The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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“Your parents have a very beautiful home,” I remark. His arms tighten around me and he places a light tender kiss on my neck, sending tingles down my back.

“They do. They have worked very hard to get to where they are. I can only hope I will do the same with my life.” Before I answer, I’m reminded we aren’t alone. Large pots and platters are being placed on the long wooden table as everyone takes their seats. Corban untangles his arms from me and we walk to the table.

Once seated,
Corban places his hand on my thigh, letting me know he is here and it’s okay to relax. I try to take the hint as everyone begins to fill their plates. I notice Athena is absent again, no surprise there, and everyone seems to continue on.

There is small talk around the table about work and shopping trips, which I’m now dreading, but the
beauty treatment days I could totally do! I may not be a big makeup person, but I love feeling good and treating myself.

Melodi, do you have any brothers or sisters,” Catherine inquires. Corban goes stiff and stops mid mouthful as does Rachel. They both look to me with worry and concerned eyes. I’ve been asked this question many times, and if I hadn’t of told Corban about Abby, then I would probably be hating this moment so much more than what I am.

I’m content with the question and give her the simple answer. “Yes, I have a sister, Abby.”
Corban and Rach continue eating, but keep a close eye on me in case I decide to have a break down. Before Catherine gets to say another word, Athena is standing in the doorway smirking.
What is her deal?

“Don’t you mean
” My stomach crashes to the floor as I try keeping my face expressionless. Catherine and Paul look to me and back to her.

I confirm to them with a nod and
answer Athena’s question, “Yes,
My sister died three years ago. She was my twin.” Sadness fills my voice and Corban wraps his arm around me, but I shrug him off, not wanting the comfort right now. That bitch! How did she know about Abby?

I stand up quickly. My chair scrapes along the floor, making a loud noise, as I storm over to her. As I stand right in front of her face, the smile she once had has been wiped and replaced with thin pursed lips.

“And what the hell do you know about my sister?” I shoot the question at her with force. She is aware I’m pissed.

“You would be surprised what Google gives you about someone’s life.” She smiles her evil, icy smile that would never in this lifetime reach her eyes.
Damn you, Google!

“But how would you know my last name to search it?” Her eyes turn to shock. I have caught her off guard with my question. How would she know when I only just met her?

“I went out with some people from Corban’s work the other day and they filled me in,” she replies shakily, not overly confident with her answer. I’m not sure why though. Anger is bubbling within me. Who does she think she is to be airing my laundry to her whole family?

She looks to
Corban who has made his way over to us, wrapping his arm around me in support. I’m suddenly aware she is waiting to see if he reacts to this news.

“He knows already,” I bluntly informed her. Let’s just say the shocked look on her face is priceless. It seems like she was trying to drive a wedge between
Corban and me by telling my secrets or what she thought was a secret.

Paul storms over to his youngest daughter, standing about half a meter away from her. I can see the anger in his face. “You, young lady…How dare you bring up something that is not your business.” He points his finger in her face, and she is clearly taken aback by her dad’s reaction.

“I—I’m sorry,” she stutters, clearly shocked and scared at her father’s anger. I guess she has never been spoken to like that before. I have no sympathy for her. My sympathy goes to her family who has to put up with her rubbish. I wonder if she really is sorry.

“Why would you do that?”
Corban asks her as gently as he can, but I can hear the strain in his voice.

“I just think you should know about who you’re dating.” She looks down at her knotted hands and begins picking at them nervously.

“It’s not your business, nor is it mine. Even though she has already told me, I’m sure Melodi would have told me when she was ready to.”

“I know, sorry.” She looks up at me and there is regret in her eyes. I don’t think it’s genuine, but I give her what she wants and let her off for now.

“It’s okay. You’re just looking out for your brother. I understand that. I just wish I could have done that for my sister.” The lump begins to form in my throat and I swallow hard, trying to push it down and away. Having Corban near me and his essence engulfing me, calms me down, settling my nerves, and puts me back into my peaceful place.

turns to his mum and dad, who has made his way back to the table to finish his meal, but he is still pissed. “Mum, I’m sorry, but I think we should go.”

it’s okay,” I quickly interject, not wanting his family to think badly of me because my issues cause us to leave. I want to show them I am strong, and show that rich bitch what she did hasn’t ruined our relationship.

He looks to me, silently asking me if I’m sure. I nod, giving him a cheeky smile. I notice Rachel and Axel have taken their plates and left the room to the outdoor area. I walk out of
Corban’s grip and take my plate from the table and head out to sit with them. I’m not sure what Athena does; frankly, I couldn’t give a crap.

I step out on the deck and the cool night air wraps around me, giving me goose bumps. I take a seat on the swinging chair, sitting my plate on my lap, silently finishing my meal.
Corban has stayed inside and Rach keeps her distance for a little while as I finish.

“You okay?” she asks, taking a seat beside me. Axel walks past us and back into the tension filled house.

I release a sigh. “Yeah, I’m okay. I just don’t understand why she would do that?” Rach rolls her eyes as if I asked a dumb question.

“You have only just met her. Imagine spending your life with her. She and I were really good friends at one stage, and then she started dating these guys who I thought were tools. I told her so and she hasn’t been very nice to me since. She milks Dad for his money, and silly
him gives it to her…although, after tonight, I think he will be reining in on that,” she giggles to herself, not just any giggle, but an evil one like she has been waiting for her sister to suffer in some way.

