The Millionaire's Mistake (5 page)

BOOK: The Millionaire's Mistake
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Soon the skin was nearly purple and Reid was sobbing, shaking. Finally, blessedly, Reid whispered his safeword, “Sunflower.”

He tossed away the paddle and ran his hands up and down Reid’s back. “That’s it, boy, let it out. Let the past go.”

“Master. Sir. No more. Please. Please…”

“We’re done with the paddle, baby boy. You safeworded and you know that means full stop.” He needed to re-establish that trust. “I’m so proud of you and you’re going to feel me all day tomorrow.” He kept stroking his hands up and down Reid’s back.

Reid moaned, trembling for him, sweat making Reid’s skin slick.

“Let’s get you more comfortable.” He arranged the pillows in the middle of the bed and tugged the jeans down to Reid’s ankles, then helped Reid up onto the pile of pillows, burning ass up high in the air.

Fuck, that was pretty.


Going into his sizeable bathroom, AW wet a towel with cold water and wrung it out. When he brought it back, Reid was there, still, and he rewarded his boy by laying the cold cloth on the burning skin. The scream he got was delicious.

He turned the cloth over, laying it down again, then he went back to the bathroom to cool the cloth down and repeat the procedure. He did it twice more, making the burn more manageable.

Reid moaned at the last application of the cloth, this sound purely sexual.

Lying down next to his boy, AW smiled against Reid’s cheek. “You’ve been needing that forever and a day, baby boy, I can tell.”

Reid met his gaze, eyelashes wet. “I gave it up. I did.”

“You convinced yourself you had. Your body craves this as much as I crave you.” He found Reid’s lips with his own, pressed them gently together and let them breathe one another in.

Reid moaned, lips clinging to him. Slipping his tongue into Reid’s mouth, he deepened the kiss. It felt like magic, when Reid pressed closer and kissed him back. Moaning, he invited Reid’s tongue into his mouth and began sucking on it.

He pushed his hand down, wanting to see if Reid was still hard for him.

“Oh, fuck, feel you.” Reid’s cock burned almost as hot as his ass did and AW’s ring was slick, wet and slid against his hand. He moved it through Reid’s flesh, loving the way it made his boy’s belly tight. Needy man. AW rolled it again. “I have a weight now that can slip into this. Just a little one.”

Reid whimpered, the sound delicious.

“I’ll put it on you tomorrow morning, before you start work. That, the cock cage, and a nice little plug in your ass, your skin all rosy… You won’t be able to think about anything but me all day long.” He was going to be ordering a lot of coffee tomorrow.

For now, though, he wanted to see if Reid’s hole was as tight and hot as he remembered. He spread Reid’s thighs, careful not to touch that bruised ass too much. “I remember a time when you were always ready for me.” He grabbed the lube.

“That was when I thought you loved me.”

“Now you’re not going to think it, you’re going to know it.” He would do anything to heal what he’d hurt. Anything.

Starting with a single, slick finger, he pressed into Reid’s hole.

“Please…” Yes. Yes, needy boy.

He wriggled his finger around, groaning at the heat, at the fact that Reid’s hole was tighter than ever. “From now on, you’ll be slick for me. Punishment enemas if you forget.”

Reid’s entire body jerked, tightened, and a wild cry rang out. Reid hated enemas and AW knew that hole would be ready for his cock every single time.

He pressed a second finger in, finding Reid’s gland. “So many rules you’ve forgotten, sweet love. I’ll remind you of each and every one.” He pegged the little gland again and again, then stretched his fingers wide apart, dragging them out of Reid’s body.

“W…Sir.” Excellent catch.

“Good boy.” He pressed a third finger in. “That deserves a reward.” Stretching, he flicked one of Reid’s nipples with his free hand. Oh, they should pierce those, attach them to that perfect cock with a sparkling chain. There were so many things he wanted to do, so many he could do now that he had his Reid back.

“Please. Please. I need more.”

“I know. I’m going to fuck you nice and hard.”

He pushed his fingers in deep one more time, before pulling them out and gloving up his cock. He spread Reid with his thumbs, keeping his touch gentle, but exposing that slick hole. Anticipation was riding him hard, but he forced himself to go slowly, to press against Reid’s hole for a moment before pushing slowly in. The ring of muscles shook against his cock and he could feel Reid’s tension, Reid fighting the need to press back.

