The Medici Conspiracy (76 page)

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Authors: Peter Watson

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Haber, Robert
Hague Convention of
Hall, Sir Peter
Hamill Gallery (Boston)
Hamilton, Sir William
Hankes-Dielsma, Claude
Hartwig, Ron
Harvard Museum (Cambridge)
Harvard University
Hawkins, Ashton
Haynes, Dennis
Hearst, William Randolph
Hecht, Andrea
Hecht, Elisabeth
Hecht, Robert E., Jr.
background of
Carabinieri, brief meeting with
collectors, involvement in sale of objects to
the Euphronios krater and
failed prosecutions of tombaroli, reason for
fragment, offer to sell
future of
interrogation of
interrogations of others, discussed in
investigation of
judge's comments regarding in Medici trial
leaked documents from the Getty, appearance in
looted objects, refusal to accept that he deals in
McNall, partnership formed with
Medici, association with
Medici trial, discussed in
the memoir of
the Morgantina silver and
museums, involvement in acquisition of objects by
museums outside the U.S., involvement in acquisition of objects by
name of in the organigram
phiale sold to the Met, appearance of matching object to
prosecutorial interrogations of others, mentioned in
raid on the Paris apartment of
Roman funerary relief, possible involvement with
skyphos in Berlin, fragments of donated by
tombaroli, continued meetings with
two separate groups in the illicit trade, contacts with
upcoming trial of
Heeramaneck Collection
Heilmeyer, Wolf Dietrich
“Hellas et Roma” Association
Hemelrijk, Jaap M.
Herchenröder, Christian
Hermitage, the (St. Petersburg)
Hodges, James
Holger Termer Collection
Holloway, Ross
Holocaust survivors, bank accounts paid out to
Holzer, Harold
Honolulu Academy of Arts
Hope, Thomas
Horiuchi, Noriyoshi
Houghton, Arthur
Hoving, Thomas
antiquities, questionable acquisition of
the Euphronios krater, the Met's acquisition of
Frel as employee of
Hecht's memoir, discussed in
kylix by Euphronios, reference to
the Lydian Hoard
memoirs of
Muscarella and
Hunt, Hassie
Hunt, Nelson Bunker
Hunt, William Herbert3
Hydra Gallery
dispute over ownership of
Editions Services, parallel with
Euthymides amphora sold to the Getty
fragments of the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix acquired from
Medici trial, discussed in
True interrogation, discussed in
See also
Editions Services
Hyman, Steven
Illicit Antiquities Research Centre (Cambridge University)
Inanna Art Services
Inland Revenue (United Kingdom)
International Council of Museums
International Foundation for Art Research
Iranian Western Cave Treasure
Isolabella, Lodovico
Israel Museum in Jerusalem
archaeological/cultural property, attempts to control movement of (
see also
Carabinieri Art Squad)
the Getty, skepticism regarding in
Monticelli, trial and conviction of
the Morgantina silver, desire to have returned
recommendations for
tactics against looters of antiquities post-receipt of Medici's materials
White, return of artifacts requested from
J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles)
antiquities owned by that appear in the photos from Medici's warehouse
Asteas lekythos at
the Bürkis interview, discussed in
Conforti's efforts to have objects returned from
controversies associated with
the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix
Ferri's investigation, request for information supporting
Fleischman, resignation as trustee of Barbara
the Fleischman Collection
fragments, puzzle of the acquisition of
the Getty kouros
Greek golden wreath, acquisition and return of
Hecht interrogation, discussed in
leaked documents revealing the situation at
letterheads from found in Medici's warehouse
the Levy-White Euphronios krater, examination of
Medici, relations with
origins of
prosecutorial interrogations, mentioned in
recent developments at
return of objects by
Roman funerary relief, publication of
stolen bronzes acquired by
Symes, transactions with
Tempelsman collection, acquisition of objects from
See also
True, Marion
Jacques, Henri Albert
Jay, John
Jervis, Simon
John Paul II,
Johnston, Alan W.
Kagias, Georgios
Karlsruhe Museum
Keats, John
Kennedy Galleries
Kimball Museum
Klejman, J. J.
Kleophrades Painter
Koch, Guntram
Kotlidas, Christos
Kotsarides, Michael
Kouragios, Yannis
Kouros statue at the Getty, controversy regarding
Koutoulakis, Nikolas
Berlin, sale of objects in
Gospel of Judas manuscript
Greece antiquities, smuggling of
Medici, association with
name of in the organigram
Ortiz, sale of objects to
Symes, transactions with
Symes interview, discussed in
True interrogation, discussed in
Kovasevic, L. J.
Koyama, Mihoko
Kozlov, Arielle
Kreitman, Neil
Kurtz, Donna
Lambert, Wilfred
Lane and Partners
Laundering of antiquities
discovery of
impact of uncovering
objects seized in Corridor 17 laundered through Sotheby's, list of
reasons for
Layard, Austen Henry
League of Nations
