The Marriage Merger (4 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Probst

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Marriage Merger
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Most women couldn’t handle the limitations.

He bet Julietta Conte handled any challenge thrown at her.

Sawyer tapped his finger against his lips and analyzed all the options. Such a delicate line to walk between business and pleasure. Snakes twisted in a pit beneath him, ready for even one misstep. She’d need to be handled with kid gloves at first, before he switched to the delicious sting of the whip. He needed to learn what drove her, what she hid, and how best to yank away years of barriers. Was it too risky, especially when he was about to unveil his dream and his only reason for survival all these years?

The answer coursed through him with a bone-deep knowledge he never questioned.

And he made the decision he’d wanted to from the moment he met her.

Chapter Three

Julietta glanced up: 4:58 p.m.

The papers were spread neatly in front of her on the conference table. The room was quiet, and just the hum of low chatter and ringing phones drifted in waves. She had informed the board. Spoken with the lawyers. Made a call to Michael. Pounded out numbers nonstop through the night and refused to sleep. And came up with one decision.

She’d be crazy not to take the deal.

It would be her opportunity to do something on a global scale for the company. Though she’d been acting Ceo, it had only been a few years ago she’d been given full control.

Her brother had true intentions but still kept the reins on her leadership role until he married Maggie and saw the error of his ways. Finally, she had leapt forward and started making deals on her own. When Michael had begun infil-trating top hotels in the States, Julietta had burned with the desire to push the bakery chain to a new level in Italy. She’d already conquered the street market, but she wanted to go after the hotels. The big ones. The failure of her last deal with The Palazzo still stung. She’d been completely prepared, and every pore of her body had craved a final deal.

She hated the simmering knowledge that The Palazzo’s ex-ecutive team didn’t believe a woman could give them what they desired. oh, in bed, yes. But in business?

No. Instead, they gave the deal to her competitor who boasted no vision and an Italian patriarch grandfather.

Julietta realized too late The Palazzo wanted full control over her. once they’d realized the little woman had a strong voice, they’d dropped her contract without another word.

But now she faced a resurrection of her dream. Sawyer’s contract could launch La Dolce Famiglia into the world of luxurious hotels.

There were risks, though. With an exclusive contract, she’d be unable to install any other bakeries. She’d be locked up with Purity, and if Sawyer failed, so would she.

The gamble lay before her in all shades of gray. excitement pulsed through her. When was the last time she’d gotten fired up about a deal? She desperately needed a challenge to focus on to launch her out of the current self-pity tour she hosted every evening. There was nothing better than a shot of adrenaline on a new contract.

Five p.m.

The intercom buzzed. She hit the button. “yes?”

“Ms. Conte, Sawyer Wells is on the line. May I put him through?”

She shook her head and fought a smile. “yes, thank you.”

The connection hummed. His voice spilled like gravel and silk over the phone. “Have you made a decision?”

“Prompt, aren’t you?”

“Always.” He paused. “We can play another round and drag the discussion out over dinner. or I can persuade you in the manner you need. I’m quite good at persuasion.”

His arrogance was overwhelming and sexy as hell.

Damn, he’d be fun to work with. “No need. I’ve been wined and dined by the best. Never made a decision based on such techniques either.”

His dark laugh was like a subtle threat. “you’re not familiar with my moves.”

“I’ve found most male moves overrated.”

“Delightful. A challenge.”

Julietta gave a long-suffering sigh. Better to get the truth out over dinner. If Sawyer thought he’d get some extra side benefits while they worked together, he was quite mistaken. She hoped he wouldn’t get cranky and surly like the other rejects. “Trust me, it was simple truth and not meant to wave a red flag in front of you. My answer is yes.”

Silence fell between them. She waited him out. “yes?”

“Do I need to repeat myself? I’ll sign the contract. you can still meet me here at headquarters at seven so we can celebrate. A pleasure conversing with you, Mr. Wells.”

