The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5) (101 page)

BOOK: The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)
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Cringing at the volume, the angel answered, “I’m afraid the lost soul always has the right to its first home. She will have to choose between the peace of death on this date and the uncertain suffering in an immortal future with you.”

“That’s unfair!”

“Is it? If it were you, would you choose certain peace over a future filled with pain? All for the tiny snatches of time spent loving someone?”

The rest of the conversation faded into quiet as Killian and Mica stared at the scene. He felt the heaviness of her heart inside his own. She was torn and he didn’t blame her one bit. What did he have to offer her now? Demons and pain? Fear and uncertainty?

The rune on his hand flared with flame as it desperately called to hers. Now was the time. The moment he’d been praying for and dreading for almost 3,000 years was here. He finally had her at his side again.

Would she stay?

He watched as the scene flickered and then stilled. Mica’s golden soul swirled delicately above her body. A tiny galaxy of light and color, millions of stars spun in the still air of the temple. Kneeling on the floor, his younger self didn’t see it. He was too focused on the unseeing eyes of his wife. He gently closed them. His tears fell on her face as he begged her to stay with him.

The golden swirls coalesced and floated.

Mica had to make a decision.


I need you here, Princess. I need you now.

Mica stared at the scene in front of her and struggled to make sense of it all. Killian needed her now; but he clearly needed her

In this time, she was already dead, wasn’t she? If she stayed, she would move on to Heaven and live happily ever after, so to speak. She would see her mother again. That would be wonderful. There would be no more demons to fight. No more pain or fear. No more healing from hideous wounds.

Her choosing Heaven wouldn’t change things for Killian immediately. On this date, he would give up his human existence to fight forever as Primani do. He would wait for her, as agreed, but in vain. Would Raphael tell him about her choice or would he simply keep waiting?

He’s waited almost 3,000 years for me.

If I leave him now, he’ll spend eternity grieving and alone. He’ll never get married...have kids. He’ll press on doing what he does without happiness for himself until he’s lost his dreams and his humanity along with them.

Time crawled as she stood there, the hourglass in her vision slowly emptying. The grains of sand slipped through the narrow opening one at a time when she made her decision. She didn’t know what she was supposed to do exactly, so she focused on the delicate light of her soul and yanked it back to her present body.


With a lurch, the scene shifted to the present day churchyard and she fell against Killian’s chest with a sharp gasp. Killian caught her gently and searched her eyes.

Will you stay?

With a nod of her head, she sealed her fate.

Before Killian could say a word, Michael intervened.

“It appears she has made her decision; however, we must ask her formally. Mica Thomas, do you choose to remain in this iteration of yourself forever more? You will no longer drift; your soul will be contained within this body until the body is destroyed.”

Grinning from ear to ear, she said, “I do! Absolutely I do.”

He continued wryly, “I’m compelled to say that you are not bound as Killian’s mate. You are free to choose another mate, free to leave the Primani world altogether, if that is your wish.”

Killian scowled. Dec burst into laughter and Sean shook his head. Mica looked stunned as though he’d asked her to take off her clothes.

“I would never leave these guys! Not ever!”

With a satisfied smile, Raphael stepped forward and hugged Mica. “It is over, my child. You’ve come to the end of your tribulations at last. I am so very, very proud of you. You’ve earned your place in our world. You would make a fine Primani, but I suspect you will turn me down so I won’t ask the question. Instead, I will share with you a bit of advice.” He paused and looked at his watch. “Catch up with your destiny before midnight tonight.”

On that note, Raphael and Michael vanished.

Sean and Declan stared first at Mica then at Killian.

Finally, Sean said to Dec, “Did you know about this?”


Back at the safe house, Sean squatted to hug Domino. She’d knocked him over as soon as he walked through the door. Now he sat sprawled on the rug with her licking his face. Killian couldn’t help but laugh. It was a sight he thought he’d never see again--the four of them together, alive, and in a rare moment of peace.

He caught Mica’s eye and she blushed shyly. What was this? She was nervous? His grin grew wider as he let his eyes rove down her body. She was beautiful, and sexy, and brave. She was everything right in the world. His eyes lingered on her breasts and the burning began again. He wanted her now, in every way possible. Just thinking of her lying naked beneath him made his jeans uncomfortably crowded.

