Read The Miami Millionaire Online

Authors: Dawn Tamayo

The Miami Millionaire (22 page)

BOOK: The Miami Millionaire
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Jake pulled the car to a stop inside the underground garage.  He jumped out and swiftly went around to open Victoria’s door.  She sat waiting for him; Victoria knew she could have just opened the door and got out herself but that wasn’t going to give quite the effect she wanted right now.  As Jake opened her car door she purposefully let her skirt ride up higher than necessary as she put one long let out the car door slowly followed by the other.  She took Jake’s hand and then stepped out of the car right up close to his body, pushing her body hard up against his.   Her free hand moved down to reach between them for the bulge in Jake’s trousers, and when she found her prize she grabbed him firmly in her hand and squeezed gently.


Jake drew in a deep breath surprised.  He knew Victoria had been teasing him mercilessly over the last few minutes’ drive, she knew he had been enjoying every second of her teasing moving her legs around in the car, stretching them out and leaning back stretching against the car seat, and he hoped there would be a lot more teasing to come all the way to his bed.  But he hadn’t expected Victoria to reach for his hardness right here in the parking garage!  And he loved it.  He loved the thrill of how she teased him when he could do nothing about it.  He loved how the sweet gentle woman turned into this sexy vixen who was driving him insane as her hand gently squeezed him again.  Jake pushed her up against the car and thrust his tongue into her mouth drinking in her sweet taste.


The beep of Jake’s car brought his mind back, reminding him they were in the middle of the garage with his car door open.  He quickly stepped back from Victoria’s reach.  His voice was deep and strained, “I think we should go upstairs now.”

Victoria took a purposeful step closer to Jake, “That would be a very good idea.”

He grabbed Victoria’s hand, slammed the car door shut and locked it as he strode off towards the lift.


The lift door opened and they stepped inside.  Jake leaned across and pressed the button and the lift doors closed behind them.  The second the lift doors closed Victoria turned to Jake and pushed him back up against the lift wall as his lips descended onto hers.  This time Jake didn’t hold back, his hands found her round buttocks and grabbed them pulling her in close to him, letting her feel how hard he was for her and enjoying the sound of her as she moaned into his mouth.  The lift came to a stop and reluctantly Jake let Victoria go, but Victoria wasn’t going to let Jake have a moment to recover – as soon as the lift doors opened she walked out the lift, striding ahead of Jake until she reached his apartment door and then stood with her back flat up against it, waiting for him to open it.  Jake speeded up his pace not wanting to lose a second – he looked at Victoria pressed up against his door, with her hair ruffled, blouse top buttons undone, and her breathing coming hard.  He wanted that door open and Victoria inside.

Jake’s mouth came down hard on Victoria’s as his hand slid the key card into the door.

“Inside.”  He commanded.

“With pleasure.”  Victoria said as she felt the door give way behind her and she turned to walk in.


Victoria walked into the living room kicking off her shoes as she went.  She didn’t wait for Jake, she knew he was within inches close behind her, and she turned around unbuttoning the remainder of her blouse buttons letting the delicate fabric drop to the floor.  Jake all but growled seeing Victoria standing in the living room in her pink and black bra as she now worked on unbuttoning her skirt letting it slip over her curvy hips.  She stepped back in nothing but her bra and pants and watched as Jake hurriedly stripped off his shirt, kicked off his shoes and reached for his belt.

“Uh uh. That part’s for me.”  Victoria said as she walked forward and put her hand over Jake’s, stopping him.

Jake laughed gently and put his hands up in mock surrender, “Anything you say.”


Victoria pulled Jake’s belt undone, then slowly flicked open his button and inched his zip down.


“Yes Jake.”  Sounding far more innocent than she was showing herself to be.

“I don’t think I can stand much more of your teasing!”  He looked at her with his intense blue eyes.

“Oh I think you can.”  She cooed and let his manhood spring free; rock hard and strong.

