The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin (43 page)

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Page 220
“That journalist was indeed”:
Putin speaking at a press conference in Dresden, Oct. 10, 2006.
. Accessed June 27, 2011.

Page 223
“As I lie here”:
Goldfarb and Litvinenko, p. 335.

Page 225
Putin had him killed:
Author interview with Alexander Goldfarb, London, June 6, 2011;
Sasha, Volodya, Boris …


Page 227
“The … elections … failed”:
OSCE PA International Election Observation Mission Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions.
. Accessed June 14, 2011.

Page 228
condescending but approving editorial:
“Russians Inch Toward Democracy,” unsigned editorial,
New York Times
, Dec. 8, 2003.
. Accessed June 14, 2011.

Page 228
mammoth news story:
David Holley and Kim Murphy, “Election Bolsters Putin’s Control,”
Los Angeles Times
, Dec. 8, 2003.
. Accessed June 14, 2011.

Page 228
whole story right in the headline:
“Racists, Killers and Criminals Run for Duma,”
National Post
, Dec. 6, 2003.

Page 228
“a democrat’s nightmare”:
“Putin’s Way,”
, Dec. 11, 2003.
. Accessed June 14, 2011.

Page 229
considerably less enthusiastic:
“Bush and Putin: Best of Friends,”
BBC News
, June 16, 2001.
. Accessed July 11, 2011.

Page 229
abrogation of an agreement:
Robert O. Freeman, “Russia, Iran and the Nuclear Question: The Putin Record,” a publication of the Strategic Studies Institute.
. Accessed July 11, 2011.

Page 229
several billion dollars a year:
See, for example, “Russia Signs Arms Deals with Arab States Totaling $12 Billion,” unsigned news story on
. Accessed July 11, 2011.

Page 230
appointed a liberal economist:
The economist was German Gref, and the think tank was Tsentr strategicheskih razrabotok (Center for Strategic Initiatives).

Page 232
something remarkable happened:
Author interview with Andrei Illarionov, Moscow, June 2011; Andrei Illarionov, “Slovo i delo,”
, no. 134 (2007), pp. 83–147.

Page 234
“The esprit de corps was like”:
Author interview with William Browder, London, May 13, 2011.

Page 235
devising ways to squeeze cash:
The Oligarchs.

Page 236
“Those who wanted to make”:
Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Leonid Nevzlin,
Chelovek s
. Accessed July 16, 2011.

Page 236
“I would go to our oil rigs”:
Ludmila Ulitskaya and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, “Dialogi,”
, no. 10 (2009).
. Accessed July 16, 2011.

Page 237
“Until that point … I saw”:

Page 238
“Before Pricewaterhouse came along”:
Author interview with Pavel Ivlev, New York City, July 2, 2011.

Page 238
“We would set up”:
Author interview with Charles Krause, New York City, June 30, 2011.

Page 239
I had heard it once:
This talk was given in Zvenigorod on Oct. 27, 2002.

Page 240
Khodorkovsky told Litvinovich to return to Moscow:
Author interview with Marina Litvinovich, December 2009.

Page 241
two to three times those in the government sector:
“Korruptsiya v Rossii—tormoz ekonomicheskogo rosta,” a slide presentation acquired from the Khodorkovsky Press Center in Moscow, June 2011.

Page 241
“Everyone thinks”:
Ya Putina videl!
, p. 284.

Page 242
He got the same smirk on his face:
Video footage of the meeting:
. Accessed July 17, 2011.

Page 242
“It took three or four attempts”:
Author interview with Mikhail Kasyanov, Moscow, May 2011.

Page 242
had “of course” been cleared by the Kremlin:
Author interview with Leonid Nevzlin, Greenwich, Conn., July 1, 2011.

Page 243
“He did not go”:
Author interview with Andrei Illarionov, Moscow, June 2011.

Page 243
“We should … fully support [Putin]”:
Moscow Times
, Jan. 21, 2004. Full text:
. Accessed July 17, 2011.

Page 247
he argued he should be released:
Sergei Magnitsky court testimony, unpublished document.

Page 248
more corrupt than 86 percent of the world:
Transparency International, Global Corruption Reports 2003 and 2010.
. Accessed July 17, 2011. The actual rankings are 86 for 2003 and 154 for 2010, but because of the changing total number of countries in the reports (133 in 2003 and 178 in 2010), I give the figures here as percentages.

