The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5) (29 page)

BOOK: The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)
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Are you ready for me now?
he asked silently.

Yes, slowly though.

I relaxed and mentally allowed him into the room. For the first time, I could see myself and another person standing within the imaginary room inside my head. He turned to me and smiled tightly. I gave him my hand and the two of us walked towards the small door that I opened in the back of the room. Breathing deeply, I focused on keeping the image steady. It was easier now than it was a year ago. I was stronger, much stronger. I opened the door to the misty forest and together we stepped into the unknown.

Now what?
I asked Killian.

Call him
. He squeezed my hand.

Reaching out with my mind, I called Sean.


A few minutes went by and I called him again. Three times I called him; three times he didn’t answer. It wasn’t working. Damn it! Why isn’t it working? A sudden spike of Dec’s
hit me like adrenaline. My arm went rigid with the force of it and I tensed against the pain.

He whispered, “Focus, darlin’. Keep going.”

spike came again.

I steadied my breathing and reached out to Sean again. I called him louder as if he was lost in a vast wilderness and could not hear me. Over and over I called him to me while sending out emotional memories of us. I visualized his face when he gave me the locket. His eyes glowed with pride as he watched my blood join theirs and turn to molten gold. I saw his body hovering above mine on the sailboat the first time he kissed me and my heart nearly stopped. Unleashed for the first time, his raw power flowed around us like a cocoon. I lay frozen while his eyes read my heart and knew I loved him.

And still I called him.

Sean, I need you. I love you. Come back to me.

I waited.

Killian’s strong fingers linked through my own as we wandered through the forest. He called to Sean too. They were like brothers and their bond was strong. He joined his psychic energy with mine and amplified the power of my voice and my projections. We hoped this would help Sean hear me and find his way back to me. This also meant Killian had to see everything I projected and I’m sure he didn’t enjoy it. But he loved Sean too and would do anything to bring him back. I stopped calling his name and waited again. Killian grimaced when I pushed out my memory of the night we became lovers. More than our bodies were joined that night. Our energy, our essence, our souls were joined. There could be no separating us after that. And yet, the explosion had ripped him away and I was still stinging with the loss. I called him to me and waited.

If he’s out there, he’ll come
. Killian’s eyes were distant as he tried to reassure me.

After an eternity the faint sound of my name drifted on the breeze and disappeared. It was barely audible but we both heard it. Killian froze, listening. My heart pounded so loudly it drowned out the sound.

“Mica! Stop. Breathe.” Dec jolted me again and pressed my fingers to stop me from shaking.

Careful to not break the spell, Killian wrapped his hand over mine and gripped the locket between us. He smiled into my eyes and told me to call Sean again.

Now he channeled all three of our energies through the locket and out to wherever Sean was waiting. Golden rays of light streamed from the locket and disappeared into the mist. I stared into Killian’s eyes and saw universes yawning in front of me. Sean was out there, somewhere, in those universes. This time when I called Sean it echoed through the forest like lightning striking.



Killian’s eyes glowed cobalt now and he stared past me into the forest. He sensed Sean; felt him out there.

Sean! Come back!

As the last echoes of my voice faded into memory, a movement caught my eye. My eyes followed the motion. There, in the mist, a swirl of golden light motes danced between two trees. Sean! Killian murmured words over the locket in the strange language of theirs. The locket glowed in our hands but I didn’t take my eyes off of the light in the trees. Killian’s voice grew stronger and his words were clearer. As he spoke, the swirl of light gradually formed a solid core of
that hovered in the air. He commanded, compelled, insisted…the words were nonsense to me, but the power of his voice sent chills down my back. The more Killian spoke the hotter the locket got until it burned my skin. I tried to let go but Killian instantly squeezed my hand against it.


I gritted my teeth against the pain and kept my focus on the vision.

Come on, baby! I turned my eyes to where his face should be and waited. After another moment, the core of
shimmered and settled into the shape and features of a man. As I held my breath, Killian’s words rang through the trees and the locket burned into my hand. I blinked and when I opened my eyes a pair of cobalt eyes bored desperately into mine from across the clearing. I started to move but Killian froze me in place.

Don’t move! Go slowly. We need to back out of this and bring him with us. Focus, don’t lose him!

Holding hands in a death grip, Killian and I slowly backed up until we leaned against the door to my room. All the while, I kept my eyes glued to Sean’s and pulled him with us. He followed like a man in a trance, but at least he came. One step at a time, he followed us. Once we got back to the little room, I stopped and reeled Sean in. He came forward slowly until he stood in front of us. Afraid to startle him, Killian and I slowly released the locket and each took one of his hands. Killian withdrew from my mind at the same time I mentally left the room.

When I opened my eyes, I sat with Dec and Killian in our little circle. I blinked in a daze and sagged against Dec. His face was red and he was sweating from the effort to keep us grounded. His body was pale gold and the glow was just fading as he retracted his
. Killian’s eyes were black against the chalkiness of his skin. Mine must’ve been pale too because he looked alarmed when his eyes cleared enough to see again.

“Are you okay?” His voice was shaky and his eyes still unfocused. He opened and closed them trying to reset his vision.

It took me a second to find my voice. I wasn’t sure if I was okay or not. What just happened here? My brain felt like tissue paper and my hand burned like fire. I opened my hand and held it up. Killian held his up too. In the center of both of our palms was a perfect imprint of the heart-shaped locket. It was branded into our skin.

Where was Sean?

“We were so close! I saw him. I
his hand. What happened?” I was thrashed. This sucked.

