The Mane Squeeze (21 page)

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Authors: Shelly Laurenston

BOOK: The Mane Squeeze
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His tongue slid inside her and Gwen’s eyes closed, her back arching a bit. Well, if nothing else, the man had the basics down, using his tongue to make her wet and crazy while he held her firmly. As he licked her, Gwen quickly forgot about anything but what he was doing to her. He teased her, taking his time, playing with her body. She enjoyed every second of it and, as she felt that first orgasm coming her way, his mouth moved and she felt his lips wrap around her clit. She groaned, the first orgasm easing through her. Until Lock did…something. Something so astounding, her entire body quaked, his lips tightening around her clit and twisting one way, then another, then tugging. Or something. Whatever he was doing, the original, slow-moving orgasm was brutally shoved away for the promise of something stronger and more powerful than she could have ever dreamed of. Gwen’s entire body bowed, her hands holding the pillow against her face out of courtesy to his neighbors. His lips twisted again, tugged, pulled, and Gwen almost shot off the bed. Her legs started to close of their own volition, but big, powerful hands pinned them down, making her eyes cross from the simple action.

Shaking, sweating, the orgasm bearing down on her yet still somehow out of her reach, Gwen allowed her body and desires to rule this moment with this man. She trusted him to take care of her, and knowing that made her groans deeper, her gasps louder.

His hands began to move, and the touch of his fingers against her skin was more intense than anything she’d ever known. Ever felt. One hand wrapped around her breast, his fingers squeezing and tugging the same as what his mouth was doing to her clit. Two thick fingers from his other hand pushed inside her, fucking her hard. He was relentless, almost brutal. But he didn’t hurt her. Far from it.

It was that mix of restrained strength with unending determination that took her over the edge. She came so hard that only his strong arms pinning her thighs down kept her on the bed, and his wonderful-smelling pillow muffled her screams.

Gwen’s body shuddered and writhed until she relaxed back, her breath coming out in hard pants. But her panting quickened, her body tightening again, and she realized as her brain cleared that he hadn’t stopped. His lips were still tugging and pulling, his fingers still playing. As the first wave left her body, the second slammed into her. The pillow went flying and Gwen gasped out his name, gripping the back of his head. She had no idea if she was trying to shove him away or hold him in place. She couldn’t think straight. Hell, she couldn’t think at all.

Every muscle of her body was taut and straining as the second wave roared through her. The pillow was no longer needed because she could barely breathe, much less scream. She held him to her as she rode out the second climax, immediately trying to push him away as it finished with her. But the bear didn’t pull back. He took her up again, his lips twisting and turning her clit until Gwen’s body snapped taut once more. Her fingers yanking at his hair, she begged him to stop, knowing she couldn’t handle more, but he told her, “Not yet, Gwen. One more.” And it crossed her feverish mind that he was speaking clearly while his lips were still working her over.

A third finger was inside her now, stroking and pushing, making her pussy feel too full. But it was the bite of pain that cut through everything and took her one more time. She came screaming with no pillow to block the sound, her body twisting and fighting as Lock held her down.

He finally pulled away, and Gwen crashed onto the bed, not realizing until that moment that only her shoulders had been resting on the mattress.

Once Lock moved away, Gwen managed to drag herself into a ball, shuddering and sweating, her teeth chattering, her body shaking, and she wondered if she’d ever recover from this.


Lock stared down at Gwen and wondered if he’d gone a bit too far. But he couldn’t help himself. The more she came, the more he’d wanted to see her do it again.

He leaned in a bit. “Gwen?” He touched her shoulder. “Gwen? Are you okay?”

Hospital. He had to get her to a hospital. Whether she wanted to go or not. Lock went to stand up, but Gwen’s hand reached out, gripping his throat.
. She raised her head, her sweat-drenched hair nearly covering her eyes, and said, “Marry me.”

Hiding his immense relief, Lock replied, “Shouldn’t we get to know each other better?”

“What else is there to know?” she asked, her eyes gazing hungrily on his mouth, the fingers of her free hand reaching up and brushing against them gently. Lock’s eyes closed from the contact, the pleasure of it making him shudder. “I have all the information I need.”

“You do know there’s more to me than these lips, don’t you?”

“I don’t care.” And Lock laughed as she went on. “Until you I’ve only found men perfect from the neck down—and that’s only if they work out regularly and watch their carbs. But you? You’re perfect from the neck up
the neck down. You’re a god.”

“And once the euphoria wears off, you’re going to be kicking yourself.”

