The Man Who Saw a Ghost: The Life and Work of Henry Fonda (67 page)

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Authors: Devin McKinney

Tags: #Biographies & Memoirs, #Arts & Literature, #Actors & Entertainers, #Humor & Entertainment, #Movies, #Biographies, #Reference, #Actors & Actresses

BOOK: The Man Who Saw a Ghost: The Life and Work of Henry Fonda
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Gunther, John

Gussow, Mel

Hall, Leonard


Hammerstein, Oscar II

Hammerstein, William

Handke, Peter


Harris, Jed

Harrison, George

Hart, Jeffrey

Hart, William S.

Hartfield, John

Hartman Theater Company (Stamford, Connecticut)

Harvey, Laurence

Haskell, Molly

Hathaway, Henry

Hawkins (reviewer)

Hawks, Howard

Hay, John

Hayden, Tom

Hayes, Helen

Hays Office

Hayward, Bill

Hayward, Bridget (daughter of Margaret Sullavan)

Hayward, Brooke (daughter of Margaret Sullavan)


Hayward, Leland

Hearst, William Randolph

Heggen, Tom

suicide of

Heimer, Mel

Helen Hayes Theatre (New York)

Heller, Joseph


Hell’s Angels

Hemingway, Ernest

Across the River and into the Trees

Henie, Sonja

Henry Fonda and the Family
(TV special)

Henry Fonda’s Bel Air Hive honey brand

Henry Fonda Special, The
(TV show)

Hepburn, Audrey

Hepburn, Katharine

Herndon, William B.

Herr, Michael,

Heston, Charlton

Heydt, Louis Jean

Hinckley, John

Hired Hand, The

Hiroshima bombing

Hiss, Alger

Histoires extraordinaires

Hitchcock, Alfred

Hitler, Adolf

Hoberman, J.

Hodiak, John

Hofstadter, Richard

Holbrook, Hal

Holden, William


radicalism in
threat to stage theaters
turn toward respectability

Hollywood Canteen

Hollywood Renaissance

Hollywood Ten



Hoover, J. Edgar

Hoover, John H.

Hope, Bob

Hopper, Dennis

Houdini, Harry

Houghton, Norris

House Beautiful

House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)

House Divided, A

Houseman, John

Howard, Ronnie

How the West Was Won

Humphrey, Hal

Hunter, Glenn

Huntington Hartford Theatre (Los Angeles)

Huntley, Chet

Hurry Sundown

Huston, John

Huston, Walter

Hyannisport, Massachusetts


Idaho Transfer

I Dream Too Much

Ike from Abilene


I Loved You Wednesday


Immortal Sergeant



massacres by
massacres of

Indochina Peace Campaign


In Harm’s Way


In the Cool of the Day

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Invitation to a March



Is Zat So?




Jaques, Elliott

Jaynes, Herberta Lamphear (mother)

death of

Jefferson, Thomas

Jenner, William E.

Jesse James

Jest, The

Jews, European



Joe, a musician

Johnson, Erskine

Johnson, James Weldon

Johnson, Sir John

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnson, Nunnally

Jones, Preston

Journey of Simon McKeever, The

Kael, Pauline

Kafka, Franz

kamikaze attacks

Kane, Mrs. Robert

Kaneohe, Hawaii

Kanin, Garson

Kansas City, Missouri

Katharine Gibbs Secretarial School

Kaufman, George S.

Kazan, Elia

Keith, Brian

Kelly, Emmett

Kelly, Gene

Kennedy, Burt

Kennedy, Jackie

Kennedy, John F.

assassination of
health problems
Profiles in Courage

Kennedy, Joseph, Sr.

Kennedy, Robert

Kennedy Center (Washington, D.C)


Kerr, Geoffrey

Kerr, Jean

Kerr, Walter

Kerry, John

Kesey, Ken

Kibbee, Roland

Kilgallen, Dorothy

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Kiss for Cinderella, A


Knight, Dr. Robert P.

Knotts, Don

Knox, Mickey

Korda, Alexander

Korean War

Ku Klux Klan

La Curie

Lady Eve, The

Lafayette, Indiana

Laird, Melvin

Lancaster, Burt

Lane, Mark

Lang, Fritz

Lang, Jennings

Lardner, John

La Ronde

Lasky, Jesse L.

La Stampa

Last Four Days, The

Laughton, Charles

Laurent, Lawrence

Lawford, Peter

Lawrence, Jerome

Lawson, John Howard

Leachman, Cloris

Lear, Norman

Leatherbee, Charles

leaving one alone

Lee, Robert E. (general)

Lee, Robert E. (playwright)

Leggett, John

Lemmon, Jack

Lempert, Julius

Lennon, John

Lenox Hill Hospital (New York)

Leone, Sergio

Leopold, Nathan

LeRoy, Mervyn

Les Félins

Leslie Fiedler

Let Us Live

Levin, Ira

Lewis, Jerry

Lewis, Sinclair

liberals in American politics


Lifetime Achievement Award


Lillian Russell

Limey, The

Lincoln, Abraham

destiny of
HF’s attraction to
life of

Little Big Man

Little Theatre movement

Litvak, Anatole

Loeb, Richard

Loebeck, Agnes

Logan, Joshua

London, England

Longest Day, The

Long Night, The

Los Angeles

guesthouse on Cielo Drive, Bel Air
house on Chalon Road, Bel Air
house on Monaco Drive, Pacific Palisades
house on South Chadbourne Avenue, Brentwood
house on Tigertail Road, Beverly Hills
unnamed theatre in

Losers, The
(film project)

Louisville, Kentucky

Love, Robert

Love Story

Loyalists (Spain)


Luce, Henry

Lumet, Sidney

Lunt, Alfred



Lynde, Edwin

Lyons, Leonard


MacArthur, Douglas

MacKenzie, Bob

MacMurray, Fred


Mad Miss Manton, The

Maestretti, A. J.

Magnificent Dope, The

Mailer, Norman

Majestic Theatre (New York)

Maland, Charles J.

Male Animal, The

Malibu, California

Maltz, Albert

Mamoulian, Rouben

Manchurian Candidate, The

Manhattan Eye Bank

Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, The

Mankiewicz, Herman

Mankiewicz, Joseph L.

Mann, Anthony

Manners, Dorothy

Manson, Charles

Manson, Edward

Man Who Understood Women, The

Man with a Cause, A
(radio program)

March, Fredric

Marcus, Greil

Marquand, John P.

Marshall, George

Martin, Dean

Martin, Strother

Marx Brothers

Mattes, Merrill J.

Matthau, Walter

(TV sitcom)

Maugham, Somerset


MCA Television

McBride, Joseph

McCabe and Mrs. Miller

McCarthy, Joseph

McCarthy era

McClain (reviewer)

McCormick, Myron

McCoy, Horace

McCrea, Joel

McDonald, Alan

McDonald, Eugene III

McDowall, Roddy

McGiver, John

McGovern, George

McGuinn, Jim

Meade, George

Meader, Vaughn

Mean Streets

medicine, rejected by Christian Science


Menninger Clinic (Kansas)

mental hospitals

Meredith, Burgess

Merrick, Mike

Merton of the Movies


Other books

Stranded With a Billionaire by Clare, Jessica
Dirty Fire by Earl Merkel
The Life of Objects by Susanna Moore
7th Sigma by Steven Gould
Shaken Up by Alex Morgan
Shameless by Clark, Rebecca J.
Beyond Black: A Novel by Hilary Mantel
100 Unfortunate Days by Crowe, Penelope
The Winston Affair by Howard Fast