The Lost Treasure Map Series

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Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #adventure books, #mystery suspense, #mystery detective, #classic horror, #national treasure, #quadrilogy, #classic bestsellers, #science fiction classics, #ancient lost treasures, #fantastic journeys

BOOK: The Lost Treasure Map Series
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The Lost Treasure Map

Book Series


V Bertolaccini




edition published 2015 by CB

This is a
Smashwords edition 2015


Victor Bertolaccini




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characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance
to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


Part I


Novel 1


The Lost Treasure Map


V Bertolaccini



The Lost Treasure


centuries William Randall’s lost treasure had remained buried away
in a secret chamber in the immense castle. The few clues to its
whereabouts were an ancient riddle:
where the last dwell
, the markings on his tomb, and the
legends of treasure passed down through direct generations of his
family, on his instructions.

The details,
haunting of the place, and occurrences had been too confused and
vague. Key facts had been missing, which people who had known
William Randall would have known the answer to, but had died, as it
had happened to William Randall, after the fantastic events that
had led up to him constructing the castle.

the c
astle had remained a
lifeless, dormant place,
buried in the woods

lost in
like a ghost castle, out on the edge of

on the fringes of what lay beyond.

inhabitants about the desolate estate, even in the
century, had inundated their
descendants with alarming accounts of evil, mysterious magical
forces, and transcendent creatures, dwelling in the

newspapers, over centuries, had continuously reported and warned
their readers of unexplained occurrences there.

On the
of August 1898, of the worst,
of the detailed accounts specified, travelers, on horseback, had
come upon the mutilated remains of gypsies, scattered throughout
the wood, south of the castle, at midnight, and had been attacked
and chased, by things with fearful sounds, and swift-moving lights,
shifting through the trees.

Thomas Bryson (a renowned and leading
research scientist

who had always
characteristically disregarded claims of
supernatural phenomena)
as a teenager had stayed
astle (under the ownership of his uncle, Sir Richard
Randall), where he had endured a surreal night, on his own, in a
central room,
to extraordinary sounds – like they had been materializing from
somewhere – like hell breaking into reality.

Sounds like
mischievous demons and unearthly elementals had tormented its
confines throughout the night!

Stories of the
place being haunted, told to him by the servants, had captivated
him throughout his life!

So when he had found out about Sir
death, he had decided to seize the opportunity of
investigating what he had only heard there, and to investigate one
of the greatest mysteries that he had encountered!

Two leading scientists, psychic
investigators, from previous psychic investigations that he had
tried evaluating, had accompanied him to the castle, and he had
slept in the same bedroom, which had been identical to the way that
he had left it. Then, incredibly, during that night, the nightmare
sounds had viciously emerged once again, but neither he nor the two
psychic investigators
could unravel what had been

During the next morning they brought
in many more leading scientists and psychic investigators with
extensive equipment to begin a







The Lost Treasure



Chapter 1


The Hidden


The room slowly grew silent, with the
suspense, as the moment drew near, and Bryson adjusted his

Dr Reid stopped at the front of them, and
ripped off the top of an envelope.

A glint of amusement appeared on his face as
he put his head close, and peered into it.

He observed all the people sitting around
the large table in the center of the dining room, and he anxiously
took out an old video with a typed label by his fingertips. Then he
showed it to them, with a glint of humor, followed by some sadness,
and he rolled the envelope into a ball, and threw it into the

Sir Richard Randall requested that
you watch this video,

he explained blankly.

He signaled the butler, and he keenly took
the video from him. Then he gently fitted it into a video recorder,
beneath a TV, as though it were an old film reel.

There were signs of deterioration, with its
colors making it resemble an old war film.

The shaking camera showed Sir


The picture flickered, and stopped moving.
Sir Richard then emerged, and briskly moved to an armchair.

He sat upright, staring directly at

My ancestors passed this estate over
to me

including some wealth. So I intend that this estate stay with
my family.

My only request from my family is for
this estate to remain in the possession of a member of the

who is at least capable of looking after it! No matter what
the future holds ...

This task has not been easy


ve had considerable trouble choosing a

However, I

ve chosen Robert

my dear nephew! I wish you,
Robert, to inherit the estate. I

ve left enough cash for you to keep it as


Through the years,

acquired a vast sum, from careful business transactions.

Though, through the years,

learned that I prefer not to use it

and I

ll keep it that way!


ve considered what to do with it

and I wish it to
go to the wisest of you, or whoever ... Therefore,

thought of a plan that will give each of you a fair chance to get


ve hidden it in a safe place. All you need to
do is find it!

What I

m saying is that if you are good
enough to get it


s yours!


ll give you the first clue, to where it is,
and nothing more ... You must find the rest yourself!

The clue is: where the last

And I

ll give you a week!

For a week, from the showing of this,
the entire estate will legally belong to all of you

and it will be
yours if you find it.

After ten days, it will probably
belong to anyone who stumbles upon it.

He stared once, moved away, and the screen
turned blank.

How are we going to get that

James whispered to Robert, for Bryson to hear.

He must have been
rolling in it. He even hid it as a treasure!

Helen, Robert

s wife, moved over to them, and


s search the castle from top to

Robert looked increasingly more
determined to talk everyone into helping.

Our best clue must be that he would
not have hidden it out of his sight!

So where did he

Helen asked.

Robert nervously shrugged.

At the top floor,
of course!


Chapter 2


The Haunted


The moon probed deep into the dark clouds
radiating the colossal tomb shape of the castle out of the darkness
like a haunted castle in a film as the four of them marched along
the lane from the surrounding wood.

It was still evening
but dark and in the middle of
winter, and snow was heavily covering the surreal

They were
breathless and their legs could barely take them fast enough. The
outline of the castle was heavenly but deadly from the black

The place was unaltered, and Bryson no
longer had the skepticism that he had once had. He had vivid
recollections of his first visit to the castle

with his original

as a youth. It had been the most mysterious occurrence that
he had encountered.

Even to this day it was still strange! He
had tried to disprove it on many occasions through his life, but it
had never been possible. Especially due to his uncle, Sir Richard,
avoiding his approaches to another visit.

He vividly recollected learning of his
death from the small column in the newspaper, while he had been
traveling back from California

where he had been on a confidential military
project, as leading scientist.

In the outer landscape, he wildly conjured
up visions of demons lurking there.

The castle was enormous

and as long as a
football pitch, and as high as a five-story building.

It was ancient, weather-beaten, but

Bryson studied pieces of the castle walls
strewn about in the grass. They were immense square boulders.

Bryson recalled what he knew of the layout
of it.

The castle was surrounded by trees, which
went out for miles in every direction. At the front there was only
one central door, but at the back there were two. One at the
kitchen, and one near the end of the castle, at the right side
(from the front).

The front door had a hall that led to the
center of the castle, where a long corridor of rooms went from one
end of the castle to the other. With rooms on both sides of the
corridor (at the front and back of the castle).

The kitchen was in front of the hall (at the
back of the castle). In the middle of the hall was one of the two
doors to the dining room, located at the right side. The kitchen
and dining room corridor doors were almost opposite each other. And
the staircase was next to the kitchen, on the left side. The two
floors above were almost identical, but without the hall, kitchen,
and dining room.

Sir Richard
’s room had been on the top floor, at the end of
left side of the castle, at the rooms at the back of the castle.
And the rooms that they were now staying in were below it (on the
second floor), but at the front of the castle. And the room that
Bryson had originally stayed in, where the sounds were, was just
along from the stairs on the second floor, at the central location,
at the front of the castle (where the
investigators had brought in extensive equipment to begin a
detailed investigation).

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