The Nanny (7 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Nanny
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Tiana jumped in the shower and scrubbed her body clean. She dried off and hurriedly put some clothes on. She practiced how she was going to approach Kieran. Should she be casual about it?

No, that would be awkward. Maybe she should be strictly professional with him, as if he was one of her colleagues? No, she would come off as if what happened last night didn’t mean anything.

Maybe she could be lovey-dovey with him? No, she wasn’t sure if that was appropriate since Kieran clearly didn’t spend the night. The thought just occurred to her. Why didn’t he spend the night? Was she that bad in bed? Did he not like her body? Did she hog the covers? Did she snore?

Tiana rushed out the door to Kieran’s home. She was going to settle everything once and for all.

If they made love, she needed to know how to approach him and not compromise their working relationship. It was the best course of action.

Tiana walked over to Kieran’s home and knocked on the door. She heard grunting and shuffling from the outside.
Am I interrupting something?

Kieran appeared at the front door a short time later. He was sweaty and out of breath. “Tiana,” he greeted her, “Good Morning.”

Tiana looked at the god before her and momentarily stopped breathing. A hand clutched her necklace and she lightly wetted her lips. Kieran was shredded. His ebony hair was lightly wet and brushed against his shoulders. Sweat beaded against his tawny skin and his nipples were erect. Was that an eight-pack he had? She quickly counted. It was. How was that even possible?

Tiana imagined flicking her tongue on his nipples as she straddled his body, his cock pressing against her thighs as she slowly lowered onto his body, taking all of him at once and…

“Is everything okay, Tiana?” Kieran asked.

Tiana shook her head to relieve her thoughts. “Oh yes. Everything is fine.” She cleared her throat. “I was just wondering what you were up to.”

“I was just finishing up a workout while Tyson is taking a power nap.” Kieran wiped his brow with the back of his hand. “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner later. I’m making spaghetti. I’m sure it won’t be as great as your mother’s but it’ll be a close second, I hope.” Tiana offered an olive branch.

“I would love to,” Kieran smiled. “Just let me finish up here and I’ll be right over.”

“Cool,” Tiana glanced down at her feet, “um, I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night?”

“Tiana, it’s cool.” Kieran smiled. “Nothing happened. I tucked you in bed and left. I picked up Tyson this morning because I had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to.”

Tiana wasn’t sure if she was relieved or embarrassed. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Kieran flashed his warm smile again.

“Um,” Tiana wasn’t sure how to approach the next topic on her mind. “About my clothing…”

“It’s fine,” Kieran replied, “I didn’t see anything I wasn’t supposed to see.”

Tiana felt her shoulders drop. Kieran didn’t see her naked. She couldn’t understand why she felt disappointed. “Good to know. Well, I guess I better get going and start that spaghetti.”

“Okay. I’ll see you in about an hour?” He asked.

“Sure,” Tiana tightened her lips. An hour wasn’t nearly enough time but she could work miracles like she always had. “I’ll see you later.” She left Kieran’s home a short time later. She didn’t know why or even how her legs started running as fast as they did but she found herself sprinting back to her home.


“Wow,” Kieran’s nose was tickled with mouth-watering aromas when he entered Tiana’s home.

“This is very nice.”

Tiana wasn’t sure how she was able to do it but she managed to pull off a meal of salad, spaghetti, and garlic bread within her hour timeframe. Thank goodness for easy to follow directions on the packages. “It’s nothing, really,” she half-lied. “Have a seat and relax.”

Kieran put Tyson down in rocking crib chair and made himself a seat at the bar as he watched Tiana in action. He wanted to be honest with her about what really happened the night before; how he admired her body and lusted after her just as much—if not more—as she wanted him.

Her body was incredible and he couldn’t take his mind off the different positions he wanted to put her in. He’d never worked out so hard in his life, trying to get his mind off her.

But the embarrassment in Tiana’s eyes told Kieran she was not interested in him in that manner.

She was drunk off her tail and her inhibitions were gone. She saw him as her employee and that was that.

If only he could get the thought out of his mind; of him kissing every part of her naked body, then nestling himself between her thighs as her tight heat welcomed him and…

“Kieran?” Tiana called his name again. “Did you want a soda? Water?”