“It’s getting closer to midnight, babe. We should go,” he whispered against the back of her neck, just under her hair, just the way she liked it. Her blood pressure spiked as soon as his mouth touched the sensitive skin. Knowing it would make her crazy, he dragged his lips over her jaw and nibbled on her earlobe.

“Where should we go?” Her words were breathy and she pulled him closer by his waistband. Her cool fingers grazed the hard muscle of his stomach and he drew in his breath with a hiss. The blood left his brain and settled someplace much more useful.

“Would you two go fulfill your destiny someplace else? I’m not lovin’ the live porn gig too much, if you know what I mean?” Dec shook his head and covered his eyes.

Sean watched them with speculation, and finally nodded to Killian and tapped two fingers against his heart. He’d given them his blessing. Killian didn’t need it, not really. He would choose Mica over Sean if it came to that. Even so, he was surprised at the strength of the relief he felt knowing Sean was on their side. He loved him too. He’d hate to be at odds with him again.

Taking Mica’s hand, Killian pulled her upstairs. After throwing a change of clothes into a backpack, he grabbed her against him and the world spun away.


Cool misty air caressed them when they rematerialized. The ocean breeze was warmer on this plane. It was still December, but the climate here was a steady summer warm. Not hot or cold, no matter what time of the year he visited. Perfect for sex on the beach…

“Come with me, love,” he murmured as he slipped his arms around her and turned her to face him.

She gazed into his eyes with wonder. Smiling shyly, she ran her hands up the muscle of his arms and over the breadth of his shoulders. She was measuring him, feeling him, absorbing him. He kept a straight face while she got to know him again. They’d lain together so often he couldn’t imagine what she saw now. He hadn’t changed, physically at least. The look of awe in her eyes sent his heart thudding in his ears. Her thoughts came to him and he smiled inside. She was proud of him. She was proud that he was hers. She wanted to make sure he was real.

“I love you always,” she said against his throat. “I remember saying those words…I meant them then. I mean them now.”

She tucked her hands under his shirt and slowly dragged it up and over his head. Her mouth followed the teasing trail of her fingers until she came to his face. Stopping just long enough to throw the shirt on the grass, she linked her fingers behind his neck and stood on tiptoe to claim his mouth.

He kissed her softly at first, nibbling, tasting, soothing her unease. Her body was eager for him but she was nervous about making love; afraid she’d have another vision; afraid she’d be pulled away again.

Drawing her lower lip between his, he whispered, “Those visions are gone now. You won’t be pulled away. You’ve made your choice. It’s just us for as long as you say.”

She murmured, “I’m not going anywhere.”

When she was breathing in that throaty way he loved, he deepened the kiss and gripped her face with both hands. She writhed against him setting his blood on fire. She moved unconsciously with a rhythm that sent his eyes back in his head. He was trying to go slowly but she made him crazy. He wanted to throw her down and peel off her clothes and claim her. She made her choice; she chose this time, this place. He was so relieved he wanted to cry with joy, but mostly he wanted to bury himself inside of her and never come out. After thousands of years, she was back by his side. It had been forever already and the clock was still ticking. They had only a short time until midnight. They needed to hurry.

But he wanted this to be perfect for her, so he tried to go slowly.

She pulled her mouth away and unzipped his jeans with a jerk. Not shy at all now, she shoved his jeans over his hips and wrapped her hand around him. Holy God, woman, you’re killing me…his mind wanted to take it slow, but a million years of instinct took over. When she whimpered impatiently against his ear, he ripped her shirt completely in two and smothered a laugh. She was stripping away every ounce of his control and he liked it. Lowering her to the ground, he undressed her. Sucking in a deep breath, he kissed her again and lay over her so they touched from head to toe, hearts slamming against their chests.

With a growl of frustration, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed him down to her. He stopped for a moment to gaze at her with unclouded eyes. Her face was flushed with passion and love. Her eyes glowed in the moonlight, her mouth curled in a sexy smile. He felt her impatience and the stroking of her hands. And still he waited, watching her, memorizing this moment.