Killian slowly shook his head in confusion. “I don’t know. It should’ve worked.”

“Damn it! This sucks!” I stalked to the window and bounced my forehead against the glass. Oh God, what happened to him? Where was he? We were so close. I swiped at the tears that threatened to fall and sighed. I wanted to get angry, but there was no point in railing against fate now. It didn’t change things. We were close so we would try again. I would never give up on him. He was my other half. I wouldn’t be whole again without him. The click of the door closing told me I was alone with my thoughts and I sagged against the window.

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room changed and a blue charge of electricity zigzagged along the outline of the window frame in front of me.

A sheer reflection took shape.

I whipped around to see him hovering unsteadily in the doorway. He wasn’t quite standing on the ground but he was solid. His eyes blazed with familiar blue fire but they were unfocused. He was holding out one hand trying to balance. Shrieking his name, I threw myself into his arms and knocked him into the wall. Completely unchecked, the current inside of him careened through me nearly stopping my heart. I gasped at the pain in my chest but kissed every inch of his beautiful face.

“Oh God, it’s really you!” I repeated over and over again.

The more I kissed him the more he seemed to steady himself. He wobbled a bit as his body became more solid, more real. The fire in his eyes dimmed to the normal midnight blue and his skin to a healthy golden tan. Still wobbly, he shook his head from side to side and sucked in a deep breath. With his
under control and his feet on the ground, he finally smiled his heartbreaking smile at me and I dissolved in happy tears.

“Killian! Dec! Come quick!”

They ran into the room and skidded to a stumbling halt. Breaking into huge grins, they swept us both into a group hug. Poor Sean was so overwhelmed with sudden life he couldn’t control his
. He flickered on and off like a lightning bug.

“Oh, man, it’s a miracle! I am
glad to see you!” Dec vibrated with happiness and hugged Sean so hard he lifted him off of his feet.

Killian pulled me aside. “Put him to bed before he falls down. He’s going to need some time to recover.”

I grinned like an idiot and he broke into a rare smile. I swear he winked at me but I’ll never be sure. It happened too fast.

“Good job, babe. I knew you could do it,” he added with look of respect.

Sean took my hand and I led him back to the room we’d shared last year. He was really quiet. In fact, he hadn’t said a word yet…I shut the door behind us and drank in the sight of him. It was a miracle.

“Come on, let’s lay down. You’re exhausted.” I gently pushed him to the bed. His movements were stiff and awkward as if he wasn’t familiar with his body.

I curled against his side and ran my hands over him. I couldn’t stop touching him. He was real! I’d imagined him and remembered him a million times this year, but my imagination wasn’t up to the real thing. He was muscular and strong and even totally exhausted, he was incredibly beautiful and sexy. I couldn’t stop touching him just to be sure he was really here.  Up on my elbows, I smiled into his eyes. I was ridiculously happy. Grabbing him by both cheeks, I kissed his whole face again.

Stiffly, he pulled my lips to his and kissed me softly. “Mica?” he whispered before falling into a deep sleep.

Two days later, he was still asleep and I was back in bed with him. It was nearing midnight and I couldn’t fall asleep. I was too happy. Instead, I sat on the bed and stared at Sean. Pale moonlight drifted across his face and highlighted the strong cheekbones and heavy lashes. His face was softer in sleep and his body was relaxed. I lightly traced the shape of his face with my finger and held my breath as the faint glow followed my touch. Years ago I’d discovered the quirky little reaction. When his guard was down, as in sleep, the energy flowed close to the surface. He controlled it when wearing his human façade but the golden light was always just below his skin.  Inspired, I trailed my finger around the hard muscle of his bare shoulder and across his chest. I kissed the tiny freckle under his collarbone and smiled. He was perfect and he was here. I would never want anything else. I meant to kiss him and go to sleep but when I touched my lips to his, his mouth held mine and deepened the kiss. Little lights flashed behind my eyes as my head swam and I melted against him. 

Sometime later, he held our joined hands behind my head and smiled down at me. The amazing connection was still there. Our individual bodies were gone and there was only one.

There was no
and no

There was only

“You’re so beautiful. I must be dreaming,” he murmured sleepily. Tightening his arm around me, he kissed me one last time and fell asleep.


The sounds of birds singing woke me the next morning. Sunlight streamed into the room and a soft breeze trickled in through the screens. I stretched lazily across the bed and reached for a sheet. Mm, I was so comfortable and closed my eyes for more sleep. Then I remembered today was a new day. I sprang out of bed so fast I stumbled into the dresser and ricocheted off of the door jam.

Running to the kitchen, I called his name. Did I imagine the whole thing? It wouldn’t be the first time that I’d dreamed about him…I skidded around the corner and stopped dead at the sight in front of me. Dec and Sean sat with their heads together at the kitchen table. From their expressions, they were talking seriously about something and I hesitated to interrupt. Instead, I hovered just outside the doorway and chewed my lip. Should I go in or not?

“Spying, Mica?” Killian observed behind me.

I jumped with a squeak and Sean glanced over at me. I elbowed Killian in the ribs and bounced into the room. Sean stood and met my eyes. Smiling, I went to him and kissed him good morning.

“Are you all right, Sean?”

“Considering where I’ve been, I’d say I’m much better!” He laughed but there was an edge to it. He was still freaked out.

you been? We’ve been looking for you for a year,” I said.

He frowned and looked sharply at Killian. “A year? What do you mean?”

It was my turn to frown. “You’ve been gone for almost a year. We’ve been crazy without you.”

BOOK: The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)
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