The Night Shift (30 page)

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Authors: Jack Parker

BOOK: The Night Shift
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It's okay, Collin. I understand. College really is a time to be spent with friends. Hey, enjoy it while you have it. You're gonna have more time off now during your Thanksgiving Break than you're gonna have for your entire career. Just a heads-up

Collin chuckled. "I know, I know."

So, you were expecting a call from friends? Is that it?"

"Yeah. Sorry, I thought you'd be one of them."

That's all right. What were you planning on doing

"Seeing a movie. Going out to dinner. Don't worry, we won't be getting wasted or anything like that."

Teneire laughed. "
I know
won't. It's all of your little friends I'd be concerned about

"Ha ha. Yeeeeah. Uh, did you just call to check in and stuff?"

Oh, sorry, I got a little side tracked. Heh heh

Why does Teneire sound so loose? This isn't like him at all…

I meant to tell you that I decided to try and have some people run some of those tests. And Collin, I'm about to make your day."

His eyes widened and his mouth went dry. Was it all finally about to pay off.

Some of the forensic experts examined the sign that had the holes in it. And from the examinations, we were able to find out that it WAS one of the knives they issued you at Arbur Winslow."

"REALLY!?" Collin yelled, unable to believe what he was hearing.

Would I lie to you about something like that? Anyway, after we found out the sign may have had some connection to Scott's murder, we dug around the sign and found an empty can of yellow spray paint."

Collin gasped. "Was it the same type of yellow spray paint that was all over the sign after Scott got killed!?"

A.J. made a sick face. "What kind of friends do you hang out with, Collin?!"

Well, it seemed to be the same color. And we tried getting any prints from it, and the metal can actually seemed to hold it better than the knife handle. And when we ran a test on those prints…well, we couldn't be positive, but it looked like the prints were Nick's."

"No way!" Collin yelled excitedly.

We're thinking Nick spray painted the sign after he used it for target practice so the forest would have to take it down and no one would think to examine it."

"Clev-er," Collin very casually said. His tone made it sound like he had already won.

I've run that and everything else by the courts, and they think that we have enough for a trial."


Motive is there, the opportunity is there, and the evidence is there

"No way! When's the court date?!"

It'll be in about a month…on the 25th of the October

"Awesome! Good luck with it!"

What do you mean, 'good luck'? You're going to be part of it


I told them that you did a lot of help and that you could be a decisive witness…okay, not witness, but you get my drift."

"You mean I'm gonna testify?!"

Yes. Unless you don't want to. No one's holding a gun to your head and ordering you to testify."

Collin, do you have some sort of double life I don't know about?" A.J. wearily asked.

"I'd love to! Really!"

Collin could sense that Teneire was smiling on the other line. "Then it's settled. I'll keep you updated with what's going on and I'll explain to you how everything works. Got it?"

"Got it, sir!"

It wasn't much longer before Collin closed up the phone and shoved it back into his pocket. He plopped back on his bed and stared up at the ceiling with a wide smile spread all over him. It was several seconds before he turned to his roommate and said, "A.J., you're not gonna
what just happened."

A.J. stared in awe. "I don't think I want to, Coll."

*  *  *

Ohhhhh…boy, am I nervous!
Collin thought to himself as he stood in the courtroom lobby. It was finally the day of the trial, which he had actually been dreading more than anticipating for the last few weeks. He was standing in
large, empty white room that was only decorated with large paintings of past judges linging the walls. The entire room had an almost sickening feeling that would remove almost any nerve and confidence from whoever was standing in it.

He was dressed up in a white business shirt with
green and dark blue striped tie, which was the fanciest thing he had worn for a long time. He took a few deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down while staring at the door right in front of him that led to the courtroom.

Easy does it, Collin…you've come this far. You can't back down now. The final battle to this stupid mystery is just behind these doors. This is what you've been waiting for all these months…don't blow it! Don't-

"Mr. Bansen?"

Collin let out a surprised yelp and turned around. He was now staring face to face with the prosecutor:
man who seemed to be middle aged man with heavy white hair and was wearing a dark colored suit with a light cerulean tie. His stare gave the impression he was fifty times more ready for the courtroom showdown than Collin was.

