The Marriage Merger (14 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Probst

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Marriage Merger
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“Then no deal.”

His gaze drilled hers and confirmed there was no back-ing down. All or nothing. “What if I’m uncomfortable or scared?”

His face softened. He ran an index finger over the curve of her lip. “I’d never hurt you. I’ll give you a way to slow things down, or stop, but you need to trust me.”

There was that word again.
Trust a man with a savage scar and no past, who was a sexual force to be reckoned with. Again her gut screamed the answer, and the word broke from her lips.

Va bene

The triumph in those butterscotch eyes almost made her withdraw her consent. Almost. He must have known she was tempted, because with one last stroke of his fingers, he pulled back and gave her space. “Saturday night, then. I’ll let you know where to meet me.” He shrugged on his coat, twirled the scarf around his neck, and headed toward the door. “Let me know if you have any problems with Wolfe. I’ll be in touch.”

He walked out without another word.

Julietta shuddered and wondered if she’d just made a bargain with Hades himself.

“I don’t want this kid involved.”

Julietta held back a sigh and faced her long-term, opinionated director of marketing. She’d never particularly cared for him, even if he was good at his job. She found him a bit snobby, with his designer clothes, his perfect posture, and his tendency to pass judgment on everyone. He was probably the biggest gossip in the place, and most of the female employees panted after him. She took in his crisp blue suit, Gucci boots, and stylish Stone rose pink shirt. Dark hair was cut ruthlessly short to accent riveting green eyes and a sculpted mouth.

Julietta found that so-called sensual mouth quite sulky and his voice whiny. He liked getting his way just to say he could.

He adjusted his diamond cuff links and jerked his head toward the closed door of the conference room. “He looks like a criminal. I’m certainly not working with a teenager with an attitude problem.”

Julietta tamped down her impatience. “you don’t have to work with him long term, Marcus. He’ll have little to do with marketing—he’s here to help us transition and get on board with the Purity vision. We sell Purity, we sell La Dolce Famiglia. Simple math.”

The famous pout appeared. “I run my team and don’t need interference. The campaign with your mother as the main draw was a big seller. Moving into the hotel industry and targeting a larger catering, leisure audience will be a challenge, so we’ll need to come up with something fresh. I have an idea in the works.”

“Fine. Can you have your presentation ready for next week?


She nodded. “Let me know if you run into any problems.” He glided out of the office and stopped short as the door swung open before him. Wolfe trudged in. His large gold hoop earring winked, and crazy spiked strands of hair shot toward the sky. The shaven-clean half of his skull only added to the bizarre effect. Funny, she was beginning to like having him around. Besides adding some local color, he seemed amazingly sharp and to the point, and had no ego to deal with.

Marcus backed up as if he was afraid to get pickpock-eted. A sneer curved the younger man’s lips. “Hey, Mark.”

Marcus shuddered delicately. “It’s Marcus.”

“Whatever.” Wolfe bumped into her director without apology and took a seat at the table. Marcus brushed his clothes off and glared. “Listen, enzo doesn’t want to work with me. Says he can’t trust me with the latest sales figures.

Probably thinks I’ll sell them to Princi Bakery and finance my new tattoo.” Julietta bit her lip and held back a laugh at Marcus’s horrified expression. “This isn’t gonna work. I respect you for trying, but I’m not up for a fight every time I go into a new office and ask for information. I’ll go back to headquarters and let Sawyer know.”

Marcus muttered something under his breath in obvious relief.

“Absolutely not.”

Both males turned toward her. She pivoted her headset closer and tapped a button. “I want heads of all departments in my conference room now. Pull them out of any meetings and be here in fifteen minutes.”

Her secretary responded immediately. “yes, Ms. Conte.”

Julietta directed her attention to Marcus. “Do you think I would throw someone I don’t trust into one of the most important deals this bakery has ever made?” Her frosty tone hit the mark. He blanched and glanced down at Wolfe in distaste. “Do you think I care he’s a decade younger and has a penchant for facial jewelry? He’s worked with Sawyer and is willing to help us move forward. He knows the vision we’re after, and I need everyone to get on board.”

