The Negotiator (13 page)

Read The Negotiator Online

Authors: Chris Taylor

Tags: #Mystery, #Suspense, #Thriller, #Crime, #Romance, #Australia

BOOK: The Negotiator
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“I can understand your need to be cautious,” Andy continued, the anger now gone from his voice, “and I’m more than glad to see it. It reassures me that you might not be so quick to invite a stranger in, regardless of how badly you need the money.” He paused and ran a hand through his hair, setting it all askew.

“The truth is, I live on my own and like I told you before, I have no family. No wife, no girlfriend, no kids. It would be nice to come home to a house well lit, knowing there’s someone I can talk to.” He shrugged. “You need a roommate; I’d like some company. It seems like we’re perfect for one another.”

A tiny grin tilted up the corners of his mouth. Cally couldn’t help but respond. She smiled and silently cursed the blush that stole up her neck.
Maybe it was as simple as he’d said?
Maybe he was just lonely? She knew exactly how it felt. She wouldn’t mind some company, too.

Of course, he wouldn’t be sharing
aspect of their lives. He’d be a roommate and nothing else—someone to help with expenses, be around for casual conversation and just kind of
be there
. She’d make it clear their relationship would be strictly platonic and that he was free to see other women. After all, she could hardly expect him to be celibate…

She recalled the way her body had reacted to his touch and suppressed a shiver of desire. She couldn’t deny he was an incredibly attractive man who made her so nervous she could hardly string a single sentence together when he stood too close. But surely that didn’t mean she couldn’t spend time with him as a
Despite the pounding heart and dry mouth she experienced in his company, she was almost certain she could enjoy a meal with him or an occasional evening in without expiring from the jitters. After all, that’s what roommates did, didn’t they? Not that she’d ever had one. She’d only lived with relatives.

She wondered if Andy would be happy with the arrangement. He wasn’t exactly getting a wife and children, but she’d offer companionship and once she’d satisfied herself he wasn’t a man with an unhealthy interest in her son, she’d be more than happy for him to spend time with Jack.

But, he’d said he wanted a wife.
That implied far more than mere companionship. Her mind veered away from images of Andy in her bedroom…and her fists clenched by her side. What happened to her as a teenager had damaged her beyond repair. She was broken deep down inside and couldn’t imagine entrusting her life or her heart to anyone ever again.

Andy hadn’t even said anything to her about wanting a wife. It was likely he didn’t realize she’d overheard him. If it truly was that important to him, surely he wouldn’t offer to move in with them?

She thought about what might happen if he did move in and then started dating someone else. What would happen to Jack if he and Andy had bonded and he moved out? Perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea…

“I take it from your silence, that you’re not totally against my offer?” he grinned again.

Cally’s stomach did a somersault and she bit her lip to stem the butterflies. “Yes…um… No. I mean, yes, I’m not totally against your offer, but I have to think of Jack. I’m his mother. I’m all he has. It’s important I make the right decision.”

“Of course, I understand. What would you like to know?”

She drew in a deep breath and tried to gauge his sincerity. “You’ll answer any question I ask?”

His eyebrows raised and a suggestive gleam came into his eyes. She blushed and looked away.

“Of course,” he smiled. “Ask whatever you like. I don’t have anything to hide.”

A shadow passed across his face, but was gone so quickly she decided she must have imagined it. “Okay, I want to know why you don’t have any family.”

The expression on his face froze. Her breathing hitched and her heart skipped a beat.
Oh, God. Something wasn’t right.

He took a long time to answer. When he did, his eyes were so dark and bleak, she wasn’t sure she wanted to hear what he had to say.

“My family died when I was young. My father, my mother and my sister. I was placed in a foster home where I lived until I was old enough to join the police force.”

She gasped, shocked beyond belief. It was the last thing she’d expected him to say. “Th-they died together? Like, in an accident?”

“My father and little sister were killed together. My mother died a few years later.”

“Oh, my goodness! You poor thing! And here I thought I’d had it tough. How old were you when it happened?”

