The Mistress - an Erotic Noir Novel (5 page)

BOOK: The Mistress - an Erotic Noir Novel
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She quickly silenced the kettle, ignoring it as she felt the
winter chill ebb from her body. He had provided her with something
far better than a warm drink, and her mouth went to his with equalled
passion, shimmying her skirt up in order to spread her legs around
his waist.

Eva’s breathing was hot against his jaw line, down his
throat and to his Adam’s apple, her nerves standing on edge
with the way he stoked her fires so well. He was an expert at playing
with her body, she had long ago discovered, and the strong man could
feel her soft form beg for him.

With such a mighty, low roar of pleasure, he kissed her back with
that intense, animal desire he always had for her. Those strong hands
of his rubbed her thick thighs, stroking over them and in under her
skirt, pushing it up against her stomach as he very diligently pet
her quim through the garment. As big and brutish as he was, as dull
as he could be on academic subjects, he was a devoted student in bed,
and always sought out ways to please her no matter his own intense

Her head tilted back and knocked against the cupboard, but the
sharp sensation only brought the pleasure he was bringing her into
sharper focus. She had a great adoration for Allen, if not respect
and appreciation for how easily he worked her body into a frenzy.
With others it took something special, something extra to bring her
to such a boiling point.

With him, it was all she needed. No matter the setting, he always
brought her to her knees, and her heels dug into his thighs as she
moaned. It was a low, throaty sound that was rewarding and
appreciative as he felt through the slick material, the panties
conforming to her tender lips.

Squeezing her thigh and stoking the fires of her loins through
those panties, by the time he tugged them crudely aside to expose
her, she had been near writhing in anticipation for a while. The
kettle had died down by the point he was undoing his belt, his lips
smacking loudly against her neck and ear as he pulled out that
gorgeous and almost over-large cock of his, so perfectly shaped and
throbbing with desire for her.

Despite the bulging thing with its slick dark tip being long
familiar to her, it was no less a stunning tool of masculinity as he
brought it to her loins.

Her lidded eyes dropped to it, and she knew the look on her face.
It was one of pure carnality and desire, and her breath hitched. She
shifted her body, lifting her skirt further around her waist as she
stared down with appreciation at his beautiful shaft. She loved to
watch as that purple, throbbing head pierced her delicate cunny, and
she licked her lips in desire.

“Moments like this tempt me to throw it all away and give
you those keys,” she murmured in her breathless, lusty voice.

Allen, for all his near overwhelming lust, was watching too. He
seemed to enjoy that penetration as much as she did, and he teased
the wide tip over her slit, flicking it across her sensitive clit and
keeping her senses so primed. “You should,” he said
huskily, “you got no idea how often I could pop over and see to
your needs if I could just drop by whenever.” That was about
all he had to say, for he pushed the thick crown against her flushly
and let it begin to sink into that flowered, damp quim, giving such a
noisy groan in the process.

She knew how other women had sex. She’d made love and been
fucked by enough married men to gather that their wives were under
appreciative and inactive, disinterested and detached. She, however,
was engaged and desirous, filling the air with her loud moans and
soft whimpers as that thick shaft pressed through her body. She
watched the heated, blood filled member as it disappeared between her
thighs, and when finally he could go no further, she admired the
length that remained.

If she could tilt back, he could disappear it wholly within her,
causing her to writhe in painful ecstasy, but the countertop offered
no such luxuries, so instead she kissed him. Her moans reverberated
against his tongue as she suckled on it, drawing it into her mouth
and teasing it with teeth and wet muscle.

Allen’s strong grasp fell upon her thigh and breast,
squeezing her in those two places as he began to piston his hips even
while they kissed. The man wasted no time, and she could feel that
thick organ inside her twisting as he angled himself just so,
bringing the full brunt of that godly tool against her cunt so that
each thrust was a delightfully jarring motion.

Moaning against her tongue he kept her close to him, encouraging
her legs up around him as he bucked. For all his failings, his
physicality was astounding. A life of athletic training turned his
muscular form into a perfect tool for fucking her.

