The Next Level: A BWWM Billionaire Marriage And Pregnancy Romance (12 page)

BOOK: The Next Level: A BWWM Billionaire Marriage And Pregnancy Romance
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woke up a few hours later. She gently slipped her hand out of
Matthew's and headed to the bathroom. She had hours ago traded in her
wedding dress for a cotton white dress. She fixed her hair and makeup
in the mirror so she’d look decent when Matthew woke up.

hours later, rested and ready to enjoy their honeymoon, they stepped
off of the jet. The warm air was invigorating. Matthew picked up
their car. Before she knew it they were driving, but she was too
anxious to start enjoying her vacation. As they got closer to where
they would be staying, she spotted the bungalows standing proudly
over the water. She reached a hand over, holding Matthew’s hand
tightly. She didn’t think she’d ever been so happy.

were so excited, they dropped their bags off in the bungalow before
slipping into their swimsuits. The water was cool against Chelsea’s
feet, but she didn’t care. Slowly, she got used to it. She

so beautiful here,” she said as she swam up to Matthew.

it is. Look at you though, making the island mad with how hot you

shook her head, laughing. “You’re so cheesy.”

love it.”

examined her body in the two piece red bikini. It had orange flowers
and a wrap that matched. It laid against her brown skin perfectly.
Chelsea could tell by the look in his eyes it probably wasn’t
going to stay in one piece for much longer. She tried to lead him to
shore, but he pulled her back.

a minute,” he whispered.

fingers ran over her body beneath the water as his lips found hers.
She kissed him back, the heat in the kiss making Chelsea gasp against
his mouth. His fingers found the front of her bikini, he slipped a
hand inside. His mouth went to her neck, tracing her skin
effortlessly. She moaned. Slowly, he slipped his hand back out of her
bikini bottom and swam back to shore. She followed him. Matthew was
leading her back to their bungalow, the look on his face that of a
ravenous wolf. A tingle passed through her body in excitement.

Chapter 8

opened the door, pushing it open so Chelsea could walk in front of
him. As she did, she was in awe. In the short time that they’d
been down at the water, the room had been transformed. There were
rose petals on the bed and floor. A rich, sweet vanilla smell drifted
through the room. Electric candles flickered almost making them look
real. She turned to Matthew.

is so beautiful, thank you.”

ran a hand over his hair. “I did the best I could. They didn't
want real candles in the bungalow, all of the wood, you know?”

laid her hands on his chest before she placed a kiss on his mouth.
She sunk into him, letting herself enjoy the long lingering movements
of his tongue against hers. His hands slipped down her sides, graced
her hips before finally resting on her round ass. He gave her cheeks
a squeeze making her moan into his mouth. Slowly, she pulled away.

be right back.”

disappeared into the bathroom with her smaller bag in her hand. She
dressed in lacy, white lingerie. The top was a corset that pushed her
breasts out. There was a lacy,white thong, stockings and a garter
belt too. She’d let her hair curl in waves to her shoulders.
Smiling at her reflection, she slipped on a little lipstick and her
heels before walking back out into the bedroom slowly.

Matthew looked up, his eyes went wide. She could see him taking in
every inch of her, wanting every part of her. She grinned. As if in a
trance he walked to her and held her hands.

look, beautiful.”

grinned before she led him over to the bed. He’d already
stripped down to his boxers so she slowly slipped them off of him.
She sat on her knees between his legs, letting Matthew drink in the
way she looked. His cock was already hard in her slender hands. She
leaned forward, let her warm breath wash over his cock. She saw the
tremble, heard the caught breath. She smiled, excitement traveling
down to her already wet pussy.

she traced her tongue along the head of his cock, the taste of his
precum delicious on her lips. She gave her lips a lick, looked up at
him as she lowered her head. She teased his cock, sliding her tongue
up and down his shaft, twirling her tongue, alternating between fast
and slow licks. She flattened her tongue, ran it over his balls
before she slipped one and then the other into her mouth, sucking
gently. He was holding onto the blanket on the bed, gasping and
moaning. Chelsea ran her tongue back up to the head of his cock,
slipped it inside in one go. She moaned as it hit the back of her
throat sending spasms down his legs. She worked her mouth up and down
his cock, savoring the feel of him passing through her lips

he couldn’t take her constant attention, he slowly slipped her
mouth off of his cock before pushing her into the mattress. He didn’t
remove her panties, he ripped them off. The fabric breaking against
her skin made her moan. Matthew pushed her legs apart, ran his tongue
over her pussy. He trailed his fingers through her juices, used them
to slip two fingers inside of her. She moaned, her back arching from
the bed as he flicked her clit before sucking on it gently.

moans seemed to turn him on even more. The speed of his fingers
inside of her warmth picked up, pushing against her spot until she
was a mess of nerves and moaning. He pressed his thumb against her
clit, worked it in circles until she was in a frenzy of pleasure. Her
legs trembled, her fingers slipping into his golden hair. He groaned
as her fingers tightened and relaxed around his hair. She was begging
him to fuck her, to stick his cock in her, her words running together
causing him to grin.

