Read The Maestro's Apprentice Online

Authors: Rhonda Leigh Jones

The Maestro's Apprentice (13 page)

BOOK: The Maestro's Apprentice
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“No. I think I want to experience this as it is,” she said.

“Good choice. I think I’ll—”

“Mick, old friend,” a female voice purred. Autumn turned to see a glamorous blond beauty in a black evening dress and black cat mask. She was with a diminutive girl dressed in white, wearing the requisite mouse mask. “This is the girl I told you about. I’m helping her prepare for a life as a feeder. Poor thing doesn’t want to go into service as a virgin and I thought you would be the perfect man to help her out with that.”

Mick opened his eyes wide. “You mean a literal virgin?”

“A virgin in every way,” the woman said. “Perhaps you can find the time to train her in the ways of pleasure?” The woman glanced at Autumn but did not acknowledge her.

Mick cleared his throat. “I would – be delighted to speak with her about it.” He looked apologetically at Autumn.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “I know how weird you vampires can be. I’m going to wander around.”

Mick nodded, a look of relief spreading over his face. “I’ll catch up with you later,”

he said, and bent low to kiss her on the cheek.


Autumn nodded and looked at the girl, who was staring at her with awe in her eyes.

No one had ever looked at her like that before. She hurried away before the others noticed her blushing and the girl decided she wasn’t so cool after all.

It took only seconds to see a tuxedoed man pressing a woman against the wall, her stocking-clad leg wrapped around his through the slit in her dress, her foot missing its shoe. When Autumn realized she was staring, she turned away abruptly, and ran into the solid form of a pale-skinned vampire man with a slight smirk on his full lips. What hair had not been buzzed from his scalp appeared blond. His eyes were dark blue and unflinching.

“Oh,” she said, blushing both from her inability to look away from the couple and from running into the man. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry,” he said with a slight German accent, allowing his extended fangs to show as he spoke. “I was admiring your form.” He took an arm in one hand and turned her body as if to spank her standing up, but only slid his other hand around the silky fabric of her dress to her bottom, making circles with his entire palm. He groaned, then turned her around and pulled her back against him. She could feel his erection pressing through the fabric of his slacks. “I’m going to fuck you,” he whispered in her ear. She caught her breath. “Where everyone can see.”

He bunched the fabric of her dress to open the slit on the side and slid his hand beneath it and between her legs. Panicking, she searched the crowd for Mick, but did not see him. A delicious sort of fear began to find its way into her body as the vampire held her tightly with his left arm, using his right hand to pull down her stockings and panties, 114

exposing her tender parts to anyone who cared to look. Several men, vampires and feeders alike, came closer as the vampire held her on display.

“See all these men?” he whispered. “They want to stick their cocks in you. Just like I want to stick mine in.”

Heat and cold. She was aware of heat moving between her legs, spreading its tendrils into her organs and down her limbs, and chills moving over her shoulders and arms, mingling with the heat between her legs to form forbidden, thrilling sensations. Her crotch was not supposed to be naked for all the guests to see at a formal party and she certainly was not supposed to feel this way about it.

A large, dark-haired man who reminded Autumn of a mafia don sauntered over with a fanged grin showing beneath his black mask. His wide frame and thick neck were not usually what she went for, but the intensity in his black, sparkling eyes and the sensuous curve of his lips held her attention. “I would really like to touch this one if you don’t mind,” he said in a gruff New York accent.

Autumn’s heart hammered against her breast bone.

“Be my guest,” the German said. “But I fuck her first.”

Autumn watched the Italian’s heavy-lidded eyes with horrified fascination as he stepped close and covered her breast with his large hand, radiating heat through the thin fabric of her gown. “Nice,” he said. “I wouldn’t mind tasting her either.”

“I’m…I’m Mick’s dinner,” she managed to say.

“Well, we won’t infringe on anyone’s dinner,” he said. “But a little snack won’t hurt anything.” He pinched her nipple until it hardened to a little point, making her breathe heavily, then kept his eyes on her face as he slid his hands beneath the bunched fabric in 115

the German’s hands to press his hot palms against her stomach. “I’m thinking of that nice little pussy that’s dripping just inches below my hands, and how I could be so very happy sliding my dick in there.”

