The Love Series Complete Box Set (67 page)

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“Oh God, Reid. Please. I need you.” My breathy voice is lust filled and need driven. “You’ve got me baby. Forever. I’m all yours,” he croons as he lowers me onto the bed.

Before he lies next to me, he strips out of his clothes. Standing before me, completely naked, his beauty is mouthwatering. His body is perfection—rippled bulging arms, hard defined pecs and just plain sinfully chiseled abs. Just thinking about what his body is capable of makes my heart thud in my chest.

The anticipation builds as he kisses a sensual path of pleasure across my chest. Pulling a nipple deep into his mouth elicits a shriek from me. While he’s still sucking at my breast—as if his life depends on it—his magical fingers begin their torturous assault on the other. The pressure is building—a giant, crashing wave threatening to take me under and lift me up at the same time.

My hips roll and buck. Need builds and my desire is out of control. Arching my hips once more towards him, I call out “Please touch me, Reid. Please. I need to come.”

He removes his beautiful full mouth from my breast and lets out a low growl. He might think he’s in control, but I know just want to say to push him over the edge.

His movements are so quick, that before I can even register what he’s doing, he’s down on his knees and he’s pulling my legs over the edge and up around his shoulders. His mouth is perfectly lined up at the juncture of my thighs and my legs are actually shaking waiting for him to taste me.

He runs his nose up my inner thighs and inhales deeply. It turns me on when he does this, when he gets so wrapped up in me that he becomes carnal and animal-like. Tracing my lower lips with the pads of his thumbs, he separates my folds and exposes my clit. The cool rush of air that he blows across it makes my nipples perk up and my insides gush with more wet heat.

“Reid . . . please . . .” My request is beautifully interrupted as his tongue laps at my dripping core. I feel my body melt as the pleasure washes over me.

Using his thumb, he gently presses against my hardened clit as he fucks me relentlessly with his tongue. Heat builds low in my belly and my hands fist in the crumpled sheets.

Just as my orgasm is about to swallow me whole, he switches tactics. Two large fingers slide into me easily and he curls them forward, stretching and teasing me. His tongue rolls around and plays with my clit. When his fingers find my g-spot, he latches onto my clit and sucks gently. Reaching up with his other hand, he cups my breast and kneads softly. It’s all too much. My body explodes in a blinding light; a kaleidoscope of neon colors cascades all around me. Muscles clench and pulse; my skin flames and flushes. The all-encompassing power of this pleasure is both numbing and searing. I feel nothing and everything at the same time. Wave after wave of pleasure rushes over me and I don’t even notice the bed dip behind me as Reid curls around me.

Holding my knee up in the crook of his elbow, he prods at my soaking entrance with the tip of his hard cock. In one smooth and fluid motion, he fills me completely.

His other arm wraps around me from behind and he starts kneading my breasts again. Jolts of white hot lightning flash to my core as the sensation of my second orgasm builds at a furious pace.

Grumbling into my neck, he calls out in an almost feral like voice, “Come, Maddy. Now. Come with me.”

His words and his fingers are my undoing as they pinch tightly around my pink tips. Feeling him gush and spill into me, throws me over the abyss and into the depths of utter pleasure.

Reid releases my leg and wraps his arms around my shoulders. Pulling my back close to his front, he kisses my neck, in between deep panting breaths. “My God, Maddy. I love you, baby.”

“I love you too, Reid.” As we lie in the warmth of our love, an odd sensation runs through my belly. I can’t put my finger on it right away, but when it happens again, I know exactly what it is.

I roll to my other side so that Reid and I can face one another. At my movement, he gets all concerned. He can be as controlling and dominating as he wants, but sweet and tender Reid is never all that far behind. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” His words are heavy with concern. Ever since that first scare, he is always so cautious about sex. I think it’s cute that he’s so worried about me and the baby.

Pulling his hands to my rounded baby-bump, I say, “Yes, everything is perfect, actually.” And then it happens again. Reid’s body tightens and the look of concern returns to his face.

“Then what the hell was that!” He sits upright next to me, but keeps his hands in place. The rolling butterfly-like wave flutters again and he suddenly catches on. “Is that . . .” Another kick interrupts his words and he caresses my belly gently.