Marcus stiffened. “I don’t appreciate his rudeness, un-professionalism, or your willingness to shove a stranger into a tight family circle.”

Julietta nodded. “Fair enough. I respect you, Marcus, and I agree. We need to work together in a strong envi-ronment.” Her gaze settled on the young man currently slouched in his seat and sporting a classic, conservative black suit that only made him stand out more. “Wolfe, you don’t need to like everyone here, but I expect you to respect a department head’s position. Agreed?”

She waited. Wondered if he’d walk out with a surly in-sult. Instead, he seemed to analyze her words with an assessing air that told her he’d be brilliant in the business world when he grew into his own talents. He held the same type of restrained wildness Sawyer did, but Wolfe was young and hadn’t yet been able to weave it into the fabric of society.

The kid turned and faced her director.

“I apologize.”

That was it. No more excuses, whining, or explanations.

Marcus still didn’t look happy, but he gave a curt nod. A strange rush of pride filled her for the boy’s courage. “Good.

Can you leave us alone for a few minutes, Marcus?”

He left the conference room. Wolfe shifted in his seat, obviously expecting some sort of retribution. The uneasy silence thickened the air. Julietta studied the boy. How far could she push? A level of trust was needed in the relationship between them if they were to move forward.

odd, a work bond was just as important as a personal one— sometimes more so. Long hours, stressful situations, and endless decisions regarding money and time were key. She handpicked her employees and made sure they bonded, or the end result was failure and messiness. She had ten minutes to decide before the employees came in.

Julietta plucked the headset off and settled in the chair opposite him. every muscle in his body stiffened as if he were preparing for a beating. Her heart squeezed. She wondered if he had the stamina to push past his distance and give her something precious. Something that might hurt.

“I want to work with you, Wolfe. I’m ready to back you to my team so you’ll never have trouble here again. you’ll be part of the group and be involved in all decisions with La Dolce Famiglia and Purity. you’ll earn their respect if you’re good. But I need to know if I can trust you.”

He gave a bitter laugh. “yeah, sure. Like anyone’s gonna trust me anyway. This whole thing was a mistake. I don’t belong here.”

The ravaged emotion in those blue eyes hit her like a sucker punch. But he didn’t need her pity or her sympathy.

His past was clearly a minefield of crap, and he’d do best if she kept it straight and to the point. “I don’t know your history, and I don’t care to. How you deal with me and my staff is all I care about. Make yourself belong if this is something you want to do.”

Wolfe lifted his head and studied her. She had gained his full attention and didn’t plan on squandering the time.

“Sawyer probably didn’t belong either, but he forced his way in. When I faced a wall of male employees who told me I couldn’t run a business because I didn’t own a penis, I didn’t belong either. I carved my own place. you can, too.”


His honest question gave her hope. “I’ll give you my full support on one condition.”

A frown marred his brow. Suspicion laced his tone.

“What condition?”

“Give me one reason to trust you. Just between us, and everything stays here at this table. Why should I let you help lead a multimillion-dollar deal?”

He flinched. “What kind of question is that? you either trust me or you don’t.”

She shook her head. “No. Trust is earned. Give me something—a piece of truth—an admission no one else knows.

Tell me why you should stay on your own accord and not because Sawyer is letting you play on the business ground.”

Seconds ticked. His face clearly showed the struggle to either share something he didn’t want or walk away.

He shifted in his chair, got to his feet, stopped, and cursed under his breath. Julietta made her own leap and gave him the push he needed.

“I was twenty-two when I started working with my brother. I knew I had a lot to prove, and I swore I’d make him proud of me. I worked harder and longer hours than anyone else, studied the industry, and took a lot of crap from the executives who didn’t think I belonged here. one night I was working late and an exec from advertising fol-lowed me into my office.” God, she still remembered the scent of his overpowering cologne and the fake smile on his lips. His eyes gleamed with a coldness that froze her in place. even as he pretended to make small talk as he sat on the edge of the desk. Touched her hair. Focused his greedy stare on the edge of her skirt. Hot breath against her mouth and grabby hands on her thighs.

