The Misadventures of Ka-Ron the Knight (61 page)

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Authors: Donald Allen Kirch

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: The Misadventures of Ka-Ron the Knight
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"Ka-Ron of Teal, do you accept the love of this man?" the wizard asked.

"With all my hearts." Ka-Ron kissed Jatel.

"Jatel of Illium, noble squire to the house of Idoshia, do you accept the love of this woman?"

Jatel looked at his master and beamed. "I shall fight for her honor with my last breath. I would suffer for her happiness. I would die just to hold her hand."

Keeth chuckled. "A simple 'yes' would do," he said.

Everyone held back a laugh.

"Then, by the authority given to me by my kingdom, peers, and order, I bind the two of you into one solid element. May you both prosper and live in honor."

It was done.

Jatel kissed his master.

"I welcome thee into my hearts&husband." Ka-Ron whispered, almost in tears.

"And I you, mast&my wife."

To the last, Jatel was both loyal and true.


Ka-Ron and Jatel approached the
, hearing the telltale hammering of the wizard. He had been hard at work repairing the damage done by Rakamore's agents, and, of course, improving upon his fantastic machines. Both were amused and not really surprised that Keeth would be doing such a thing.

"Does that man ever take a day off?" Jatel mused.

"I think not," Ka-Ron stated, with her arm around her husband's waist.

After finalizing her spell upon the knight, Ka-Ron awoke the next morn to some startling surprises. Her features had calmed. Her curves had become more appropriate. Her features had taken on a softer complexion. She was, in a word, beautiful. This last was a wedding gift to both. The knight was quite surprised to discover that her love was more enjoyable now that her hearts were in control.

"Shall we go see if the good wizard can take us home?" Jatel asked.

Ka-Ron shook her head in agreement.

The wizard was, in fact, deep inside one of his colossal machines, beating away at a cog wheel with his wooden mallet. Cursing and yelling at the top of his lungs, Keeth was not aware of the fact that he had guests.

As he had stated, the wizard was working on yet another invention. This one, he claimed, would be able to propel his vessel above the very sky itself. He stated that there were vast "in between spaces" that separated the stars. The chance for adventure was beyond the imagination.

"Oh!" Keeth grew startled on spotting Ka-Ron gazing down upon him. He dropped his hammer. "I did not see the two of you."

"No harm, wizard."

Keeth crawled out and brushed himself off.

"Any word on Rohan or Dorian?" Jatel asked, concerned.

"I got post this morning that both were in high spirits. They're expecting a baby, you know."

Both Ka-Ron and Jatel silently acknowledged this.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Wizard, we were wondering if you could transport the two of us to Idoshia."

"My dear, do you have to ask?"

Molly rushed into the room carrying a huge wooden box. Inside the container all could see various tubes and springs. The redhead was both startled and pleased to see the newlyweds. Having bowed, she rushed off to the other end of the ship. Her actions showed great haste.

Both Jatel and Ka-Ron gave the wizard an inquisitive glance.

"She is quite capable with her hands." Keeth said.

Jatel tried his best to hold back a laugh.

Ka-Ron slapped the squire, helping him in his endeavor.

"I think she wants to sign on as my assistant," the old man mused. "It has been quite some time since I have had a&pupil."

"Indeed?" Ka-Ron winked.

"It is far too soon for that, my love," the wizard stated, pointing a knowing finger at the knight. "She will be in mourning for quite some time. Your son was her first true love, and that is quite a challenge for even a young man to conquer."

"Still," Ka-Ron placed her hand upon the wizard's shoulder. "If you are willing to wait, I wish you good hunting."

Keeth gave the matter some thought, and betrayed his attempt to hide his interest by glancing off in Molly's direction. The redhead had no idea that she was once again a "wanted" woman.

"When shall you be ready to get underway?" Jatel asked.

"Tomorrow I add the "between spaces" rocket boosters," the wizard mused. "But all should be ready by mid-sun. Shall we say tomorrow night?"

Bowing, Ka-Ron pulled Jatel back with her.