Lying back down beside me, he gazes lovingly into my eyes as our baby dances and swims beneath our entwined hands sitting atop my belly. “That’s the most amazing thing ever, Maddy.” He whispers seemingly fearful that if he speaks with as much joy as he’s feeling, he’ll scare the kicking away.

Lost in his amazement, his eyes regain their focused seriousness, and he gently brushes his knuckles over my cheek. “Marry me,” he whispers and my world spins off kilter for a moment.

He’s rendered me speechless. We haven’t spoken about this since Christmas when I thought he was proposing to me. Since we both agreed that it was just too soon, neither of us have felt the need to bring it up again. The bed moves as Reid rolls to his side. Grabbing his boxers from the floor, he slips them on as he walks over to the other side. He reaches into his nightstand drawer and pulls out a small black velvet box. Holy crap! He wasn’t kidding that he had this planned out already.

Walking back to my side, he grabs my robe from the hook on the back of the door. I pull it around my chest as he kneels on the floor before me.

Still unable to speak, the silence stretches, and Reid fills it with his rather spontaneous proposal.

“Please, marry me. Just because we haven’t talked about it, please don’t think that I haven’t thought about it non-stop. I have this whole big thing planned out. Flowers and candles and all that romance shit, but right here, feeling our baby move inside of you . . . you’re mine and you always will be, nothing will ever change that please don’t make me ask again . . . please just say yes.” He’s begging.

He cracks open the box and a familiar ring sparkling back at me takes my breath away. Holding the beautiful two-carat, platinum set round solitaire ring before me, he looks up into my eyes lovingly.

“Is that . . . ?” I can’t even finish the words. Thick, heavy emotion clogs my throat and the tears start pouring down my cheeks.

“Yes, sweet Maddy. Your Aunt Maggie gave it to Momma years ago. I guess she knew that she wouldn’t always be around, but she wanted you to have your mother’s ring.” He swipes his thumb across my cheek, clearing some of the tears.

“I know we’re young and we haven’t been together long, but I love you and I want to be with you forever. Madeleine, please marry me. Please do me the honor of being my wife.” His last words are a hopeful whisper.

A lone tear trickles down my cheek and cleanses away any concerns I might have had. He’s right. Who’s to say how old you have to be to feel a love like this? There’s no requirement on how long you have to be together in order to make a marriage work. I know in my heart and soul that there will only be Reid. Seeing my mother’s ring shining back at me is almost like she’s smiling her approval down on me. So when the word “yes” escapes my lips, I feel nothing but absolute certainty that he is my forever.




Eight Months Later

Friday December 20, 2013


The heavy wooden doors of the church are closed before me. I hear the organ playing beyond it, and even though he’s not here physically, I can feel my father’s presence beside me. He would have been so happy to walk me down the aisle today, but I know that he and my mother are smiling down on us. I’m sure that Becca and Shane are smiling at us too.

After she straightens the long train of my ivory wedding gown, Melanie stands in front of me. Her eyes are shimmering with tears of joy. She pulls me into a tight embrace. “I love you, Maddy. I’m so happy for you. You guys are just amazing and you deserve today more than anyone I know.” Mel makes one more adjustment on my veil and I get caught up in the memory of the day we found my dress.

Standing in front of a rack filled to the brim with some of the most beautiful dresses I’ve ever seen, I am completely overwhelmed. How on Earth am I supposed to pick one of these? They all look the same.

“Melanie, this is ridiculous! I’m nine months pregnant and shopping for a wedding dress. I feel like there should be an MTV reality show following me around or something. Can’t we do this after the baby is born?” I huff and flop into the chair that the attendant has just brought out for me. My ankles are huge and the sweltering summer heat of mid-August is not helping at all.

As Cammie steps out from behind the rack of dresses, her arms weighed down by about ten of them, Lia hands me a bottle of water. “Okay, so Cammie is about the closest to you size wise, so she’ll give you the best idea of what they look like.” Lia decides for the group. I think the idea of wearing a wedding dress freaks out Lia. Needless to say, Cammie jumps at the opportunity. I’m pretty sure that Jack and Cammie will be the next to get married.