"Uh…hi," Collin choked out.

The prosecutor smiled. "You nervous?"

"Yeah…a little. I've never been to court before."

"Good. And I hope you'll never have to come here again. I'm the prosecutor, by the way. The name's Herb Mandel."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Mandel," Collin stiffly said as he forced his hand out to shake.

Mandel put on
plastic smile and shook hands, doing anything that he thought would loosen Collin up. "Okay. Here's the deal: you're gonna testify about everything you did to come to the conclusion that you did when you were working at Arbur Winslow this summer, all right?"

"All right…"

"But before you do that, I'm going to make the court aware that you've done work. I'm going to then ask you to point to the person responsible for the murder of Scott Halpin and then you're going to back your claim up. And then I'll provide all the forensic evidence, and we're going to put that Fust kid where he belongs. Got it?"

"I think so."

"It's very easy. Oh, and if the defense tries to mess with your mind a little bit, don't a thing. Just leave them to me and I'll get them off your back. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I think we got this case in the bag. All right, I need to get ready for my opening statement now. Good luck, Mr. Bansen."

"Thanks," Collin weakly choked.

Mandel gave
quick nod and strolled surprisingly casually into the courtroom. Collin watched as the heavy doors closed behind him, taking yet another deep breath filled with uncertainty. "Oh, man…I can't do this…"


Again, Collin jumped at the sound of someone saying his name. He slowly turned around and saw Christine standing there, looking excited, yet worried.

"Oh…hey, Christine," he greeted. "Are you testifying, too?"

"No, but I heard

"Heh heh…well, yeah. I am."

"So you've figured everything out and you know what you're going in there to say, right?"

"I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't," he said proudly.

Christine let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah. I can't believe it's all come down to this. All that hard work you've done…you really busted your butt off, didn't you?"

"You bet I did."

"Yeah. But then again, just think about how much it'll be worth it to see Randy finally fall apart and get thrown in jail."

Collin let out a chuckle. "Yeah, that'll be pretty sw….wait,

The smile suddenly faded from Christine's face. "Yeah…Randy. You know, the guy who killed Scott?"

Collin had no idea what he was supposed to say, so he weakly blurted out, "No, he didn't. It was Nick."

"Noooo," Christine said as she cockily shook her head. "It was Randy."

"How do
know? You didn't do any investigating."

"Yes, I did!" she insisted.

"When?! You weren't even supposed to know
was looking into this!"

"Oh…right. Maybe I should've told you…" she stammered. "Well, I remember first hearing about it when you and Lisa were talking about it?"


What Collin didn't realize was that Christine had long since walked out of the bathroom and noticed the confrontation between him and Lisa. Christine couldn't help but eavesdrop on the whole thing, and when she realized that Collin was starting to sound very suspicious and that he was onto something new about the murder, Christine could hardly keep herself quiet. Anxiously, she ran off, with the encounter between her coworker and boss ringing in her mind.

"You were listening in the whole time on that?!" Collin yelled. He suddenly remembered what she was talking about; he couldn't believe that that insignificant encounter at the bathroom would somehow lead to this.

"Yeah. It's just you and Lisa made the whole thing sound totally serious. It sounded really awesome and I wanted to be in on it."

"Then why didn't you try to
team up
with me?!"

"Come on, you know you would've told me you work alone."

Actually, she's right.
"Well, you shouldn't be trying to figure this stuff out. You're like, what, eighteen? Nineteen?"

"Older than

"Yeah? But I've worked with the police before!
have the experience!"

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you're MUCH better at catching a killer than I am. I think we all know what kind of 'experience' you got when you worked at the station."

Collin groaned and put his hands on his hips. After staring down at the floor for a few seconds, he looked up and said, "Let me ask you something: why do you think it's Randy?"

"Uh…because he had a motive and everything."

"Really. Well, my boss from the station told me that they arrested Nick because he had a clear opportunity, motive, and there's evidence to back it up. Let's hear
motive, opportunity and what you have to back it up."

"Okay. Well, he
Scott, first of all."

"Yeah, I know
much. Because of Lisa, right?"

"That and the rumors."

"Rumors? What rumors?"

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