“Let me in, baby boy.”

Reid whimpered softly. “I’ve missed you.”

AW took a deep breath and cleared his throat, but his words still came out husky. “I’ve missed you too.” He leaned down, kissed Reid’s shoulder. “I was wrong to let you go.” And he wouldn’t make that mistake again. “But I’ve learned my lesson.”

“I haven’t. Teach me.”

It took everything in him not to shoot right there at Reid’s words.

Moaning, he sank in deep. His lover. His Reid. His boy. It felt like coming home.

Groaning, he held onto Reid’s hips as he pulled back out before sinking in again, farther this time, not stopping until he felt the heat of Reid’s ass against his skin. Reid groaned, entire body shivering for him.

“So tight, baby. You’re amazing.” He rolled his hips, sure and steady, moving without withdrawing.

Sliding one hand up, he reached for the little nips on Reid’s chest. His other hand searched for the hard cock, wrapping tightly around it. Reid made the best noises for him, each one low and needy.

AW moved them together, pulling out more noises, letting them echo in his head. Finally his hips slammed against Reid’s ass, drawing low cries. He stayed right there, thumb flicking across the top of Reid’s cock as he pushed in again and again.

They were so close. Reid was near hysterical, body milking his cock.

“You’re waiting for my command, aren’t you, baby? Such a good boy.” He wouldn’t let his boy fail this time. Not a chance. He pushed in a few more times and called it. “Now! Come on my cock, boy.” He squeezed Reid’s ass as he did, and Reid shot, body convulsing.

The fluttering around his cock pulled him into his orgasm too, and he filled the condom in pulses.

Beautiful boy. His boy.

Leaning over Reid’s back, lying against the damp skin, he kissed a spot just below Reid’s hairline. “Love you.”


“No shushing me.”

He’d keep saying it, showing it, until Reid believed him. He got that that might take a while. He’d screwed up. But he was determined to make it work.

Chapter Five

Reid was going out of his goddamn mind.

He snarled at his employees, couldn’t sit or settle, couldn’t think. Walt had cleaned him out this morning, then attached this…monster to him. The heavy metal cock ring that circled the base of his cock and his balls, had an even heavier buttplug attached. And as if that wasn’t enough, the fucking thing had a thick metal sound that slid inside his slit, too, keeping him totally controlled. Then there was the promised weight on his PA and the cage around his poor, plugged cock that attached to the ring at the base.

Reid was going to lose his shit.

To make matters worse, Walt himself had shown up just after they’d opened to get a cup of coffee, then at nine, then at ten thirty. At noon he’d come down and sat for an hour, slowly eating a sandwich. He was here again now, had been since about two, drinking coffee and working at his laptop and looking as cool as the proverbial cucumber.

Reid stayed in the back, ostensibly doing inventory, but genuinely just trying not to scream. Each and every movement sent shivers through him; he hadn’t even thought about sitting down, let alone tried it.

His phone rang, Walt’s name coming up on the call display. He grabbed it. “What?”

“Don’t you get a break? You should come sit with me. I came down just to see you, you know.”

“Sit? You’re not funny.”

“I’m not trying to be.” No, Walt sounded as serious as a heart attack.

Reid shook his head, his hips rolling. “Walt…”

“That’s another swat, boy.”

“Sir,” he bit out. “I can’t sit.”

“You can. For a moment or two.”

“I’ll come out and see you, but I can’t sit.” There was no fucking way Reid could plant his ass anywhere.

“You can for five seconds. Which is how long you have to get here.” Walt hung up.

“Asshole. Motherfucker. Prick. Dickhead. Bastard,” he muttered all the way to the front, where Barbara stopped him with a few questions. They closed at four thirty on Fridays and had to clean up so that Monday mornings were bearable.

He could feel Walt’s eyes on him as he spoke to her, burning into him. He wasn’t going to disrespect his staff, though, even if there were consequences. These people were hardworking, decent. When she was happy with his answers, he gave in to the inevitable and went over to where Walt was sitting.

“Sorry. Work.”

“That’s just fine. Gave me an opportunity to watch you. Seeing as you’ve been hiding in the back and avoiding me all day.”

“I’ve been busy.” Walt was fully aware of where he’d been.

“Uh-huh.” Walt nodded toward the chair across from him. “Have a seat.”

