The Lost and Found (15 page)

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Authors: E. L. Irwin

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Lost and Found
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I smiled at that and turned in his arms. “When?”

“Now. Let’s call it a day. We’ll get cleaned up, head to town in about an hour. How’s that?”

“Okay.” I smiled back at him.

Josiah nipped his teeth along my neck and said, “You have a suit?”

I cocked my head at him.
He grinned and said, “Swimsuit.”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Just bring it.”

“Anything else?”

“That should cover it.”

He seemed a little smug and I wondered just what he had in mind. It was warm during the day, but the evenings were cold now with the changing seasons, and I didn’t relish the idea of a swim in icy waters. But I trusted him, and so I did what he asked.

He told Billy we were running into town for a Coke and would be back before midnight. Billy only chuckled and told us to be careful.

Three of the younger boys were milling around when we left, one of whom was Ethan. He waved us off and gave me a cheeky, knowing grin. I knew the time was fast approaching when we’d have to tell him about our relationship. In my heart I felt that he was ready and would be okay with Josiah and me as a couple. At any rate, he didn’t seem bothered by the idea, and I knew he truly liked Josiah.

“You hungry?” Josiah asked once we were on the road. “We could eat first if you want.”

“I’m game for whatever.”

Josiah chuckled wickedly and said, “Be careful now.”

I grinned at that and allowed him to take my hand in his. He drove down the highway, and then through town, taking his time, shifting with our hands entwined. After several minutes he pulled to the side of the road, behind a big warehouse and turned to me. “Do you trust me?”

I looked at him, saw the gleam of excitement and heat in his eyes, and nodded silently. Josiah reached into the glove box and pulled out a faded blue bandana. I cocked an eyebrow at him and he grinned. “

I grumbled a little, but because I did trust him, I allowed him to blindfold me.

“No peeking,” he warned me.


We drove for only a couple more minutes and soon he parked and turned the car off. “Hold on a sec. Just wait here.”

He was out of the car, the door slamming behind him. I wondered what he was doing and was thinking of peeking when he opened my door and took my hand, helping me out. It was a little disorienting, not being able to see where I was going, but I took a shaky step forward letting Josiah guide me through the darkness. I heard a door open and then a sudden gush of warm, wet air blew over me. The scent of chlorine was strong as it filled my nostrils. My lip began trembling as I realized where we must be.

Josiah walked me forward, brought me to a stop, and gently pulled the blindfold off, and I saw the pool water before me. He’d brought me to Salmon’s indoor pool. I looked at him. “How?”

“A favor from a friend. He owed me. We have it for the next three hours. Just us. Just you, me, and the water.”

Josiah showed me where the locker rooms were, and I quickly changed into my suit. As fast as I was, he beat me back out to the water. He stood near the edge, his gaze on the ladies’ locker room, watching for me. Slowly I walked up to him, letting his eyes move over me. It wasn’t like Rob; Josiah didn’t make me feel dirty and in need of a shower. His vivid blue eyes worshipped me.

My eyes were busy, too. Josiah wore a pair of grey trunks. His legs were lighter than his chest and neck — a working-man’s tan. They may have been lighter, but they were every bit as muscled as the rest of him, and they were covered in dark red hair. As I looked up at him, I suddenly found myself feeling a little frisky, so when I was a couple steps away from Josiah, I launched myself at him, tackling him, which caused us both to tumble over the edge of the pool and into the water.

I was gratified to hear his startled yelp as the water closed over us. We both reached the surface at the same time. I saw the evil grin on his face and before he could reach me, I’d kicked and moved away from him. Josiah tried to catch up to me, but soon gave up and headed for the side, content to watch me swim.

I was in heaven. My body responded to the workout like I’d never left the water. After several laps, I began to feel the effect my extended absence from the pool had on my body, especially in my arms and legs.

I pushed myself harder and did another five laps. Finally I stopped, my eyes searching for Josiah. He was sitting on the ladder, just watching me. I swam for him, a little slower now that I was feeling my workout.

“Josiah… I…
thank you
. I can’t thank you enough. I forgot how much I missed this.”

“You’re welcome. I was glad to do it.”

“How long have we been here?”

“We’ve got time yet. Unless you’re getting hungry?”

I was treading water in front of him. “I’m feeling it now. I feel like I could eat a horse.”

“Glad there’re no horses around, then.” He laughed as he climbed up the ladder then offered me his hand.

I was a little shaky as I climbed up to him and was grateful for his assistance. He pulled me to him and reached for my mouth. “Crimson?” he said between kisses.

“Yeah?” I whispered back.

“There’s just one more thing…”

“What’s that?” I breathed, my head swimming in desire.

“Well… this,” he said, just before launching us back into the water.

This time
shrieked, totally caught off guard. He was laughing when my head breached the surface again. I moved toward him, intent on dunking him, but as soon as I was within arm’s reach, the fire in his eyes caught me. He slid me slowly toward him, the water caressing me like silk. His hands were hot on my waist beneath the surface.

Strong fingers splayed across my stomach, feeling the muscle there, skimmed around to my back. Moved up my spine in a slow, tantalizing motion, wrapped around my shoulders, cupped my neck, dragged my mouth to his. Josiah kissed me slowly, making each touch, each nip, each taste of his lips seem somehow like the most intimate of touches, and yet pure and innocent at the same time.

