THE MAGIC TOUCH (Historical Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: THE MAGIC TOUCH (Historical Romance)
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“Richard is here to improve his English,” put in Beaumont smoothly. “Pray don’t ruin all his good intentions and make him revert to his mother tongue.”

“My apologies,” smiled the gentleman. “I thought you’d like to converse in a language with which you were familiar.”

“That ees all right,” squeaked Hope. Then she cleared her throat and deepened her voice. “It was a good gesture on your be’alf.”

“Mind if I join you, Beaumont?” asked the gentleman, about to pull out a chair to do just that.

“Sorry, we were
about to go into the dining room. Please excuse us.” He stood and indicated to Hope that she should do the same. Trying to maintain a masculine bearing, Hope followed him.

It was as imposing as the rest of the club. The walls were panelled in dark wood and various portraits looked down on them. “Who are these people?”

“That one at the end is the founder of the club; the others are benefactors and members who have been eminent in some way.”

“It’s very

Beaumont looked as though he was going to pull her chair out for her. She caught his eye and gave a slight shake of her head.

“It’s very difficult to remember, when I am fully aware of your femininity. Even though you’ve had your hair cut I find you delectably womanly. In fact, I would proclaim it adds a je ne sais quoi to your whole character.”

Hope worriedly looked at the other diners and wondered if anyone would be able to hear their conversation.

“It is all right. We are far enough away from the others and the acoustics are not good. I have tried to hear conversations at times and failed.” He grinned at her. “You did not expect that I would do such a thing. Or did you? What sort of a man do you think I am?”

It seemed easier to talk to him honestly
now she was in the guise of Richard. Being a man freed her to communicate in a more open way.

“I think you are a man with a conscience. You question why you
are fortunate and you want to help people less privileged than yourself. I think you are a good man. It is possible you are lonely too.” She put her hand to her mouth as though to stop further comments, but failed. “I do not understand many things about you, but then I do not know you.”

Beaumont’s hand reached out to touch hers, but he jerked it back. “Oh, dear, this is very difficult. I will give the game away and we
will be the talk of polite society. Will you mind?” His smile widened and he moved his chair an inch or so closer to Hope. Under the table his shining shoes sought out Uncle Eustace’s ill-fitting boots and his knee pressed against her trouser leg. Hope felt her face suffusing with colour, but she would not move away. However, her companion did as Canterbury approached their table.

Hope looked about her while Beaumont ordered the meal. She almost pinched herself. How had she dared
come here? What would Mama say? Would she laugh at her daughter’s waywardness or would she finally disapprove of something her daughter had done? She hoped they would laugh together about it and she imagined describing the scene to her mother. Hope was quite sure
had never been inside a gentlemen’s club.

Hope tried not to be too dainty as she tucked into the soup. It was comfortable sitting opposite Beaumont. There was no need to talk all the time
and the food was good.

“Ah, you like our English cooking?”

Hope was taken aback. For a moment she had forgotten who she was meant to be. “Mais, oui, it ees very good. Especially I like le rost bif here in your country.”

laughed before saying, “Then that is what you must have. As you have no stays or corsets or whatever it is women wear, you are free to eat as much as you like. I will forgo the chicken and have le rost bif as well.”

any other man talked to her about women’s undergarments she was sure she would feel somewhat embarrassed, but Beaumont was so direct about things it didn’t seem to matter what he said. “Sometimes I long to eat the full seven or eight courses, but as you say we are constricted by our garments. I have found wearing men’s clothes frees me immensely.”

“And will you continue to dress as a man?”

“No, this is the very last time. These clothes are Uncle Eustace’s and it would be dreadful should Aunt Constance discover what I have been doing. She has been very good about allowing me to teach the maids in the servants’ hall.”

“The servants’ hall? Wherever next? You are
outrageous.” The twinkle in his eye told her that he didn’t think so at all. It amused him. “Tell me how you are teaching the maids and how well they are doing.”

It was very easy
talking to Beaumont about her methods and how she planned to progress and he appeared to be genuinely absorbed.