Kieran’s thoughts snapped him back to the present. “Sure, I’ll have a soda. Thank you.”

Tiana poured soda in a couple of glasses for both Kieran and herself. “So,” she began, “you never did tell me about the personal drama in your past.”

Kieran clinked glasses with Tiana and took a sip. “Not much to tell. I was married once before; high-school sweetheart. Got married straight out of high school. We just eloped, went to Atlantic City, and came back to tell our parents.”

“How did your mom take it?” Tiana asked.

“Not well.” Kieran remembered how his mother started cursing in Italian while clutching her rosary and shouting at the ceiling, begging for God to forgive her son and his foolishness. At the time he was embarrassed. Looking back on it, he was rather amused at the dramatics his mother went through. “But she quickly got over it once she realized I didn’t get Jalara knocked up.”

“So you got married young but you’re not married now,” Tiana knew she was stepping into dangerous territory but she had to know. “What happened?”

“I did a tour and came back to a cleaned-out apartment and bank accounts.” Kieran shook his head. Jalara was the love of his life. After much soul-searching, he realized she was with him because he had money and not necessarily because of any love. “I was smart enough to not have her on my credit card accounts or she would’ve maxed out those cards as well. So yeah…”

Tiana instinctively reached out and grabbed Kieran’s hand. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

Kieran squeezed Tiana’s hand. “Everything happens for a reason. Maybe things had to fall apart so better things can come together.”

A sensual air passed between them as their eyes locked on each other and neither dared to let go of the other’s hand. Once again, Tiana felt the same electricity zap through her body as before.

She was convinced it was from having her arm directly over the stove. “Lunch will be ready soon.”


“You know what I rather be doing?” Tiana asked.

“What would you rather be doing?” Her attorney, Marcus Russell, replied.

“Anything but this.”

Tiana and Marcus were in a mediator’s office waiting for Christopher and his counsel. A civil agreement between the exes flew out the window the moment Christopher decided to contest the iron-clad prenuptial agreement between him and Tiana. He claimed he was of unsound mind when he signed the document, despite evidence to the contrary.

Nevertheless, Tiana found herself embroiled in a fight over her fortune. She only wished Christopher had the same energy towards their son. Christopher used to wine and dine her; spoil her senseless with the shopping sprees and spontaneous trips somewhere. She had the bling, the Blahniks, and the baller.

She also had the bullshit, the heartache, and was the laughing stock amongst her friends and outsiders. Every industry party she attended, Christopher would flirt with another woman right in front of Tiana. There were plenty of rumors of side pieces in major metropolitan cities. And Tiana could never forget the paternity claim that was disproven.

No man was worth giving up her self-worth, ever again. While her soul wanted to be that 70’s flower child that she craved, her everyday appearance was definitely not that.

“Marcus, nice to see you here,” Christopher’s attorney, Sammy Lawford, entered the office with Christopher in tow.

“Pleasure to see you, Sam,” Marcus shook hands with him. “I hope we can be quick about this.”

“I believe we can,” Sammy sat down and Christopher sat next to him.

Christopher stared at his ex-wife who was working on a presentation for a new client she acquired over the past several weeks. Her hair was wrapped tight in a bun and her makeup was impeccable. She wore a grey suit with pearl jewelry. She looked everything like the goddess he met years ago at an industry function.

“Champagne Cris, my man!” A rapper, Young Thug, approached him and gave him a bro hug.

“What up, baby?” Christopher hugged the man back. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing, nothing!” The young man let out a heavy sigh. His first single was burning up the charts and his debut album was just certified platinum, thanks to Christopher’s heavy-hitting production. They were celebrating the album’s success at a party just for Young Thug. “I owe all this to you, man! Without you, I couldn’t have done any of this.”

“Well, you know…I had the beats but you were the one with the talent,” Christopher smiled. “I was just doing my job, man. That’s all.”

“I hear that, I hear that. Well, listen, let me go mingle with some people and I’ll holler back at you. Later, dude!” He threw up the peace sign and walked off.