climbed on top of her, the look in her eyes filled with so much lust
he felt his cock twitch excitedly. Slowly, he pushed his way inside
of her. He would slip every inch in, then slip it back out, repeating
the slow process until Chelsea was on the verge of pushing him down
and taking him. As if he’d seen it in her eyes, he pinned her
arms down to the mattress. Her breathing was low and heavy as he
teased her.

she begged, “please.”


fuck me!”

grinned, but he shared her thoughts. He wanted her in the worst way
and he was doing nothing but teasing himself too at this point. He
pushed his cock back inside of her, filling her up. His hand slipped
under her back, held onto her shoulders to let him go in even deeper.
Her legs automatically wrapped around his back, the cool material of
her heels resting against the hot skin of his back. Matthew worked
his hips in small circles, every movement making Chelsea’s wet
pussy clench around him. His mouth found hers, his tongue invading
her mouth both rough, but sweet. It was as if he couldn’t get
enough of the taste of her lips. The sound of their moaning filled
the space to bursting.

placed her legs on his shoulders before he pushed himself up on his
hands. He picked up the speed of his thrusting, sweat dripping from
his body as he concentrated on hers. She opened her eyes and kept
them on his as his thrusting became harder inside her body. It was
Chelsea’s turn to grip the blankets as pleasure washed over
her, clearing her head of any thought, but the connection they had at
that moment. He gave one final thrust as her orgasm overpowered her.
She couldn’t stop the cry that had gathered in her throat as he
spilled his cum inside of her. Spent, he rolled off of her. They
laughed before he kissed her mouth softly before gathering her up in
his arms. They fell asleep to the sound of water slapping against the


and Matthew spent their honeymoon in an array of laughter, passion
and bliss. They ate more than was necessary, drank too much and
danced until their feet hurt. It seemed like a dream staying in such
a beautiful place. They did everything from snorkeling to partying,
when they weren’t confined to their bungalow ripping each
other’s clothes off. Ten days had gone by quickly though.
Chelsea was sad to have to leave the small island. She clicked the
pictures of them, smiling.

all packed. Are you ready?” Matthew asked.

shook her head. “I don’t ever want to leave.”

know babe, but we’ll come back. We’ll go lots of places
you’ve never seen before and you’ll fall in love with
them just like you did with this place.”

gave her one of his amazing smiles before he kissed her. Taking her
hand he led her away from the bungalow into the waiting car. They
didn’t bother trying to stay up on the flight back, but leaned
on each other and slept. Chelsea couldn’t stop thinking about
the sound of the waves crashing into the bungalow at night. The smell
of sweet island flowers, or how Matthew had made her feel happier
than she ever had before.

By the time they’d touched down in Boston, Chelsea
forgot her melancholy just long enough to realize she missed home.
Her apartment was home, nothing could compare to that.
, she
corrected herself. She glanced at her ring, happy all over again that
she’d made the decision to marry Matthew.

soon as they reached the apartment, Chelsea ordered pizza while
Matthew grabbed beer. It felt good to be back to what she knew. They
took the entire box, sitting it on the coffee table as they watched
tv. Chelsea called Sangi and her mom just long enough to let them
know she was back and that she’d post pictures tomorrow. Once
she was off the phone, she curled up next to Matthew on the couch.

buried his face in her hair, smelling the strawberry shampoo she
always used. Running an arm around her waist, he pulled her in
tighter. Chelsea smiled. The feel of his body pressed up against hers
was the safest thing she’d ever felt.

you ready to go back to work tomorrow?” He asked.

shook her head. “Can’t we just live on the road, never
work again?”

scoffed playfully. “What would we do on the road Mrs. Rawlins?
How do you propose we’d survive?”

rolled over to face him. “I’d sell my paintings, you’d
play your violin and we’d fuck everyday, all day until we were
sick of each other.”

laughed. “Let’s do it. I’d never get sick of you

laughed as they wrapped up in each other. He kissed her softly,
making her melt against his body. His hand started working his around
her back, the fingers pulling her bra apart.

are you doing?” She asked breathlessly.

honeymoon’s not over until we have to go back to work.”

agree,” she said quietly. He kissed her once more. They spent
the evening on the couch.

groaned as an alarm played in her dream. It was loud, blaring. She
slapped Matthew’s arm a few times until he groaned himself. The
sound stopped before she felt him shift near her. He shook her
shoulder softly.

for work.”

don’t wanna,” she said groggily.


pulled her from the couch before he led her to the bathroom. He
adjusted the shower for them as she stripped out of her clothes
slowly, Sleeping on the couch had been a bad idea. Her back was sore
and stiff as she tried to shed her clothes. Matthew helped her out of
her shirt before they stepped into the shower together.

close on that big property today, if everything goes well. Want to
celebrate afterwards?”

celebrating involve leaving the apartment?”

laughed as he pulled her wet body against his. “Not if you
don’t want it to.”

Chelsea had thought the attention on her and Matthew’s
relationship was bad before, it got even worse when they walked into
work on Monday. People didn’t seem to want to talk about
anything else besides the wedding, where’d they go on their
honeymoon, when they were going to have kids.

Chelsea said jokingly.

you don’t want babies?” One of her co-worker’s

for a long time,” she said before she excused herself to slip
into her office.

BOOK: The Next Level: A BWWM Billionaire Marriage And Pregnancy Romance
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