“Please.” He couldn’t. Really.

“Have a seat, please.”

Reid sat himself down carefully, barely perching, his thighs trembling with the effort. Walt’s hand landed on his knee, slid up his thigh.

“What do you need?” he asked.


“I’m working.” He made as if to stand.

Walt’s hand squeezed his leg, encouraging him to stay. “I know. I didn’t mean right here on the table. Although…”

“Tease.” He let himself smile. Walt would tease, but had never once tried to humiliate him in public.

Walt smiled back. “You love it.”

“Nonsense. I have to count cups.”

“Is that what you’re pretending to do while you make believe you aren’t just dying for me to take you back upstairs and fuck you?”

“God, yes.” There was no point in denying it. He was pretty sure he didn’t even want to.

“So how many cups do you have?” Walt leaned forward, eyes hot. “Do you even know or are you going to pull an answer out of your ass?”

“Lots. I have lots. Boxes.”

“Better to not be pulling boxes out of your ass…” teased Walt.

“Hush. Hush. I have to think, focus. Work.”

“You do have to focus. I want you to focus on the sound in your cock and the plug in your ass.”


“Yes?” Butter wouldn’t melt in Walt’s mouth. “Also, boy, that’s another. I’m keeping track on an app.”

“Oh, asshole.”

“And another.” Walt actually pulled his phone out of his pocket and very deliberately put in the number two.

“I’m going to work. Enjoy your coffee.” Reid stood and headed back to the office without waiting for a response from Walt. Half an hour. Half an hour and they’d be closed.

It was going to be the longest half hour in the history of mankind.

Chapter Six

AW went upstairs around four. He didn’t want to be in the store at closing. He figured Reid didn’t need to explain his presence after hours, besides he wanted Reid to come up without being told, without him there to push and remind.

He glanced at his watch. It was nearly six. The coffee shop closed at four thirty on Fridays. Either there was a hell of a lot of work to do to close the place before the weekend, Reid had gone home, or the man was stalling.

AW was willing to bet it was the later.

His phone beeped.
2 scones left. want?

Smiling, he texted back,
please. coffee?

machines are all sterilized for monday. sry.

Ah, of course. Perhaps there wasn’t quite as much stalling as he’d thought if Reid had to get the place ready for the Monday morning rush.

no prob

It was probably for the best anyway. He’d already had way more caffeine than his usual today.

In another five minutes, his phone rang. Walt went to the elevator and punched in his code as he answered. “I’m unlocking the top floor now.”

“Thank you.”

He could hear Reid’s laughter, just in those two words.

“Brat.” The word was fondly said, though. He was glad Reid was in a good mood despite the contraption he’d made the man wear all day long. Or maybe it was because of it.

“You’re the one who locked me out.”

“Not you. Everyone else.” He wasn’t letting anyone in except Reid. “I’ll give you the code.”

“Coming up. Going to lose…” And sure enough, there went the cell reception.

Sliding his phone into his pocket, AW leaned against the wall next to the elevator. It had been hard today, knowing Reid was so close, knowing his lover was wearing his will and not being able to touch. He’d been half-hard all day and now his prick was firming up with his anticipation.

Reid had snarled and growled, but submitted, and now it was theirs—the entire weekend. Two full days. He had food brought in today, so there would be no reason to dress, to leave.

The elevator door opened and Reid stepped out, handed him the scones.

“Thank you. You wanna eat them in bed?”

“Crumbs.” Reid looked at him, vibrating visibly. “Take it off?”

“Sure.” He put the scones down and stripped off his T-shirt, knowing full well that wasn’t what Reid meant.

Reid growled, stomping one foot. “Walt!”

“There you go, not calling me Master again. You’re needing it today.” He now had five swats to that gorgeous prick coming to Reid.

Moving to Reid, he began pull the man’s T-shirt out of his jeans. He could smell Reid’s need, could smell the way his lover hungered for him. Once he had Reid’s T-shirt off, he started in on the man’s jeans. “This is the last of the clothing you’ll be wearing until Monday morning.”

Reid’s belly flushed a warm red. He tickled his fingers across it before sliding Reid’s jeans down over his hips.

“My naked boy. We should wax you, make you bare for my flogger.”

He loved the wide-eyed look his words got him. The swallow. The whimper Reid wouldn’t let him hear. That was okay—he would hear it later.

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