Christopher nodded with his cup full of Hennessey. He was proud to see up and coming young artists receive their due. He had been applauded by the industry for his eclectic producing style, often switching it up depending on who he worked with. He produced rock acts, country artists, and was the mastermind behind several hip-hop classic records. Champagne Cris was the man.

Christopher Schmidt was a lonely person.

He started creating beats when he was a child, as young as ten. He would beat-box into the microphone and play it back for his friends who would rap against the beat. As he grew older he spent much time in clubs, DJ-ing during the weekends and some weekday nights. His mother implored him to finish high school, but Christopher knew college wasn’t in his future. He wanted to be a producer. He wanted to make classic records and beats like his idol, Dr. Dre.

He bought the latest equipment, sometimes spending a whole paycheck and forgoing groceries for the month. He would spend hours cultivating his craft, going over a stanza until it was perfect to his ears. He created mix-tapes and gave them away to anyone who cared. He didn’t care about the money; he knew it was going to come. He just wanted to be known.

Several years later, Christopher finally got his big break. He was signed to a major label and created beats for their powerhouse artists. His overnight success actually took several years but it was all worth it once he got his first big check. He entertained the groupies and often slept with struggling female artists who couldn’t afford his services but wanted to repay him in some way.

But at the end of the night, he was alone. He woke up alone, he ate alone, and he slept alone.

“I’m tired of this shit,” Christopher muttered to himself.

“Tired of what? We just got here.” Christopher’s brother and manager, Dean, stood beside him.

“Nah, not the party, man.” Christopher shook his head. “I’m tired of being alone.”

“Being alone?” Dean was incredulous. “Didn’t I just see you with three different women last week?”

“No, I’m not talking about those chickenheads I mess with. I’m talking about a woman. A real woman. Someone who can season a chicken and not roll a blunt. She probably wouldn’t know what a blunt is.” Christopher fantasized. “I’m talking about someone who can be my freak in the sheets and a lady in the streets.”

“Yeah, those chicks don’t exist, bro,” Dean said apologetically. “I have yet to meet one.”

Christopher looked up and saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. She was lithe and wearing a dress so tight, it appeared to be painted on her body. She had long flowing hair—it looked real and her own, not a weave. Her lips sparkled with a nude lipstick and her eyes danced whenever someone greeted her.

Christopher was already in love and determined to have her. “Nah, they exist,” Christopher determined. “I’m sure of it. Excuse me for a minute, bro.” Christopher walked up to Tiana and introduced himself. “Hello, there.”

“Hello,” Tiana smiled back.

“How are you doing tonight? I noticed you were alone.” Christopher asked.

Tiana looked back at the man before her. He was White, thick around the waist, and his mouth boasted of shiny grills. She would later find out the grills were platinum. He had his brown hair cropped close to his head and a light beard and goatee. He had inquisitive brown eyes and a seductive tone.

He wore a long platinum chain and was a walking advertisement for several stores, based on all of the name brands he was sporting. Despite his interesting looks, the man was attractive. “I’m doing just fine and I’m just here temporarily to say hi to Steven and then I’ll be on my way.”

“Steven?” Christopher asked.

Tiana shook her head. “I’m sorry. Young Thug.” She corrected. “I was his financial advisor and he invited me to his platinum sales party, so I’m just here to let him know I came, and then I’ll be on my way.”

Christopher was already in love. Tiana wasn’t like any woman he had ever met. “You’re a financial advisor, huh?”

“Yes. I have my own business.” Tiana met eyes with Young Thug and waved at him. “Excuse me for a minute, I need to go say hello. It was a pleasure talking to you…”

“Christopher. My name is Christopher.”

“Pleasure talking to you, Christopher.” Tiana shook hands with him. “I hope to talk to you again, soon.”

“I don’t know your name,” Christopher pleaded.

“Tiana,” she smiled, then left.

Christopher watched Tiana give Young Thug a hug as he introduced her to other people in his entourage. Christopher was determined that by the end of the night, Tiana was going to leave with him.

“I’m sorry I have to run, Steven, I have an early morning tomorrow. But I wanted to stop in and say hello and congratulate you on your success.” Tiana grinned.

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