It was so long in coming…this night.

He rubbed against her just to feel the velvet of her skin, the heat of her
as she simmered beneath him. She was finally his for as long as she would put up with him.

Her suffering was over.

Destiny was satisfied.


There was only one more thing to do.

Make a baby.

“Let me see your eyes, Princess. I want to drown in you,” he whispered as he slid into her, and fell into the abyss.


Chapter 17: A Peace Too Short



“SHOULDN’T A COCK CROW or a bell ring?”

Killian sat up and arched an eyebrow at me. “A cock what?”

Looking down, he said, “I don’t think it can do that.”

Amazed I could still blush, I protested, “Not that! Geez! I meant the feathery kind!”

Laughing tiredly, he said, “Stroke of midnight? Nah, sorry, but destiny just happily accepts that we’ll do what she asks. No bells or whistles when she’s happy, mass chaos when she’s not. She’s a bitch that way.”

He slid his body across me and joked, “Unlike you, my noisy wife. You have a good set of lungs on you.”


He called me his wife. My entire body bloomed with pleasure at the word. I put off enough light to see his face suddenly go blank. He looked deflated.

What was this?

I traced the shape of his jaw and asked, “Am I still your wife? I want to be.”

His shoulders lifted immediately and his eyes twinkled down at me again. “Are you sure? I’d never push you if it’s too soon. I’ve thought about this constantly since I realized who you were. Raphael almost ripped my head off more times than I can count. He was terrified I’d slip and say something that would influence your choice. And that would’ve been bad; a deal’s a deal. I would’ve lost you.” He slipped his fingers in my hair and added, “He didn’t want to lose you either.”

It was romantic lying under a million stars, but I was getting cold now that supernatural power wasn’t raging through me like an electrical storm. My toes still tingled in the afterglow…

He leaned up on an elbow and placed his ear just above my pubic bone. His strong fingers traced tiny symbols across my belly--runes of protection and health. The sensitive skin tingled as his fingers danced over the surface. He listened intently before suddenly lifting his head.

His eyes sparkled and he dropped a very soft kiss on my belly. I felt it all the way to my womb.

His expression was so relieved, so tender, so damn happy that my eyes pricked with tears.

“Am I?”

“Soon. The race is on. My money’s on Calvin.”

“Calvin? You named your sperm Calvin?”

“Not all of them. He’s in the lead.”

“Just so we’re clear, we’re not naming our son Calvin.” I felt this required a line in the sand statement.

“Yes, dear. Let’s get out of here. It’s getting too cold and I don’t want you to get sick.”

As he carried me away from the beach, I asked, “You’re not going to get all overprotective as soon as I’m pregnant are you? I can’t stand being smothered.”

That question doesn’t even deserve an answer. Of course I will.

And I’ll argue and we’ll fight.

You’re right. But I’ll win.

Oh really? Every time?

He laughed out loud and said, “Probably, since I’ll have biology on my side. Even you won’t argue about staying healthy and keeping the baby safe. This baby’s a miracle after all.”

Damn it.

I hate it when he’s right.

Why is he always right?


The small cottage was warm, cozy, and pretty as a painting. I was impressed with his thoughtfulness. This was much better than sleeping on the floor of a cave or in the temple. After carrying me over the threshold, he sat me slowly to my feet. My body slid down the naked length of him and I wrapped an arm around his neck.

“Kiss me again. I want to feel your mouth on mine,” I said in my best sexy voice.

With a soft growl of pleasure, he kissed my mouth and then worked his way downward. Scooping me up, he laughed at my girly squeal and carried me to the bedroom.

Setting me down gently to avoid disturbing Calvin and the boys, he said, “Close your eyes, wife. No peeking.”

Grinning happily, I scrunched up my eyes and covered them with my hands. He stepped away and I heard a drawer open and close. When he came back to my side, he peeled my fingers away. He sat perfectly still, breathing shallowly. The pendant on his chest tickled my breasts as he leaned closer and dropped a tender kiss against the tip of my nose. One corner of his mouth curled when I sniffed back a tear.

