Read (The Marriage Groups)Elian Online

Authors: Vicktor Alexander

(The Marriage Groups)Elian (8 page)

BOOK: (The Marriage Groups)Elian
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Then there was also the Zevinxian problem, which wasn’t really a problem at all. His fathers had been firm in teaching him that Zevinxians were not to be trusted, and while Nevin knew it was a bit of a prejudice on his behalf, he felt the same way about them. Hearing Elian’s laughter drifting down the stairs toward him, Nevin smiled before leading Corbin and Gaige through the library.

“Well, we did it,” Corbin said with a smile as he headed over to the sideboard to pour them all three fingers of Kardboun, the amber liquid gleaming in the sunlight streaming through the windows. “We found and married our Coração. We are a complete marriage group.”

Nevin nodded his head with a grin. “That we are. Congratulations, men.” He raised his glass and clinked the edge of it against Corbin and Gaige's glasses. Each man took a sip of the potent brew and fell into silence. Nevin could see that his husbands were deep in thought as they continued to sip from their glasses. He had an idea what they were both thinking and wished he could set their mind at ease, but he couldn’t, especially since his own mind was awash in self-doubts and insecurities.

They were a complete marriage group, finally official after years of being considered nothing but a core marriage group. Now they were complete... and they were all completely at a loss over how to proceed. How did they ease Elian’s nervousness while at the same time preparing him for what was to come? Letting Elian talk to Tabansi was obviously the right step, but Elian couldn’t talk to Tabansi every day, all day. No, they had to figure out a way to ease their Coração’s mind and heart themselves.

“So what the fuck do we do now?” Gaige grumbled out, and Nevin chuckled. Leave it to Gaige to get right to the heart of the matter. Nevin shrugged even as his eyes raked over the hardened lines of Gaige’s body. Licking his lips, collecting the last vestiges of his beverage, he stepped closer to Gaige. He watched Gaige’s eyes darken and knew the other man had picked up on the arousal pumping through Nevin’s veins.

“I have an idea of what we can do,” Nevin rasped out, his voice deeper and huskier from desire. He reached out a hand and ran his fingers through Gaige’s thick, golden tresses, grabbing a handful and jerking the other man’s head back, tilting Gaige’s lips up for his own to devour. He loved that he could be hard and rough with Gaige and that the other man would take it and ask for more. He swallowed Gaige’s moan as he pressed his tongue inside Gaige’s mouth. He felt the faint rasp of Corbin’s jaw against the back of his neck and Nevin shivered. After the stress of the day, the uncertainty of their future, it felt good to just be in the arms of his husbands, pressed between them.

When Gaige released his lips and began to trail kisses over his chin and down his neck, Nevin allowed his head to fall back on Corbin’s shoulder behind him. He struggled against the urge he had to turn Gaige around and thrust his cock deep within his tight, pink entrance. Instead, he let go and allowed Gaige and Corbin to lead the way. He pressed his chest up against Gaige’s lips as he ghosted his lips over Nevin’s pebbled nipples. Nevin felt Corbin shove his hands into the linen pants that Nevin wore, scraping his well-manicured nails over Nevin’s thighs before grabbing hold of the thick erection that throbbed for attention. He closed his eyes and gave himself over to the sensations engulfing him.

He groaned loudly as his senses became overwhelmed by the lust thrumming in his blood. He wasn’t aware of his clothes being removed or of Corbin and Gaige disrobing. When next he opened his eyes, he found himself staring at one of the bookshelves as Gaige knelt before him. He sucked in a harsh breath as he felt liquid heat surround the head of his dick, Gaige’s mouth closing around the head as his tongue licked at the head of Nevin’s shaft. No sooner had he become used to the feel of his husband’s mouth on him than he felt Corbin spread the globes of his ass apart.

“Yes, oh Andalusia, yes,” he breathed, knowing what Corbin was about to do. No one knew how to rim an ass like Corbin. Nevin wasn’t sure if it was because he just thoroughly enjoyed it, or if it was because Corbin seemed to love it more, but he could come just from having Corbin’s tongue in his rear.

“Enough,” he growled to Gaige, pulling him off his dick and spinning him around. Pressing his chest against Gaige’s back, Nevin smoothed his hand down the other man’s muscled chest to his groin, where a thick, weeping erection waited for him.

“Is that for me?” he asked softly, nibbling the side of Gaige’s neck.

Gaige whimpered. “Of course, it is, husband of mine,” he answered, and Nevin chuckled darkly.

