The Mammoth Book of Erotic Confessions (43 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Erotic Confessions
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My attempts to get even the slightest acknowledgment from the woman who was pounding against my groin became increasingly difficult. I dug my fingers into her flesh, pulled on her long black
hair, grabbed her arse and tried to pull her against me. She continued to ignore me, immersed entirely in her own waves of orgasms. She was a sexual goddess and I was desperate for her to see I was
the one making her this happy. I began to pinch her nipples and slap her large swaying tits. At last she looked at me, her green eyes wide with the pleasure she was experiencing.

“Harder,” she gasped at me.

I didn’t want to hurt her but she became angry at my pause. She scratched her long nails down my chest.

“Harder,” she commanded.

This time I immediately obeyed, pulling on her hard nipples, elongating them as far as I dared. Her gaze was fixed on me now, but I was mesmerized by the punishment I was giving her tits. I
alternated pinching with slapping, leaving large red blushes on her huge white breasts. As she rode me hard I saw between her thrusts that my cock was covered with her come, the hair surrounding my
prick soaked with her cream. Then I felt something warm and wet on my chest. Milk was freely squirting from her breasts; the sight was so beautiful I wanted to engrain it on my mind, but I
couldn’t resist for more than a moment. Her lactating tits were not meant for looking at, they were meant for sucking on. I latched my mouth onto one of her nipples and drank long and hard,
thrusting my cock firmly up into her. We fucked like that until I couldn’t hold back any longer and I spurted my juices into her, but even then I didn’t give her nipples any rest from
my hungry mouth. As we lay together afterwards I knew for certain that I wanted more of her sweet milk.

To date that was the best fuck I’ve ever had, but afterwards my mistress and I had a world of sexual adventures. We would push each other to do more daring things. I lifted her top in the
cinema and drank from those huge tits through the whole film; I ripped her blouse open in a deserted part of town; put my mouth to her nipples at the back of a bus; completely undressed her and
fucked and sucked her on a long train journey.

People might have seen us, and I hope they did, but the only time someone openly approached us it was in a park late at night. Her back was pressed against a tree; I’d pulled her tits out
of the top of her dress and was drinking freely while my hand played under her skirts. It was probably her loud moaning that drew the attention of the man to this normally empty part of the park at
such a dark hour of the day. I don’t know how long he had been standing watching us, but at some point I noticed a change in my lover. It is hard to explain as she made no attempt to stop me
or to hide her breasts, she did not suppress her loud gasps of pleasure, but I sensed that the focus of her attention had slightly changed.

I turned to see him; I couldn’t make out any of his features, he was just a slight different shade in the shadows of the night. My initial reaction was fear: he was a stranger of unknown
strength and fitness, my woman was exposed and I didn’t know if I would be able to protect her. The man walked slowly towards us, the muscles in my body tensed, but when I glanced at my lover
I saw she was smiling. She welcomed him with a kiss as if she’d known him all her life and then pushed his head down into her cleavage. My fear didn’t entirely disappear but jealousy
became my paramount emotion; even though she was married it was a new sensation to watch someone enjoying the pleasure of my mistress’s body. The mixture of fear and jealousy added to the
sexual tension I always felt in my lover’s presence and when she beckoned me I put my head next to the stranger’s and sucked on her other breast. The stranger did not stay for more than
five minutes, he removed his mouth from my lover’s breast and disappeared back into the shadows. I gave her the hardest fuck I’d ever given any woman that night.

When my mistress’s milk stopped flowing I found I could not return back to our previous sex life. As beautiful as she was, sex with her now bored me. Our liaison ended but she’ll
always be special to me as she introduced me to the most erotic experience and she was the first one of my many breast-feeding lovers.


Steve, Clifton

“You have three minutes,” Roxanne said twisting her kitchen timer, then placing it on my night table. “You don’t come in that time you’re not
coming the entire night … and you get this.”

Spreading her thick legs wide, her miniskirt hammocked between her dark thighs. Her back ramrod straight, she sat there on the ottoman, the dangerous rattan cane resting across her upturned
palms, her thick purple lips pursed and shining, her deep brown eyes wide and set on my popping erection.