Autumn swallowed, wondering if it would be possible to back out at this point, thrilling with the thought that it may not be. She ached for the Italian to touch her pussy instead of only talking about it, even as vampires drifted closer and closer, giving her long looks, unconcerned about their fangs showing. They reminded her of sharks smelling blood.

Giving the Italian a smug look, the German picked her up in his arms, just as Francois had the night before, and carried her around the nearest couch. No one had yet claimed it.

He lay her there and disposed of her stockings, panties and shoes, dropping them in a pile by the couch, lowering his head to sniff the scent between her legs. “She’s ready,” the Italian said impatiently.

“I found her,” the German countered, flicking his tongue out to tease her swollen labia. “I’ll fuck her the way I want.”

Autumn arched her back involuntarily, and looked around. Some of the guests watched her with a cool curiosity. Some seemed to be calculating the chances of getting in on the action; others were involved in flirting with others. She hadn’t realized things would be so public. The thought of being on display for so many vampires as a man she had never seen before did what he wanted both appalled and excited her.

The German’s tongue teased the crease of her groin and played outside the periphery of her pussy, making her ache to have him return to her labia and clit. Very slowly, he began to tease her clitoris with feathery touches, moving down and around the sensitive 116

folds of skin, skipping over her opening to lap up the juices dripping out of her, stretching his eyes to watch her reactions.

She lifted her hips toward him, wanting more, no longer caring who gave it to her or who saw. Another man, a thin man with dark hair and chiseled features under his mask, stood on the other side of the couch and unzipped his pants, not even trying to hide the fact that he was staring at her naked pussy as he brought out his erection. “Fuck her,” he hissed. “I want to see you fuck her.”

The German ran the flat of his tongue from the spot just above her anus up over her quivering opening and through the labia, then raised up to look at her.

“Time to give the people what they want,” he growled and opened his pants.

His erection was thick and meaty. He grabbed it and jerked the uncircumcised foreskin up over the head and back again a few times, letting the pre-come drip onto Autumn’s inner thigh. Then he mounted her and pushed at her opening.

Being surrounded by so many watching strangers made her clench her muscles, making it difficult for the vampire to enter her gently. One forceful thrust of his hips, however, got him past the barrier and made her gasp.

“Oh my God,” she whispered.

“Fuck her,” the thin dark-haired man hissed, pumping at his erection with his hand.

The German rocked his hips against her, pushing at her softer parts with his pubic bone as he stretched her wide. “That’s it,” he whispered. “Take it. Take that cock.”

He lay his body out against hers and pumped her harder. She smelled the hint of soap against the side of his neck. It occurred to her in a flash that he wouldn’t be clean for long, before she could no longer think for the stranger’s relentless pounding. She turned 117

her head to the side to escape the smell of him and the sight of the dark-haired man masturbating and cheering him on. The Italian stood by looking down at her calmly, waiting without urgency. It sent a prickle up her spine that made her want him.

The German lowered his head and licked the side of her neck with just enough pressure to make her shiver. Her body cried out for the bite, even as she squirmed under him. She thought of Mick, and how he was expecting to feed from her later. The thought sent waves of heat through her belly and down between her legs. She slid her arms under the vampire’s jacket, feeling the muscles in his back working as he rutted into her, listening as he grunted with each thrust. His lips went slack. He threw back his head, tensed and filled her with his juices.

The Italian cocked his head and smiled. “My turn,” he said.

Breathing heavily, the German scraped the points of his teeth along her neck, then pulled out of her. Someone handed her a small ornate towel, but before she could clean herself, the Italian was straddling her chest and tapping the slick head of his cock against her lips.

“Take it, baby, come on,” he urged, so she opened her mouth and let him slide it in, doing her best not to gag.

A woman’s voice said, “Clean it up.”

