The Muslim Brotherhood (41 page)

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Authors: Alison Pargeter

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Newspapers and Press

Akhbar al-Youm

Al-Ahram Weekly




Al-Sharq al Awsat

Associated Press


Crescent International

Deutsche Welle

El Watan

Foreign Affairs

Front Page Magazine

Impact International

Khaleej Times

Le Monde

Le Monde Diplomatique

Strategic Analysis

Terrorism Monitor

The Chicago Tribune

The Daily Mail

The Daily Star

The Financial Times

The Jerusalem Report

The Middle East Journal

The Middle East Reporter

The New Humanist

The New Statesman

The New York Sun

The New York Times

The Observer

The Sunday Times

The Wall Street Journal

The Weekly Worker

Time Magazine

Washington Post

World Tribune




Al- Jazeera:


Al-Minhadj Forum:

BBC Online:


Ikhwan Online:

Islam Memo:

Islam Online:


Memri Special Dispatch:

Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty:


Simon Wiesenthal Centre:

Threats Watch:


9/11 events

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