“Then—” she said, slapping her free hand against his face.


“—the euphoria better not wear off.”

He frowned in concern. “Are you sure? Maybe we should wait a little while before we—” Lock’s eyes crossed as her hand reached down and gripped his cock through his jeans.

“I want you inside me. Now, Jersey.”

Panting, his brain unable to think past
Fuck. Girl. Now
, Lock quickly gripped the hand trying to get his jeans unzipped. “Wait.”

“For what?”

He had no idea. Oh! He remembered! Condoms. He needed condoms.

Lock pushed her hands away and rose up on his knees. Shaking his head in an attempt to clear it, he reached over to his side drawer and pulled out the unopened box of condoms. He managed to tear the box open and had a condom in his hand when his zipper slid down and Gwen sunk her hand into his jeans.

He dropped the condom and choked as she gripped and stroked. Frowning, she pulled her hands out and proceeded to push his jeans and boxer briefs down to his knees.

“Oh, my God,” she gasped.



Lock peered down at his cock. “Well,” he offered as explanation, “it’s in a good mood.”

“You’re a grower
a show-er.”

“Gwen? Are you crying?”

“Just a little.” She wiped the tears. “Nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah, but—”

Her hand slapped over his mouth. “Silence is your friend right now.”

When he didn’t try to speak, she removed her hand and placed both on her hips. “Do you know I’m actually concerned I won’t be able to handle this thing?” A few more tears fell. “Do you know how many women actually get to say that sentence in a lifetime…and
mean it

He kept his mouth shut, not wanting her distracted or upset. Not when he wanted her this badly.

“Give me a moment,” she said, and he was afraid she was going to leave the room to sob in private. She didn’t. She simply spread her knees wide, which lowered her down a bit, allowing her easier access to his cock.

And when her mouth wrapped around the head, he really thought he saw God and, not surprisingly…God was a bear.


Lock tasted so good. Better than she’d hoped. Especially when all she could think about was putting his mammoth cock in her mouth. If for no other reason than she wanted to see if she could swallow the whole thing.

Over the years, Gwen had found there were two kinds of men. Men who made eating a woman an art form because they were average—or barely—in size so they had to compensate. And men who were hung like horses but felt that nine-incher somehow exempted them from one of her favorite forms of entertainment.

Yet somehow that Irish luck that had kept Gwen alive all these years deigned to reward on her the highest blessing a woman could hope for. A well-hung man who loved to give his woman head.

Nirvana. She had it.

Gwen took him in her mouth, swallowing him whole. She felt the tip hit the back of her throat and she almost cried a little more when she realized
she wasn’t done!

Relaxing her throat, she kept going until she’d managed to get all of him in. Lock gripped her head and it took her a moment to understand what he was fervently whispering.

“Thank you, God. Thank you.” Over and over again he kept saying it. A more complimentary mantra a woman was not likely to hear. She sucked and used her tongue, shocked when he actually got
inside her mouth. She growled in the back of her throat, making sure he felt the sensation of it vibrating against the tip.

That’s when she felt claws against her head and Lock pulled her off.

“I wasn’t done,” she said.

“You are for now.” Taking deep breaths, he pushed her back on the bed and grabbed the condom. She relaxed back, her elbows keeping her chest up as she raised her knees and spread her legs wide. She wanted to make sure he could see how wet she was for him.

Lock moved so fast, she only had a chance to blink before that condom was on and he was over her. He kissed her first, and the kiss was wonderfully passionate…and desperate. So desperate, she didn’t bother to try and hide the desperation building in her. Why bother when she wanted him so badly?

Gwen kissed him back, her arms wrapping around his neck. His thick arms gripped her under the knees and lifted her legs until they rested over his thighs. He pushed her farther back against the bed and pressed home, his cock sliding into her, filling her, making her ache and come at the same moment. He hadn’t even done anything yet, nothing but pushed inside her, but she came hard on that way-too-big cock, her mouth pressing against his chest to stifle her screams.


What was this woman doing to him? First that blow job that almost had him coming down her throat long before he was ready to and now…God, now, she was coming again. Her muscles tightened around his cock and he felt it down his back and to his toes. He gritted his teeth, ordering himself not to come yet. How unfair would that be? He was not a sixty-second man, and he wouldn’t start now, no matter how amazing Gwen’s pussy felt.

