Read The Maestro Online

Authors: Leo Barton

Tags: #bdsm ebook, #sm erotica

The Maestro (24 page)

BOOK: The Maestro
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She was aware
again of being in Maria's bed, but how she had got there, she was
not sure. She had a vague sense of deja vu when Maria entered,
again with a tray and two glasses of orange juice. She couldn't
remember Maria in the room where they had put her, and the room
itself had been different.

And then the
worst thought of all returned. She remembered Delgado's visit, and
how he had said that her work was more or less useless. The memory
of his cold eyes, of that measured voice trying to tell her that
all her work had been in vain cast a long shadow over the happier
memory of her sexual excess.

Maria smiled
at her as she sat up in bed, to take the juice that Maria now gave

happened?' Linda said, not as perturbed as she had been when she
asked Maria after her first night in Barcelona.

Maria looked
mystified. 'You mean you can't remember?'

everything. I can't remember coming to this room.'

'Would you
like the whole story?'

'Is it
interesting?' Linda still couldn't stop thinking about what Delgado
had said to her. Maybe she could, as she had done last time, lose
herself in one of Maria's erotic tales.


'Please, go on

'Well when my
father and Hugo went to have a chat with you...'


'I know what
my father is like. I'm not so sure I approve of what he did with
you last night. You are my friend, not his. We have a kind of
unwritten house rule. Adventurous though I am, there has to be
boundaries. I know what he gets up to, but he is supposed to keep
off my territory as I keep off his.'

'You think he
stepped over the mark last night?'

'I do, I told
him. I don't blame you though. I suppose he is quite a handsome
man, but he spoilt my game a little. I had plans for you and Hugo.
Well at least I got Hugo.'

'So what
happened after we left?'

'Well, it was
a signal really. Isabella looked so sad to have lost Hugo and she
was so jealous of you. I really thought she was going to cry. Hugo
can be a real heartbreaker sometimes. Well I started to comfort
her. I moved her inside the house and I sat beside her on the

'Then Laura
suddenly exploded. It was a tactic, of course, I know Laura. She
started to ask Isabella how dare she be jealous of her husband. He
wasn't her property and he was free to do what he wanted. Isabella
looked totally stunned. I don't think Laura had ever talked to her
like that and she had been staying in the house for over seven
weeks. She said that she knew what Isabella and Hugo had been
getting up to without her permission. The girl looked amazed. "It's
all right when we do things together but you are a naughty girl to
go off like that without my permission." Isabella looked so
innocent, so naive. "Don't look at me as if I'm stupid. I know what
Hugo has been doing to you. I saw you in the garden last week when
you thought I'd gone out. The moment my back was turned I saw Hugo
pushing up your dress, and that vulgar expectant look on your face.
How dare you! Cheating on me like that.'' "But...' Isabella began
to protest. "Don't say but. I saw it. He lifted you up over his
knee, pulled up your white little tennis skirt, pulled down your
panties and spanked you. I saw how you laughed and giggled before
you took him in your mouth you dirty girl."

started crying and through her tears she started to mumble
apologies, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." "You dirty, rude girl, I think
you should be punished, either punished or sent back to that idiot
father of yours." Isabella hated her father and he truly is an
idiot. "So which is it to be, punishment or home"'

'She's quite a
character, Laura, by the sound of it.'

'You're right,
Linda, she's a very powerful woman.'

'So I suppose,
the girl not wanting to go home, she chose punishment.'

'Yes, she did.
Laura told me afterwards from what she had witnessed during the
girl's stay she had never seen another girl take to the whip so
readily, so I don't think the girl was exactly trembling in her
shoes, unless of course it was from excitement. Although, she was
still naive and couldn't understand that Laura was only
intensifying her pleasure by this little charade. Isabella might
have thought that Laura wanted to really hurt her.'

'Well do you
remember what Isabella was wearing?'

'You mean that
childish little pinafore dress over the mustard tee-shirt?'

'Yes, the girl
doesn't have much of a dress sense.'

