The Most Dangerous Animal of All (44 page)

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Authors: Gary L. Stewart,Susan Mustafa

BOOK: The Most Dangerous Animal of All
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birth of Chance Michael Gilford, 222–23
contacts and meets Gary Stewart, 1–14, 265–66

Gilford, Judith Chandler Best (later life) (

Frank Velasquez’s death and, 250–51, 259
Gary Stewart notices Zodiac victims’ resemblance to, 293–94
Gary Stewart’s book and, 331
Gary Stewart’s search for biological father and, 234–37, 241–43, 245–47, 264, 270–74, 287, 297–99
marriage to Rotea, 208–9, 221–24
meets Rotea, 193–94, 203–4
reluctance to speak about
Gary Stewart’s father,
Rotea’s illness and death and, 223–24, 225–27
Van Best’s death and, 299

Gilford, Judy (Rotea’s daughter), 185

Gilford, Michael, 185, 202, 222

Gilford, Patricia, 185–86, 202–3, 227

Gilford, Rotea

background, 122–25
Black Doodler murders and, 215–17
children of, 185, 202, 222–23
concerns about Haight-Ashbury district, 144
illness and death, 223–27
Judy tells about Van’s birth, 231–32
marriage to Judy, 208–9, 221–24
marriage to Patricia, 185–86, 202–3
meets Judy, 193–94, 203–4
reputation of, and Gary Stewart’s search for biological father and, 248, 249, 255, 265, 293, 331–32
retires, 218
San Francisco Police Department and racism, 201, 204, 208, 219
San Francisco political positions of, 221, 223–25
Zebra murders and, 183–84, 201–2, 204, 208, 215

Gilford, Steven, 185

Gilford, Viola, 223

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, 23, 53, 287

Green, Larry, 208

Grogan, Steve, 166, 167

Hague, Richard and Quita, 204

Haight-Ashbury district, of San Francisco, 141–44

Hallinan, Terence, 235

Harden, Donald and Bettye, 162

Harris, Anthony, 208

Hartnell, Bryan, 168–73

Heard, Earl, 322

Hellfire Club, 49, 51

Hennessey, John, 246–50, 251–64, 274–75, 288, 290–93, 330–33

Montagu, Alexander Victor Edward Paulet

Hinman, Gary, 163–64, 167, 289

Holly, Jane, 206

Holt, Cydne, 259–60, 261

Hornsby, Lionel, 183

Horry County Historical Society, 275, 277, 280, 298

Hosler, Mildred, 205

Istrouma Baptist Church, 318–19, 337

Japan, Best family in, 30–32, 278–79

Jensen, Betty Lou, 145–49, 181

Johns, Kathleen, 187–90, 195

Johnson, Pamela, 320

Jonau, Charles, 104–7

Jones, Jim, 218

Kasabian, Linda, 164, 165, 167

Kean, Wilber Amiss, 102

Kenney, Ed, 120

Kilitzian, Vic, 22, 233

Kos, Edith Elsa Maria.
Best, Edith Elsa Maria Kos

Krenwinkel, Patricia, 164–67

LaBianca, Leno and Rosemary, 164, 166

Land, Dennis, 172

Laper, J., 100–101

LaVey, Anton Szandor, 63, 129, 133

Avery and, 199–200
Beausoleil and, 142–43

Satanic Bible
of, 152–53

Van Best and, 54–57, 126–27, 284–85, 295

see also
Church of Satan

Lee, Derrick Todd, 256

Lee, Marvin, 186

Lohmus, Tania, 283, 284, 286, 319–20

Lohmus, William

death of, 319–20
education of, 52–53
Gary Stewart’s search for biological father and, 280–87, 294, 309
Van Best and, 43–46, 54, 56, 57–58, 62–66, 79, 121,
Van Best and Judy Chandler’s elopement and, 67, 78, 281
Van Best’s change after return from England and, 48, 50–52
Van Best’s refusal to testify on behalf of, 88–89, 120, 126–27, 211

Los Angeles Times
, 200, 290–91

Lost Weekend Tavern, San Francisco, 54, 57, 59, 284

Lovett, Jim, 190

Mageau, Michael, 154–57

Magic Circle, 57, 129

Maloney, Michael, 290–91, 293

Manson, Charles, 289

Tate-LaBianca murders and, 163–68

Marshall, Rick, 127, 152

Marshall, Terry, 223, 231

McCormac, Duncan, 26

McCormac, Gertrude.
Plummer, Gertrude McCormac Best

McMillan, Roxanne, 206

McNatt, Charles, 190

media coverage

of abandoned infant, 101–3, 267–68
of Van and Judy’s elopement and flight, 77–78, 80, 81, 107–8, 191, 199, 273–74
of Zodiac murders, 138–40, 157–58, 160, 176–81

see also
specific newspapers

Melcher, Terry, 164, 289


Gary Stewart learns of Van’s death and visits grave in, 298, 299, 303–4, 306–13
Van Best and Judy Chandler in, 73–75
Van Best’s trips to, 19, 57, 60, 62–63, 65–66, 70, 211–12, 220–21