“Sorry to hear that. Maybe one day she will change her tune and you both might be friends again.” I stare out into the clear night. The house looks to be set on a large property. It’s relaxing and peaceful.
Corban doesn’t come out, but leaves me with Rach, which is good because I need a little girl time. I know when we get home, I have some more explaining to do, which I am dreading more than actually telling him about Abby.

“I can only hope.” She sits back and we sit in silence, taking in the night and forgetting about what happened inside. I think about what I’m going to tell

We eventually make our way back inside and have some dessert. Not long after,
Corban and I say our goodbyes. Since Athena’s outburst, he has been eyeing me every five minutes, making sure I’m okay. It’s cute, but becoming annoying. I’m glad to be leaving, so I can tell him to just ease up a little and stop asking me. I’m relieved the night is over and his family seems to like me, well, except for the bitch, but who cares about her. I love how the rest of the family are close and open with each other.

I begin to feel utterly drained from today’s events. As we slide into the car, the roses are still there and my heart feels full and content. I don’t want anyone else, just him.

He puts his arm over my shoulders, placing a kiss on my forehead, and I rest my head on his shoulder.

“Just know I love you,” he whispers into my hair. I’m deliriously happy. I decide the bad news can wait until tomorrow instead of bursting our happy bubble.

“I love you too, so much,” I reply as I drift off to sleep wrapped in the arm of the man I love.


Chapter Twenty-Five

I haven’t had the chance to speak to Corban about Jacob yet, and I’m supposed to leave today. He has been full on at work, and when he finishes for the day, he comes around and we get lost in each other. Who knew love could be so exhausting, and I’m sore in places I never knew could get sore. I suppose when you’re testing out new positions you never knew were possible, there will be repercussions.

The workday is nearly finished and
Corban is in his last meeting for the day. He sent me another bunch of roses to work today with a card that said:


My Beautiful Melodi,

Join me for dinner tonight. Will pick you up at 6:30
p.m.. There will be a surprise waiting for you when you get home.


C-Man xo


I have been on cloud nine since receiving them, floating through my day, smiling and blissful. I’m eager to get home and find out what is waiting for me. I’m sure Flick has helped him out because he wouldn’t have been able to get into my apartment without either mine or Flick’s keys, which I gave her as we’re always together.

Plus, Flick has been messaging me like every hour, taunting me with secretive hints, which tells me she isn’t at work. My guess is
Corban’s paying her to set something up and it’s eating away at me not knowing.

As the time slowly ticks by, five o’clock seems forever away, even though it’s only five minutes. I quickly scramble to clean my desk off as I won’t be here for a little while. I see
Rach finishing up as well. She waits for me at the elevator and her smile is bright and refreshing. She knows the secret as well.
Oh, how I hate not knowing!

“Big plans tonight, hey?” she taunts. I frown at her.

“Shut up, just because you know what’s going on.” She begins laughing and dancing around. Then the elevator opens and there stands Jonas with his pearly whites gleaming at me.
Oh, now what?

“Evening, ladies,” he addresses both of us, slightly nodding, and then turns to me. “I’m here to collect you,

“Are you now? What about my car?” I query, eyeing him sceptically.

“Mr Andrews will be taking that back to your place, if you could just leave your keys on Rachel’s desk.”

I feel hesitant leaving them here, but I know
Corban will be finishing soon. I take my keys from my bag and put them on the desk as Jonas and Rach hold the elevator for me. The ride down is pretty silent. I decide to see if I can get some answers from these guys.

, since you both know what’s going on, would you care to fill me in?” I innocently ask, batting my eyelashes at them.

They look at me and say nothing, but turn to each other
, grinning a knowing secret between them. I pout at them.

“You two are no fun.” I cross my arms across my chest, pretending to be angry at them.




After a silent drive with Jonas and my excitement building the closer we got to home, I see Flick’s car parked out the front. She is waiting, and when she sees Jonas pull up with me in the back, she squeals with excitement.

“You are one lucky bitch, you know that, right?” she says, squeezing the air out of my lungs.

“Can’t…breathe…” She quickly releases me, gripping my hand and yanking me along with her. Gosh, I have never seen
her this eager.

“Wait till you see this…”

As we quickly make our way to my apartment floor, she stands in front of my door grinning from ear to ear. I’m sure her face will begin to hurt soon from smiling so much.

“All right, close your eyes,” she says, bouncing on the spot. I close my eyes and hear the door click open. She takes my hand, leading me in. My heart is pounding in my chest like a drum. I just want to open my eyes and see what all the fuss is about.

She stops and actually spins me a few times, like you would a kid playing pin the tail on the donkey. When she stops the spinning, my head still feels like it’s moving. I stand here swaying a little.

Flick announces, “Open your eyes!” in this high pitched scream, hurting my ears a bit.

I open my eyes and the first person I see standing before me is my mother, and beside her is Dad. My heart falters for an instant. The tears begin to fill my eyes, sliding down my cheeks, before I begin bawling like a little kid.
Are they really here or am I dreaming?
Wait, why are they here? I’m meant to be going to them tomorrow. Oh, hell, my mind is all over the place.

Mum quickly walks to me wrapping me in her arms. She has tears in her eyes as well. I didn’t realise how much I miss them, but wow, they are here and I couldn’t be happier. Mum releases me and Dad pulls me into one of his big bear hugs, crushing my ribs together, but I don’t care. I’m so glad they are here.

“What…How did you get here? Why are you here?” I ask, still slightly sobbing and only just managing to string a sentence together. My heart feels so full and I know I’m not dreaming by the rate my heart is going, the constant vibration in my chest letting me know it’s all real.

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