The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica (56 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica
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A collective gasp went up from the bridesmaids.

“Oh no, the reception has just started. You have to wear the dress for the reception pictures,” scolded Victoria, the militant maid-of-honour. “And stop messing with your hair,
you’ll pull out the curls.”

Me, with curls piled on top of my head. Me, in lace underwear. Me, in taffeta. It was some sort of wedding nightmare and I had agreed to this agony. “Shoot me now,” I muttered. For
the sake of my big brother’s future happiness, I left the curls, the itchy lace underwear and the hideous dress alone.

The girls powdered their noses and we moseyed en masse back out to reception room of the Crystal River Country Club. Camera flashes blinded me as everyone but the waiters took my picture. I was
trying to be a good sport, but I was stumbling around half-blind and unfortunately sober. I danced with the father of the bride, who said I looked lovely; I danced with my own father, who said
he’d lost a fifty-dollar bet with my brother that I would actually keep the dress on through the reception and I smiled pretty for the endless amateur photographers who wanted just one more

Finally, I’d had enough. I grabbed an open bottle of champagne from one of the tables, hiked up the miserable taffeta dress with my free hand and stalked outside before another wedding
guest told me how pretty I was or another drunk guy asked for my phone number.

“Hey babe, where you running off to?”

The voice came from the shadows cast by the palatial white columns of the country club’s entrance. I saw the flicker of a cigarette, but little else. At first I thought it was one more guy
attempting to score at a wedding. “Some place where taffeta gowns and lace underwear don’t exist,” I muttered, stalking past my interrogator.

“Too bad. I was working up the nerve to ask you to dance.”

The voice was deep, but not that deep. I paused mid-stride and turned. “What makes you think I’d want to dance with you?”

She stepped out of the shadows and leered at me, her tanned face bare of anything more than a glisten of perspiration from the steamy Florida heat. “Because I hear I’m your

Her hair looked like she spent a lot of time running her hands through it. It was short, red and tousled like she’d just climbed out of bed. My gut reaction was instant and surprising. I
was turned on by her just-fucked hair. The rest of her wasn’t so bad, either. She was tall and lean and dressed all in black – black shirt, black pants, black jacket, black shoes. The
red hair above the unrelenting black was striking. It was also unmistakably a family trait because Ginny, the taffeta-happy bride, had the same colour hair, albeit longer and more fashionably

“I’m Jae, Ginny’s sister.” I’d heard about Jae, the nature photographer who was currently living somewhere in the wilds of Australia. Heard of her, but in the two
years my brother had been with Ginny, never met her. She was at least ten years older than me and sexy as hell in a confident, quiet way.

It figured I would be wearing taffeta when I met the dyke of my dreams.

“I just got in this afternoon, so I missed the rehearsal dinner,” she went on, taking a drag off her cigarette before flicking it away. “I’ve been waiting all night for
Ginny to introduce me to her hot new sister-in-law, but she’s been a little preoccupied.”

“I guess you know I’m Beth.”


The silence was awkward. I was actually nervous. Picking up chicks at weddings while wearing a gown is kind of outside my area of expertise.

Voices drifted to us from just inside the country club doors. Jae grabbed my arm and pulled me behind one of the columns. I was so startled, I nearly dropped the champagne.

“What — ?”

She put her fingertips over my mouth. “Sshh. They’ll be looking for you to take more pictures.”

With that, my mouth slammed shut and I nearly took her finger off at the knuckle. Sure enough, I heard someone call my name. One of the bridesmaids, it sounded like. I snuggled up against Jae
and waited for the door to open again.

“Thanks,” I murmured, suddenly aware of how close we were.

She kissed me, hard. Her breath tasted of wine and cigarettes. She slid her hands around the back of my dress as she hauled me up tight against her. She was several inches taller than me, but my
heels took away some of that advantage, bringing us hip to hip. I pulled back slightly, laughing. Even through layers of taffeta, I could tell she was packing.

She gave a little tug that sent my curls tumbling in black ringlets down my back. “Let’s get out of here.”

