The Mad Boy, Lord Berners, My Grandmother, and Me (57 page)

BOOK: The Mad Boy, Lord Berners, My Grandmother, and Me
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A Fish-shaped Handbag

Appearing on page 5

1 Alan Hollinghurst, ‘Pink Doves’, short story, Festival Internazionale di Roma 2006

Behind the Rocking Horse

Appearing between pages 11 and 29

2 Quennell, p. 138

3 Charles Duff, interview

4 Dickinson, p. 78

5 Acton, More Memoirs of an Aesthete, p. 34

6 Hart-Davis, p. 120

7 Berners, First Childhood, in Collected Tales, p. 5

8 Ibid.

9 Berners, unpublished notebook

10 Berners, Far From the Madding War, in Collected Tales, p. 383

11 Carpenter, p. 102

12 Fielding, The Face on the Sphinx, p. 2

13 Sitwell, p. 180

14 Berners, First Childhood, in Collected Tales, p. 82

15 Rowse, p. 48

16 Amory, Lord Berners, p. 73

17 Mary Gifford, ‘Aspects of a Biography’, pp. 30-31

18 Letter to Clarissa Churchill, 1941

19 Dickinson, p. 7

20 Berners, First Childhood, in Collected Tales, p. 53

21 Berners, A Distant Prospect, p. 45

22 Berners, First Childhood, in Collected Tales, p. 65

23 Ibid., p.107

24 Berners, A Distant Prospect, p. 65

25 Berners, First Childhood, in Collected Tales, P. 194

26 Ibid.

27 Berners, A Distant Prospect, p. 61

28 Berners, Dresden, p. 84

29 Ibid., p. 91

30 Ibid., p. 84

31 Brinnin, p. 354

32 Desmond Guinness, ‘At Home with a Musical Eccentric’, Irish Times, 23 May 1975

33 Stravinsky, Selected Correspondence, p. 153

34 Berners, First Childhood, in Collected Tales, p. 46

35 Berners, The Château de Résenlieu, p. 1

36 Ibid., p. 18

37 Ibid., p. 41

38 Ibid., p. 62

39 Nancy Mitford, ‘Faringdon House’, House & Garden, Aug.–Sept. 1950

Russians, Radicals and Roman Catholics

Appearing between pages 32 and 49

40 Harold Nicolson, p. 132

41 Berners, Far From the Madding War, in Collected Tales, p. 392

42 Alan Wykes, ‘Lord Berners’, Music and Musicians, Sept. 1983

43 Berners, Percy Wallingford, in Collected Tales, p. 29

44 Gavin Bryars, interview with author

45 Lane, ‘Lord Berners’

46 Stravinsky, Selected Correspondence, p. 140

47 Constant Lambert, ‘The Musical Peer’, introduction to Osbert Lancaster’s ‘Uncommon People’, Strand Magazine, April 1947