“Shh. This is no place for tears.” He tucked a curl behind my ear and murmured, “Will you give me your hand?”

My heart flittered around like a hummingbird. My throat closed up and I swallowed the rush of emotion.

The cool metal slid over my skin to rest in perfect harmony on my right ring finger. He kissed my hand and brought it to his cheek.

“It still fits. You look beautiful,” he said with a smile in his voice. “It’s traditional to wear your marriage ring on the right hand, but we can go modern and put them on the left. It’s up to you, love.”

“Oh Killian, it’s so beautiful. You’re so beautiful!” With that, I soaked him with a gallon of tears.

The simple band matched his exactly. The bright metal warmed my skin like it had been there forever. In my mind’s eye, I saw my hand wearing this ring…starting a fire, plying a needle, braiding my hair…the wink of gold in the firelight. I remembered Killian’s face when he slipped it on my finger the first time. He was younger, leaner--innocent. But his face was lit with the same love for me then as it was now. Somewhere inside of me the final click of recognition snapped into place.

We were free.


The sun had fully risen when my eyes cracked open. The cottage was sunny and warm and I sprawled my arms and legs into a more comfortable position. The sheets were like silk underneath me and I didn’t want to move. Killian had other ideas.

Shattering glass brought me straight out of bed. What the heck?

“Killian? You okay?”

Muffled cursing and then, “Fine, babe. Just killed off another coffee pot, that’s all.”

He came into the bedroom carrying two mugs of steaming goodness. The smell made me groan. Mmm…so good.

“What happened?”

Grumbling good-naturedly, he said, “I bumped it with my elbow. Good thing we’re leaving in a bit. You know I need coffee in the mornings. Can’t survive without it.”

“Do we really need to go back so soon? It’s like a honeymoon, isn’t it?” I sipped my coffee and let my eyes rove over him. He was yummy with or without caffeine. Of course the caffeine
bring him into sharper focus. He needed to shave and his hair was smooshed down on one side. He’d slipped on his jeans for some modesty but the rest of him was bare. There’s something sexy about bare toes and a well-marked happy trail. Yep, bare was good when it came to Killian. He should really stay that way.

Shaking his head at the gutter direction of my thoughts, he said, “I will if you will.”

“Yeah…that’s a fab plan. Let’s never get dressed again.”

He bent down and kissed me, tasting like sugar and coffee…and his own unique flavor. I wrapped my fingers around his neck, feeling the fine hairs against my skin. Soft skin, hard muscles…All mine.

All too soon he pulled back with a sigh. His eyes were still soft as he studied my face. “We have to get back, Princess. Michael’s given us a couple days of peace and then we have to split up again. As much as I want to spend the whole time alone with you, we have to work out our plans with Sean. He didn’t go through hell for nothing. It’s time for stage two.”

It was a brilliant plan. Sean’s rep as a tactical genius was earned.

Stage one: Sean gets himself sentenced to the Stone Garden. Somebody (Declan) decides he’s really innocent and moves Heaven and Earth to free him.

Stage two: Sean loses his mind and kills me.


Rivin was lounging on the couch, fondling the remote, when we rematerialized in the safe house. He looked up as soon as he felt us and gave a halfhearted wave as we came down the stairs.

“You’re back?” Killian asked. His tone suggested this wasn’t good news.

Rivin shrugged and said, “That’s right. The lab’s running behind. Some civs are out sick with the bloody flu. Gonna take a few more days to analyze the hard drive I dropped off. New York’s not one of me favorite places so I popped back here directly. Hope that’s okay.”
tone suggested he didn’t really care if it was or not.

Killian studied Rivin thoughtfully and shrugged. “No help for it, man. You’re welcome to hang here for Christmas, if you want. Mica’s a Christmas nut. She smothers us in cookies and forces us to open presents. It sucks all the way around. But we deal since we like her.”

I snorted at the less-than-flattering description and agreed, “Hang with us, Rivin. I’m going to roast the biggest prime rib you’ve ever seen. Yorkshire pudding too. It’ll be all kinds of British! There’s plenty to go around.”

