The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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Snapping out of my inappropriate thoughts, I shake my head slightly and instantly regret it. “I’m
Melodi White. Thanks again for helping me.”
Why did I tell him my full name?
As I say it, something passes over his face. It’s there for only a second, but I’m sure it was there, recognition of my name perhaps? He can’t possibly know who I am. I would never forget a man like him.

“That’s okay. I wouldn’t want a beautiful girl like you to fall and injure yourself,” he says with a devilish grin, which sends my heart racing again. His voice is like butter melting on hot pancakes, yum. He has a calming, cheeky nature about him. “Wait right here. I’ll be back in a second.” He stands and heads for the bar. There is a big line up, but when the server sees him approaching, she finishes who she‘s serving and goes straight to him.
He must be someone important, or she probably fancies him much like I do
, I think while smiling to myself.

I realise I’m staring at him as he returns with a smile on his face, staring straight back at me.
“Here, this will help you feel better,” he says, handing me a glass of ice-cold water.

Taking a sip, it’s so good and refreshing, the coolness making me feel much more awake. “Thanks,” I reply, fiddling with the glass in my hand to avoid looking at him. He grabs another chair and places it and then
sits himself down in front of me.
Why is this guy staying with me? I’m not anything special.
I don’t think I’m in the league of women he would normally go for.

I’m pretty sceptical about guys. I’ve become more cautious, especially with the nice, good-looking ones. I always thought Jacob was nice; boy was I wrong.
Dead wrong.

I stand quickly, taking him by surprise. He jumps up as well. Maybe not my best idea as my head begins to spin. I immediately grab on to the table to steady myself until it passes.
Seriously, how could I have let myself get this bad?
I have a sudden urge to run. I want, no need, to find Flick and head home. That is unless she wants to go with Liam.

“What’s your name, Mr Hot Stuff?” I blurt out without even registering my words. One minute I want to run, the next I want his name. Clearly, I’m not thinking straight. W
hat the hell am I thinking!
My hands go to my mouth as a little embarrassed giggle escapes my lips. I look at him, and he has the most beautiful half smile on his face. I can see the dimple in his cheek, and it makes my heart swell. His kind eyes burn into mine as I say, “Sorry, my mouth seems to have lost its filter.”

“It’s okay,” he says with a slight chuckle. He is still in front of me. Placing his hand at the top of my arm, he slowly runs his hand down my arm, sending goose bumps over my body, and catching my hand in his. He rubs circular motions with his
thumb over my knuckles. W
hat is happening to me?

I can feel myself letting the walls I’ve built up over the years crumble around me like a bulldozer crashing into a brick wall. His gentle touch warms me right to the pit of my stomach.

“I’m Corban, nice to meet you, Melodi.” He places a feather-light kiss on my cheek. I melt instantly.

He is still holding my hand, taking a step closer to me, his face inches from mine. I can see the stubble on his chin like he hasn’t shaved in a few days. It’s a hot look for him. I begin to lift my other hand, wanting to reach up and run my hand along it, caressing his face. I stop halfway not wanting to look like a fool touching a strangers face.

He clears his throat, snapping me out of my desirous thoughts. Realising my mouth is slightly open again, I snap it closed and take a small step back, but not too far, as he still has my hand.

“Nice to meet you too,

“Do you come here often?” he yells like the music just got louder. It must be that time of night where the DJ lets loose. I can barely hear him. I lean into him so close I can smell the beer along with maybe vodka and bourbon. I can even smell his cologne.
His scent is driving me crazy!

“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well,” I yell back. He places his free hand on my waist, swiftly pulling me closer to him.

“Are you okay to walk?” he queries. I’m becoming a little short of breath from the proximity, so I just nod. I’m all giddy inside and excited that this damn fine piece of ass is interested in me!


He guides me back toward the bar and turns down a corridor. An anxious and uneasy feeling begins to settle within me.
I don’t know him well enough; why did I agree to follow him?

I stop dead in my tracks feeling silly and embarrassed by my abrupt stop. He stops and the look on my face must be enough for him to realize I’m freaking out. He comes back to me, taking both my hands in his own,
which calms me down, but those feelings are still there.

“Look, I’m just going to find my friend.” Pulling my hands from his, I turn to quickly walk back the w
ay we came.

I hear him coming after me. “Wait!” he pleads, grabbing my hand again to stop me from going any further. “I was only taking you down here to my office to get a little peace and quiet. See, I’m the owner of the club and I figured you just needed a minute or two to take a breath and refresh before you leave. That way I know you will have your head about you and you will get home safely.” He is watching me intently. I just stand there. How stupid am I? I will have to learn to trust again one day and repair what’s been broken from my past.

I look up into those amazing eyes and say, “I’m sorry, that was rude of me. I find it hard to trust guys, especially after what happened to my…” I stop myself before I tell him my life story. Seriously!
Telling this stranger about my life, and especially about Abby, is not like me. It’s not something I share with just anyone.

I can’t do this.
I quickly sidestep around him, not looking him in the eyes because I know I’ll melt straight into them once again. I get past him before he grabs my arm, pulling me into his firm chest. The electrical current between us has my body tingling all over. It’s as though my body is waking up with a new desire, so strong I’m not sure I can keep myself composed for much longer.

“I would never hurt you,” he whispers in my ear with such force and determination. He places his hand on my
cheek, I close my eyes for a second taking in his touch. Closing the space between us, he gently places his lips to mine. My heart races, pounding like a jackhammer. I’m sure he can feel it against his body. I taste the alcohol on his breath. My hands wrap around his neck and my body falls into him. Wanting more, I pull him to me, kissing him more forcefully. He reciprocates, running his hand up through my hair, holding the back of my neck. He trails his kisses from my lips down to my neck, and I release a slight groan.