Mikado, The
(Gilbert and Sullivan), 30, 38, 45, 88, 195–96, 206, 283–84, 294

Milk, Harvey, 217, 218–19

Montagu, Alexander Victor Edward Paulet (Viscount of Hinchingbrooke), 46–51

Montagu, John (Earl of Sandwich), 46, 49

Moore, Manuel, 208

Morning Advocate
, Baton Rouge, 101, 267–68

Morpurgo, Henry von, 57–58

Morrill, Sherwood, 199, 254

Moscone, George, 217–19, 235

Moynihan, Neal, 205

Mustafa, Susan, 322–30

Nilsson, Birdie M., 69

Nine Satanic Statements, 152–53, 158, 163, 184

Obregon, Guenevere Best, 186–87, 298–305, 320–21

Ortis, L. J., 113

Parent, Steve, 164–65

Parker, Evelyna Ortis, 113, 115

Peckham, Robert F., 219

Peoples Temple (Jonestown), 218

Phillips, James, 153–54, 157

Pitta, Dan, 148

Player, H. S., 59, 61

Player, Mary Annette.
Best, Mary Annette Player

Plummer, Gertrude McCormac Best

affairs of, 34–35, 38, 278–79
Best family and, 27–28, 32–33
Gary Stewart’s search for biological father and, 237
marriage to and relationship with Earl Best, 26–28, 31, 35
marriage to Plummer, 43, 54
Van Best’s birth and, 28–29
Van Best’s custody after divorce from Earl, 36–38
Van Best’s death and, 311
Van Best’s marriage to Judy Chandler and charges filed about, 71
Van Best’s marriage to Player arranged by, 58–59, 61
Van Best’s music and, 53–54
Van Best’s trouble with law and, 78, 109–10

Plummer, John Harlan, 43, 54, 138, 311

Polanski, Roman, 164

Polk, Hattie Best, 276–78

Rainwater, Thomas, 207

Reuther, Edward, 102

, Zodiac’s letters to, 138–40,

Rose, Frances, 204–5

Rosser, Geraldine (“Bits”) Best, 27, 33, 34, 40, 42

Gary Stewart’s search for biological father and, 277, 278–79

Ryan, Leo, 218

Salas, Dr. Aurelio Núñez, 306

Salazar, Mitch, 225

Sanders, Earl

Gary Stewart’s search for biological father and, 235–36, 242–43, 244, 248, 255, 264, 292–93, 332–33
Rotea Gilford and, 185, 186, 201, 204, 208, 216, 227

San Francisco Chronicle

coverage of Van Best and Judy Chandler’s elopement and flight, 77–78, 107–8, 120, 273
coverage of Zodiac’s crimes, 158, 160, 176–81, 186
Zodiac’s letters to, 191, 194–200, 206–7, 209
Zodiac’s letter to (fake), 253–54

San Francisco Examiner

coverage of Van Best and Judy Chandler’s elopement and flight, 78, 81, 273
coverage of Zodiac’s crimes, 158, 160–62

San Francisco Examiner

Zodiac’s letters to, 295

San Francisco General Hospital, Van Best helps Judy Chandler escape from, 79–80

San Francisco News–Call Bulletin
, 80, 273

San Quentin State Prison, 122

Sartain, C. Lenton, 99–100, 101, 265

Scales, Dr. R. W. “Bo,” 322–23

Schiro, George, 322–23

Schmidt, Phillip, 301

Schroeder’s Restaurant, San Francisco, 65, 287

Scott, Donald, 207

Search Finders of California, 266

Sebring, Jay, 164–65

Shea, Donald, 167

Shepard, Cecelia, 168–73

Shields, Nelson T., 207

Ship Ahoy Saloon, New Orleans, 89–90, 104

SIGABA codes, 34

Simon, J. C., 208

Slover, Nancy, 156

Smith, Joyce Long, 41–42, 279–80

Smith, Rudy, 226

Smith, Tana, 206

Spinelli, Mark, 209

Stark, Morris, 87

Stewart, Boone, 116–17, 118

Stewart, Christy Lee, 119, 151

Stewart, Cindy Kaye, 3, 117, 118, 270

Stewart, Evelyn, 3, 118

Stewart, Gary Loyd

abandoned by Van Best in Baton Rouge, 94–98, 265–66
adopted and renamed by Stewarts, 111–12, 118–19
birth of and treatment by Van Best, 88–95
education and career of, 13–14
found and cared for after abandonment, 98–103
given up by Judy Chandler for adoption, 108–9
knowledge of adoption and fear of abandonment, 149–52
learns about and meets Judy Chandler, 1–14, 265–66

Stewart, Gary Loyd, and search for biological father

attempts to get birth certificate, 304, 320
attempts to work with San Francisco Police Department, 246–50, 251–64, 274, 290–93, 330–33
Beausoleil and, 289–90
early search, 234–43
early suspicion that Van Best is Zodiac killer, 243–46
finds family of Earl Van Dorn Best, 275–80, 298
Guenevere Van Best–Obregon and, 298–305, 320–21
learns about abandonment by Van Best, 265–74
learns of siblings in Austria, 298–305
learns of Van Best’s death in Mexico and visits grave, 298, 299, 303–4, 306–13

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