Cammie holds out the dresses she’s selected for me to look through. As Mel, Momma, Lia and Katie ohh and ahh over all of them, nothing stands out to me. ‘They,’ whoever ‘they’ are say that when you see your dress, you’ll know it, but so far, I got nothing. “Maybe you’ll feel different when you see them on a person instead of just a hanger.” The attendant’s comment is meant to get me excited, but it’s not like I’ll be trying them on. I doubt they even make dresses big enough to fit over this ginormous belly of mine. I can’t even see my feet!

Not wanting to rain on everyone’s parade, because, yes, they’ve all been looking forward to this since Reid proposed, I put on a smile and let Cammie play Bridal Barbie for me.

Five dresses and two bathroom breaks later, Cammie steps out of the dressing room in the final dress. It’s cream colored and strapless. The bodice is covered in lace and dotted with sparkles everywhere, but not so many that it looks tacky. It’s a traditional A-line shape and the skirt is full, but not too poofy. I love it instantly. Classic is the best way to describe this dress. It’s stunning and beautiful, and it’s mine.

I feel Momma squeeze my shoulder as she comes to stand behind my chair. I reach up and place my hand above hers. “That’s it. That’s my dress.” I whisper so only she can hear, but as soon as she does, she squeals in delight.

Excitedly, Momma shrieks, “That’s it! She loves it!”

Clapping her hands frantically as she jumps up and down in front of me, Mel pulls me from my chair and squeezes me tightly, well as tightly as my belly can afford. Most hugs these days are awkward and to the side.

“Maddy, you are going to look beautiful!” Mel says as she gives me one last hug.

And then it happens. Time stands still as my small group of friends and family stand around me and the puddle of water that’s at my feet.

“Oh my God! Maddy did your . . . ?” Katie can’t even finish her sentence, she’s so shocked. Hell, I’m pretty shocked myself.

“Oh shit! Well, it better be!” Lia adds sarcastically and Mel swats her on the arm. “Ouch! What? I’m just saying, either her water broke or she peed herself. Of the two choices, broken water sounds like the better option. I’m dying to meet this little nugget.” Even I can’t hold back the laughter at her reaction.

We’re all standing there frozen, me especially. I don’t know what to do. This has never happened to me before. Obviously. Just as I’m wracking my brain for what I need to do, Momma comes to my side and hands me my phone that she’s just pulled from my bag.

“You call Reid and take a seat. We’ll take care of putting the dress on hold and then we’ll pull the car around. Meet us up front in five minutes.” I nod at her instructions. Her voice soothes my nerves, but my fingers still tremble as I dial Reid’s office number.

He picks up on the first ring, as usual. “Hey, baby. How’s dress shopping going?” His deep and loving voice relaxes me a little, but I’m nowhere near calm.

“It’s good, but I think we’re going to cut it short.”

“Why? Do they not have anything you like?” I love that he’s at least feigned an interest in all things dress related.

“Umm, no. My water broke actually.” My voice wobbles slightly as the first contraction tightens like a steel band around my belly. He hears me gasp in pain.

“Oh, shit!” His words are yelled excitedly and nervously into the phone. “Okay, baby. I’ll be there in a few minutes. Shit, I wish I could be there right now. I . . . umm . . . let me . . .” He’s so frantic that he doesn’t even know what sentence to go with.

When the pain recedes, I say, “Shh. Calm down, Reid. We’ve got plenty of time. Go tell Dylan and then meet us as at the hospital.”

I hear his deep breathing through the line. “Okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I love you, baby.”

“I love you too. Be safe,” I say as I end the call. Walking to the car is grossly uncomfortable with my soaking wet pants, but sliding into the car, I’m comforted by the smiling faces of my girls.

Momma reaches for my hand from the driver’s seat. “Ready, sweetie?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be, Momma.” But ‘ready’ is the last thing I’m feeling. Scared, anxious, excited—that’s what I’m really feeling.

By the time Reid meets us at the hospital, the nurse has already gotten me all hooked up to whatever IVs and monitors I need. Frozen in the doorway, his face pales and his eyes widen. He won’t admit it, but he’s scared. Seeing me on the bed, in a hospital gown with tubes and wires all over must have brought him back to my accident. This time, our hospital stay will have a completely different ending.

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