The Midtown Murderer (2 page)

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Authors: David Carlisle

BOOK: The Midtown Murderer
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Chapter 4

Trent crawled onto the plastic-covered bench, grateful that Radcliff had left the car running and the heat on. He made sure the window was closed tight against the cold and
rubbed his hands together to restore circulation; he detected a faint smell of whiskey mixed with the cigarette smoke.

Radcliff drove slowly around the police barricades, the headlights reflecting from the paintwork of the police cars and shining off the glistening

Your buddy Priest is a character.”

Radcliff took a long sip of his coffee and coughed. “What do you mean?”

“He can get in your face.”

Radcliff chuckled and balanced his cup on the dash. “His nickname is ‘Mr. Clean.

“That right?”

“Yeah. He was a captain in the Marines; he’ll gig you if your uniform isn’t pressed, your shoes aren’t spit-shined, your squad car isn’t tidy, etcetera, etcetera.” There was a sudden fierce downpour of snow mixed with sleet that obscured the glass. Radcliff turned the control to increase the speed of the wipers.

“I understand.”

Radcliff backtracked on the highway and stopped. When Trent got out, a gypsy cab foraging for a late-night fare stopped next to him. While Radcliff turned and quartered his police cruiser, the driver asked Trent if he needed a ride.

“I’m good, I’m good,”
he said broadly, scanning the trash pile for the purse.

The cab was between Trent and the police cruiser, so he
retrieved the purse and stashed it under the seat of his bike. Trent waved the cabbie away, and Radcliff fell in behind him. Snow whipped at his face as he drove slowly toward Midtown.

When they arrived at the station, Trent ducked in the men’s room to
empty the water from his boots and squeeze the water from his clothes. Then he cleaned the grime from his hands and face; after several washings, he could still smell the oily stench from the highway construction.

Radcliff was waiting for Trent when he came out of the restroom. “
Let’s go, Palmer. Priest found a crib for you.”

“I hope it’s warm,” Trent said, crossing his arms.

“Priest will turn up the heat,” Radcliff said with a grin as he led Trent down the hallway.


It was past midnight when Priest took Trent’s statement in a long narrow room at an oval conference table. A large rectangular mirror hung from the wall, and a small window looked out over the parking lot.

When they had finished, Priest looked vaguely convinced. “
Pen a summary of the events,” he said, opening the door and walking out.

With his pen poised over the paper Trent said, “Yes, boss.”

Trent had finished his report and was studying a laminated street map of Midtown tacked to the wall; a dozen or so angry red Xs were scratched on it.

A rhythmic tapping noise out in the hall grew louder, stopped, then the door opened and Radcliff walked into the room. “Finished?” he asked Trent.


Radcliff leaned over the phone and punched an intercom button. “Tell
Inspector Priest he’s done,” he said to the speaker.

“What’s with the map?”

“Recent gang killings in Midtown,” Radcliff said simply. “Atlanta’s Gang Intelligence Division is headquartered here; they had an operations briefing this afternoon to discuss the murders.” He ran down the year-to-date stats for Trent. There had been thirteen killings in all. He attributed the rise in violence to a newly-arrived cartel that was vying for control of the lucrative meth trade.

“These gang
-related homicides are skewing our figures,” Radcliff said. “We have to add those numbers in with the local Midtown numbers; it puts this year eighty percent above last year. You’d think the James brothers had settled into Midtown.”

Trent spotted a black plastic notebook lying beneath a chair
; the words GID CONFIDENTIAL were embossed in red on the cover. “How do you know what gang the victims were in?”

“Arm tattoos or brands on their skin,” Radcliff said. “Maybe a criminal record.” He added, “An occasional tipster rings in.”

“Has anyone been arrested for the killings?”

“Not a single eyewitness to
any of the murders. As long as they kill each other, who gives two shits?”

You sure it’s gangsters shooting gangsters?”

Yeah,” Radcliff said, seeming to be distracted by something. “I could’ve predicted it. We’ve busted scores of meth cookers, but eventually they get released from jail; when a cook wants back into his organization’s meth kitchen, he’s gotta whack someone.”