“I think you are a natural teacher. I have been mulling over a similar idea.
I would like to set up a school for adults who have had little chance to attend lessons and learn. It will open the door for them to the wonderful world of stories and possible opportunity for furtherance.”

ike your magic lantern shows. Which reminds me. I have been thinking that a magic lantern show for Aunt Constance’s servants at the house would be a special treat. We would provide the illustrated sheets too. Would that be possible before you leave?” She didn’t want to think of Beaumont’s departure as it was possible they would never meet again. She would almost certainly be back home with her parents if he returned to London.

“I would be delighted
, but only if you have your aunt’s permission. I am certainly not going to skulk round Eustace’s house without his dear wife knowing I am there.”

Hope felt shame
faced. Beaumont’s decency showed a flaw in her own character which she did not like at all.


Back at Aunt Constance’s house, Hope wondered if the
day had been a dream. Safely behind her own door, she sank onto the bed and pulled at the clothes which had clothed both Uncle Eustace and Richard. She meant what she’d said to Beaumont; this would definitely be the final time she wore them. Bouncing off the bed, she tore them from her and folded them neatly. They would have to be returned to her uncle’s rooms. No, that wasn’t possible as his other garments had been removed. Perhaps Edna would hide them until she had found another arrangement. That would remove the temptation of having them around.

A tap at her door told her Edna was coming to help her change her clothes yet again.
She smiled as she thought of the times she’d done just that, but into those of a man. That would be behind her now.

“Edna, I have a favour to ask of you.
Would you be able to take these clothes somewhere and prevent anyone from seeing them until I can think how they can be disposed of?”

The maid looked
unhappy, but put on a little smile. “If you wish, Hope. I think you know I’d do anything for you, especially after all the time and trouble you’re going to in order to help us to read. The other servants are enjoying their lessons. They reckon you should be a teacher in a school. The way you explain things is easy to follow they say, and I agree with them.”

At the encouraging words, Hope felt cheered. What a wonderful day this was turning out to be. She allowed Edna to help her into a dress and tidy her hair
. The two of them discussed the merits of short hair and Hope declared she loved being free of hair such as hers which had proved so unruly. It was a pity she couldn’t disclose her latest exploit to Edna who would have enjoyed the gossip about the gentlemen’s club, Hope was sure.

On a whim, Hope put her arms about her maid and hugged her. “You are a lovely person, Edna. I’m pleased you’re my maid. And thank you for all you do
to help me.”

Edna blushed and pushed her mistress away gently, but not before returning the hug. “Thank you, Hope. I’m pleased Her Grace asked me to attend you.”

Opening the door, Hope said, “I’m going downstairs now, although I’m not at all hungry.” The reason for that, she kept to herself.

“Yes, my lady,” replied Edna politely. “And I will do as you ask.” She indicated the pile of men’s clothes on the bed.

* * *

After a night of deep slumber, Hope awoke with the sun streamin
g in through her opened drapes. She yawned and sat up in bed. “What time is it, Edna? I trust I haven’t overslept. I was so tired from...” Hope stopped and stared at the young servant in front of her. “Who are you? No, wait a minute, I recognise you. You were in the servants’ hall reading. Molly, isn’t it?”

“Yes, your ladyship. Fancy you remembering my name. I mean, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t talk to you like that.” Poor Molly looked so alarmed that Hope took pity on her.

“Really, you’ve done nothing wrong.” Hope pushed back the coverings and sat on the edge of her bed. “Where’s Edna? Is she ill?”

“I don’t know, my lady. All I know is I was told to come and help you get ready for the day.” Molly looked around and went towards the cupboard where Hope’s clothes were. “What will you wear today? You have a lot of beautiful dresses, begging your pardon.”

Now Hope was worried; she couldn’t bear the thought of Edna being so ill she was unable to attend to her. She must get ready quickly and find out what was causing her to be absent. “I don’t mind which I wear. Possibly the pink and green one, it’s an old favourite.”