'Yes, she
does. You should see her wardrobe. Laura dressed her like that for
her own enjoyment, went out yesterday to buy it for her. Well
anyway, Laura shouted at her to stand up. The girl really was
trembling. "Bend over!" Laura demanded of her, "and touch your
toes." The girl did exactly that. I was getting quite aroused to by
that stage, particularly as I saw her dress ride out as she bent
down. "Stand still and don't move. We are not going to have any of
this nonsense from you." Laura said all this while she pulled down
the little cotton panties, and then pulled up her skirt and tossed
it over her so that it fell to the small of her back.

'Oh Linda it was a glorious sight, to look at her bottom: two
firm ripe cheeks before me. I couldn't resist joining in the fun.
"Should I cane her
" I said to Laura as if I was
her servant. "Yes, I think you should, dear. The rude girl needs to
be taught a lesson." Laura answered me in this really haughty

'Before I
smacked her with the cane I stuck it down between her bum cheeks,
and pressed against her little bottom hole. Then I smacked her
really hard, the girl letting out little yelps that even I could
tell were more a sign of pleasure than pain. "Smack the naughty
girl, right across her bottom. I want to see it go as red as
beetroot," Laura again commanded. I caught her on the top of her
thighs and across the meat of her bottom. I could see that all the
blood was rushing to her head as Laura had insisted that she remain
touching her toes throughout her correction.

'After I had
smacked her a few more times, Laura standing in front of her
shouted, "Take off your clothes. I hope you don't think this is the
end of your punishment, because it isn't, it's just the beginning."
If I didn't know Laura a little better I think that even I would be
a little frightened.

'As Isabella
removed the pinafore dress, her little white socks and the small
bra that she was wearing, Laura tweaked her nipples until the girl
moaned in pain. "No, now it is my turn. But I hope you are going to
thank Maria for exhausting herself, for going to all that trouble
just to give you an education." I mean, Linda, it was really
pantomime stuff, but Isabella really isn't very sophisticated.
Although I suspect she's learning quickly, as I did.

'Isabella said
thank you to me, but Laura still wasn't happy. There are ways of
showing your appreciation. Isabella looked nonplussed. I was
getting the idea though. I lifted up my dress.'

'I think that
purple is perfect for you, so is taffeta,' Linda said, remembering
how gorgeous Maria had looked the previous night.

'I pulled down
my panties and spread my legs,' Maria said, continuing the story.
'"You see what a beautiful pussy she has, Isabella. Look at the
pink flesh and then the deeper wet red inside. I'm sure you would
like to kiss it anyway. It is one way that you could show your
appreciation. I was not so sure that Isabella liked the idea of
kissing me. She seemed to prefer being punished to kissing another
woman. Whether she liked it or not she was left without any choice
as Laura shouted at her to kneel on the floor before me, and then
pressed her head between my waiting thighs.

'Whether the
girl liked it or not she was very good at it, finding all the right
places. She knew how to drag her lips up my labia, and then to
explore my quim, finding that wonderful part just inside.
Stiffening her tongue against me, and using her fingers, she
stretched me a little wider so that I could feel the pressure of
her tongue that much more forcefully. It did help, however, that
Laura stood behind her, the cane replaced by the belt of her dress
and lashed the girl with it, buckle end, and much harder than I had
done. Every lash would jolt the girl and force her tongue to go
that much harder on me.

'She wasn't
expert enough to give me an orgasm - you know I never come easily -
and since Laura had tanned her backside very well we decided on a
different game. Laura produced from her leather handbag a wonderful
set of love beads. They were black and quite heavy and must have
been at least an inch in diameter.

Isabella looked mystified, not knowing what on earth they could be
used for. Laura sat behind her on the sofa, reached her hand down
and made sure her legs were parted. Have you never used these
things before?'

'No, I don't
think so,' Linda answered, not liking to show her sexual

'You would
know if you had. There are different sorts of course and some are
used for different purposes. These were on string, five in all,
plastic balls. You really must use them some day.'

'I think I am
just about willing to try anything.'