After a few minutes she stopped, her breath coming in hard pants against his nipple—which was definitely not helping—and her hands dug deep into his sides. Then Lock waited a few moments longer. He didn’t want to catch the tail end of anything, so he waited, even while it was killing him, he waited.

Finally, she let out a sigh and relaxed back. The sign he needed, Lock started slow, doing what he could to maintain control, keeping his movements even and…and…

“Oh…oh, God!” she cried out, arching into him.

Wait, wait! He hadn’t even—

But it was too late. Gwen was coming and those damn muscles of hers contracting around him were just too much. He lost it. Pressing his hands against her shoulders, Lock pinned Gwen to the bed and fucked her hard. So hard he knew he couldn’t be doing much for her, except maybe hurting her, but he couldn’t stop. He
stop. Not when it felt this good. God, so good. Nothing. Nothing had ever felt this good be—

He barely bit back a roar as he came, his entire body jerking in time to each ejaculation. When there was nothing left to give, his body collapsed, too weak for anything more. He did, however, manage to fall to the side and not on top of her, but barely.

One of his arms lay listlessly across her chest and he cringed when she pushed it off.

“Gwen—” He had the apology on his lips, all the right words to explain how bad he felt, but she turned toward him, burrowing deep against him.

“Put your arms around me,” she demanded and he did, pulling her tight into his chest and wrapping one of his legs around both of hers. “Perfect,” she sighed seconds before she fell asleep.

Knowing she was the type of woman to tell him if she were disappointed or not, he let his worries go and fell into his own deep sleep a few seconds later.


ock woke up when he felt claws kneading his chest. Not actual claws, thankfully she had those sheathed, but those girly claws she insisted on keeping.

She wasn’t awake, either, but seemed to enjoy using him as a scratching post while she slept. And it didn’t help that she was purring and rubbing her body against his.

Unable to go back to sleep and unwilling to wake her up, Lock stared up at the ceiling and thought about how relaxed he felt. He hadn’t felt this relaxed in…years. Definitely not since he’d joined the Marines and perhaps even before then.

Whatever. He only knew he liked feeling this way. Liked waking up with Gwen on top of him, and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep her purring like that.

He was so engaged in his thoughts, Lock didn’t immediately realize he’d started petting her, brushing the tips of his fingers against her sides, down her back, across her ass. And when he did realize, he didn’t stop. She had such smooth skin and he loved the feel of it, and thankfully she didn’t seem to mind his rough hands brushing against her.

Soon after, her kneading hands became more insistent, earning a few winces from Lock, but then the kneading stopped and the licking took over. With long strokes of her tongue, she moved up his chest until she reached his neck. Lock groaned when she began to nip at his throat while her fingers dug into his hair and massaged his scalp. He knew she was awake now, turning his head to get a kiss. Her eyes still closed, Gwen instinctively raised her mouth to his.

Their kiss was long, yet moving from sweet to desperate in seconds. Lock’s hands stroked down her back to grip her ass and hold her in place while Gwen pushed her hips into him, the feel of her pussy getting hotter and wetter against Lock’s chest driving him crazy.

He slipped his hand over her ass and between her thighs, pressing his finger deep inside. Gwen pulled from their kiss and threw her head back, the movement of her hips matching that of his hand. “You…you’re the best kisser,” she stuttered, biting her lip as he added a second finger to the first. “I could kiss you for hours…days.”

That sounded perfect to him.

“I…I think I’m gonna come again.”

And that sounded even better. “Then come.”

She still had her eyes closed as she placed her palms on his shoulders, raising herself up as she rocked her hips against his fingers and his chest.

“I could watch you come for hours,” he said, paraphrasing her, “days.”

Her breath caught, her back arched, and her body stiffened. Then, as the orgasm shot through her, her breath left her lungs in a hard rush, thighs shaking as they clung to him, and hands gripping his shoulders in a brutal hold, her nails digging past flesh.

He didn’t care.

She gave a small sob and crashed hard on top of him, her hair covering his chin and neck. He pulled his fingers from her, loving how drenched they were, and carefully rolled to his side while he placed Gwen on her back. She didn’t say anything as she lay there, her eyes still closed. She might have slept again, but Lock didn’t know. And, again, he didn’t care.

He wiped his wet fingers across her right breast and lowered his head, his lips wrapping around her nipple, the taste of Gwen flowing through his mouth. Using only his lips, he twisted and plucked her nipple. Gwen’s body jerked, her hands immediately reaching for him, clinging to him as Lock took his time playing with her.

