Megan, Vanessa, June, and I all sat down together in the living room.
“Awesome.” Megan looked around. “Check us all out!”
I heard a knock at the door just as Vanessa finished the prayer.
“I'll get it,” June said. “You guys get started. It's probably just your next door boys, anyway.”
“So, we need to pick a new teacher. Rachel is getting married,” Megan started. “Does anyone have any thoughts along those lines?”
I ran through the girls’ names in my head. “Maybe if we went over a ward list?” I suggested.
“Great idea.” Megan slid her list out of her binder.
“Leigh, it's for you.” I heard June call.
I looked over my shoulder to see Noah standing in my doorway.
“Noah!” I jumped up, ran over, and threw my arms around him.
“Been napping this afternoon?” He joked as he leaned away.
I looked down. I was still in my sweats, cozy socks, and long sleeved tee from earlier in the day.
“Yep. It was nice.” It felt so good to have him close again.
“I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had a meeting going on in here, I just hoped to see you for a few minutes,” he shrugged.
I bit my lower lip. I really wanted to spend a few minutes with him too. I looked back at Megan.
“Just go, Leigh. You'll be worthless to us anyway, knowing Noah's waiting for you.” She gave me a dramatic, wide-eyed stare but then winked and continued on through the list.
“Thanks, Megan!” I ran over and kissed her on the cheek. “You can catch me up when I get home.”
“If I'm still awake.” She looked up at me.
“Yeah, if you're still awake.” I grinned. After a weekend away, I knew I'd be in no hurry to cut our evening short.
I looked back at Noah. “Should I change?”
“Just throw on jeans.” He shrugged. “And maybe run a brush through your hair.” He laughed a little.
Ugh, my jeans. Whatever. I ran back to my room and frantically looked around. I had to lie on my bed to zip them up. I grabbed the blouse I'd worn to church and a small fitted jacket and then headed back out.
Noah slid his arm around my waist and half pulled me out the door. His lips were on mine as soon as it closed behind us.
“Impatient, are we?” I teased. “You were only gone two days.”
“Yes, but they were long days with my parents and my brother going on and on about Spain.” He rolled his eyes.
“He's just excited, that's all. It's a big deal coming home from a mission.” Noah had done it. He should understand.
“Yeah.” He kissed me again. “So, I was thinking… maybe we could go grab a shake or a dessert or something?”
“It's Sunday, Noah.” Why would he ask?
“Yes, but I just got back from vacation, and so it's still kind of like I'm on vacation…” he trailed off and looked down at me with his gorgeous green eyes. I couldn't say no.
Jaron caught up to me on my walk home from school Monday afternoon.
“How're things?” He smiled.
“Are you my brother? Or my church leader?” I teased.
“Just Jaron.” He bumped my shoulder with his.
“Things are good. I'm glad I changed my schedule this year, I'm feeling less stressed. I have a lot more free time.” I watched my boots shuffle through the fresh snow on the sidewalk, leaving a trail of fresh Leigh footprints behind.
“Do you still feel good about the switch?” he asked.
“Yeah. I go to class, and I have something to contribute. I've taken my sewing talent for granted. Not everyone gets it the way I do. It took me a while to realize that.” I looked up at Jaron.
“I'm happy for you, Leigh. And now with Noah… looks like things are going well.” I could see his dimples as he tried not to smile.
I actually blushed a little. “Yeah, Noah's a lot of fun.”
“How serious are you guys?”
“What?” What was Jaron trying to ask? Or was I being para-noid? It felt nosy—too personal.
“You're spending a lot of time together. I just figured it was getting serious.” He rested his arm comfortably over my shoulders. “I just want to know the guy a little if you think you two might get married.”
“Wow. Well, right now we're having a lot of fun together. We haven't known each other that long.” How else to explain… “He's fun, Jaron. He makes me laugh, and it's been so long since I've spent time around someone who's relaxed and just wants to have fun.” We took a few steps in silence. “You and Megan?” They'd been out a few times, and I didn't know what else to say about Noah. It seemed safer to change the subject.
“I really like her.” Jaron nodded. His face shifted from mine to his boots. His cheeks reddened. It was cute.
“Good.” I felt happy for him.
“I just want you to be careful, Leigh. Sometimes when you're not sure what you're doing or you're just having fun, that's when you get into trouble.” I could see Jaron staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I kept my gaze straight ahead.
“So, now you are my church leader.” Why did he have to be watching so closely?
“No, now I'm definitely your brother.”
“Well, a little trust then, okay?” I knew he'd done a lot for me, but I was tired of feeling bad that his life had been rearranged for me. I could have come up to Provo all by myself, and then I wouldn't have to answer any of his questions. Jaron wouldn't see me out with Noah every night because I wouldn't be living next to him. I had just started to feel some delightful independence with Noah, and one simple comment reminded me of how closely I was watched. My phone rang, and I snatched it from my pocket, grateful for the interruption.
“Guess who?” My brother laughed.
I nodded.
He took his arm back as we hit the end of our driveway. “Don't forget to be prayerful, even if you think it's silly and maybe not worth praying about.”
“Thanks, Dad.” I rolled my eyes.
Jaron jogged down the stairs to his apartment.
I flipped open my phone. One missed call. Was Noah worth praying about? Was everything worth praying about? Jaron shouldn't worry. Noah and I were still in the beginnings of having fun together. We weren't serious.
