Read The Naked Truth (The Honeybrook Hamdens Book 1) Online
Authors: Allison Gatta
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Lucky for you, I can help you fix it. That is, if you really want it to be fixed."
Chase considered for a moment. He thought back to his night in the woods with Julie, to their car skidding off the road all those years ago, to the look in her eyes when he'd seen her sketches.
"I do."
"All right, well then." Luke clapped his hands together, then nodded toward the little clump of men along the wall. "Okay guys, I don't care if you keep the party going, but you can't do it here. We've got some serious work to do."
"Yeah," Chase said. "I guess we do."
But God only knew if it would be enough this time.
he day Luke
got back from basic training, his mother baked a cake that could have fed the entire Army with enough left over for a good number of Special Forces. She slaved away all day in the kitchen, and while she worked and whistled, Chase and Julie stared at each other with anxious determination.
Today was the day. They were going to go public. They’d played out every detail, discussed every possible outcome. They were ready. Or, at least, as ready as they were ever going to be.
And so, when Luke got through the door and greeted them all, Julie headed out to pick up dinner (as per their plan) and Chase sat alone with his friend in the living room while Mrs. Hamden finished frosting the cake.
“So, lots of changes,” Chase said and his friend nodded.
“You and Karen still good?” Chase tried again, but Luke merely grunted in response.
“Right.” Chase stared into the distance, then said, “So—“
“What do you know about Julie’s plans?” Luke said quickly.
“I was on the phone with Amy. She said Julie isn’t going to school.”
“She’s what?”
“She’s not going to school. Apparently she just plans to stay in Honeybrook and get a job.”
Something that felt a lot like dread sank to the pit of his stomach while something else—anger—bubbled to the top. “I don’t know anything about that. She hasn’t told me.”
There was only one reason Julie would give up school, throw away her dreams. And he’d be damned if he stood by and let her do it.
“Well you have to see her straight.” Luke interrupted his thoughts.
“She listens to you. You have to do something.”
Chase pursed his lips. “Yeah, all right. I think I know what to do.”
Chase stood behind the curtain of the fashion show, watching as one celebrity entourage after another poured into the abandoned warehouse. He’d gotten here early enough to bypass the setup of the red carpet outside the event, even early enough so that nobody—not even the custodians—knew he was there.
But all that was about to change.
At least, that was the plan as soon as he caught sight of Julie.
As time went on, though, he was quickly beginning to lose all hope of that happening. The models would be due backstage any moment and he had to get out of the way before one of them suddenly recognized the carpenter from the day before.
Holding his breath, he glanced past the newest celebrity arrival and then—finally!—caught sight of Amy Hamden in a sun hat two sizes bigger than her head, her sleek blond hair hidden beneath its wide brim. If he hadn’t known her so well, he might have mistaken her for a celebrity herself, clad in a flouncy white sundress.
Careful to slip into the crowd, he scooted his way around one person, and then another, until finally he was at Amy’s side.
“Where’s your sister?” he asked, realizing too late he should have at least said hello first.
Amy jumped, then held a hand to her heart. “Jesus, Chase, you can’t do that to people.”
“Sorry,” he said. “I just—“
“Wanted to apologize?”
“Not exactly,” he said, then added, “What do you know about…”
“Enough.” Amy said. “Anyway, Julie won’t be in the crowd. She has to be backstage for last looks on all the girls. She’ll get to mingle at the end, but that’s about all.”
“That can’t be true, can it?”
“I’m afraid so.” Another voice sounded behind them and he turned to find Mrs. Hamden in a smart dress suit, her grey pin curls perfectly combed into place.
“Okay, then I have to—“ The lights flickered, and Chase looked around. The room was nearly full now and almost everyone was taking their seats.
“Chase, why don’t you just come and sit with us during the show? You can talk to Julie afterward, we promise.” Mrs. Hamden took his arm in hers and led him toward a little section of chairs that had been set aside. Luke was already there, waiting for them, looking just about as tired as Chase felt.
“But she has to see—“
“I’m sure she will,” Amy said. “Just relax.”
Reluctantly, Chase took his seat next to Luke, and then glanced around the theater again. The crowd was whispering to each other, and despite all the celebrities surrounding them, Chase couldn’t bring himself to focus on anything besides the patchwork curtains—hoping he might catch a glimpse of Julie. Or that she might see him.
“It’s going to go off perfectly. She’ll see it,” Luke said.
“But what if she’s busy?”
“I’m sure it won’t matter. Trust me.” The lights dimmed and then silence fell on the crowd as Troy Wilcox sauntered onto the stage, one giant spotlight following his every move.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he said. “Welcome to the indie fashion show spotlight on my newest fall fashion line. Please, sit back and enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”
“I hope he takes his own advice,” Luke muttered, and then as the man exited the stage, a huge screen descended in the background and a projector flickered to life while the first model took the stage.
* * *
…” Trina bit her bottom lip, and then glanced out from behind the curtain before ducking back in to look at her friend.
Julie watched her, growing more and more impatient by the moment. “What’s wrong? I’m in the middle of—“
“Leave it. I sort of…Well, you’re going to want to see this.” Trina waved her over Julie rushed the wings. “I didn’t plan for a projector or…” Her mind registered the image on the screen, and she blinked. Her design was staring at her, the pen and paper incarnation of the dress that was walking out onto the stage.
And beside the drawing…her signature.
“How did…what…” she stammered, but then a man’s rough grip clamped down on her shoulder and spun her around.