He actually smiled at me and mused, “I may just do that. I’ve got a call into a hot little chippy that makes a bloody fine distraction. She’d be a perfect way to spend Christmas. I’ll let you know.”

Killian and I shared a look. Rivin didn’t want to stay with us but didn’t want to be rude. That was weird since he normally went out of his way to be rude. Huh. Wonder what’s up with him? Killian lifted an eyebrow and dismissed all things Rivin in favor of booting up his laptop. I threw on my domestic goddess hat and sat down to make lists. I needed to plan meals, go food shopping, grab some wine, get some presents. We weren’t going to start Stage Two until after Christmas. Because the plan was so sensitive, Sean wasn’t going to be seen in public with us until it was time to move forward. He’d disappeared for now so I assumed he went ghost with Dec.

An hour later, Killian leaned over my shoulder and kissed my temple. He picked up the list and gave it a silent once-over.

Finally he said, “I’ll ask Dec to get the wine for you. I don’t want you overdoing it this week. He won’t mind.” He shot me a don’t-go-there look as soon as I started to protest. With a much softer voice, he chided, “Babe, you absolutely have to be careful these first few months. I’m begging you to take it easy. We can’t lose this child.”

My protests died in my throat. Of course I didn’t want to lose the baby. It was a miracle to be pregnant in the first place. This was going to be the hardest thing I’d ever done…letting someone else help me. It went against the grain. I hated asking for help and the delicate female role didn’t fit me too well. I was used to kicking ass and running 10 miles a day. Slowing down was going to hurt. A lot.

With a heavy sigh at the thought of months of taking it easy, I changed the subject. “Will you come to the store with me? It’ll be fun.”

He smiled in relief at my reasonableness and snapped his laptop closed. “Absolutely. Are you ready to go?”

“Yep, time to dive into the shopping hoards.” I grabbed my coat and gloves and hopped into the front seat of the McLaren. The buttery black leather surrounded me in warmth. Whoever invented heated seats should get a trophy, or at least a cookie. Brilliance such as this should be rewarded.

The grocery store was jam packed which normally would’ve annoyed the heck out of me. I hated crowds, but it was Christmas and that I loved. Crowds were tolerable during the few days leading up to December 25th. With this magnanimous attitude firmly in place, I happily pushed the cart and read over my list while Killian went on high alert and scanned 360 for demons or reckless shopping cart operators. God help the careless person who hit me with a cart. Christmas would be a lot more memorable if one were stuck in a full-body cast.

I stood next to the meat counter staring at the most impressive prime rib roast ever. Beautifully marbled with eight heavy ribs, it was perfect. I wanted it. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other waiting my turn. I was next. Then it happened. Disaster struck.

“I’ll take the last roast in the front,” the woman in front of me said.


So uncool! Smacking myself in the forehead, I groaned out loud.

Totally serious, Killian whispered, “Don’t kill the nice British woman. It would be bad.”

Without turning around, I elbowed him lightly in the stomach. He laughed and said, “There are other roasts. We’re not going to know the difference. We’re guys.”

But I wanted that one! It was so perfect…and now I had to start my search over again and be quick about it since the line was getting longer behind me. Decisions, decisions.

Mad cow disease popped into my mind and I shuddered. How did we know this beef was safe? Maybe we should have chicken instead? Would the baby like chicken? Baby chickens are so cute. Why am I thinking about chickens? Why am I thinking about the baby liking chicken? It’s not even a zygote yet. Do I have ADHD?


An image of a streaking squirrel jumped into the middle of my brain.

Why was the squirrel naked?

I shook my head. Okay, beef or chicken? Certainly not squirrel.

I was mental.

Killian snorted next to me. Ooohh! He’s reading my mind again! He snickered and muttered something too soft for me to hear. Flushing, I crossed my arms and tuned him out. Now what roast did I want?

The butcher finished wrapping MY roast and handed it to the woman. That’s when I noticed her hand was in a cast and she had a bandage across one of her eyes. Old bruising was visible under the bandages. Moving stiffly, she reached for the heavy roast. Killian slipped beside her and picked it up for her. Gallantly placing it in her cart, he smiled politely at her surprise.

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