T.
SmithKline Beecham
Smoker's Club of Cuba
Socorras, Armando
Soderbergh, Steven Andrew
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
Somoza Debayle, Anastasio
“Son of Sam,”
Soros, George
“Sosa, Alejandro” (see Scarface, film)
South Africa, Republic of
South Africa (segregation)
“Soviet Intentions 1965-1985”
(Pentagon study)
Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.)
Special Interest Aliens (SIAs)
“Special Interest Nations,”
Spielberg, Steven
Stalin, Joseph
Standard & Poors
Stasi (East German State Security)
State, Department of (U.S.)
State Sponsor of Terrorism (Cuba)
Steinem, Gloria
Stern, Laurence “Larry,”
Stewart, Jon
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Stills, Stephen
Stipp, Christopher
Stone, Isidor Feinstein “I.F.” (see also I.F. Stone's Weekly)
Stone, Oliver
Stossel, John
Streicher, Julius
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Suarez, Ray, Jr.
Suicide rate (Cuba)
Sullivan, Edward Vincent “Ed,”
Summers, Andy
Sundance Institute
Supreme Court of Colombia
Supreme Court of Honduras
Sweig, Julia
Szulc, Tad
Taber, Robert “Bob,”
Tamayo Rodriguez, Adianet
Tapia, Alberto
“Tapiadas,” women's prison-cells
Tarantino, Quentin
“Tattaglia, Don” (see Godfather, book and film)
“Teeth of Death” (see Discovery Channel)
Tegucigalpa (Honduras)
Tejera, Isabel
Telegraph, London Daily
Telephones (in Cuba)
Television Critics Association
Television Espanola
Televisions (TV's, in Cuba)
Tello Quinones, Enrique
Teresa of Calcutta, “Mother Teresa” (see Mandela, Nelson)
“Teresita,” Cuban woman political prisoner
Tetlow, Edwin
Thomas, Hugh
Thompson, Loren B.
Tiger, Lionel
Tiger sharks
Tijuana, MX (drug trade)
Time magazine
“Tirofijo” (Pedro Antonio Marin Marin, FARC)
Tito, Marshal Josip Broz
Tocantins (Brazil) Regional Council on Medicine
Torres Rizo, Julian (DGI)
Trading With the Enemy (see also Miller, Tom)
Traffic (film)
Transparency International
Travieso, Orlando
Triumph of the Will
Tropicana Club
Trotsky, Leon
Troyanovsky, Oleg
Truman, President Harry S.
Turner, Robert Edward “Ted,”
“20/20” (ABC)
Ukraine (see Holocaust)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (see Soviet Union)
United Methodist Board of Church & Society
United Nations (UN)
United Nations Commission on Human Rights
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
UNWHO (World Health Organization)
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council
U.S. Export-Import Bank
University of California, Berkeley
University of Denver
University of Havana
University of Hawaii
Utset, George
Valladares, Armando
Vassiliev, Alexander
Vazquez, Alberto
Vesco, Robert
Venceremos Brigades
Ventura, Jesse
Verde Olivo
Vidal, Josefina (DGI)
Villa Marista
Village Voice, The
Villarquide, Agata
Viet Cong (Vietnam)
“View, The,”
Vishinsky, Andrey
Vives, Juan
Vogue (magazine)
Walker, Gov. Scott
Wallace, Mike
Walsh, Joseph Fidler “Joe,”
Walters, Barbara
Walters, Vernon
Washington, George
Washington Post, The
Waters, Rep. Maxine
Wavy Gravy
Weathermen, Weather Underground
Webster's Dictionary
Weicha, Robert
Werlau, Maria
Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, U.S. House of Representatives
White, Peter
Wieland, William A.
Wikipedia, “Wikileaks,” “Wiki space,”
“Wilfredo D.,” Cuban refugee
Williams & Connolly
“Willy” (Simeon Cuba Sarabia)
Wilson, Edward O.
Winfrey, Oprah Gail (see Oprah)
Wolfe, Thomas Kennerly “Tom
Wollam, Park
Wood, Alcides
Woodstock, Woodstocker
“World Bank” (see International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
“World News Tonight” (ABC)
“World's luckiest people” (see also Newsweek)
Wright, Rev. Jeremiah
“X-treme sports,”
Yale University
Yale University Press
“Yankee heepee,”
Yasgur's farm (see alo Woodstock)
Yedra, Hugo Ernesto (DGI)
“You've Got a Friend” (see also King, Carole)
Zapata County (TX)
Zapata Tamayo, Orlando
Zelaya, Jose Manuel “Mel,”
Zenteno, General Joaquin
Zetas, Los (“The Z's”) cartel
Zuckerman, Mortimer Benjamin “Mort,”
© 2013 by Humberto Fontova
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
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Encounter Books, 900 Broadway, Suite 601,
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Manufactured in the United States and printed on
acid-free paper. The paper used in this publication meets
the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48 1992
(R 1997) (Permanence of Paper).
Fontova, Humberto.
The longest romance : the mainstream media and Fidel Castro /
Humberto Fontova.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-1-594-03668-2
United States. I. Title.
F1788.22.C3F664 2013

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