The Moment She Knew (4 page)

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Authors: Christine Farrey

BOOK: The Moment She Knew
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“What?” She
had no idea what he was talking about.

“My name is
Connor, so now you know two people here.” His smile got wider. The smile was definitely melting her heart and doing a few other things to her body.

“Oh my name is
Callie, well Caitlyn Marie Winters but no one calls me that.”
Why did I just give the stranger my full name
she thought. She was going to kill Ryan if he didn’t get back soon. 

Well it was, lovely, to meet you Caitlyn Marie Winters.” He got up to excuse himself. Just as he was about to walk off he leaned in whispering in her ear, “and I think you wear that dress
nicely.” She looked up at him as he slightly licked his lips. Her mouth hung open in surprise. He winked, buttoned his jacket and walked away. Callie was speechless, something that doesn’t happen often. Well played sir, well played.

returned at some point and offered her another glass of wine. He downed his gin and tonic and then another. They took their seats as dinner started. Callie looked down, damn it there was more than one fork. Ryan introduced his mother and father as well as some other family members. Dinner was, well it was different. If Callie didn’t know what it was she didn’t eat it. She knew it was a waste to leave it but Ryan helped out with that. For a skinny man, he sure could eat. She didn’t know where he was putting all the food and the gin and tonics. After dinner was served there was a band that played music and the dance floor was now open. Ryan excused himself as he headed to the bathroom. Callie found herself alone, again.

“I see your date keeps leaving you
.” She turned to see Connor standing there. Now that he was standing in front of her she admired more about him then just his eyes and face. His light brown hair was not as long as Ryan’s but long enough that she imagined running her fingers through it. It looked soft and silky. He was taller than Ryan; she guessed about 6’1. He really filled out the suit nicely, like it was made for him. He had body to him, some muscles but not overly done. He was thick, solid, something to hold on to. He had to exercise regularly or at least play some kind of sport. He reminded her of Clark Kent, like he was hiding Superman under his tux. She may have been drooling at some point.

“He went to the bathroom
,” she stated. “I’m sure he did. I would be surprised if he didn’t get stomach sick from all that he ate and drank. So while you wait for him, do you want to dance?” The thought was intimidating. She loved to dance but to songs that featured Pitbull. She wasn’t made for this type of music.

“Oh no that’s ok
, I can’t really dance to this music,” she stated and looked around quickly.

“Yes you can its rather simple, I lead and you follow
,” he held out his hand and before she knew it, he was leading her to the dance floor. She didn’t have small or dainty hands in the slightest but his hands intertwined with hers perfectly. She started to feel her body temper rise. He was an attractive man. She didn’t find too many men attractive but even when she did; they didn’t make her nervous like this. He stopped and turned to face her once they were on the dance floor. Callie, deep in thought, didn’t notice he stopped walking and she slammed into him. “Sorry, sorry. I’m just… so sorry,” she whispered knowing her face was as red as red can be.

“Its fine
,” he smiled. She stood there not knowing what to do. The music was slow and the last time she slow danced with a boy was at an eighth grade dance; you know the kind, where you put your hands on the boys shoulders and sway, trying not to step on each other’s feet.

All of a sudden she felt like she was sweating. He placed her
right hand on his left shoulder, wrapped his left hand on her waist and locked their free hands together. They started to move. Callie recognized the song the lady was singing, it was Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey. She liked this song and mentally sang along. She looked at Connor and thought about how beautiful he was, he wasn’t just handsome but he was beautiful. She could feel her heart racing. She thanked God that the space between them wasn’t too close because the feel of his hands on her body was making her breathless and she was 90 percent sure her body was going to burst into flames from his touch. Her eyes were about the Masone height as his lips. He had nice lips. His top lip was slightly smaller than his bottom lip. She wondered what they felt like. They moved throughout the song and she noticed he was mouthing some of the lyrics. She tried to relax and focus on her feet. If she stared at his lips any longer she was going to see what they tasted like. So she quickly looked at her feet.

“Don’t look at your feet. Look at me. If
you look at your feet you’ll trip,” he whispered. He then moved their bodies closer together. He was very close now and she could smell him. It was a woodsy smell, like sandalwood and spice. Whatever it was, she liked the smell of it. “Why is your body so tense? You need to relax. Our bodies are supposed to move as one,” he said in a hushed voice. “Yea I get that but,” she started. She tried looking at him but she couldn’t, his hands, his lips, his smell; God if he knew what she was thinking right now. “But?” He asked, wanting her to finish.

“You make me nervous
.” She rolled her eyes, immediately regretting telling him this.

“Why do I make you nervous?”
He found this funny.

“I don’t know, because you just do
Because you are good looking, you smell amazing and I want to rip your clothes off with my teeth
she thought.

“Well maybe you make me nervous
.” Callie laughed out loud causing the couple next to them to look in their direction. She mouthed her apologies.

, I don’t have that effect on people,” she shook her head still not looking at him.

“And why would you think that?”
He looked baffled.

“I’m nothing much for people t
o be intimidated or affected by.” She looked anywhere but at him.

“We are going to have to disagree
on that. I find you intriguing,” he said and spun her around.