Lee, Sherman E.
Leinster, Anne
Leon, Christoph
letters rogatory
Levy, Leon
. See also
Levy-White collection
Levy-White Collection
display of
Euphronios krater earlier belonging to the Hunts
fakes asserted to be in
Fleischman Collection and, frescoes matching in
objects originating with Medici in
questionable provenance of objects in
return of objects from, Italian request for
Tchacos interview, discussed in
Liberatore, Francesco
Loos, Adolf
Lo Porto, Felice
Louvre, the (Paris)
Luers, William
Lunden, Staffan
Luzzi, Franco
Lydian Hoard, the
Lysippides Painter
Machado, Rodolfo
Manetti, Pierluigi
Mantegna, Andrea
Marrow, Deborah
Martin, Richard
Mascara, Giuseppe
Maschito, Luigi
Mat Securitas
McNall, Bruce
Mead, Walter C.
Medici, Giacomo
the Aboutaams, links to
beauty pays, understanding that
Becchina, comparison to
Becchina, rivalry with
collectors, supplying of
conviction and sentencing of
Corridor 17, presence at the second visit to
Cottier-Angeli, authentication of objects by
deal offered to the prosecutor by
description of
the Euphronios krater, photos of himself with
formal proceedings initiated against
fragments, refusal to sell
fragments of the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix, surrender of
fronts for
the Getty, relations with
Hecht's memoir, discussed in
Hydra Gallery, dispute over ownership of
intellectual and artistic damage by looters, role in
interrogations/interviews of others, discussed in
inventory at Corridor 17, report on
inventory of as illustration of the losses due to trade in unprovenanced antiquities
laundering of antiquities (
Laundering of antiquities)
looting involved in, scale of
the Metropolitan Museum, relations with
museums outside the U.S., relations with
name of in the organigram
network of trade in unprovenanced antiquities (
Network of trade in unprovenanced antiquities)
pride of documented in photos
raid on the home of
Sotheby's, selling of antiquities at
stolen objects, involvement with
Symes, transactions with
trial of (
Trial of Medici)
Medici family of Florence
Meier, Richard
Melfi Museum, robbery at
Melfi vases
Merrin Gallery
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
antiquities, dismal record regarding
Asian art, returns of
Becchina, relations with
the Bury St. Edmunds Cross
the Euphronios krater (
Euphronios krater)
”good faith,” claim of acting in when acquiring unprovenanced antiquities
the Levy-White Collection (
Levy-White Collection)
looted wall relief offered to
the Lydian Hoard
Medici, acquisition of objects originating from
the Morgantina silver
Muscarella and
origin and history of
personnel associated with Medici, paperwork indicating
questionable provenance of objects in
return of objects by
vase collection at
White, contribution from
Michaelides, Alexander Votsi
Michaelides, Christo
Casasanta, purchase of objects from
death of
Hecht memoir, discussed in
interviews of others, discussed in
Nicholson, house purchased for
photo archive of objects handled by
Schinoussa, raid of family compound on
Schinoussa in the life and operations of
Symes, relationship with
True, loan for vacation home for
Miho Museum
Milken, Michael R.
Mitten, David G.
Monreal, Luis
Monticelli, Raffaele
Morelli, Giovanni
Morelli, Giovanni
Moretti, Anna Maria
Morgan, J. P.
Morgantina silver
Moroni, Mauro
Morrelli, Giovanni
Moussif, Shlomo
Munich Glyptotek
Munitz, Barry
Muntoni, Guglielmo
Muscarella, Oscar White
Museum for Classical Antiquities (Berlin)
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Museums, conclusions regarding and recommendations for
Museums Association
National Association of Dealers in Ancient, Oriental and Primitive Art
Neer, Richard
Nefer Gallery
Network of trade in unprovenanced antiquities
continued activities of
delay in investigation and prosecution as serving the interests of
exposure of the extent of by investigations and prosecutions
the Getty Museum and (
J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles))
the Metropolitan Museum of Art and (
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York))
Network of trade in unprovenanced antiquities (
organization chart (the “organigram”) of
organization of, significance of
paperwork, revealed in
rivalry of two groups (“cordata”) discovered
sale of orphans
strategic organization of
tombaroli (
Tombaroli (tomb robbers))
triangulation (
Neuendorf Gallery
New York Times
Nicholson, Felicity
Nolane vases
Nonna Investments
Nørskov, Vinne
Nussberger, Werner
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen)
Okada, Mokichi
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy
. See also
Euphronios-Onesimos kylix
Operation Aeolos
Operation Blackhole
Operation Eclipse and subsequent Greek investigations
the bronze statue of a boy
Ferri notified of the raid on Paros
the golden wreath, case of
Greek antiquities, routes for smuggling

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