48 Constant Lambert, ‘Tribute to Lord Berners’, BBC Radio 3, 16 February 1951

49 Stravinsky, Memories and Commentaries, p. 83

50 Dickinson, Lord Berners, p. 24

51 Grigoriev, p. 226

52 Gifford, ‘Lord Berners and the Triumph of Neptune’, p. 11

53 ibid., p. 13

54 Gramophone, December 1926

55 Fielding, The Face on the Sphinx, pp. 2–3

56 Mary Gifford, ‘The Eccentric Lord Berners’, lecture at Wantage Festival, 2013

57 Wellesley, Far Have I Travelled, p. 134

58 William Crack, interview with Gavin Bryars

59 Ibid.

60 Ibid.

61 Amory, Lord Berners, p. 113

62 Rose, p. 376

63 Kahan, p.240

64 Glendinning, Vita, p. 253

65 Kahan, p. 252

66 Brett, ‘Musicality, Essentialism, and the Closet’, in Brett, Wood and Thomas, pp. 16–17

67 Christopher Wood, letter to mother, in Ingleby, pp. 105 and 162

68 Rose, p. 129

69 Alan Hollinghurst, ‘The Dandy in the Desert: Ronald Firbank After the War’, Graham Storey Lecture, 2012

70 Berners, in Kyrle Fletcher, p. 145

71 Hobson, p. 146

72 Berners, in Kyrle Fletcher, pp. 149–50

73 Aberconway, pp. 124–5

74 Acton, More Memoirs of an Aesthete, p. 42

75 Sitwell, p. 181

76 Amory, Lord Berners, p. 66

A Delightful Youth

Appearing between pages 51 and 71

77 Heber-Percy, pp. 21–22

78 Ibid., p. 32

79 Ibid., p. 18

80 Ibid., p. 20

81 Ibid., p. 30

82 Ibid., p. 18

83 Deirdre Curteis, interview

84 Mitford, Ross et al (eds), p. 22

85 Wheen, p. 27

86 Ibid.

87 Niven, p. 34

88 Heber-Percy, p. 118

89 Martin Green, p. 27

90 Heber-Percy, p. 117

91 Carpenter, p. 172

92 Fielding, The Duchess of Jermyn Street, p. 124

93 Luke, p. 27

94 Jonathan Burnham, interview

95 Houlbrook, p. 51

96 Tamagne, p. 46

97 Ackerley, p. 175

98 Meyrick, p. 22

99 Gardiner, p. 628 100

100 Luke, p. 31

101 Susanna Johnston, interview

102 Diana Mosley, Loved Ones, p. 104

103 Berners, The Girls of Radcliff Hall, p. 39

Et in Arcadia Ego

Appearing between pages 74 and 98

104 Diana Mosley, Loved Ones, p. 104

105 Letter from Gerald Berners to Cecil Beaton, copy in Berners Archive, British Library

106 Diana Mosley, A Life of Contrasts, p. 105, and Edward James, interview with Gavin Bryars

107 Rose, p. 376

108 Dickinson, p. 78

109 Michael Duff, p. 94

110 Jonathan Burnham to Mark Amory, Lord Berners, p. 127 and note

111 Letter from Gerald Berners to Cecil Beaton, October 15 1933, in Berners Archive, British Library

112 A. L. Rowse to Mark Amory, Friends and Contemporaries, p. 214 and note

113 Henry James, p. 222

114 Dickinson, p. 74

115 Bridget Dickinson, interview

116 Wheen, p. 72

117 Ibid., p. 54

118 Edward James, interview with Gavin Bryars

119 Mark Girouard, ‘Faringdon House, Berkshire: The Home of Mr Robert Heber-Percy’, Country Life, 12 and 19 May 1966

120 Nancy Mitford, The Pursuit of Love, p. 41

121 Rose, p. 376

122 Nancy Mitford, ‘Faringdon House’, House & Garden, Aug.– Sept. 1950

123 Alan Wykes, ‘Lord Berners’, Music and Musicians, Sept. 1983

124 Owen, p. 70

125 Berners, The Romance of a Nose, in Collected Tales, p. 304

126 Rowse, p.62, and Dickinson, p. 96

127 Nancy Mitford, op. cit.

128 Berners, unpublished notebook

129 Stravinsky, Memories and Commentaries, p. 84

130 Rose, p. 376

131 Berners, First Childhood, in Collected Tales, p. 29

132 Berners, interview in Lilliput, vol. XXIV, no. 1, January 1949

133 Derek Jackson, interview with Gavin Bryars

134 Wilson, p. 109

135 Kavanagh, p. 211

136 Cyril Connolly, Enemies of Promise, p. 34

137 Interview with Diana Mosley, in Dickinson, p. 91

138 John Betjeman, ‘Lord Berners: 1883-1950’ (obituary), Listener, 11 May 1950

139 Harris, p. 291

140 Diana Mosley, A Life of Contrasts, p. 191

141 Dickinson, p. 105

142 Carpenter, p. 263

143 Wilson, p. 104

144 Berners, unpublished notebook

145 Gavin Bryars, ‘The Versatile Peer’, Guardian, 22 February 2003

146 Interview with Harold Acton, in Dickinson, p. 56

147 Charlotte Mosley, The Mitfords, p. 86

148 Dickinson, p. 75

Boys and Girls

Appearing between pages 100 and 115

149 Mulvagh, p. 47

150 Byrne, p. 131

151 Ibid.

152 Ibid., p. 147

153 Ibid., p. 176

154 Ibid., p. 185

155 Mulvagh, p. 41

156 Luke, p. 91

157 John Betjeman, ‘Lord Berners: 1883–1950’ (obituary), Listener, 11 May 1950

158 Glendinning, Edith Sitwell, p. 104

159 Vickers, Cecil Beaton, p. 74

160 Evelyn Waugh, ‘Footlights and Chandeliers’, The Spectator, 21 July 1961

161 Deirdre Curteis, interview

162 Vickers, Cecil Beaton, p. 183

163 Alan Pryce-Jones, Adam International Review, no 385-90, 1 January 1974

164 Fielding, The Duchess of Jermyn Street, p. 170

165 Ibid., p. 174

166 Ibid.

167 Dickinson, p. 85

168 Fielding, The Duchess of Jermyn Street, p. 170

169 Vickers, Cecil Beaton, p. 161

170 Hugo Vickers, unpublished diary

171 Vickers, Cecil Beaton, p. 162

172 Hugo Vickers, interview