Molly did her best
to help Hope look presentable enough to go downstairs, but her dress seemed ill-fitting and the fastenings stuck. Hastily looking at her reflection in the mirror, Hope said, “Aunt Constance takes breakfast in her room usually so there will be no one to see me. Except Stevenson.”

“Yes, my lady.”

Hope hurried to breakfast to find Stevenson waiting for her arrival as usual. “Good morning, Stevenson.”

“My lady,” bowed the butler.

Although Hope was anxious for news of Edna, she didn’t want to appear too concerned about her; it wouldn’t do for Stevenson to think they were close, although Hope felt he probably had a small idea of their rapport. “A new maid came to me this morning. Is Edna quite well?”

“Edna doesn’t work here any longer,” replied Stevenson, his voice not giving any weight to the words at all. He might as well have said that the weather was inclement or the eggs were ready.

“Whatever happened? Why did she leave?” Hope was sure Edna would never have done that without so much as a goodbye to her.

“You will have to ask Her Grace,” Stevenson informed her in a tone which indicated he was unwilling to say more.

“Very well.” Hope made sure she acted normally as she helped herself to breakfast and forced it down. She couldn’t wait to speak to Aunt Constance.

She spent the morning unable to concentrate on any one thing. First she tried reading, then playing the piano, reading again and finally giving up she simply paced the rooms and hallway. Her aunt didn’t appear until luncheon was served.

“What’s the matter, Hope, dear? Have you lost your appetite?”

“I have rather. I am perplexed. My sweet maid, Edna, has apparently disappeared from the fa
ce of the earth and I am at a loss to know why.” Hope could feel tears forming.

“You shouldn’t become so attached to the staff. I knew you were getting too close to the girl when you
insisted she accompany you to the dressmaker and when you wanted to teach her to read.”

“I simply don’t
understand how she has left so suddenly and unexpectedly. Was she unhappy here?”

“She has been dismissed because she is a thief. Now let that be an end to it.”

That couldn’t be true. Hope trusted Edna as much as she trusted her own maid at home. But even Ruth hadn’t been expected to keep secrets as personal as those she’d shared with Edna. If she had been disloyal, surely she would have tittle-tattled.

“But, Aunt
...” Hope stopped when Aunt Constance glared at her.

“Hope, I have said tha
t is an end to the matter. I do not expect to have to repeat myself. Now let us eat our lunch without further talk.”

their meal Constance went out to visit an old friend and Hope paced the rooms again. Then she wrote in her journal with the desire that it would help her find a solution to her problem.


How is it possible Edna can be a thief? I refuse to believe what my aunt has said. There must be some mistake. What can I do? If Aunt Constance won’t tell me anything further then the only person I can ask is Stevenson. Surely he can tell me. I will go and search him out before I lose my nerve.


Without thinking about it she headed for the back stairs and the butler’s pantry. Stevenson was busy writing, but leapt to his feet as soon as he saw his visitor. “Lady Hope, may I help you in anyway?”

“Yes, Stevenson you may. And I won’t leave until you tell me the answer to my question. Why has Edna left?”

“At luncheon Her Grace was not prepared to tell you the details. Do you think I should do so against Her Grace’s wishes?”

“I certainly do. I know Edna very well, as you do, and I do not for one moment believe she is a thief.”

“I will tell you what she did and you will know that we have both misjudged her character. One of the other servants saw her carrying a pile of clothes into their bedroom. She told the housekeeper who checked the room and found the clothes hidden under her mattress. They were His Grace’s clothes and we believe she took them for members of her family. She was dismissed immediately. She will not get another position.”

heart sank at the news. “May I see the clothes, Stevenson?”

“You may. I have put them in this cupboard.” He produced the clothes that Hope had worn and her heart sank a little further. “Are you we
ll, Lady Hope? You look somewhat pale. Here, let me get you something.”

Hope sipped at the drink and tried to think how she would ever put
things right. Her foolishness had meant poor Edna would no longer be able to support her family. What would become of them?