I clung to him, my arms tight to his hard shoulders, my mouth on his, my legs wrapped around his waist. Breath came in short, sharp gasps and I was feeling lightheaded. I became aware that Josiah was pulling away from me, slowly. He’d lean back then reach for my mouth again.

“We should… uh, we should stop…” he mumbled between kisses to my face, my mouth, my shoulder.

Suddenly he ripped himself away from me, swam away several feet, his back to me, his shoulders tight with tension. I silently made my way to the side, gripped the metal ladder, and carefully pulled myself out of the water.

“I’m going to shower and change.” My voice was hoarse, even to my own ears.

Josiah turned to me and nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Before he got out of the pool I’d turned away, walked to the locker room. My shower didn’t take long and Josiah was waiting for me when I came out. I could see he was back in control.

He drove us to Smokey’s Burger Hut after locking up the pool. Smokey’s was a drive-in, fifties-themed joint. We found an open booth near the window and ordered the house guacamole-bacon burger, which was to die for.

We ate in silence for the most part, too hungry to carry on a conversation. Once we had some food in us, I sat back, sipping on my mint-chocolate shake. I studied Josiah, watched him as he ate. And as I studied him I couldn’t help but notice the way people around us were responding to him. There was still that unnamed respect that men showed him. And there were still the heated, interested stares from women, too.

Josiah was doing his fair share of staring also. His deep blue eyes traveled over my hair, my jawline, my collarbone. I blushed under his gaze and Josiah flashed a wolfish grin. Just as I’d worked up the nerve to bring up the idea of learning some kind of self-defense from him, someone stepped up to our table.

I blinked and looked up, noting the official dress, the badge of the sheriff. Remembering what Rob had said about Josiah having a rap sheet, I worried the sheriff was here to give Josiah a bad time. Instead he stuck his hand out, greeted Josiah like they were olds friends.

“How’s it going, Joe?” the sheriff asked.

“I’m doing well, Red. How’re things here in town?”

“Troubling.” Red shifted his eyes to mine; the look in them was warm, friendly. “You’d be Billy’s granddaughter? I’m Red, Sally’s brother, and your granddad’s other partner.”

“Sage.” I nodded, gripping the hand he held out to me.

“I knew your mother. She was one of the finest people I ever knew. You look like her.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded.

“What’s troubling, Red?” Josiah asked, attempting to get the sheriff to focus on him instead of me.

Red studied me for a moment longer, then turned to Josiah. “Had a girl attacked last night. She was walking home from the store.”

“Attacked, how?”

“Attempted rape. A car came along, scared her attacker off, thank God.”

“Any suspects?”

“Not as yet.”

“She able to give a description?”

“Just that it was a man, she thinks white.”

“Who is she?”

“Maggie Tyler.”

At the sound of that name, my head jerked. Maggie, that was the name of the girl we’d got Daisy from.

“Is Maggie about fifteen, blonde hair?” I asked.

Red nodded at me, his lips pursed in thought.

“She’s the one we got Daisy from,” I told Josiah. I turned back to the sheriff and asked, “Is she all right?”

“She will be. Obviously she’s pretty shook up. Her daddy’s on the warpath. Wants the animal that did this dead or behind bars.”

“Can’t blame him for that,” Josiah said, taking my hand.

Red focused on our entwined hands and then suddenly grinned at me. “You know you’ve got the tiger by the tail, don’t you?”

“I’m not worried. He seems to be tame,” I replied.

“He is. You’ve got yourself a good man. I’d hold on to him if I were you,” Red said then tipped his hat at us and headed for the door.

I stared after him for a moment, wondering at the respect I heard in his voice. It wasn’t what I’d expect from a law enforcement officer toward someone with a long rap sheet. It was puzzling at the very least.

“You think I’m a tiger, huh?” Josiah teased, bringing my gaze back to him.

I blushed at his question and said, “You do come across as a little
, yes. Though, it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“You feel free to handle me any time you want.” The wolf was back in his eyes, causing my pulse to race once again.

I glanced out the window trying to break the tension Josiah was making me feel. I swear he could make ice melt with those eyes. A young woman caught my eye; she was blonde, like Maggie. I felt sick to my stomach now, as I thought about her and what had happened.

“Maggie… That’s so awful. I hope they catch whoever did that to her. She was so sweet.”

“She still is sweet. What that animal attempted to do to her hasn’t changed that fact. And I hope her dad finds him first. Save the taxpayer.”

“It made me think…”

“Think what?”

“I’d like to learn some kind of self-defense. Maybe get a can of pepper spray or something.”

Josiah studied me carefully for a moment and then slowly nodded his agreement. “I can teach you some things. I’ll ask Red where I can get you a can of that spray. I’d like you to postpone your trips to town unless I can go with you. At least until this is brought to a close one way or another.”

I was so relieved he’d agreed that even though I chafed at having to be escorted to town, I was willing to accept his request. I nodded.

“You done? It’s nearly eleven. I told Billy I’d have you home before midnight.”

“I’m ready.”





bed, propped against the wall, cellphone in hand. He’d dropped Crimson off at the big house about thirty-five minutes ago. He’d showered then slid on some knit shorts before climbing into bed. Lemon and vanilla wafted up from his sheets assaulting his senses, tightening his muscles, creating a deep and burning longing. A need.

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