She snickered, “I’m sorry, what makes me intriguing?”
Now she was looking at him.

e took a deep breath, “You didn’t come in here like everyone else. The way you are dressed, how you carry yourself. You started downing a tray of wine when you walked through the door. You stared at which fork to use during dinner. It was rather… adorable. You decided to look at the fork everyone else was using and still you went with a different fork. I am at this event every year and there are the same people who come here. The new faces end up being like the old ones, except yours. You’re different. I’m just interested in you,” he waited while she processed what he said. The song ended. She looked around to find Ryan, he still wasn’t in sight.

noticed she was looking for her date. “He is probably in the bathroom still,” he said with a heavy sigh. She started for the bathroom and he followed her, “you’re right, he must still be in the bathroom. He probably did get sick from over eating and, how did you know he ate and drink too much or that I didn’t know which fork to use?” She whipped around and looked at Connor.

“I don’t know
, maybe I glanced over at your table a few times,” he stretched his hands and placed them in his pockets. She turned around and continued on walking, so he followed.

, because that's not weird at all,” she said as she walked up to the door of men’s room. She was about to walk in when Connor stopped her, “maybe I should go in and see if he’s ok?” He lifted an eyebrow at her.

probably best,” she nodded in agreement. Connor disappeared into the bathroom and emerged moments later with an ill looking Ryan. Callie threw her arms in the air, “Damn it Ryan. I told you if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. And you ate two of them.” Connor chuckled at Callie’s comment as he helped Ryan sit on the chair outside of the bathroom. Connor instructed them to stay put and after he was gone for a couple minutes Ryan said he just wanted to go home. He stood up and started walking out the front door, so Callie followed.

had no idea which way to go, she broke out her phone and started looking up directions to the train station. Ryan was hunched over; the building holding him up. Callie heard her name being yelled. She turned around and saw Connor approaching. “I told you to stay put,” he said slightly annoyed.

“I know but
Ryan started walking out of the building and I couldn’t let him go alone,” she then pointed to Ryan who was in visibly poor condition.

“Fine, but let me call
a car to bring you two home,” he pulled out his phone.

“No. that’s ok we came from Connecticut. Th
at’s too far.” She knew the ride home was going to suck.

“That’s fine. I can have a car bring you.
The train ride is going to be a nightmare for you. I happen to have a car at my disposal tonight and it’s yours. You don’t know your way around the city and he isn’t going to be much help,” Connor said as he pointed to Ryan who was now vomiting on the side of the building.

They barely knew each other and she wondered what in it for him.
“Look, all I ask is you take down my number and call me when you two get home.” She thought about it and coming from anyone else she would have declined, but she felt she could trust him.

,” she said and they switched numbers. Within seconds of his call a black Lincoln town car pulled up and Connor helped Ryan get in. Ryan fell asleep on the car ride home. All of Callie’s thoughts went to Connor.

hours later and they arrived home safely. Ryan literally crawled into bed. Callie stayed with him for a bit until she felt he was no longer going to be sick. Callie was relieved to get home in one piece, it was 3 am but she remembered to text her mother so she would not get those ten missed calls first thing in the am. She was falling asleep and then remembered to call Connor. It was late and she thought a text would be better, in case he was sleeping.

Hey. It’s Callie, thanks for the car ride home. We are home safe.

Instantly she received a text back.

Good. I’m happy I could help. How is he doing?

He is sleeping. I could understand him when we got home so that was a good sign, haha. I left some juice, some Motrin and a bucket by his bed just in case. I also rolled him on his stomach.

Looks like you covered all bases. He is lucky to have someone like you. I was hoping you remembered to call me.

I figured I shoot you a text in case you were sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you up.

You wouldn’t have. I was waiting for your call. I don’t sleep much. Feel free to call me or text me whenever you’d like.

She smiled at the phone.

Ok I will. Thank you for your help tonight. Good night

It was,
without a doubt, my pleasure. Pleasant dreams Caitlyn Marie Winters.

was lying in bed, the night passing through her mind. She went from Ryan’s family to Connor and then Reed.

“There you are
,” he said. She was on a back porch sitting on the steps. He jogged down a few steps and sat next to her. “Hey.” She reminded herself to ask about his encrypted talk. “So what’s new? What do you have for me?” She told him about her fancy dinner and about Connor.

Ahh Connor sounds like a nice guy.” She smiled at his comment. Connor did seem like a nice guy, but she didn’t know anything about him.

“We didn’t talk too much
.” She changed the subject before she forgot to ask him, “I wanted to ask you what’s with this ‘we don’t have time or forever’ you keep talking about? It’s been bothering me.” She needed to find out what he was talking about.

, well sometimes you have to move on and that’s why I’m here,” he cleared his throat.

“Move on to what exactly Reed?”
She was getting frustrated.

, with people,” he said as he waved his hands in the air.

“I have people in my life
,” she hugged her knees to her chest. This conversation was going nowhere.

“I mean guys. Move on with guys in your life. Or guy, there is just one guy you should
move on with,” he said with certainty.

“I hate to break it to you buddy but they aren’t beating my door down
,” she stood up and wiped her pants off.

“That’s because it wasn’t the right time, the right person
, but it will be. Now about Connor.” He stood up as well.

about we talk,” she tried to change the subject.

Connor is more important, we should talk about him.” He was being pushy.

“Let’s not even bother talking about him. I will probably
never see him again.” Reed just stared at Callie, shaking his head.

Chapter 7

The morning was early and tea was in order. A nice breakfast would be good too. Callie started on the bacon and was cracking some eggs to make a sandwich. She broke out with her dark purple glasses; the plastic square frame complimented her full face. She felt dorky but only used her glasses when on the computer or watching TV. Emails had come in with questions about graduation which was now only a couple of weeks away. She was replying when she heard shouting.

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