“Ready, Leigh?” Megan called.
“Ready.” I stepped out of my room.
“You know how your brother is about starting on time.” She rolled her eyes but she also smiled. “I just wanted to warn you, you know, since you haven't spent a home evening with us in so long.”
“I remember.” I partly wanted to be irritated over the comment of me being absent, but Megan's smile was genuine, as always, and I couldn't bring myself to be angry.
I pulled my coat more tightly around me as we stepped outside and walked across the backyard to Stuart and Julie's place.
“So, can you manage a presidency meeting sometime this week?” Megan asked as she opened the Rileys’ door.
“Yeah, just let me know when.” Megan seemed to pick the most inconvenient times, so it seemed silly to try and give her my schedule. I didn't even know completely what it was yet. Wait. “Didn't we just meet?” We'd been interrupted by Noah, but it hadn't been that long ago.
“You weren't there, Leigh.” Megan laughed a little, but it sounded forced. “And it was two weeks ago.”
“It was?” I slid my coat off and set it on the pile. Everyone else must already be here.
“Is that Leigh's voice I hear?” Julie called from her living room.
“That's me!” I looked forward to seeing Julie. It had been too long.
“I was wondering if you still lived next door.” Julie laughed as she stepped into her kitchen and pulled me into a hug.
“I can't believe how fast your tummy is growing!” It pushed against me as we held one another. I pulled away from her and put a hand on either side of her belly.
“Maybe if I saw you once in a while, it wouldn't be so dramatic.” She put her arm around me.
“I'm sorry.” I rested my head briefly on her shoulder. “But I'm really having a lot of fun,” I said more quietly.
“Well, good then.” She gave me a squeeze before letting me go.
“Leigh!” I felt Nathan's arms around my legs just after hearing his voice.
“Hey, Nathan!” I returned the hug. “I didn't know you were in town!”
He looked up at me. “I go back in two days.”
I felt a pang of sadness. I'd missed his week visiting.
“Come sit with me and Dad.” Nathan started pulling on my arm.
I followed him to a small couch in the next room.
“Hey, Leigh,” Brian smiled. “We haven't seen you around in a while.”
“Yes, I get it.” I sat and tried to laugh a little, but the references to me being absent were wearing my patience thin. “I'm not here much.” I sat back into the couch and crossed my legs. Nathan jumped into my lap, and I wrapped my arms around him, happy to have some time snuggled up together and an excuse to avoid any more comments that may or may not be coming.
“I'm coming in,” I called as I knocked on Jaron's door. I stepped inside. Brian sat at the table, his laptop in front of him, and Nathan played in the corner. “So, where's my brother?” I looked around. “And the dinner he promised me?” I laughed as I shut the door behind me.
“On his way.” Brian closed his laptop and stood. “It was nice to have you as part of our group again last night. Nathan likes it when you're around.”
“That's because I think he's so awesome.” I directed my comment to Nathan, who was building a castle of blocks in the corner. I smiled at his sweet face in such a state of concentration.
“Your brother should be here in a few. He thought he'd pick us all up some burgers.” Brian walked to the fridge.
I groaned.
“I've never seen you turn down a burger before,” he laughed.
“Well look!” I pinched my stomach just above the top of my jeans. “These fit loosely at the beginning of the year.”
“But I bet the ones you wore before you got sick are still too big.” He let the fridge close.
They probably were. I didn't say anything. That's when it was irritating to have someone know so much about you.
Brian's face was unreadable. “Everyone misses having you around, Leigh.” He leaned back against the counter.
“I was here last night.” I suddenly felt defensive. “And here I am again.”
“Do you know how many times Megan has called over here or dropped by looking for you? Because you keep blowing off meetings?” His face was still unreadable, his voice calm.
“I only blew off one, and Noah showed up right in the middle of it. What was I supposed to do?” I folded my arms. “Besides, it wouldn't be a problem if she didn't need to have one every week!” The conversation with Jaron from the other day was still on my mind. “You guys are still checking up on me like I'm the sick girl. I don't want to be the sick girl anymore!”
“That's not what it's about, Leigh! This is about you disappearing for Sunday afternoons, for FHE. Your brother is worried about you and doesn't know what to do. You're just not acting like yourself.” He took a few steps toward me, trying to keep his voice quiet.
“And how do you even know who that is, Brian?” What gave him the right to butt in? “You don't know me.” I paused, trying to gather my thoughts. “I've just been out having fun. I couldn't even tell you the last time I was able to go out, relax, and just have fun.” I relaxed a little at my last comment. Brian should be able to understand that.
“Just… be careful.” His head cocked to the side, just a little.
“Ah, so you and Jaron have been talking about me then?” It sounded just like what Jaron said the other day. Brian didn't respond. “Well, my brother is also a little distracted with Megan, if you haven't noticed.”
“I've noticed, but he's still taking care of his responsibilities.” Brian's body relaxed. He leaned against the counter, and his shoulders fell slightly. It just made it all the more frustrating.
“So now I'm gone, not acting like myself, and being irresponsible. I'm glad you think so highly of me, Brian.” I was mad. Noah and I had only been dating a short while. Wasn't it always like that with someone you really liked? Didn't everyone go through that phase? The phase where you can't spend enough time with one another?
Brian took a deep breath. “I don't want to fight with you, Leigh. I just… what do you guys do with all that time together?”