'At least once
as the saying goes.'

'More times
than that if I enjoy it.' They shared a laugh as Maria continued
with her story.

'I was the one
who had the pleasure of inserting them. She had a very tight quim.
I slid a finger inside her. She was certainly wet enough. The first
one going in and the last one coming out are usually the most
exhilarating. I could see how the first ball stretched her vulva,
how Isabella's eyes went from dismayed disbelief to wide pleasure
as the ball slid inside her, and I suppose as she realised that the
other four balls were going in exactly the same place. Each ball
that went inside her made her shudder with pleasure. I could tell,
her being so inexperienced, that she was already on the brink of
her climax. I knew that as soon as I began to pull on the string
she would come. Her whole body first arched and then writhed as the
first ball struggled to come out. By the time it was clearly out of
her she had come. I waited for a couple of seconds while her quick
orgasm receded slightly and then I pulled the other out. She
orgasmed again, and again as the third one came out. By this time
so much pleasure must have actually caused her pain, her mind
screaming enough, her body sensitive with pleasure. Laura had to
hold her down for the fourth ball, but she came again, each orgasm
receding only long enough for her to catch her breath before
another ball sent her into delirium. By the time that the fifth was
out she was screaming in pleasure.

'But Laura
refused to stop. From her handbag she produced two enormous ribbed
dildoes that she knew the girl would not be able to resist no
matter how sated she thought she was. With one hand she pulled
Isabella up by her legs and with the other found the sensitive
entrance of her quim. I lubricated the other, spreading my saliva
all down the shaft and began to press it against her other

looked as if she was in a state of shock, not knowing how to
express the multifarious emotions that must have been going on in
her head. Never in the games she had played with Hugo had he
visited where my dildo was visiting. I squeezed it in. The human
body is a fabulous thing, and looking at Isabella's slender frame
and the size of the dildo you wouldn't have thought you could have
got one of them up her, let alone two. But both were now inside
her, touching parts of her that had probably never been reached
before. She squirmed in delight, and although I think her mind
would have liked to have fought against such a surfeit of pleasure,
her body could not refuse.'

'Well, that
does sound like quite a night.'

'Oh, I haven't
quite finished yet.'

'You mean
there's more?'

'As Isabella
writhed on our rubber penises, Hugo made an entrance.'

Linda looked
amazed. How was it possible that everything that had happened with
her and Matteo could have been over so quickly? 'Hugo?'

'Yes, you had
been put to bed by that stage and Hugo was keen to have some more


'You don't
know the man's stamina.'

'It is

'Well, both
myself and Laura were very excited now, watching Isabella. He came
down and kissed each one of us. He was completely naked with an
enormous erection. We began licking him, Laura concentrating on the
oily head, me spreading my tongue all down his long shaft. But he
did not want to forget little Isabella. He pushed up her chin
forcing her to take great mouthfuls of his balls inside her.

'It was
wonderful, Linda. After arousing Isabella like that, and being so
aroused myself, I wanted a man inside me. As we sucked and licked
and slurped on him, Hugo held us both firmly by the neck, pressing
my mouth against his huge prick. Laura held him and invited me to
taste. I pumped my mouth down on him hard, cramming as much of him
as I could into my mouth, feeling his oiled shaft slide down me, my
face only inches away from Isabella as she rolled her tongue all
over his heavy sack.

'Hugo had
another game in mind. He positioned us all so we were kneeling on
the sofa, Isabella in the middle, me on the left, Laura on the
right. The anticipation was killing me. I cocked my head, as
Isabella had done, and watched Hugo riding his wife, clasping her
heavy breasts in his hands, kneading them, pinching the rosy thick
tips between his fingers, the top of his thighs slapping off her
firm buttocks. I could see Laura's face clench in her rapture as he
brought her to the point of climax, her bottom clutching his tool,
to feel every inch of him, her eyes dilating in a paroxysm of pure
joy, her hand reaching behind, gripping hold of Hugo's balls.

BOOK: The Maestro
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