Jake sucked in a breath as he felt the cool air hit him where he was the hottest.

“Very impressive.”  Victoria said stepping back whilst eyeing him fully.  “Now come with me.”  And with a cheeky look she turned around and walked straight into Jake’s bedroom.

Jake stood half naked in his living room with his manhood standing to attention as he watched her cute curvy backside disappear into his bedroom.  He didn’t waste a minute and pulled off his trousers and ran after her.


Victoria was sitting on Jake’s bed waiting for him and smiled as he walked into the room naked.  She held her hand out for him to join her and Jake didn’t waste any time, but as soon as he reached her she surprised him once again by sliding off the bed onto her knees on the floor in front of him.  Jake’s eyes flew wide open! Victoria was continually surprising him tonight – he already had a taste of how hot and sexy she was in bed, he already knew how amazing her body felt under his and around him, but tonight, in the car, Victoria had teased every sense of his body from her beautiful smelling perfume and seductive moves, to kissing him and blatantly groping him in the parking garage.  He hadn’t seen this side of her before, and he was loving every second of it.


Victoria took Jake’s rock hardness in her mouth and kissed it.  She teased him, licked him, and teased him some more with her mouth and tongue.  Jake let out a growl and held her by her shoulders as he desperately tried to control himself – but he had no idea how to control himself when Victoria was on her knees in front of him making him feel so incredibly good!  Then he realised there was no way he was going to be able to control himself if he let her continue, so with every ounce of restraint he could muster he pulled away and reached down to Victoria.  His strong hands slid around her waist and pulled her up placing her firmly on his bed.  He didn’t let a second slip by and climbed on top of her claiming her mouth with his own.  He kissed her and licked her, and positioning himself between her legs he let his rock hard member slide inside her warmth.


Victoria sighed as Jake entered her.  She had been wanting to feel him there, needing him, since they left the restaurant.  She had enjoyed every moment of her teasing, but now she needed him inside her to complete her, and to quench the flames burning deep inside her body.  Victoria moved to Jake’s rhythm, matching his thrust with one of her own as she felt his tongue running down her neck and nipping at it.  Then Jake thrust even deeper - she didn’t think he could go any deeper, but now he was and she burst with a million white sparkles consuming her body and mind.  Jake heard Victoria’s satisfied cry and felt her warmth pulsate around him as he finally let go to be overcome by ecstatic relief.  He groaned as his body drained of all energy, consumed only by contentment and satisfaction.  He relaxed against Victoria and kissed her gently one more time.


Victoria woke up in Jake’s bed and felt the tiny kisses he was tracing down her spine.  She smiled as she turned over and pulled Jake closer.  Kissing him Victoria opened her eyes as she smelt the minty breath against her lips and her heart melted as she looked into his deep blue eyes.  She pulled back mildly disappointed seeing his hair was already neatly combed into place.  She looked down at the rest of him, at his perfect grey suit and light blue tie, “You are dressed already?  What time is it?”  Victoria leaned up on her elbows craning to see the clock next to his bed.

“Not time for you to get up yet, but I have a breakfast meeting so I have to go.”  He gave her a wishful look - he wanted to climb back into bed with her and make love to her like he had last night!

Victoria moved to get out of bed but Jake gently pushed her down and kissed her slowly, gently, eagerly.

“I wish I didn’t have to go but I do.  Stay here and leave when you want to.  Concierge will get you a car when you’re ready to come into the office.”

“I think I’ll get up now and take a Jacuzzi before work.”  Victoria said stretching out on Jake’s huge luxurious bed - her hotel bed was comfortable but nothing compared to Jake’s bed. 

“Have fun, I will see you in the office later.”  Jake said as he kissed her goodbye and walked out the bedroom door.

Victoria smiled, and headed for the Jacuzzi.


Sitting at her desk Victoria felt fresh and relaxed despite the paperwork and files scattered out in front of her.  She picked up her ringing phone and grimaced as she saw the name.  She cleared her throat and put a smile on her face knowing it would reflect in her voice.