Andy drew in a deep breath and eased it out between taut lips. He looked at her, his expression still bleak. “I know I said I’d answer your questions, but if you don’t mind, I’d rather not talk about my family anymore. It was a terrible time. Sometimes, it feels like it happened yesterday…”

Cally hastened to reassure him. “Of course, I understand. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

He shrugged. “You weren’t to know.”

“You’re right, but I know what it feels like to lose your family and mine
to abandon me. I can’t imagine what you went through and now…” She shook her head, amazed at what he’d achieved. “Look at what you’ve become? Look what you’ve made of your life? Your family would be so, so proud.” Her voice broke on the last words and she turned her back on him, not wanting to see how much his story had affected her.

And she had wondered if he might be a pedophile!
She couldn’t believe she’d been so far off the mark. She was only grateful she hadn’t said anything. She’d have just about died from the humiliation. He was lonely for a family, just like he’d said. Surely, after what she’d heard, she could find it in her heart to share hers? And if it didn’t work out and he moved on, she’d deal with the fallout if and when it happened.

His hand closed gently around her shoulder and he turned her slowly around to face him.

“Please, don’t get upset, Cally. I didn’t tell you to upset you. You asked and I answered. That was the deal, right?”

His soft smile nearly undid her. “Yes, you’re right. Next time, I won’t bother. You’re good and kind and strong. All the things I thought you were. It would be an honor to have you share my house. That is, if you still want to?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t have offered if I hadn’t meant it. I’ll have to sort out a few things with the place I have at Bondi, but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.” He made his way back to his desk and sat down in his chair. She followed him more slowly and thought about her terms. Heat immediately flooded her face. Knowing it was best to simply get it over with, she opened her mouth and let the words fall out in a rush. “There’s just one thing I need to make clear.”

“Go on.”

“The other night, I-I overheard you talking on the phone.”

A shrug. “Okay.”

She took another breath. “The thing is, you said you wanted a wife. A-and kids. I-I just wanted to make it perfectly clear this will be a platonic relationship, nothing more. I mean, I’m not… We’re not…” Heat spread across her cheeks, turning them to fire. “If you want to bring a woman home, then I guess that’s okay, but I’d like you to be discreet about it. Jack doesn’t need to be exposed to…you know.” She ducked her head unable to bear looking at him a moment longer.

What sounded suspiciously like laughter reached out for her. She glanced up and met his gaze. His eyes glinted with humor.

“Okay, so let’s go back to the part where you thought you heard I was looking for a wife?”

Embarrassment once again savaged her cheeks. She grimaced. “I’m sorry, I obviously got that totally wrong and it just goes to show, you should never listen in on other people’s conversations. But, I wasn’t really listening in. I was just—”

“Whoa! Would you be quiet for a minute?” Andy shook his head in disbelief.

Pressing her lips together, she scrunched her eyes closed and willed away the fresh wave of heat that spread across her face.

What was it about this guy that made her blush like a teenager?

“If you let me get a word in edgewise, I’ll tell you what you thought you overheard.”

Cally eased open her eyes. Andy took a deep breath and continued.

“I was talking to my best mate, Will Rutledge. I’d had a fairly difficult day at work and he’d called to see how I was. You
overhear me say I wanted a wife and kids, but I think you missed the part when I said I didn’t want just
and I’m not in the habit of bringing women home.”

He pinned her with his gaze and Cally tried hard not to squirm. She’d
misread the whole situation. The thought of making an abrupt exit and salvaging what little pride she had left was uppermost in her mind. She stepped away from him.

“Oh God, I’m so embarrassed. I’m sorry. Let’s just pretend this never happened. I’ll collect my son and walk out the door and if by some unfortunate stroke of luck we happen to run into each other again, I hope you’ll forget all about this conversation.” Finishing in a rush, she spun on her heel.

Andy’s fingers closed around her arm, tugging her back toward him before she could take another step. She yelped in surprise. To her horror, her cheap sandals lost traction again and she toppled into his lap with a mortified gasp. His arms immediately came around her.

“Oh, oh, I’m so
!” She scrambled to get out of his hold.

Could this night get any worse?
Her eyes burned with the effort of holding back tears.