The ticking, her stare, the sight of the cane resting across her hands, her creamy chocolate thighs teetering up high there in her three-inch spikes: the full effect was the most unnerving sight
I’d ever witnessed … and with Roxanne this past year I had witnessed plenty.

I simply grabbed hold and began stroking hard, the timer a torturous ticking cacophony in my ears as I attempted to concentrate. Though woefully turned on since Roxanne had knocked, come in,
thrown off her coat, revealed her outfit – and that fucking cane and timer! – standing before her now I wasn’t so sure I’d be able to come in the time allotted to do so.

“Two forty-five,” Roxanne announced as I willed myself not to look at the timer.

“You are not going to like the cane, Steve,” my girlfriend added. “It really hurts. Like a pinpoint rising heat.”

Did I dare even imagine how she knew this?

“Fuck,” I cried, pulling and huffing.

Roxanne smiled as I gulped, thrusting her crotch out to me even further. The bottom of her non-existent skirt shifted up her thick thighs; really all I had to do was dip my head to get the full
view. Dangerously attracted to this voluptuous black girl as I was – obsessed actually – I could never really take my eyes off of any naked part of Roxanne when she presented it to me.
It was mostly for this reason, my ache for Roxanne’s body, sexuality, her mind, with her mind where it concerned her sexuality and body, that I had entertained the amount of kinkiness we got
into. In all my thirty-one years I had never been so adventurous.

If I really considered it, this was why I had let the more submissive part of my sexual needs flourish here with this girl. This past year had been a whirlwind (at least for me), finding a girl
like Roxanne who would play the dominant … and like doing so. God knows I had dabbled a few times with girlfriends who indulged me, but never to this degree, and with a partner who could
think up shit like this timer game! In fact there had been more than a few instances when I feared I might not be able to take her latest torture, that I would disappoint her in my obvious naivety,
that sooner or later I’d break under her and she’d find a better, more subservient man with a bigger cock and more experience.

And of course this imagined tenuous sexual entrance I was allowed made me want to please her all the more.

“I thought this would have been easy for you,” Roxanne said. “I mean, don’t you jerk off like ten times a day as it is? I can’t believe you can’t do
this.” Then, looking to her right at the timer, she added: “Two minutes. I don’t know if you’re gonna make it.”

“Fuck!” I growled, managing my thumb and middle finger on either side, just below the head of my cock. This is the one position I know always provokes a release.

“Better hurry,” my girlfriend cooed then leant well forwards, elbows on her spread knees, and the cane rolled to the edge of her fingers. She held that dangerous cane out like an
offering between us.

“Looks like about a minute fifteen.”

“Shzza, shnizz,” the cane said as Roxanne sliced a wrist-flick of a space directly in front of her.

“Mmm, this is gonna leave welts.”


I huffed. I jerked faster. I rolled up on my tiptoes.

“Tick tick tick,” my girlfriend sang, then sat back once again and with her free hand pulled her skirt up so it bared her completely.

Staring at and into those glistening bald spread lips, I finally felt that unmistakable lurch right under my belly button. I spread the palm of my left hand right under that area and clutched my
ass cheeks.

“Forty seconds, Steve.” With this Roxanne stood. “You’re gonna remember that sound a long time, I bet,” she said looking back at the timer. She took six
clicking-heeled steps to me, stood towering over me and looked down at my suffering purple cock.

“Time’s running out.”

“Roxanne!” I cried, writhing there, pulling, shucking. God, could I come?

Tick, tick.

“Not gonna make it.”

I could smell her. I could feel her heavy tits poking me. Feel her warmth next to me . . .

Still . . . tick tick.

“Steve . . .”

Pre-come! Blessed, beautiful, clear and sticky pre-come.



“Oh God.”


“You’re not gonna make it,” Roxanne teased.


“Bthling,” the timer brayed. Roxanne laughed and a fount jettisoned out of my taut engorged head.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I managed while milking myself down onto my wooden floor. Roxanne held tight to me and she too began to shake, clutched tightly against the upper part of the side
of my leg.

I could feel her pussy throbbing as she clutched round me tighter.

“St . . . Steve,” she said, riding a shallow stuttering orgasm.