“Go get the oil for me Gaige,” Nevin commanded softly, shivering as Corbin moaned and pressed his tongue deep into Nevin’s hole. “Fuck,” he groaned as Corbin bit on the bottom on his ass.

Nevin was distantly aware of Gaige moving across the room to the desk where they kept an endless supply of the lubing oil. The library was one of their favorite spots to make love. In addition to the bedroom and even the stables. They were always insatiable for each other, and Nevin knew that wouldn’t change even with the addition of their Coração.

The thought of Elian, upstairs talking to Tabansi, made Nevin growl low in his throat. He so wanted to be sharing this moment with their new husband, but he could wait. He could.

“On your knees,” Corbin said behind him and without hesitation, Nevin knelt before his husband. Gaige had returned and knelt in front Nevin, handing the oil to Corbin over Nevin’s prostrate form. Nevin trembled in anticipation as Gaige rubbed the head of his wet penis across Nevin’s lips and Corbin poured a generous amount of oil down the crack of Nevin’s ass. Corbin’s finger rubbed the oil around Nevin’s hole even as Nevin opened his mouth and accepted the offering of Gaige’s thick shaft. Nevin moaned as he felt himself being loved by both of his husbands simultaneously. He wiggled his ass as Corbin pressed one finger deep inside him. He loved this part, the stretching, the moment before he was filled with the hard length of one of his husband’s dicks. He lowered his mouth further along Gaige’s cock, swirling his tongue around the velvet soft, hard as steel shaft.

“God above, you do that so good,” Gaige groaned. Nevin opened his mouth to respond only to be cut off by the press of two of Corbin’s fingers inside of him.

“How are you always so fucking tight?” Corbin asked Nevin in awe. Nevin knew it was a rhetorical question and he was proven correct when Corbin continued stretching him, twisting his fingers and spreading them apart.

Pulling his mouth off Gaige’s cock, Nevin balanced himself on one hand and his knees so that he could grab Gaige’s thick length and lift in order to get to his balls. He swirled the tip of his tongue over the low-hanging orbs, the salty taste exploding across his taste buds. He grunted and snuffled around the two delicious balls, flicking his tongue around them as he felt Corbin pressing three fingers deep within him. He lifted his head from Gaige’s package and lowered his head as a delightful zing worked its way up from his ass to his cock and through his body up to his head. He felt as if he were floating as Corbin jammed his fingers in and out of the tight entrance of his anus.

“Fuck, Corbin, I’m ready. Fuck me!” he nearly shouted.

Corbin laughed, “Impatient, are we?”

Nevin opened his mouth to respond only to have Gaige shove his cock back into the opening, the head of his erection pressing into the back of Nevin's throat. Nevin breathed, swallowing around the head. He grinned internally as Gaige groaned and whimpered when he felt Corbin pull his fingers free. Only the promise of Corbin’s cock in his ass stopped him from pulling his mouth off Gaige’s shaft to beg and plead for the feeling of fullness to return.

He relaxed as he felt the tip of Corbin’s dick press against the guardian muscle of his rear. Bracing himself, Nevin twisted his head back and forth over Gaige’s manhood and prepared himself for the feeling of Corbin buried deep inside of him. He wasn’t disappointed. Just as Corbin knew he liked it, Nevin was impaled on his length. Gasping around Gaige’s cock, Nevin felt his eyes roll into the back of his head as heat shot up from the base of his spine.

Triple groans sounded in the air as all three men rode the wave of passion and love. Desire swirled in the air and Nevin was distantly aware of a bright light shining up from between them. The air filled with the sweet smell of carnose, the most beautiful and cherished of flowers found only in Katrinav. Nevin was shocked by the experience and barely breathed, afraid of breaking the majestic spell. He felt Corbin pause his movements and Gaige stilled as well, pulling out of Nevin’s mouth.

“Do you guys smell that?” Gaige whispered.

“Yeah,” Nevin and Corbin responded just as softly.

“Wow,” all three men breathed as the light and smell disappeared with a flash, leaving behind an almost frenzied need to finish their coupling. Gaige pressed his dick back between Nevin’s lips and Nevin accepted him gladly.