Andy’s arms tightened. “It’s okay. Please, don’t run away. I’m kind of comfortable and I still haven’t finished my story.”

All of a sudden, she realized her squirming brought her directly into contact with his groin. She froze. Embarrassment scorched her cheeks. Forcing her gaze upwards, she caught the glint of laughter in his eyes.

“Please let me go.” Her voice was quiet and deadly. “I think you’ve had enough fun at my expense.”

His gaze sobered instantly and he released her. “Cally, I’m sorry. I’m not making fun of you. I like you. And I’d really like to move in with you, as a friend, and help you out in your hour of need. Okay?”

She nodded, and relieved to move on she reached out for the first thing that popped into her mind. “Do you need to give notice where you’re living?”

“No, the place belongs to… It doesn’t matter. There won’t be any need to give notice. I’ll be able to duck over there every now and then and make sure that everything’s all right. There’s really nothing stopping me from moving in with you right away.”

Cally debated his words in silence. Mistaking her hesitation, Andy frowned.

“Is that okay? I thought it was what you wanted?”

She stared up at him and nodded slowly. “It is. I-I just thought it might be harder than that to sort out. You wouldn’t believe the number of sleepless nights I’ve had trying to work out a solution. It-it just seems to have worked out too easily.”

Andy shrugged and smiled. “Sometimes we get lucky.”

Relief surged through her and she smiled back. “You’re right. Sometimes we do. It’s about time a little luck came my way.”

“So, when would you like me to move in?”

Cally glanced behind him to make sure Jack hadn’t returned. She was pretty sure he’d be fine about the arrangement, but he’d never had a man living in a house with them before and she wanted to talk to him about it first. She certainly didn’t want to thrust the information upon him as Andy unpacked his bags.

Jack had been the only male in their household since the day he was brought home from the hospital. She wanted to give him a little time to adjust to the fact things were about to change. From the way he and Andy seemed to be getting on, she didn’t really have any concerns that he’d object, but he was her son and she wasn’t going to trample all over his feelings.

“I need to talk to Jack, first. I’m sure he’ll be okay, but, you know…” She shrugged, hoping Andy would understand.

He bent his head closer. The spicy scent of expensive cologne tickled her nose. Holding her gaze, he smiled.

“Of course, I understand. Jack’s at an age where he knows what it’s like to be the man of the family. I want you to know I’m not going to do anything to upset him in that regard.”

She smiled gratefully. “I do know. That’s one of the reasons I’ve agreed to let you move in.”

His eyebrow rose an inch. “So, what are the other reasons?”

She blushed and looked away. “Let’s just say it feels right.” She purposely kept her reply vague, unwilling to closely analyze why she acted as she had and said what she’d said. She knew the logical, practical reasons why, but that didn’t really explain why she’d asked a perfect stranger to move in with them.

And yet, she had.

Besides, what she’d told him wasn’t that far off the mark. It
feel right.
felt right. He felt safe. Right now, that was enough.

“Mom? Andy? Are you in here?” Jack’s voice called out from the hall.

“Yes, honey,” she replied and moved off Andy’s lap. She didn’t want him to see them in such an intimate position and jumping to the wrong conclusion.

“There you are.” Jack’s eyes were softly accusing. “I’ve been looking for you
. I even looked in the evidence room.”

Her smile placated him. “I was just finishing up in here. Get your things together. We’ll be leaving in a few minutes.”

Jack sighed, but dragged himself back out through the doorway. Andy studied her while she lugged the vacuum cleaner to the storage closet.

“How many nights do you work here?”

“Three. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.”

“No wonder you look tired.”

Cally tried not to take offense at his comment. After all, she
tired. With sleep mostly passing her by the last few nights, she was more than looking forward to the end of the week. She sighed and glanced up at him.

“About you moving in…um… Are you working Friday night?”

He nodded.

“Good, that’ll give me time to talk to Jack and make sure he’s all right with this. “I’m sure he’ll be perfectly fine; don’t worry,” she reassured him. “I wouldn’t have even considered it if I thought he wouldn’t be.”

“So, how big is my room? Do I have a closet? I’d like to know if my stuff will fit.”

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