"Until then, my friend."

As both exited the
they exchanged curious glances.

"Jatel," the knight asked, as she trotted down the gangplank.


"What's a rocket booster?"

"I have absolutely no idea, my love."

Ka-Ron turned to kiss her husband. She loved the way he paid close attention to her needs&the forceful way he guided her to his will, and the diplomatic way he handled his defeats. A wife's job was conflict, was it not?

Their honeymoon night had been lovely. And it was upon that subject that the knight had wanted to focus.

Kai had allowed them the comfort of her hut while she rested on board the wizard's ship. The Wicca Master was getting ready to move on herself. War loomed, and she wished to start forming Allies of her own, so that both she and her order would be able to survive the destructive outcome.

Things were changing.

"Jatel," Ka-Ron asked, "do you think this war will come to Idoshia?"

"Our lands do have minor elf lands nearby. Sooner or later, I see trouble."

"I hope not."

"Ka-Ron, you need not worry anymore. I am here to protect you."

Smiling, the knight hugged her man. She longed for a private moment: a moment where she could take Jatel's clothes off once more&a moment where his strong hands reached down to her bottom, squeezing slightly&for the force and feel of him entering her, again. She had all the normal feelings of a woman now, and all the responsibility. She was quite amazed at her overall powers.

"Let's go back to the hut," Ka-Ron suggested. The woman took hold of Jatel's bottom lip, ever so slightly, by biting into it with her teeth, pulling him toward the desired direction.

Jatel could only respond with a subtle grunt of pain, although it felt pleasurable.

Tomorrow would come at its own pace.

For now, Ka-Ron was in the mood for love.


Kai stood by the
waiting for both Jatel and Ka-Ron to approach.

Not that many people in the neighborhood of Kai's hut had gotten much sleep the night before. If there were people in the village of Ur who knew not of the newlywed's love, they heard that news shouted out loud, several times, during the course of the newlyweds' lovemaking. Still, no one took it negatively. New lovers always held within them passion to spare.

Awkward glances were to be expected.

The knight did her best to conceal the fact that all her muscles ached from fatigue. The woman could barely walk!

Jatel had his way with her more than once, and he hid a limp.

"I see that you are&rested." Kai spoke the last word with great irony.

Ka-Ron patted at her hair. She could feel a blush entering her cheeks. "I am finding my way around my new life."

"Indeed." Kai turned her attentions to Jatel. "Dear squire, it seems that you have found your wish, and it has been fulfilled. Treat her with love, and do not throw that love away. Once love is out of hand, no magic in the universe can recapture it."

The man thought about what the Wicca Master had said. As he did so, several children went playing in the fields, performing tasks and role-playing, acting as if at war, and performing other innocent rituals as children alone can do. He placed his hand in Ka-Ron's. There was no doubt about his love, and no need for testing.

"I thank thee, Kai," the squire bowed.

"I offer my services when you need them." Kai countered. She placed a hand upon the squire's head and looked deeply into his eyes. "There is a fire within you, young man, which points to a greater destiny. Take heed that when the time comes to act, you alone will know when The Watcher will strike."

Kai noticed the look of puzzlement given to her by all.

"Visions can be tricky things, my dears." she tried to explain.

Both she and Ka-Ron hugged their goodbye.

"Fair journey to you, Ka-Ron."

The knight held up her hand, correcting her.

"I have decided to change my name," she said. "A new name for a new life."

Jatel, Keeth, and Kai turned, and were all attention.

"What shall we call thee, child?" Kai asked, excited.

"Karen," she said.

"Well, then, Karen of Teal, wife to Jatel of Illium, I wish you...well."

"With love," Karen stated, "I hope to see you again."

The goodbyes were final.


"Prepare to get underway!" Keeth yelled, taking his position at the ship's wheel.

Several villagers, surrounding the
, untied ropes that had been attached to trees, or spiked into the ground with wooden stakes. This was a grand sight. After accomplishing his ship's long refitting, the wizard had entertained those who had helped him, by providing a show of the tiny vessel's many abilities. The ship had been flown from the nearby harbor, set down in a failed root field, and both parent and child were allowed to explore and wonder.