Corbin’s thrusting in Nevin’s ass sped up, growing harder and he slammed his hips against the curve of Nevin’s bottom. Gaige began fucking Nevin’s mouth and Nevin felt his cock leaking pre-cum in a puddle on the carpet beneath him. He thrust back and forward, driving himself down on both men’s shafts each time.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” Gaige yelled before spilling himself down Nevin’s throat. Nevin moaned as he swallowed the hot liquid. The head of Corbin’s cock brushed against Nevin’s prostate and Nevin felt himself fly apart. Digging his fingers into the carpet beneath him, he squeezed his eyes shut as he shook from the force of his orgasm. His ass squeezed Corbin’s length, dragging Corbin into his own explosion.

Corbin pulled out of Nevin’s hole, the wet, sucking noise of his withdrawal sounding loud in the room. Corbin and Nevin groaned, Gaige hissing as the vibrations of Nevin’s groan moved over his too sensitive shaft. Nevin pulled his mouth off with a final lick at the head of Gaige’s softened cock.

All three collapsed to the floor, panting for breath as they basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Nevin looked towards the closed library door, glad one of the servants had thought to close it and give them privacy. He looked up at the ceiling, his mind bringing up an image of Elian. He so wished, Elian had been there to experience this moment with them. How much more amazing would it have been?

“Next time, it will be all of us, Elian too,” he promised his husbands and heard their words of agreement. Nevin wanted their group to be complete so they could get started making their family and finally be whole.


Chapter Nine




time, it will be all of us, Elian too,” Nevin said and Elian felt his face flush hotly at the promise in the other man’s voice. Elian pressed his hand to his chest as he imagined being spread out on the floor, naked and sweating among the tangled limbs on the library carpet. He’d finished his call with Tabansi a while ago and had been directed by Royavar, one of the servants, to the library. He’d walked to the open door and had stood, transfixed, as his husbands made love with each other. They were so wrapped up in their coupling none of them had seen him, but Elian had watched it all. The way Corbin had pressed his tongue inside Nevin’s ass and Nevin had swallowed Gaige’s cock. He’d felt his ass clench and his cock throb behind his pants as he imagined himself in that room. Would he be licking Gaige’s ass? Would Gaige be licking his ass while Nevin sucked his cock? Where would he fit in?

Elian hadn’t been distressed by the idea, far from it. His mouth had watered and he’d almost taken a step into the room to follow his “instincts” as Tabansi had instructed him to do. Before he could take that step, however, a white light had filled the room and the smell of carnoses had surrounded him. His eyes had slid closed as he inhaled deeply. He’d always loved the smell of the flowers from Katrinav. He’d smelled them for the first time when he was five and had received his first one from Bromer, a young boy in his Kardalusian history class when he was seventeen. Bromer was born with a cloud birthmark on his right calf, which meant he would work for the kingdom in some capacity when he grew up. The cloud birthmark was a career path that was not made public. Everyone knew that the person would end up working for the kingdom, but what that person ended up actually doing was left up to the discretion of the kings.

He had always found the older boy attractive, but there seemed to be a sort of sad hardness in his eyes that always gave Elian pause when it came to trying to pursue anything outside of friendship. He’d seen Bromer at one of the marriage soirees, but he’d been alone, his eyes moving over every face there as if he were looking for someone specific. Someone he obviously hadn’t found because Bromer had left with a growl only minutes after arriving.

Elian turned his attention back to his husbands and saw their lovemaking had grown harder, desperate. His skin grew tight and hot and reaching for the handle of the door, he slowly and softly pulled the double doors to the library closed. He suddenly felt as if were intruding on a private, intimate scene, and he didn’t want any of the servants to see his husbands' dishabille.

He stood outside the door, listening to them as they finished, unable to tear himself away, wondering uncertainly if they had thought of him at all as they lay together, when he’d heard Nevin say his name. A feeling of warmth swept over him and Elian felt himself smile. While he was still nervous about sleeping with his husbands—okay he was completely wracked with nerves over the idea of it—he felt a little more confident hearing that they wanted him with them.

The sound of rustling from behind the door let him know that the three men were getting redressed. Not wanting to be caught on the steps eavesdropping, Elian turned and raced back up the stairs, not stopping until he realized he had no idea where he was. Grounding to a halt, Elian looked around the hallway in confusion. There were six doors, each of them made with blue wood that complemented the turquoise walls that surrounded them. Elian stepped closer to one of the doors when he saw writing on the wall beside it. Pressing his face close to the small writing, Elian felt his eyes almost cross as he tried to read the words: One shall enter, three shall follow, but seven shall leave. For so it is written and shall come to pass.

BOOK: (The Marriage Groups)Elian
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