She clicked off her earpiece. Satisfaction surged. Her tiny rebellion with his name may have been childish, but well worth it. obviously, he was way too used to women jumping at his call and throwing off their clothes. Time he realized he couldn’t get anyone he wanted because the angels bestowed him the gift of hotness.

regret nudged her. What would it feel like just once to have a strong physical reaction to a man without worrying about freezing up? For it to be simple and clean. Just nakedness and orgasms and an early morning getaway.

Pathetic. If that was her only deficiency in life, she could call herself blessed. At least she had a juicy new deal ahead of her, with long hours of work and a deep satisfaction that called to her.




It was enough.

She repeated the mantra to herself as she got back to work. The hours flew by. Julietta took her last two minutes to smooth back her hair, re-knot her scarf, and tuck her folders away. He arrived on time and in full male glory. Her gaze raked over him with a hint of crankiness. He stood in the doorway and refused to say a word. His quiet arrogance radiated in waves around his figure, and she fought the need to drop her head in recognition. Weirdness.

He wore a charcoal-gray pin-striped suit with a purple tie. The ruthless severity of the suit contradicted with his surfer hair tied back in a short ponytail, setting off the hard lines of his cheekbones and the red scar. The combination of raw sex and power cloaked in masculine grace transfixed her for just a moment. Julietta mentally shook herself. No more drooling. Defenses up. Game on.

“you like being in charge, don’t you, Julietta?”

The stroke of her name was deliberate and effective.

She forced a pleasant smile. “Doesn’t every woman?”

“you won’t let me see your apartment. Not even your private office. I’ve been delegated to picking you up for dinner in your conference room.”

Julietta grabbed her red Fendi bag and closed the distance between them. His body pumped out heat, and she had to tilt her head back a few inches in order to meet his gaze. God, he smelled good. Like coffee and spices, rich and all male. Her height usually gave her an advantage. At almost six feet, she usually towered over her competition, but he topped her by several inches. She realized now the sheer breadth and size of his massive shoulders stretched in his proper suit jacket was another contradiction. He was a primitive wrapped up in civilization. The veneer scared her the most, but she wouldn’t let herself be in such an intimate position with him. She had to set boundaries immediately, or he’d swallow her whole. “I may have agreed to the contract, but I never invite anyone into my private space.”

Sawyer didn’t budge. “ever?” he asked softly.

“our working relationship doesn’t guarantee a friend-ship, Sawyer. you may have met my family, and we may be going to dinner, but I don’t know you well enough for anything more.”

He seemed to analyze her words. Nodded. “Fair enough.

I figured we’d walk to Piazza repubblica.”


He ushered her out of headquarters as if he were in charge. His hand rested on the curve of her elbow, his fingers strong but gentle as he guided her over the uneven cobblestone pathways as they walked toward the restaurant.

The familiar sights and scents of Milan rushed past her.

She breathed in the heavy, fogged air that made the city unique, and she settled into a comfortable silence. The bustle of cars and pedestrians crowding the streets and sidewalks lent a purposeful atmosphere that soothed her soul.

Motorbikes roared by. Beautifully clad women in designer suits and high-heeled shoes weaved in and out amidst the crowd with elegant grace, and sidewalk café tables spilled onto the sidewalk with the scents of espresso and baked goods.

She’d seen videos of New york City and always felt Milan must be a close second cousin except for the grayish mist that cloaked the city and made it seem almost muddy to a viewer’s eye. Instead of towering glass buildings, the ancient architecture of the Duomo reigned.

They finally reached the elegant archway of repubblica.

It was already crowded, but they were immediately ushered to a red booth in the corner, and Sawyer ordered a bottle of champagne. The simple clean lines of the restaurant pleased her—the crisp white linens, polished floors, high ceilings, and candles scattering throughout the dimly lit interior. She chatted with the waiter, ordered appetizers, and began to relax.

“No briefcase?” he noted. He lifted the delicate champagne glass to his lips and took a swallow. The imprint of his mouth made a strange shudder squeeze through her. The heat rushed through the vents to ward off the chilly winter evening. She unbuttoned her suit jacket and hung it on the chair.

“No need. I already memorized most of the figures.”

Sawyer grinned. “Bet you have. Did you have the support of the board?”

“enough to move forward. It’s a risk, but calculated.

you have an ambitious plan for opening. Will you be ready in six months?”