173 Ibid.

174 Vickers, op. cit.

175 Thomson, p. 75

176 Ibid.

177 Daphne Fielding, ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’, Harpers & Queen, 1989

178 Thomson, p. 159

179 Amory, Lord Berners, p. 148

180 John Byrne, introduction to Berners, The Girls of Radcliff Hall, p.vii


Appearing between pages 116 and 131

181 Devonshire, p. 41

182 Ben Macintyre, ‘Those Utterly Maddening Mitford Girls’, The Times, 12 October 2007

183 Diana Mosley, A Life of Contrasts, p. 267

184 Ibid.

185 Gardiner, p. 433

186 Green, p. 322

187 Devonshire, p. 41

188 Deirdre Curteis, interview

189 Gardiner, p. 439

190 T. S. Eliot, ‘Burbank with a Beedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar’, 1920

191 Luke, p. 91

192 Interview with Robert Heber-Percy, in Dickinson, p. 79

193 Berners, unpublished notebook

194 Clarissa Eden, interview

195 Acton, More Memoirs of an Aesthete, p. 31

196 Lees-Milne, Prophesying Peace, p. 24

197 Sitwell, p. 181

198 Diana Mosley, A Life of Contrasts, p. 97

199 Harold Nicolson, ‘Marginal Comment’, The Spectator, vol. CLXXXV, 12 October 1950

200 Nichols, The Sweet and Twenties, p. 158

201 Woolf, ‘Am I a Snob?’, in Moments of Being, p. 195

202 Nichols, The Sweet and Twenties, p. 165

203 Ibid., p. 159

204 Richardson, p. 47

205 Amory, Lord Berners, p. 161

206 Dickinson, p. 95

207 Ibid., p. 94

208 Constant Lambert, introductory talk to concert of Lord Berners’ music, BBC Third Programme, 16 February 1951

209 Berners, First Childhood, in Collected Tales,

210 Noel Annan, ‘The Camel at the Door’,p. 66 New York Review of Books, 7 October 1999

Follies and Fur-lined Wombs

Appearing between pages 133 and 155

211 Glendinning, Vita, p. 223

212 Vickers, Cecil Beaton, p. 261

213 Berners, Far From the Madding War, in Collected Tales, p. 385

214 Gibson, p. 72

215 Richardson, p. 291

216 Interview with Robert Heber-Percy, in Dickinson, p. 107

217 Ibid.

218 Cohen, p. 138

219 Gibson, p. 191

220 Edward James, p. 2

221 Gibson, p. 241

222 Edward James, interview with Gavin Bryars

223 Amory, Lord Berners, p. 160

224 Richardson, p. 296

225 John Betjeman, ‘Lord Berners: 1883-1950’ (obituary), Listener, 11 May 1950

226 Rose, p. 56

227 Amory, The Letters of Evelyn Waugh, p. 234

228 Diana Mosley, Loved Ones, p. 127

229 Dickinson, p. 33

230 Stein, [ebook, no page numbers]

231 Nichols, Are They the Same at Home?, p. 50

232 Kavanagh, p. 211

233 Berners, unpublished notebook

234 Sitwell, p. 178

235 Glendinning, Edith Sitwell, pp. 26-8

236 Sitwell, p. 178

237 Motion, p. 187

238 Salter, p. 78

239 Buckle, p. 42

240 Rose, p. 358

241 Cyril Connolly, Previous Convictions, p. 282

242 Rose, p. 184

243 Malcolm, p. 159

244 Stein

245 Malcolm, p. 64

246 Jack Fox, interview

247 Toklas, pp. 285 and 283

The Orphan on the Top Floor

Appearing between pages 161 and 185

248 Sturgis, p. 601

249 Gathorne-Hardy, p. 80

250 Christopher Hussey, ‘Oare House, Wiltshire, The Property of Mr Geoffrey Fry’, Country Life, vol. LXIII, no. 1625, 10 March 1928

251 Byrne, p. 110

252 Taylor, p. 61

253 Davie, p. 300

254 Letter to Harold Acton, in Amory, The Letters of Evelyn Waugh, p. 38

255 ibid., p. 40

256 Janetta Parlade, interview

257 Cressida Connolly, interview

258 Francis Wyndham, interview

259 Amory, The Letters of Evelyn Waugh, p. 51

260 Francis Wyndam, interview

261 Martin Green, p. 241

262 Francis Wyndham, interview

263 Hastings, p. 73

264 Taylor, p. 203

265 Francis Wyndham, interview

266 Cressida Connolly, obituary of Jennifer Ross, Independent, 19 December 2003

267 Cressida Connolly, interview

268 Lewis, p. 200

269 Jack Fox, interview

In the City of the Dreaming Dons

Appearing between pages 186 and 214

270 Fielding, The Duchess of Jermyn Street, p. 178

271 Haste, p. 28

272 Amory, Lord Berners, p. 177

273 Kavanagh, p. 245

274 Lees-Milne, Diaries, 1942-1954, p. 10

275 De Gaury, p. 18

276 Ibid., p. 174

277 Isaiah Berlin in Lloyd-Jones, p. 18

278 Haste, p. 38

279 Lewis, p. 107

280 Luke, p. 35

281 Carpenter, p. 97

282 Berners, unpublished notebook

283 Diana Mosley, A Life of Contrasts, p. 155

284 Olson, p. 186

285 Haste, p. 54

286 Letter from Ann O’Neil (later Fleming) to Gerald Berners, in Berners Archive, British Library

287 Billa Harrod, interview with Gavin Bryars

288 Ibid.

289 Rowse, p. 51

290 Sylvia Crack, interview

291 Berners, Far From the Madding War, in Collected Tales, p. 417

292 De Gaury, p. 44

293 Ibid., p. 174

294 Ibid., p. 21

295 Andrew Crowden, eulogy for Robert Heber-Percy

296 Francis Wyndham, interview

297 Feigel, p. 4

298 Olson, p. 194

299 Ross, p. 142

300 Larkin, p. 11

301 Berners, Far From the Madding War, in Collected Tales, p. 406

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