“He tried to force himself on me. I got lucky. one of the cleaning people heard me and burst in before anything hap-pened.” Her composed tone contradicted the deep shudder that wracked her body. “I pressed charges, but they were dropped. The executive got fired. And I learned the lesson.

It didn’t matter if I was smarter, worked harder, or was even more deserving. It only mattered what he saw—a silly female sex object not worthy of this company or his respect.”

She shrugged. “That episode made me stronger. I can’t change anyone’s opinions, but I sure as hell won’t let them screw me just because they think they can. That’s my truth.”

Wolfe didn’t move. She locked her gaze with his and waited. His fingers fisted, and she watched as the memories struggled to surface—watched his internal struggle—and the control he used to compose himself. He clenched his jaw.

“I’ve been to hell. I got out. I’m never going back.” Wolfe swallowed. “I had no place to go, so I tried to steal from Sawyer and got caught. Most rich guys would’ve locked me in jail and pressed charges. Instead, he offered to take me in. Gave me a job and a chance to learn the business. He didn’t even know anything about me, yet he gave me more than anyone had in this lifetime. A chance. you can trust me because any other way is back to hell.”

“Is it just about a job? or something more?”

Again, he gave her the priceless gift of truth. “It started as the job, but now it’s more. We’ve been together almost a year now. He’s the smartest man I’ve ever met, and he’s fair.” He ducked his head and his voice broke. “I don’t want to disappoint him.”

Her chest hurt, so she breathed carefully, kept her face impassive, and nodded. “you won’t. you show the skills of someone much older and wiser, and you’ve seen the other side, so you’ll never take anything for granted. you’re the type of man I want on my team.”

He looked up. Nodded. She caught the tiny smile on his face as he sat back down in the chair, making his own decision to stay. “

Damn, she liked him. Bristly and honest and real.




“What’s the name of the guy who hurt you? Maybe someone should pay him a visit?”

Startled, she laughed with delight at his sudden protectiveness so ingrained in the male species. Another thing to like about him—once he trusted, he’d be loyal to the core.

“No worries. Michael allowed the charges to be dropped for a good reason. Let’s just say my older brother knows people. At least the exec’s hospital stay was quite short.”

“Good.” He gave a half grin. “Italians are definitely the best in the area of payback. I’ve watched the
a bunch of times.”

She was still laughing when her employees streamed into the room. They threw odd glances at both of them as they took their seats and waited for her to speak. Julietta moved to the head of the table and smiled.

This was going to be fun.

Chapter Eight

Sawyer did a quick survey of the rooms to make sure everything was in place. The Bulgari Milano hotel was perfect for their first encounter, offering an old-fashioned luxury that was both visually and physically arresting.

The sitting room was intimately set up with a Brera stone fireplace, and the rich woods of teak and oak blended with deep vanillas and buttery colors that soothed the senses. The refined elegance of the eighteenth-century palazzo reminded him of Julietta. The display of ornate jewels and tasteful antiques throughout the suite added an extra touch. The open carved archway led to the bedroom, where a magnificent canopy bed dominated the room. Ice blue silk pillows matched the ridiculously expensive thread count of the pulled-back sheets, and the glass doors opened to a private balcony that overlooked the gardens. A bottle of champagne chilled in the silver bucket across from a tray of finger foods to keep any hunger at bay.

He hoped he’d finally elicit a different type of hunger.

Anticipation bit through him in sweet agony and stiffened his cock. Their negotiations over this night still turned him on. He’d never met a woman so worthy of pleasure. The sharpness of her intellect was as much of a turn-on as her luscious body. A body she didn’t know how to use or to take pleasure in. The dom in him howled to release such a prize and claim it for himself.

The possessiveness surprised him. He’d shared women before without a thought—not to hurt them but to make sure he didn’t restrain them with false expectations. Sawyer realized long ago he’d never be whole enough for a healthy, long-term relationship. With a past filled with abuse, neglect, and mental games, there was nothing pure or good in him to offer. He made sure women knew there was no future going in so he never gave fake hope. But since Julietta, his inner caveman broke out with a primitive impulse to mark her as his.

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