Autumn felt a tongue lapping the German’s juices from between her legs and it was almost all she could do to concentrate on the cock that was in her mouth. She couldn’t see who was between her legs, couldn’t tell if the mouth belonged to a male or a female, though she did feel fairly confident it was a feeder.


She had not yet had an orgasm, and felt the tension ebbing and flowing through her body. The ministrations between her legs ceased before the Italian vampire’s cock became hard enough to suit him and before he moved off her to settle between her legs and push his way into her with a satisfied sigh.

“This feels nice,” he said, smiling. With a few quick thrusts of his hips, he was inside her up to the hilt, grinding against her, bringing her even closer to climax. She stretched her arms over her head and someone grabbed her wrists. When she looked up, she saw it was the young-looking Indian vampire she had seen when she and the others had first arrived. He held her firmly, but not forcefully. His fangs were also extended.

Somewhere nearby, a woman gave rhythmic whimpers and whines. Autumn imagined someone was pumping into the woman the way the Italian vampire was pumping into her. Autumn moaned, louder than she had thought she would. It seemed to encourage the vampire, who increased the force of his thrusting and began to kiss her throat. Before she could think of what to do, he began probing the flesh with the tip of his tongue. She opened her mouth and cried out as his teeth pierced her flesh.

He fucked her furiously while drawing from the wounds, vibrating her throat with his groans. Her eyes and mouth fluttered open, as they always did, her body well aware it was in the jaws of a predator. For a moment, she panicked, trying to pull her arms away from the Indian and struggle out from under the Italian. Each of them had witnessed the panic of feeders, however. For some, it was simply nothing to be concerned about. For others, it was a turn-on. They pressed closer around the couch. The Indian vampire held her tighter.


Autumn let herself go, allowed her body to ride the sensations of strange men touching her, to spin out of control, tighten and release. The Italian raised his head and licked the blood from his lips, boring his gaze into hers as he pounded his cock into her repeatedly. Her orgasm ripped through her like a beast. She threw her head back and cried out as though in pain, then collapsed beneath him, accepting his come as he filled her and rested his head briefly on her shoulder.

A moment later, he looked up at her. “Thank you,” he said, and got up. The Indian vampire moved toward her, unbuttoning his pants, but she shook her head.

“I think I want to walk around for a while,” she said, cleaning up with the towel someone had handed her earlier. “It isn’t every day I get to go to a vampire ball.”

The Indian nodded and turned away, finding his path blocked by a grinning girl in a pink gown and mouse mask. He immediately led her to a round table near a set of bookshelves, bent her over and raised her gown to reveal a set of eager, round ass cheeks and ready pussy. He obliged, and Autumn realized she was staring again.

The Italian chuckled. “It’s difficult not to be enthralled your first time. But I’m breaking a sacred rule by making small talk. If you will excuse me,” he said, bowed and left.

Autumn watched him go as she picked up her shoes, leaving the panties and stockings where they lay, thinking about how strange this whole experience was turning out to be.

She was very glad Mick had brought her, though, and she walked around, allowing the sights and sounds of people fucking on tables, couches and against walls to excite her all over again. The sensation of having strange men inside of her, not to mention being bitten by a man she had never met before and would likely never see again, one who did what 120

he wanted with her even though she wasn’t especially attracted to him, drove the warmth back to the spot between her legs. The knowledge that all she had to do was make herself look available and someone would fuck her made the sensation that much more intense.

But just as she was considering what she wanted to do next, she heard the sounds of two men breaking the sacred rule—only they weren’t making small talk. They were arguing.



Chapter Twelve

The conversation was brief, and came to her from the other side of a wall just as she padded near with shoes in hand. The first voice was a man’s she didn’t recognize.

The second was Mick’s.

“What kind of organization are we if we don’t look out for the interests of alpha vampires?” the strange voice asked. “We have to tell du Fresne where they are.”

The words made her dizzy. She stopped and put her free hand over her heart.

“You know the policy of this place,” Mick said evenly, then lowered his voice. “And this is not the proper place to have this discussion.”

BOOK: The Maestro's Apprentice
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