“Kill them?”

“Kill them. That’s the only way he gets his membership back.”

“That’s rough.”





Chapter 5

Priest reappeared in the doorway speaking with an officer. When Radcliff turned to be included in the conversation, Trent
retrieved the report and slid it between a file cabinet and the wall. Then he stood at the far end of the table.

Priest came in with the other officer. “Palmer, this is
Detective Lieutenant Butch McClure; he’s on my team. Take a seat.”

Radcliff saluted Trent on his way out.

Trent slid the summary to Priest then glanced at the new arrival. His head was massive like a tomcat’s; his eyes were highly alert, and his hair was cropped short. He had weight-lifter shoulders; he wore a black suit with enough silk in the fabric to give it a nice sheen and a red tie and a starched white shirt with gold monogrammed cufflinks.

Priest and McClure sat on either side of the table and trained their eyes on Trent like video cameras. McClure wanted
Trent to retell his tale of leaving the airport on his Ducati and encountering the thugs.

thrust his head forward and fingered his neatly trimmed mustache while Priest rested an elbow on the table and cupped his chin in his hand. Trent felt isolated and unnerved by their double stare, so he fixed his eyes on his folded hands and recited as many details as he could.

McClure then used a felt-tip pen on an overhead projector to sketch the location of the construction equipment, the three vehicles, and the position
s of the corpses. Priest turned to study the images on the wall and together they referenced photographs taken from various angles to crosscheck Trent’s movements. Then they talked about distance in feet and inches, limited visibility, and police procedures.

Trent glanced at the mirror
and it occurred to him that someone might be watching and listening from the other side; he hoped no one had seen him hide the report.

then studied his notebook and Trent’s eyes and asked all kinds of perceptive questions. “How many people did you see?”

in the low rider; four or five poured out of the truck.”

Are you sure?”

“It was dark
; I didn’t get a very good look because of the rain and all.”

But you were close enough to kill three of them. So, did they get out of the van? Or the lowrider?”

The baldheaded guy got out of the lowrider; he drug Rikki out of the car window. The other two could have emerged from either vehicle, I guess. I mean they were hunting me, so I don’t know what vehicle they got out of.”

“Good, that’s good.
Now this is critical; we need to know everything there is to know about the man you knifed.”

You know more than I do.”

Was he black? Caucasian, Hispanic, what?”


“He was
what, dark?”

“Yeah, dark skin
; but not dark like an African American.”

Light brown complexioned?”



“Long and curly.”


He was wearing all black. Or dark blue.”

That’s good information. Now, was he carrying anything on his person?”

“Besides a rifle? Hell if I know.”

“A backpack? A wallet? Anything in his pockets? His jacket?”

No backpack. That’s for sure.”

“How do you know?”

“Because his back was against my chest when I knifed him. No backpack.”

“Anything else?”

“I really have no idea. Everything happened so fast.”

McClure looked at his notes then leaned toward Priest. Without saying anything he took Priest’s notebook and thumbed through it.
Then he handed the book back to Priest and took a cold, hard look at Trent. “Are you positive?”

“For chrissake,” Trent said, cutting him off. “I’ve told you

McClure didn’t even blink. “
OK. That’s good to know,” he said, handing Trent his business card. “Call me day or night if you recall any additional details.”

Trent p
ocketed the card and said, “Who would try to kidnap Chief Clay’s daughter? And why?”

“I’ll answer that,” said a voice with a thick southern accent. “I’m Chief Clay.”





Chapter 6

Trent glanced up, and Priest an
d McClure snapped to attention. Chief Clay strode into the room with unmistakable authority. A man followed him in and jerked the door shut.

Clay was
in his mid-sixties. He had a silver crew cut and his sun-browned face was lined; he wore a blue, double-breasted Brooks Brothers suit and had an expensive-looking gold wristwatch on his wrist.

lay smiled quickly and said, “Trent, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He held out his hand and Trent shook it.

“Likewise,” said Trent.

“This is my Deputy Chief of Police, Mike Butler,” Clay said.

Trent extended his hand, but Butler smirked and hooked his thumbs in his belt.