Where he was hard, she was soft and feminine. Her large breast,
even beneath the bra, shaped to his hand so pleasantly, and her
fleshy thighs wrapped around his hard hips even tighter. Her eyes
opened partially, looking over his handsome face and feeling her body
pulse for him. She contracted her lower muscle, squeezing him as if
some reward for a job well done, and she held her breath.

At just the right angle, with just the right speed, he knew how to
make her scream his name, and she could feel that moment approaching.

She knew that was exactly what he intended. Make her ‘sing’,
he called it.

So with a few more noisily wet kisses on her full lips she watched
that broad jawed face of his, so smooth and handsome beneath his
short dark hair and eyes, contort into such deep, satisfied pleasure.
His startling girth thickened within her all the more, pulsing as his
own release approached with each new slap of his heavy balls and
thighs against her own soft flesh.

“Y’feel so good, teach,” he muttered, and with
her clenching his cock so purposefully, and his face so full of the
strain of his impending orgasm, there was nothing to doubt about how
intensely he meant that.

Her lip was the first thing that began to tremble, but the feeling
quickly passed through her entire body. Her beautiful face contorted
and reddened, her clothing feeling so tight and restrictive as the
waves crashed against her form. She didn’t tighten her legs
around him or beg him in deeper; he knew what to do the second she
gasped, and he did it perfectly.

Just like always.

Her head slammed back into the cupboards, her throat elongating as
she screamed out his name, her voice filled with such powerful lust
as her pussy contracted and twitched around his thick cock, drawing
forth the thick throbs and virile flood of cum as he loosed himself
inside her.

With his head pushed back, face ruddy with the strain as he cried
out his own triumph, he pumped into that tight, clinging cunt with
each new spurt of his seed. Such a long and intense release, he rode
her long after her quim gushed its own honey over his dick to seep
out warmly over his sac.

Even as her own bliss passed, he was rocking into her with the
last of what he had in him.

Her arms went about his neck, and she was kissing his ear,
whispering nasty little words to him, appreciation for his fucking
obvious. This was the man that had helped her with her early desires,
before she learned to conquer them, and there was something sweet and
tender in the way she held him.

They always parted with the understanding of what they had, and
neither were interested in a serious relationship. Even when she was
younger and lusting for the powerful jock, she’d known it
wouldn’t seriously work out. Instead, they both got the best of
one another.

As she rested back, catching her breath, she rubbed the back of
her head with tender fingers, “Ow. That smarts.”

With a loud, boisterous laugh he slipped his hand from her thigh
around to her ass and squeezed it before leaning in and kissing her
lips. “Poor teach,” he said. With a satisfied sigh he
looked about, “That was just what I needed. Though... is it
okay if I pull out now or should I carry you into the bathroom
again?” he asked, the aftermath and mess of sex old hat to

“If you’re going to be wrestling today, shouldn’t
you work out a bit,” she moaned, resting her body against him.
“I’m already going to have to scrub the counter, I’d
rather not have to mop it as well.” She kissed his jaw and
seemed so much more content after their tryst.

With another chuckle the large man lifted her up with an arm in
around her backside, cupping her ass beneath her skirt as he lifted
her up and carried her to the bathroom. It was an oddly sweet looking
thing, the two nestled together so, still intertwined with their
loins locked, as he carried her on into the bathroom across the hall.
It was something of a miracle the athletic man was able to manipulate
them both to lay her down on the toilet and extricate himself without
making a mess of things.

Kissing her forehead he said, “So I won’t be seein’
you after the tryout,” he said, “guess you got plans of
your own, huh?’

“I’m actually just worried I’ll want to join
in,” she teased as she cleaned off her sex, gingerly placing
back the panties and standing, handing him the used cloth. “As
tempting as that sounds, you know me and my reputation. It’s
going to be a struggle enough to be taken seriously as a professor.”