I didn’t attempt to play coy. She knew I wanted her as soon as she kissed me. Hard to argue otherwise when I’d just had her tongue down my throat. She grabbed my hand and I hung on
to her as tightly as I was hanging on to the champagne bottle. We took off around the side of the country club, running full out for the golf course. I couldn’t keep up with Jae while wearing
heels, so I kicked them off and groaned as the blood rushed back into my toes. Jae just laughed and pulled me along, stumbling on the hem of my dress as we ran.

The rolling hills of the golf course were dark and silent and blissfully free of people with cameras. When we were a safe distance from the country club, we slowed to a walk. Somewhere around
the ninth hole, we flopped down on the green, the pink taffeta billowing out around me like a puddle of Pepto-Bismol. I took a long drink from the champagne bottle and passed it to Jae.

“Whatcha got on under that dress?” she asked, leaning toward me on one elbow, her bottom lip glistening from the champagne. She looked predatory, like she wanted to eat me. I kind of
hoped she did.

“Itchy lace underwear your sister made me wear.”

“Poor little baby dyke.” She made a tsking sound as she took another hit from the bottle and put it down beside us.

“Who you calling a baby?”

She was quick. She rolled me over onto my back in one swift move and pinned my arms above my head. “You, baby.”

“Okay,” I whispered, my voice sounding as shaky as I felt.

She kissed me again, sucking my bottom lip between her teeth and nipping it until I moaned. The rustle of my dress was the only noise for the next several minutes as she kissed me breathless.
When we finally came up for air, we were both laughing. A bird sent up a startled cry of response from a stand of trees nearby and I giggled again, lightheaded from the champagne and lust.

Jae licked her bottom lip as if still tasting my mouth. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night.”

I hadn’t even known the legendary Jae was in town, but she’d been watching me all night. It made me grin like a fool. “If I’d known I had that to look forward to, I might
have actually smiled for some of the wedding pictures.”

“Well, if that makes you smile . . .” she said, letting the words trail off as she found the hem of my dress and slid her hand up the inside of my thigh.

I spread my legs for her, but she took her sweet time getting where I wanted her to be. She stroked my thighs softly while she kissed and sucked on my neck. I fumbled under her jacket and found
her nipples through the thin fabric of her shirt. She was slim and small-breasted, but her nipples pebbled like diamonds under my fingers. I tugged them through her shirt and she bit down hard on
my neck.

The dress was cut low and it didn’t take much wiggling on my part for the neckline to slip even lower, baring my lace-covered breasts. She buried her face between my tits, nuzzling them
through the itchy fabric until I reached up and tugged the cups of the bra away from me. She moaned softly as she licked my skin, sucking on the sensitive undersides of my breasts. She toyed with
the lace waistband of my panties while she licked and nibbled her way across my chest.

“I’m going to die here if you don’t touch me,” I gasped when I couldn’t stand her teasing any longer.

Her laughter was muffled against my chest but she didn’t refuse me. She stroked down my stomach and then lower, running her fingers over my panty-covered mound. When she found the crotch
of my panties wet and clinging to me, she whisked them away and tossed them on the grass beside the champagne bottle. By now, my dress was up around my waist and the cool grass was tickling me
intimately, but I wasn’t complaining.

Jae pulled away from me and I made a little whimper of protest, but she didn’t go far. She knelt between my legs and stripped off her jacket, then rolled up the sleeves of her shirt as if
she intended to go to work on me. I shivered as she used her thumbs to hold me open. She looked at my cunt like she was starving for a good meal.

“Baby, you’re almost as pink inside as that damned dress.”

I couldn’t have given her a smart-assed retort if I wanted to, because at that moment she leaned forward and sucked my clit into her mouth just as hard as she’d sucked my bottom lip
a few moments before. I let out a whimper, clamping my thighs around her head and burrowing my fingers in her short, silky hair.

She nursed on my clit, alternately lapping and nibbling at it until I was writhing beneath her. I felt her shift, her hands sliding away from my hips. I raised myself up on my elbows and watched
her fumble with her pants. She dragged them down her thighs until I could see what she was packing. The dildo was tucked inside a pouch and she pulled it free.

“Want my dick, baby dyke?” she whispered, stretching out on top of me, one hand braced against the ground, the other guiding the dildo between my spread thighs.

“I want whatever you’ll give me.”