Butler was an albino. He had pale skin and pink irises and was mostly bald except for some wispy white hair pushed behind his ears. With his designer jeans and white turtleneck, Trent thought he looked like an American college professor on sabbatical.

“At ease, gentleman,” Clay said encouragingly. “This is an informal meeting.”

Everyone but Clay sat.

“Trent,” he said, buffing the face of his watch with a monogrammed handkerchief, “
you observed, you acted, and God bless you for it. Rikki and my precious granddaughter are safe from those despicable thugs.”

I just reacted.”

And put yourself in harm’s way,” Clay said, putting his palms down on the table and locking eyes with Trent. “The key element here is
You are forbidden to discuss the contents of this discussion with anyone outside this room; can you go along with this condition?”

, sir.”

o answer the question of who would kidnap my daughter,” Clay said, “it’s personal. Two years ago I put the baldheaded cretin away for murder; he escaped from a maximum-security prison three months ago and disappeared to parts unknown. He didn’t surface until last night.”

massaged his eyes with his fingertips and said, “He won’t bother you anymore.”

“No,” Butler said, tapping the palm of his hand with a
rolled up report, “but credible intelligence says his jailbird twin brother was traveling with him last night.”

Trent leaned back in the metal
folding chair and said, “Tell me about the evil twin.”

“Triple is a
stone cold killer who always carries several automatics. Or so they say,” Priest said. “The brothers are the original members of the Atlanta Outlaws. They are a hard-core motorcycle gang; the members are all ex-cons and speed freaks to boot.”

“They are the human equivalent of
pit bulls with hyperaggressive tendencies,” Clay said.

In the last year,” McClure said, “the Outlaws have made a massive move into meth production.”

mulled the information over. “Is Triple his real name?”

,” McClure said. “It’s a tag he picked up-not like a
in baseball, but
because he murdered an entire family inside a firearms store. The owner had a nice-looking teenage daughter who got raped in the process.”

“Real nasty shit,” McClure said.

“A security camera tagged him for the killings,” Butler said curtly. “He’s been on the FBI’s short list ever since.”

Who were the other creeps I popped?”

“The one with the chest hits was
also a member of the Outlaws,” McClure said.

“And the third?”
Trent sensed a quiet alarm spread through the room.

Clay had taken a position at the end of the room.
He faced the window, speaking to his own reflection in the dark glass. “The man you knifed was an assassin for the Latin Kings; they have been carving up South Florida for decades. Murder, kidnapping, extortion. Intelligence says their goal is to become a world production platform for methamphetamine. Unfortunately, they want to outsource a large percentage of their production to Atlanta.”

Trent broke a cold sweat.
“What was his connection with the Outlaws last night?”

“Last month,” Clay said, “
The Kings sent two thugs to Atlanta to talk to the Outlaws about an alliance. They disappeared. No warnings. No threats. They just vanished. The way Jimmy Hoffa did.”

McClure said,
“The working theory is that the Kings were after payback. They got wind of the carjacking and saw an opportunity to kill the twins and muscle in on the business; holding Rikki for ransom would have been icing on the cake.”

Clay said
to Trent, “But you interrupted both parties. So these aren’t just any killings. It’s first blood in a new gang war. And you fired the first shots. Again, Trent, this discussion did not take place. OK?”


“You are released,” Clay said, opening the door and walking down the hall with Priest and McClure in toe.

Butler stood in the doorway.
“Priest told me about you,” he said, full of hostile suspicion aimed at the outsider.

“That right?”

Butler gave a short, snorty laugh. “I thought a PI was as low as a person could sink; until I met you.”

Trent’s jaw tightened. “I’m happy with what I do.”

“I’ll give you a word of advice,” he said. “Before you pull anymore maverick stunts in Atlanta you should pack up and leave town.”

And if I don’t?”

Your departure might be permanent. Now get the fuck out of here.”

When Trent was sure that Butler had gone, he stuffed the GID report down his shirt, lodging it firmly between his hip and the waistband of his pants. Then he walked into the hallway
where he saw Rikki Clay standing on a pair of crutches by the water fountain.

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