He pushes me up against the wall, grinding his body against mine, working his kisses around my neck and back up to my mouth. I open, letting his tongue wander freely.
He tastes so good; kind of reminds me of lime cordial. Mmm, my favourite.

His arms wrap around my waist. A feeling of safety washes over me, which is crazy since I just met him. Pulling away to catch my breath, our foreheads press together. He gives me another small kiss. I savour the feel of his soft lips and the taste of his breath. Letting out a sigh, I don’t want to leave his arm

“There you are!” Flick yells, startling me. When she reaches us, her eyes dance over
Corban. Then she looks to me. “Nice! What a hottie.” She smiles toward me and at him, and I can’t help but smile back at her. I look back at Corban; he is smiling as well.
Wow, what a heart-melting smile.

“I have to go,” I say to
Corban, who instantly looks worried and still hasn’t let me go.

“Will you be okay getting down the stairs?” he jokes, his face relaxing.

“Yes, I have Flick here to help,” I say, giving him a quick kiss and retreating with Flick. I look over my shoulder and catch his gaze watching me with a look that says he wants to come after me, but he doesn’t.

Realising Flick is talking to
me, I turn my attention back to her. “Who was the hottie?” she queries, ogling me, waiting for answers. “I couldn’t see him clearly. I’m not sure if that’s because it was dark or I’ve had too much to drink, but he surely did look fine!” She giggles.

“He caught me as I fell down the stairs. I felt like such a fool,” I tell her, remembering that moment, but knowing I wouldn’t change it now since I probably wouldn’t ha
ve met Corban if I didn’t fall.

“Are you serious? You fell down the stairs!” she laughs
at me.

“Shut up,” I say lightly, pushing her. We head for the door to catch a cab home. It’s close to four in the morning, and I’m beginning to feel totally buggered. I can’t get those blazing blue eyes out of my mind and his kiss…
Oh, my goodness, talk about breathtaking!
I so should have gotten his number. I’m totally kicking myself now.

“Where’s Liam?” I ask, registering he isn’t with us, as we climb into a cab.

“Oh, he is still there.” She is smiling like a fool. Something must have happened.

“Oh, my goodness!
You pair totally made out, didn’t you?” I squeal at her laughing; this cabbie must think we’re nuts.

“Only a little and we have a date tomorrow night,” she replies excitedly. I’m glad I invited him now; otherwise, this probably wouldn’t have happened
for a while.

Chapter Four

The feel of his soft lips on mine awaken every tingling nerve in my whole body with that small connection. Opening my eyes and gazing into those clear, bright blue eyes, I easily lose myself. What is that noise, the constant humming?


My phone continuously vibrates. I groan and roll over to get the call, but miss it. I check the time, 10 a.m.. Wow, what a sleep in. I think I needed it after this weekend, meeting the oh, so dreamy Corban. I am still kicking myself that I didn’t get his number. I have dreamt about our kiss the last two nights. He was gentle, yet very passionate. Oh, well, I need to accept he is gone now.

I have two missed phone calls from Mum and a message from Flick. Mum is probably worried since I haven’t spoken to her all weekend, which is very unlike me. We usually talk daily or at least text, but since Flick, Liam, and myself have been on the drink and partying all weekend, I thought not as I would only worry her and Dad,
and I don’t want to do that.

I check Flick’s message.

Flick: Hey chick! WOW, that was one hell of a weekend! And you kissing Mr Mysterious!! Just letting you know that you might receive a call today from Case Constructions. They emailed me. They were really happy with you! YAY! Hopefully this is it! xoxo
P.S. You suck! You get to sleep in while the rest of us work.

Laughing to myself, I agree I am pretty lucky I don’t have a job just yet. I still have a headache from the past weekend.
I text Flick back.

Me: Hey
ya self! Sucks to be you! I just woke up, lol. Shut up about Mystery Man. Oh, and BTW, he isn’t Mystery Man. I did happen to catch his name. :) I’m so excited about the phone call. I hope it happens. I’m so over going for interviews. Hope you have a good day! Come over tonight. I’m cooking your favourite. Oh, and you need to fill me in on your date with Liam!

Deciding not to call Mum back just yet, I drag my butt out of bed, heading straight for the shower.
Having a hotter than normal shower always helps me feel more refreshed and ready for the day. Stripping down quickly and jumping in the water gives me goose bumps, even scalds my body a little. Washing myself down with white musk body wash, I begin scrubbing away my weekend.

Stepping out of the bathroom, wrapped in my towel, I head to my walk-in closet and grab a pair of jeans and a fitted navy t-shirt, just my style, nice and casual. I tie my hair in a ponytail. Catching a glance at my wrist, I can see the faded stamp from The Phoenix. Those damn things don’t come off easily. I place the tip of my fingers to my lips, closing my eyes, remembering
Corban, the kiss, and the feeling of calm and safety; my heart swells. I know I probably won’t see him again, so I decide to try not to think of him.

My phone goes off again, another message from Flick.

Flick: Lunch? 1 p.m.?

Me: Sure!
The usual?

I hit send and grab my keys and bag, lock the door, and head to the elevator. My phone goes off again. It’s Flick.

Yep, the usual :)


Flick and I go to this burger joint, Jerry’s, which is around the corner from her work, at least once a week; we love it. Good thing we aren’t girls who watch what we eat.
My mouth begins to water; I can’t wait for a good feed.

Half an hour later, I’m walking down the main shopping strip, one hand carrying a few bags that hold a new pair of bright red heels and another with a new pair of jeans. It’s such a beautiful day. The light breeze and beams of the sun on my skin kind of make me
miss Australia and its beaches, the smell of the salty air and hot weather.

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