Cleaning himself up he nodded, “Maybe when you’re a
professor I could come back and actually graduate,” he smiled,
more serious than joking. “Y’know, since I got an in with
the woman doin’ the grading.”

Leaning over he placed a hand back upon her ass and kissed her
cheek, “Thanks teach, you were just what I needed.” His
voice husky but quieter than usual.

She felt warm against his lips and her hand found his jaw. “You’ll
be fine if you study,” she murmured. She’d been saying
the same thing to him for years, and though he did manage to get into
the College, it was only because of her. They both knew it, though
she never mentioned it.

With a broad, satisfied smile, Allen went back out, tidied up and
looking as good as ever. “So I’ll see you again soon
then, huh?” he asked, looking around for his books he
discarded, unable to pick them out from the rest and seeming to
abandon the effort almost immediately.

She sighed and quickly picked his out of her pile, handing them to
him. “I hope so,” she agreed as she moved to her tiptoes
and kissed his jaw bone. “It had been far too long. How do you
expect a girl to be able to survive without you for so many days?”

Taking his books he shrugged his broad shoulders, “Well
y’know I try!” he pleaded, “But with you and your
studies, and me and sports, I can never seem to catch ya,” and
she could see the dumb hunk meant it entirely. The consternation on
his face obvious. “Been tryin’ for ages, and if I
couldn’t get ya to skip class it’d probably be another
week,” she could swear he’d almost be pouting if not for
his overwhelming manliness which kept it at bay.

Her lips curled pleasantly and she kissed his lower lip with a
soft, tender motion before stepping back, “Then aren’t we
lucky my Professor had to cancel. I’d wish you luck today, but
I know you’ll do fine, so instead I’ll wish I was there.”

Heading towards the door at his slow, meandering pace he always
had whenever he didn’t want to do something he kept turning and
looking to her. “Me too,” he groaned. “But if you
give me that key I could pop in tonight,” he was sporting a
full grin, “after some drinks with the boys at the dorm of
course. I promised.”

“I might not be around,” her smile turned lopsided.
“Besides, you’re so rough after drinking,” she
added with a bit of a moan, as if she enjoyed the thought. “We’ll
catch up soon, though,” she cooed.

Nodding obediently—for teachers word was law!—he
turned and took the doorknob, “Later teach. Stay beautiful,”
he remarked before heading off into the snowy outdoors in but his
shirt again.

She always marvelled at how he could handle the cold—and
peoples frustration with his inappropriate choice of outerwear—as
she shut the door, finally going to make herself some tea and run the
bath. She had only a few hours to get ready, and she fully intended
to be looking her best and smelling intoxicating. As she sipped her
tea, she could already feel the flush of excitement as she thought
about the evening that awaited her and the tryst that had just

Chapter 3

By the time she was emerging from the bath she could hear a knock
at the front door. The old lady she rented from could never hear a
thing, and it’d likely remain unanswered forever if she didn’t
go get it herself.

Putting on her dressing robe and feeling quite indecent, she
yelled out “Coming!” Her voice sounded musical, her skin
glowing after the fresh scrub, her hair already up in curlers.

Arriving at the door she could see it was the other familiar face
of Martin. Still dressed as usual, with his shirt, tie and sweater
beneath a thick overcoat for the cold, he looked fairly troubled
through the eyehole in her door.

“Martin?” she murmured before opening the door,
staring at him rather aghast. “Oh please don’t tell me
you’re going to lecture me on missing class,” she
frowned. “Something urgent came up. You know how it is.”

The meek man, eight years her senior but always acting as if she
were his mother rather than a student beneath him, swallowed down
something, quite literally. “I was worried,” he stated.
Then a look of disappointment overtook his face, “I was hoping
you’d get a chance to see me in action too.” He spoke as
if the action were something akin to war heroism.

“I was too, actually,” she smiled a bit sadly and
looking a bit more genuine. “How did it go? I wish you didn’t
have to see me like this,” she sighed as she invited him in out
of the cold. “Come up and I’ll make you some tea and you
can tell me everything.”

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