“What do you think you’re pulling here?” Troy looked murderous, a huge vein throbbing in the middle of his forehead. His eyes bulged out of his head as he looked her up and down and if she didn’t know any better, she thought he might be on the verge of punching her.
“I didn’t—“
“Oh, I’m supposed to believe that this just magically happened? Well, it’s fine, I’m going to tell everyone that you’re a liar. That your sketched the designs after you saw them and that—“
“No you’re not.” This time it was Trina’s voice that broke through his whispered threats while a model strode past them and onto the stage.
“Excuse me?” Troy rounded on her, but Trina only crossed her arms over her chest.
“Julie had nothing to do with unmasking you, but she should have. She probably would have if I hadn’t stopped her that morning. You can’t take advantage of her talent just because you don’t have any.”
“Who do you think you’re speaking to? I’m your employer. Or at least I was. You’re fired.”
“I quit.” She spit on the ground at his feet.
"This isn't over, Julie. I'm going to make sure everyone knows that I'm the one responsible for this no matter what you and your stupid friends cooked up." Troy glanced from Trina back to Julie, then rushed in the opposite direction, presumably to figure out a way he could shut off the projector.
"Don't worry, he won't be able to stop the video," Trina said as Julie gaped at another model trotting onto the catwalk.
"You did this?" Julie asked.
"Only a little bit. Last night I snuck into Troy's office...then his apartment. Let’s just say I found your sketches. You do not want to know where I found them, but let's just say that Barbie collection is seriously the least of his worries."
"Chase called me. He came here at four in the morning and put all this together. Hooked up the projector and put in a failsafe for when Troy inevitably tried to pull the plug. He was looking out for you."
"Chase...Chase left yesterday."
"To get your brother's help. Chase ain't so good with computers, you know."
"No Trina, you don't understand. He left me. He said--"
"Well, whatever he said, I'm pretty sure this makes up for it. Don't you?" Trina swept a hand out as another girl clomped past them on too-high heels.
Julie watched the rest of the show almost in a daze, noting the way every design matched her outline perfectly. Appreciating how her clothes had truly come to life. And Chase had been the one to make it all happen. Chase had made sure none of this had gone to waste.
When the final model stepped off the stage, she peeked out from behind the curtain, desperate to catch a glimpse of him, but then a heavy drumming beat played over the loudspeakers and Chase's voice was booming through the audience. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're proud tonight to introduce the newest star of indie fashion week. The designer of tonight's creations, Miss Julie Hamden."
Julie gasped, and then Trina was shoving a microphone into her hand and pushing her onto the stage.
She glanced back to find Troy whispering angrily at his incensed-looking brother, and she gulped before taking center stage.
"Hi everybody." She squinted out at the audience, but all she could see were the lights shining in her eyes. "I, um, I want to thanks the Wilcox brothers for this amazing opportunity to showcase my work. I hope you all liked it--"
The crowd roared for her, and as she continued to squint at the little rows of chairs, she could make out the outline of a few people standing and cheering her on. Like she really was the star of the show. "I'd like to thank all of the beautiful models who made walking in those heels look so effortless tonight. I want to thank my personal assistant, Trina, who made everything happen. And...And I want to thank my family for always believing in me. Most of all, though, I want to thank the love of my life, Chase Westmore, for everything he did for me tonight and everything he's always done for me. He's so much more than I could ever have deserved."
Tears threatened, but she choked them back and said, "Now, please welcome back tonight's beautiful girls as they take their final bows." She gestured toward the wings and then a stream of models poured out from behind the curtain as she rushed backstage.
She handed the mic to Trina, but as soon as it was out of her hands, she found herself eye-to-eye with Eli Wilcox.
"Ms. Hamden, I don't think we've had the pleasure."
"Mr. Wilcox, I..."
"Look, may I call you Julie?"
Julie nodded and the other man gave her a curt nod of approval.
"Julie, what my brother did to you was atrocious. I don't like liars in my family, and I especially don't like them in my company. If you would agree to return to the company, I'll see that you're given a raise and a featured place in next spring's fashion week. No more indie stuff. No more small time stuff."
Julie blinked, but then she thought of Chase and she frowned. "Actually, Mr. Wilcox, thanks but no thanks. I think Trina and I are going to make a go of it on our own. But I would be honored if we could work together sometime." She stuck her hand out for him, and he shook it.
"I look forward to seeing what you can do, Julie."
"Me too." She smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go speak with someone urgently."
She moved through the crowd of well-wishers until she spotted him in the crowd. The lights were only just coming up and their time was running short, but she grabbed his hand and pulled him through a fire exit until they were alone at last in a dingy alley.
"Julie, I didn't mean what I said--"
"I know."
"You have to know that I--"
"I do."
"I would have--"
"Just shut up and kiss me." She gripped the collar of his jacket and pulled his lips to hers, breathing in his scent as she deepened the kiss and got lost in him.
It was better, sweeter than any kiss they'd ever shared before. Maybe it was because of what he'd done. Maybe. But if she were a betting woman? She'd have said it was because for the very first time, it didn’t have to be a secret. Her heart was pounding not out of fear or anxiety, but out of love. Sheer, pure, love for this man.
The man she'd loved for as long as she could remember.
"Thank you," she said as she released her grip on him. "Thank you for everything."
"I haven't done anything."
"You've done everything. And I love you for it."
"I love you, too," Chase said. "So what do we do now? Are you going back to New York? Do I come and visit you?"
"No, I'm going to have it all. The designs. Honeybrook. My family. And you. We're going to make this work, you and me."
Chase grinned, and held her tighter. "What's your plan?"
"Don't worry about that. It's a secret."