The Man Who Invented the Daleks (63 page)

BOOK: The Man Who Invented the Daleks
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Doctor Who

2005 series

support from Huw Wheldon

TN starts work on

impact of first episode

and ‘The Dalek Invasion of Earth’

filming of

and ‘The Chase’

and ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’

changes in 1970s

‘Genesis of the Daleks’ voted best story

decline of in 1980s

for American market

Dr Who and the Daleks


Drake, Charlie

Drama Playhouse

Dudley, Terence

‘Duel’ (
Blake’s 7

‘Dumb Martian’ (
Out of this World

Duncan Smith, Iain

Dunn, Clive

Dyall, Valentine

Dykes, Hugh


Eden, Anthony

Edge of Violence

Edwards, Jimmy

Emery, Dick

Entertainer, The


‘Epitaph for a Hero’ (
The Baron

Evans, Norman

‘Evil of the Daleks, The’ (
Doctor Who

Exton, Clive

Eyers, John

Face to Face

Faith, Adam

‘Fanatics, The’ (
The Champions

‘Feast of Steven, The (
Doctor Who

Fenady, Andrew J.

Fennell, Albert

Ference, Ilona

Farr, Tommy

Ferris, Paul

Fiddick, Peter

Fields, Gracie

Fine Goings On

Fine Romance, A

Fishman, Jack

Fishman, Paul

Five Miles to Midnight’ (
The Persuaders!

Fixers, The

Fleming, Ian

Fleming, Lucy

Flemyng, Gordon


Ford, Carole Ann

Forester, C.S.

Forrest, Steve

Four Just Men, The

‘Fox and the Forest, The (
Story Parade

Frances, Myra

Frankie Howerd, Show, The

Franklyn-Robbins, John

Fraser, Robert

Freeman, Dave

Freeman, Martin

Friday the 13th

Frinton, Freddie

Fuest, Robert

‘Future Hour, The’ (

Galton, Ray

Gates, Bill

Gaunt, William

‘Genesis of the Daleks’ (
Doctor Who

Gert and Daisy’s Wedding Party

Get Happy

Gideon’s Way

Gillis, Pam

Glyn-Jones, John


Good Life, The

Gooderson, David

Goodman, Johnny

Goodwin, Denis

Goon Show, The

Gordon, Colin

Gorrie, John

Grade, Leslie

Grade, Lew

Grade, Michael

Graham, David


Great Scott-It’s Maynard

Greene, Harry

Greif, Stephen

Griffith, Kenneth

Griffiths, Leon

Guardian, The

Guyler, Deryk


Hancock, Cicely

Hancock, Roger

Hancock, Tim

Hancock, Tony

Calling All Forces

becomes successful comedian

The Rebel

start work with TN

and critical reaction to

splits from TN

and the Daleks


Hancock’s Half Hour

Handley, Tommy

Hardy, Robert

Harper, Gerald

Harris, Richard

Harris, Vernon

Harrison, Godfrey

Hartnell, William

Hawkins, Peter

Hawtrey, Charles

Hayes, Patricia

Haynes, Arthur

Heath, Edward

Heffer, Richard

Hendry, Ian

Henty, G.A.

Herbert, James

‘Highlanders, The’ (
Doctor Who

Hill, Benny

Hill, Jacqueline

Hinchcliffe, Peter

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The

Hodges, Adrian

Hodgson, Brian

Holmes, Robert

Hope, Bob

Horler, Sydney

Hound of the Baskervilles, The
(Conan Doyle)

House in Nightmare Park, The

Howard, Michael

Howerd, Frankie

Hoyle, Trevor

Hulke, Malcolm

Hutchinson, Leslie ‘Hutch’

Hyland, Ian

Idiot Weekly, The

‘I’m Gonna Spend My Christmas with a

Dalek’ (Go-Go’s)

‘Immigrant’ (
Out of this World

‘Imposter’ (
Out of this World

Incredible Robert Baldick, The

‘Inescapable Word, The’ (
The Saint

Inns, George

‘Invasion of the Earthmen’ (
The Avengers

Island, The’ (
The Baron

Island of Sheep, The

It Happened Here



It’s a Fair Cop


rise of

and ATV franchise

drama on


Jack Benny Half Hour, The


Jackley, Nat

Jackson, David

Jacobs, W.W.

Jacques, Hattie

James, Clive

James, Donald

James, M.R.

James, Sid

‘Jeannine’ (
The Saint

Jeffrey, Peter

Jenkin, Patrick

Jenkins, Roy

Jesus of Nazareth

Jimmy Logan Show, The

Johns, W.E.

Johnston, Alastair Scott

Jones, Gareth

Jones, Jack

Jones, Melvyn

Journey Into Space

Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Junkin, Harry W.

Junkin, John

starts working with TN

writes for
The Fixers

writes for
The Idiot Weekly

writes for

writes for
Calling the Stars

writes for
Fine Goings On

writes for
Variety Playhouse

writes for
It’s a Fair Cop

starts writing for television

partnership with TN ends

writes for
And the Same to You

Slater’s Day

‘K Is for Killing’ (Thriller)

Karloff, Boris

Kavanagh, Ted

Keating, Michael

Kendall, Kenneth

‘Keys of Marinus, The’ (
Doctor Who

Khardomah café

‘Killing, The’ (
The Baron

Kine, Jack

Kiss Before Dying, A

Kitt, Eartha

Kneale, Nigel

Knyvette, Sally

Lair of the White Worm, The

Lambert, Verity

Armchair Theatre

Doctor Who

announces return of the Daleks

and success of the Daleks

on Aridians

on ‘The Chase’

Doctor Who

‘Last Laugh, The’ (

‘Law and Order’ (

Lawrence, Marjie

Le Mesurier, Joan

Lee, John

‘Legacy of Death’ (
The Avengers

Lester, Richard

Letts, Barry

Levin, Ira

Leyden, Leo

‘Lida’ (
The Saint

‘Lights of London’ (

Lill, Dennis


‘Little Lost Robot’ (
Out of this World

Lloyd, Jeremy

Lloyd, Sue

Lockyer, Malcolm

Logan, Jimmy

London Weekend Television

Look Back in Anger

Luke, Peter

Lynsted Park

Lynsted Park Producations Ltd

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