Page 248
“Everyone had their own turning point”:
Author interview with Andrei Illarionov, Moscow, June 2011. Illarionov’s subsequent comments are from the same interview.

Page 249
“different set of rails”:
Andrei Illarionov, “Drugaya Strana,” originally published in
, Jan. 27, 2006.
. Accessed July 17, 2011.

Page 250
he fired his cabinet:
“Kasyanov, Mikhail,” unsigned Lentapedia dossier.
. Accessed July 17, 2011.

Page 252
To visit their client:
Author interview with Karina Moskalenko, Strasbourg, July 5, 2011.

Page 253
now run by Putin’s former deputy:
“Miller, Alexei,” an unsigned Lentapedia dossier.
. Accessed July 18, 2011.

Page 253
lasted all of two minutes:
Yelena Lubarskaya, “‘Yuganskneftegaz’utopili v ‘Baikale,’”, Dec. 20, 2004.
. Accessed July 18, 2011. Denis Skorobogat’ko, Dmitry Butrin, and Nikolai Kovalev, “‘Yugansk’ kupili ludi iz ‘Londona,’”
, Dec. 12, 2004.
. Accessed July 18, 2011. “Russia to Hold Yukos Auction Despite US Ruling,” unsigned news story on MSNBC.
. Accessed July 18, 2011.

Page 254
in the course of a rigged auction:
“‘Rosneft’ kupila ‘Baikalfinansgrup,’ poluchiv control nad ‘Yuganskneftegazom,’” unsigned news story,
. Accessed July 18, 2011.

Page 254
net worth at $40 billion:
Luke Harding, “Putin, the Kremlin Power Struggle, and the $40bn Fortune,”
, Dec. 21, 2007.
. Accessed July 18, 2011.

Page 255
“we knew this was not money”:
Author interview with Sergei Kolesnikov, Helsinki, June 2011.

Page 257
the Black Sea project existed:
Roman Anin, “Dvortsovaya ploshad 740 tysyach kvadratnykh metrov,”
Novaya Gazeta
, Feb. 14, 2011.
#sup. Accessed July 19, 2011. Pavel Korobov and Oleg Kashin, “Vot chego-chego, a kontrollerov u nas khvatayet,”
, April 20, 2011.
. Accessed July 19, 2011.

Page 257
“Either you have me help you”:
Author interview with Yuli Dubov, London, June 6, 2011.

Page 258
Putin pocketed the 124-diamond Super Bowl ring:
Jacob Gershman, “Putin Pockets Patriots Ring,” New York
, June 28, 2005.
. Accessed July 19, 2011. Donovan Slack, “For Putin, It’s a Gem of a Cultural Exchange,”
Boston Globe
, June 29, 2005.
. Accessed July 19, 2011; “Vladimir Putin poluchil persten s 124 brilliantami,” unsigned news item,
, June 30, 2005.
. Accessed July 19, 2011. Putin’s comment that he “could kill someone with this” was recounted by Robert Kraft’s wife, Myra; see “Myra Kraft: Putin Stole Robert’s Ring,”
Jewish Russian Telegraph
, March 18, 2007.
. Accessed Oct. 31, 2011.

Page 258
New York’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum:
Art consultant Nic Iljine recounts the incident in his essay “Guggenheim 24/7,” in Laura K. Jones, ed.,
A Hedonist’s Guide to Art
(London: Filmer, 2010); see, for instance:

Page 258
costs about $300 in Moscow:
Here, for example, it is listed for 8,200 rubles:
. Accessed July 19, 2011.

Page 259
Andrei Illarionov discovered:
Author interview with Andrei Illarionov, Moscow, June 2011.


Page 262
the Russian blogosphere consisted:
Interview with Bruce Eitling and John Kelly, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Nov. 7, 2008.

Page 264
editors pulled their stories:
In March 2011, Dozhd, an Internet TV channel, canceled the program
Grazhdanin Poet
over a sketch skewering Medvedev. General Director Natalya Sindeeva explained in a statement that she did not want to insult Medvedev personally.
. Accessed Nov. 10, 2011. I had several similar experiences as editor of
, where the publisher, for example, made me remove a reference to a British newspaper article in which Medvedev was called “Putin’s assistant.”

Page 264
“We know they are now lying low”:
“Putin poruchil spetssluzhbam ‘vykovyryat’ terroristov so dna kanalizatsii,” unsigned news item on
, March 30, 2010.
. Accessed Nov. 10, 2011.

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