He’d never enjoyed a woman so much. And even though his cock was so hard it hurt, he had no problem holding back his own release in the entertaining pursuit of hers.

Besides, he had bigger issues to handle than merely coming.


Christ almighty! Were they all like this? How did their females keep this secret for so long? And no wonder there was that exclusive group of cat and canine males who seemed to only date She-bears. She’d never understood it, considering how much bigger and stronger those females sometimes were, but now Gwen got it. She could only imagine what those lips could do to a cock.

The grizzly also had an unbelievable amount of willpower. She could feel his cock pressing against her leg, hard and hot, leaking from the tip, but still he seemed more interested in playing with her nipples and watching her writhe than taking care of himself.

Time meant little as he managed to bring her to the brink of coming again and again—using just his mouth and her nipples—only to pull her back time after time. When she finally thought she might actually lose control and tear his face off with her claws, his hands gripped her ass cheeks and he said, “Gwen.”

She opened her eyes and glared at him. She didn’t want to talk. In fact, she wasn’t sure she

“I really like you.”

Huh? What? What the hell was he rambling about? Shit on a stick! Couldn’t this wait?

“A lot.”

Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Just finish!

“So I want to make this exclusive.”

Wait. What?

“We’ll see how that goes.”

She sensed she should be debating with him for some reason, but his mouth was on her again, and Gwen’s eyes rolled back in her head, her legs shifting restlessly against his sheets, and she started making this mewling sound that on any other day she’d be too embarrassed to make.

“Okay?” he asked after another few minutes.

Huh? What?

“Okay?” he asked again while his fingers tugged at her nipples and although that kept her on the edge it wasn’t his mouth. It wasn’t those lips. “Tell me that’s what you want, too.”

Fine! Whatever! “Yes. God, yes!” She gripped his head between her hands. “We’ll make it exclusive. I’ll be your girlfriend. Go with you to weddings, help you pick out underwear—whatever you want. Anything you want.

She saw that adorable little-boy smile of his right before he said, “Okay” and lowered his head, taking her nipple back into his mouth. He twisted and tugged until she cried out, her hands clinging to him as she came hard.

She crashed to the bed, spent, but she saw his arm reach out to snag a condom before he was inside her, fucking her. She laid there, willing to let him do whatever he needed to after getting her off so perfectly, but to her shock, her body began to respond.

No, she tried to tell him, I can’t do this again. Not again. But she couldn’t manage to speak the words, because she was too busy panting and mewling, and instead of trying to push him off, her arms were wrapping around his shoulders, holding him tight, and instead of trying to get out from under him, her legs were going up and around his waist.

It briefly crossed her mind that this might be how addiction started, but she couldn’t focus on the thought for more than a second or two as the big bastard managed to throw her over that edge again. She screamed against his chest as she clung to him, felt him come with her, his hips jerking against her, burying his cock deeper inside her.

Even after coming like that, he was thoughtful, pulling out of her and moving off to the side before he crashed onto the bed. Thoughtful, but she still didn’t like the loss of his heat and strength when he moved away.

Still panting, she rolled to her side and closer to him. He immediately reached for her, pulling her against his body. She could feel him trembling and knew he had no shame over it. She might have liked that more than anything else.

When she knew she had her voice back, she asked, “So I’m your girlfriend now?”

“Yup. We’re going to attempt what’s known in the nonintellectual world as a rel-a-tion-ship.” He sounded the word out and Gwen struggled not to laugh.

“That was a little tricky,” she accused. “Asking me at that particular moment.”

“I know.” Yet he didn’t apologize, and that made her smile. Bears could be fascinatingly tricky, and she liked that she could no longer pigeonhole them as mere teddy bears with a honey fetish or psychotically unstable killers when frightened.

“Are we still going to be friends?” Because she liked him, too. No, really. She did.

“During my research I’ve discovered that friendship is a large part of it.”

“Your research?”

“Yes. Knowledge is a powerful thing and can lead to many new discoveries.”

. “All right, but don’t whine to me later when I piss you off.” And she would piss him off. She always pissed them off.

“I won’t. Besides, you make me goofy-happy.”

Gwen leaned her head back so she could see his face. “Goofy-happy?”

“Yeah. When you can’t stop smiling? That’s what you do to me, Mr. Mittens. I figure feeling goofy-happy is completely worth the pissing-off risk.”

Gwen nodded, realizing that at this moment, she completely understood what he meant by goofy-happy.

“Yeah,” she said, smiling and loving the smile she got in return. “I guess you have a point.”

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