She tilted her head and reached for a piece of crusty bread. The warm dough broke open, and she drizzled fruity olive oil over the edges. “A dozen things could go wrong and delay your plans.”

He watched her with a fierce intensity she wasn’t used to. Most men never gave her such full attention. Julietta wondered if it was one of his trademark moves he used to seduce women. “I’ve planned for all contingencies,” he finally said. “There will be no mistakes.”

His words dug deep. He needed this as much as she.

The knowledge soothed her nerves, and she reached for her glass. Perhaps they were more similar than she’d originally thought. Sawyer wouldn’t lose his focus over a silly challenge to bed her. Women were definitely a low priority for him. She smiled with relief. “Good. Then we both have something to prove.”

“yes, it seems we do.” Golden eyes gleamed. “The question is why?”

Her fingers closed around the last chunk of bread. She hoped he didn’t spot her tremble. “Doesn’t everyone want to make a fortune in business? Take over the world? It’s the human condition.”

Sawyer refused to follow her lead. “Is that what you want, Julietta? To make your mark?” His eyes burned. “Tell me, why did the deal with The Palace fall through?”

She kept her gaze averted and focused on the bread.

“I’m surprised you don’t know the details already. especially since you were researching La Dolce Famiglia for a while.”

“oh, I do know. I would like to hear your version of the events.”

Her temper nipped, but she answered with calm. “They decided I wasn’t the woman they originally believed I was.

The team had specific ideas and wanted no challenges. In other words, I wouldn’t have a say in my own company.”

“But you would have received prestige. Profits. Growth.”

A tiny frown marred his brow, and she had the uneasy feel-ing he was digging for something she couldn’t understand.

“Isn’t that a big enough payoff? Worth the sacrifice?”

“No. I haven’t gotten to this point to step back and let others take over.” She sipped her champagne to settle her nerves. “I’ll agree to be exclusive. But I won’t give up my rights of control. ever.”

A strange flare of lust heated his eyes, then disappeared so quickly she swore it was just a trick of the candlelight.

She wasn’t a woman to inspire such devotion, especially with such a primal force of man. “I don’t intend to partner with someone who has no opinion or spine, Julietta. Like I stated before, I need a leader who is my go-to person on all aspects. I will use every bit of intellect and talent you have.

By surrounding myself with such a team, I’ll be able to lead us, but be warned: Final approval will always be made by me.”

Her heart hammered, and she squeezed her thighs together as a jolt of arousal penetrated her core. Holy crap.

What was with this crazy reaction to his chauvinistic de-mands? She always hated men who thought they could command others just because they owned a penis. She ignored her body and pushed on. “Understood, as long as there is always a discussion with anything affecting La Dolce Famiglia.”

“of course. So, once we show The Palace what fools they were for letting you go, what next? Will this deal finally be enough?”

Her throat tightened. How dare he try to probe as if he had a right to know her thoughts? When she was finally able to gather her words, her voice was laced with ice. “Still invading personal space? My motivations are mine and not your business. How about you share yours? Will Purity finally be enough for you if it becomes a success?”

The emptiness in his eyes spoke volumes. Julietta clenched her hand in an effort not to reach across the table for contact, as if the feel of flesh on flesh could possibly soothe the gaping wound she knew nothing about. What demons rocked his past? Maybe it was better to never know. “God, I hope so,” he said. “But I won’t know until I get there.”

The waiter interrupted with a variety of steaming plates.

Crispy octopus paired with buffalo mozzarella and salty an-chovies and capers; bite-size beef ravioli in a creamy butter and thyme sauce; grilled eggplant and zucchini drizzled with oil and an array of salts. An odd intimacy buzzed around them, as if sharing secrets at the back of an Italian restaurant bonded them. What was going on? She’d gone on hundreds of business dinners to discuss contracts. Met many attractive, dynamic men who initially interested her.

The outcome always made her back away, but Sawyer challenged her at every turn and seemed to crave something more than the others. As if he not only wanted to strip her clothes off to view her naked body. Almost like he wanted to delve into her soul.

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