“Good morning Mr Churchill, how are you today?”  Victoria still couldn’t stand her boss but at least he didn’t speak to her like a complete idiot anymore.

“Very well thank you Victoria even though it is the afternoon here.”  He reminded her as if she needed it!

“What can I do for you?  I’m pleased to say that all is going well at this end.  If all goes according to plan this week then CT Holdings will be launching their new product within the next couple of weeks in London.”

“That’s good, really good.  I’ve had a look over your ideas for the main launch and the follow up roll-out events but some of the areas are a little vague.  You seem to have forgotten to include what the actual product is.”

“Oh I haven’t forgotten Mr Churchill, I didn’t put it in because Jake won’t allow me to divulge that information yet.  Not to anyone.  I did let your secretary know that when she called yesterday.”

“Yes my secretary did explain that to me but I am sure that does not include me.”

There was silence as Victoria felt caught between a rock and a hard place – Ben Churchill was her boss and paid her salary, but Jake was adamant she couldn’t tell anyone as CT Holdings still had to iron out some last minute agreements and needed some people to sign on the dotted line.

“I understand what you are saying Mr Churchill but Jake Cumberland will not allow me to divulge this information to anyone including you.” She cringed as she said it knowing how bad it sounded, she shouldn’t say that to her boss but she had to, “He made me sign a confidentiality agreement and if I break it and tell you, and he finds out, then we will lose his business for sure.  We are so close to getting this contract and you are going to love what he’s got coming Mr Churchill.  Please trust me on this.” 

She held her breath waiting for Ben Churchill’s explosion but it didn’t come and she almost laughed with relief.

“Okay well I am not happy about it.  You had better be right about this Victoria, you have a lot counting on all of this, as have we all.  Now get that confidentiality agreement across to our Solicitors so they can check over it and don’t sign anything else without my say-so.”

“Yes Mr Churchill.” 

Victoria put the phone down and quickly pushed the folder with the product information and event details into her drawer.  She jumped up from her chair and headed off to Jake’s office practically running.  Confidentiality agreement!  Great now she would really need one of those.


Victoria stepped out of the lift and seeing Jake’s door closed she rushed up to Andrea. 

“Is Jake in?”  She hoped he was, she had a feeling Ben Churchill was going to be checking with his Solicitors for her confidentiality agreement anytime soon.

“Yes he’s just finishing a call.”  Andrea checked her phone again, “Actually he’s off the phone now.   Go on in.”  She said as she buzzed through to Jake telling him Victoria was on her way into his office.


Victoria walked into Jake’s office and closed the door behind her.  As soon as the door was closed Jake walked up to her, put his arms around her and pulled her into a passionate embrace.  Victoria knew what they had agreed, not to mix their personal and work time together, but since no one was looking she wasn’t going to turn down one of Jake’s incredibly passionate kisses.  She pressed her lips to Jake’s and let her hands run down the front of his shirt feeling the contours of his muscles beneath as Jake’s hands ran their way through her hair and he playfully pulled at it.

“Do you think anyone would notice if I made love to you right here and now on my desk?”  He whispered into her ear and sent shivers down her spine.

“Probably not but I think it’s best if we don’t test that one out.”  She laughed as Jake released her and kissed her again gently on her lips.


Jake waked back around to his chair and sat down whilst Victoria sat in one of the two chairs opposite him.  “So did you need something or did you just want to tease me?”  Jake’s eyes travelled up Victoria’s shapely legs from her black high heels to where her skirt stopped just above her knees.

“Actually I do need something.  I need you to tie me into a confidentiality agreement and backdate it to when I arrived here.”

Jake looked at her confused, he trusted Victoria.  He knew he probably should have had her sign a confidentiality agreement long before now, but he didn’t feel he needed it.

BOOK: The Miami Millionaire
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