I kept pumping the thick juice out of my cock as my girlfriend spread her legs on my thigh and rolled her pussy into me and came too.

“Wow,” Roxanne said, coming down off her little crest finally. “We … we could not have timed that better,” she continued, looking down with me at the puddle on the
floor. “Wow, look at all that.”

For that next minute we clutched each other and rode out the lasting effects of the entire escape (three minutes in the making as it had been!).

“You really were gonna use that, huh?” I asked, finally turning to kiss Roxanne.

“I still might,” she said after releasing from the lip lock. “Now that you came the next time it’s gonna be even harder.”

“You are evil,” I said.

“And you love it,” my sweet Roxanne answered.


Lisa, Huddersfield

My mum used to tell me it was always the quiet ones that I should watch out for. I had never really paid much attention to that until one quiet Tuesday morning when I was sat
behind the till.

I was stood reading the latest selection of women’s magazines that had come in until the tinkling of the bell above the door let me know that someone had entered. Looking up, I could see
him making his way over to the magazines. As guys go he was pretty good-looking; his chocolate-coloured hair flopped down slightly over his face in a cute, almost boyish way. He was dressed smartly
in a suit of high-quality material, the type only someone with money can buy.

I continued to watch him, peering over my magazine; you can’t be too careful these days, you have to watch everyone who comes in. He didn’t notice me looking at him as he glanced up
and down the aisle nervously. Once he had assured himself that no one else was around he reached up and pulled down one of the top-shelf magazines. Even from where I stood I could see he had gone
bright red with embarrassment. Forcing back a smile I looked back down, trying to seem engrossed in my magazine. I sensed his presence at the counter before I looked up again, his scent winding
over me: a musty earthy smell that made my stomach knot and knees go weak.

“Um . . . just this, please.” His voice was soft as he spoke, the hushed tones of someone afraid their conversation would be overheard. I looked up and found myself gazing into his
soft brown eyes, wishing he would speak more. His eyes sparkled with intelligence and I felt myself blushing just as much as he was. Biting my lip, something I do when I’m nervous, I rang the
magazine through the till and placed it in a bag. As I handed it over our hands met, his warmth flooding through me. The moment passed and he smiled at me before leaving. After he left my mind
filled with lots of naughty thoughts involving the two of us.

For the next month I found myself jumping every time the bell rang, looking to see if it was him, but he remained elusive although he filled my every waking hour and presented himself to me in
my dreams. Although our meeting had been brief he seemed to have affected me like no man had done before.

At last the month came to an end, bringing with it the monthly magazines, all of which needed to be put out. A task I enjoy because it allows me to preview them and see what whets my

While I was putting the magazines out the bell tinkled.

“I’ll be with you in a moment,” I called, continuing to place the myriad of magazines on the shelves in their respective positions. I could hear soft shoes moving around the
aisles. Finally I got to the last few magazines of the pile. As I started to put them out I felt the close presence of the person as they moved down to the magazine section. From the corner of my
eye I saw to my delight it was the man I’d been hoping would come in.

Turning to look at him, my heart sang when he smiled at me and reached over. Unsure as to what was about to happen I stood still. Once more his soft voice surrounded me, and his delightfully
sexy blush blossomed.

“Young lady, would you mind if I saved you the trouble of putting that on the shelves by buying it?”

Smiling at the “young lady” comment, which I took to be a compliment, I realized he was being a lot more forward this time around. Nodding, I let him take the magazine from my hands,
relishing his touch. Side by side we walked back to the counter. I stopped as I got to the part of the counter that would allow me to pass and gain access to the till. I turned briefly to look at
him as I did so. However, I had stopped so suddenly that he walked into me. Face to face, my body pressed against his. For a moment neither of us moved. I could feel the heat from his body. My
heart pounded in my chest and all words failed me. Speechless I stood staring into his eyes, my legs wobbling. Reaching out, I held onto the countertop for stability. He looked at me and leaned
down. Thinking he was going to kiss me and wanting it so badly, I tilted my head upwards ready to feel his lips upon mine. I was disappointed when he moved and lifted up the counter for me. From
the way his eyes twinkled and the large grin he gained, I knew that he knew exactly what he was doing.

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