The ship appeared more "grown up." The wizard had reinforced the hull, making it more difficult for an outsider to scale or damage. He had added two more masts and six more sails, providing more thrust and speed when the vessel sailed upon the water. He added a new auxiliary wheel up near the bow in case of damage, and an extra set of "levers" in a non-disclosed place aboard ship, in case of forced invasion.

The lighter-than-air balloon had been enlarged, allowing the
to claim more from the sky. The machines which flew her through the atmosphere were eased by the introduction of two more engines on each side of the vessel.

When asked why so many improvements, Keeth simply stated, "Look at all the troubles we had, just on our first trip. What manner of curiosities will we come in contact with upon our second?"

No one could debate that simple logic.

Kai, waving her farewells with the villagers, had convinced most of them to pack up their belongings and join her in her trek to the other side of the planet, far away from the growing storm. Her sights were set upon the golden shores of Turin. It was there that the people of the Wiccan would make their stand.

"Lines are in, and at the ready!" Molly shouted, running to both bow and stern while giving the ship its final inspection.

The former vampire was doing well as Keeth's apprentice. Her passion for detail and sense of adventure were an added feature which made Keeth's job as master of the
more manageable. Still, from time to time, the woman looked amused, having spotted the wizard giving her more than an authoritative glance.

There was a silent love growing amongst these two.

A love that would soon flower into a fantastic adventure.

Both knew it. But both waited.

"Pulling back on engine. Ignite levers!" the wizard warned.

The curious engines of the ship sparked, choked, and exploded huge plumes of smoke as they vibrated to life.

"Sky ahoy!" Molly stated, pointing an excited hand upward.

took to the high places, floating like a gull. She was a wonder to behold.

"Turning fifteen points to port, heading back to Idoshia!"

Keeth turned his wheel.

All on board couldn't help but join the cheers, far below, as the people of The Fire Mountains wished them on their way.

Karen laid her head upon her husband's chest as both watched in wonder the miracle of modern flight. Jatel remained quiet. No doubt he was thinking about his explanations, once they returned home. He was concerned about how the royal classes would react to their "change in life styles."

"Karen," Jatel asked, still uneasy with his wife's new name, "what will the King think upon our return?"

"In what way would his opinion worry you?" the woman turned, looking up into Jatel's eyes. Her lips pouted out a little as she asked her questions.

"What would the people think of a lowly squire marrying a woman who had once been a knight of the blood?"

"I still
a knight of the blood," Karen interrupted, reminding her husband.

"All right," Jatel bowed, accepting the fact. "My point, love, is that they will see me as a digger of good fortune."

"How so?"

"You were a high knight, forced to become a woman, who I have now taken as my wife."

"And I, you, as my husband," Karen pointed out, almost angry.

Jatel paused, allowing the anger to pass.

"They will say you had no other choice. They will say that I saw an opportunity, and&"

Karen put a soft but stern hand, to Jatel's mouth. Her skin smelled of rose melon perfume. Her face was lined with makeup that she had been taught to apply by Kai. Her hair was braided in the traditional Idoshian way. She was everything a loving mate could hope for.

"They will say, Jatel, that you are a lucky man." The knight scanned the deck. Upon noticing that both the wizard and Molly were nowhere to be seen, she grabbed at the man's sex, rubbing it awake. "They will say that both of us are quite noisy and should be given a wide berth during the course of the night."

Jatel's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Dear woman!" he joked. "Is that all you think about?"

Karen bowed down, opening Jatel's pants with her teeth.

"Jatel," she said, coming back up for air. "Shut up. Take me to our cabin, and let's get to work at having some children."

The look of sheer determination upon the woman's face was enough to alter the course of an active volcano.

The squire cleared his throat, picked Karen up from off the deck, and headed toward their bed. Upon reaching the cabin door, the man kicked it open, and carried his bride over the threshold.

Karen, anticipating the night to come, giggled like a schoolgirl.

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