“Thank you. Stevenson,” she said weakly before making her way back to her bedroom. She looked at the trunk, then
taking a deep breath opened it and pulled out the clothes which had been discarded as rags. She needed to talk to someone as she had no idea what to do about Edna’s predicament and the only person she could think of who might possibly help was Beaumont. She was not going to involve Molly so she pulled out the hair pieces herself, dressed as a man and set off down the back stairs to escape.

The fresh air came to her aid as she hurried away from the house.
Slowing her pace, she was able to think a little more clearly. She would go to the fair and if Beaumont wasn’t there she would enquire where he lived. But he could be anywhere, possibly at the club. Her attire was not suitable for a visit there. It was going to be a futile exercise, she felt sure. At least no one would recognise her dressed in the clothes which had been discarded as rags. However, when Hope compared them with the attire of some of the poor creatures she passed, she realised that her apparel was quite presentable. Perhaps she
go to the club after all, even if he wasn’t there someone could tell her where he lived.

Having ascertained Beaumont’s address, Hope
quickly found her way to his street. She crossed the road without looking and there was a shout. She let out a light yelp before falling just short of a horse and carriage.

With her nose pressed to the grimy cobbles
she was aware of only two things: someone was shouting and another person was bending down to tend her. It would not do for anyone to get close to her and discover her secret, so she bit her lip against the pain in her arm and made to stand.

“Stay where you are,” a voice commanded.

“All right,” murmured Hope, sinking back to the ground. She was safe now; the voice belonged to Beaumont.

His words came to her through a mist and she heard him instructing the carriage
driver to go around the casualty who was not hurt badly. “I’ll take care of him, don’t worry,” Beaumont assured the driver. “I know him, he’s a friend of mine.”

Hope felt a tingle rush through her as a moustache prickled her cheek and a puff of
masculine breath blew softly into her ear. “They’ve gone now. Get up if you can.”

“How did you know it was me?” demanded Hope, forgetting for the moment that this meeting was
providential. All she could think of was the fact she’d been recognised.

Your hat came off,” replied Beaumont, by way of explanation. “Although I must admit your apparel did not give you away. Whatever are you wearing?”

She snatched the dilapidated hat and rammed it on her head. “I came to find you.”

“I thought you said you were never going to dress as a man again.” Beaumont lowered his voice to a whisper although there was no one in hearing distance.

It was an emergency,” said Hope. “I owe you an explanation, but we can’t talk here.”

“I agree. Would you come to my house?
I saw the commotion from my window and came out to see what was happening.”

The house Hope walked into was unlike her aunt’s in almost every respect.
As she followed Beaumont along the hall, she was able to glimpse into the downstairs rooms. None appeared to be assigned for special purposes. In what she supposed was the dining room, a table vied with a piano and a chaise longue for space. And what Hope assumed to be the drawing room was filled with books and a table full of slides for the magic lantern. Various periodicals were strewn across surfaces. Hope smiled as she looked at the chaos.

“Something amuses you.
Please tell me.”

Beaumont’s eyes were steely, but they didn’t deter Hope from saying, “Have you a housekeeper?”

“Why do you ask? Are you worried about being chaperoned? I can assure you it doesn’t matter as no one will know about your presence here and if anyone sees you they will assume you are a man.”

“I meant that you are most untidy, Beaumont!” Hope gasp
ed at her own impudence.

Beaumont threw back his head and let out a roar of laughter. “And you, my dear Hope, are very forthright. But that aside, please tell me what provoked you to change your decision and put on those very unbecoming clothes?”

With a sigh, Hope sank into a chair and regaled Beaumont with the distressing story of Edna and finally came to the crux of the matter: her dismissal for something which was not her fault at all. She waited, feeling better for having been able to unburden herself. Beaumont would have the answer and things would return to normal.

To her dismay, he sat opposite her and stared at the wall for several minutes saying nothing at all. Hope’s arm was throbbing a little, but she didn’t dare take off her jacket to inspect it.
She tried to sit still, waiting for Beaumont to break the silence. After a while longer she could bear it no longer, and stood up and walked from room to room, ideas flitting through her mind.

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