She drove it into me, deep and hard, and I screamed with the suddenness of it. Keeping up that hard, fast rhythm, she pressed her wet cunt against my thigh and moved with me. I clutched at her
back, moaning as she fucked me, sending a couple more birds into frenzied flight.

“Keep your voice down or the police will be out here.”

I yanked at her shirt until a button popped. I pulled it away from her body and bit down on her shoulder to keep from screaming again. I could feel her muscles tense and flex as she rode my
thigh and fucked me with the dildo. She slid higher on my body, until her tits were in my face. I pulled one of her hard, rubbery nipples into my mouth and sucked it, feeling her grind even harder
against my thigh.

“Oh, God, you’re driving me crazy,” I gasped as she dragged the dildo out of my cunt and thrust it back in. “You’re gonna make me come on your big dick.”

“That’s the idea, baby.”

I was incoherent after that. She fucked me hard and steady, and we were sliding across the grass, propelled by the slippery taffeta of my dress. I had visions of us splashing into a water
hazard, but she drove that thought from my mind as she pummeled my throbbing cunt.

I sucked hard on her nipples until she was humping my thigh so hard I knew I would have a bruise in the morning. Despite her warning me to be quiet, her own moans wafted across the still golf

“Fuck me,” I begged, every inch of my body straining for release. “Please.”

She angled the dildo up high and hard and that was all it took. My body convulsed around the thickness of the dick inside me and I wrapped my arms and legs around her as if I would never let her
go. She fucked me steadily, riding out my orgasm while I clung to her and panted her name.

I managed to roll her over as my orgasm faded to a gentle pulse. I was so weak I couldn’t do much more for a few minutes than lie on top of her and kiss her. She was still moving against
my thigh, leaving a trail of wetness on my skin.

I finished unbuttoning her shirt and kissed my way down her chest and across her stomach. Her cunt smelled like heaven, musky and sweet with arousal. I gave a quick swipe up the length of her
slit and felt her jump. Sluggish from coming so hard, I settled between her legs, my dress still hiked up to my waist and the humid night air blowing a tepid breeze across my fevered cunt.

I nuzzled her damp thighs, wanting to take my time with her and knowing once I started I wouldn’t be able to slow myself down.

“Eat me, baby,” she growled, her hands reaching for my decimated curls. She gave a sharp tug and it was all the encouragement I needed. I buried my face between her thighs and
feasted on her like an over-ripe fruit, reveling in the feel of her wetness on my cheeks and chin.

I sucked her clit between my lips and was rewarded with a soft, plaintive cry. I slid two fingers into her wet, clutching cunt and continued to suck her clit as it pulsed like a wild thing
against my lips. She was so hot and ready, it didn’t take long. A few more hard licks and she was coming in my mouth. I kept the flat of my tongue on her clit, feeling every ripple of her
body as she alternately clutched at my hair and pressing at my shoulders.

Finally, I let her push me away. She pulled me up her body and I heard the distinct sound of fabric rending as my knee caught in the taffeta.

“Oh, shit,” she muttered against my neck. I was draped across her body, too exhausted to move. “I think I ripped your dress.”

“That’s okay. It should go nicely with the grass stains.”

“Sorry.” She didn’t sound sorry, she sounded like she was trying not to laugh.

“Please. I don’t care if we torch the dress, just let me get out of it first,” I said, groaning for an entirely different reason than the soreness in my well-used cunt.
“On second thought, I might want to keep it as a souvenir.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

I suddenly had a thought. “You’re the sister of the bride. So how the hell did you get spared the torture of being in the wedding party?”

Jae gave a little tug on my hair that was now spread across her bare tits like a shawl. “Don’t ask.”

“I’m serious. I want to know.”

She chuckled softly, twirling a curl around her finger. “It’s simple, baby dyke. I fucking hate taffeta.”



L. S. Bell

“You’re my servant, Nelly,” Catherine ejaculated. “So get down on your knees and serve me.”

Nelly glanced across at her mistress, not sure how to take the command. She carefully studied the woman’s face, trying to discern some clue from her severe expression. The mane of unruly
dark locks that framed Catherine’s cheeks, and the solemn set of her large dark eyes, gave away nothing about her inner demeanour. Her lips, full, ripe and inviting, were set in a line that
made her emotions inscrutable.

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica
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