The Nonborn King (12 page)

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Authors: Julian May

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Fantasy, #High Tech

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"Right y'are, Battlemaster " With a casual wave, the man in the mud-caked Levis ambled off in the company of the titan warrior, reminiscing telepathically over omery steeds he had known

"Commander Congreve just farspoke me." Alken told the Interrogator "There's a whackin' big batch of recruits just arrived, and you and me better get back to check 'em out Thirty-eight Tanu and nearly a hundred humans, including twelve golds and a gang of silver technicians Most of 'em are from Afahah Old Celadeyr has instigated some kind of purge, thrown out all his human executives and managing technicians, and made things so hot for the hybnd aristocracy that they fled lock, stock, and barrel "

"I'll find out soon enough what's going on down there "

"The rest of the arrivals are from that Spanish town the Craftsmaster took over Calamosk "

"Bleeding Goddess' They'd be cravens from the Retort, the nff-raff scheduled to be executed at the end of the Combat' You'd accept such trash?"

Alken's beady gaze was cold "Bull me no shit, PrettyFace It's all a new deal in this Many-Colored Land You forget? And once upon a time, I was considered a bit nff-rafry myself Let's fly "

They pulled down the transparent face-shields of their capuchons and soared into the air Little splatters of rain ticked against their moving bodies They flew over the chaliko farm, which was north of Goriah alongside the strait, crossed orchards, olive groves, and gardens, and approached the city itself

Goriah was built upon a great nse and covered nearly four square kilometers Most of the buildings, except the magnificent central citadel and certain dwellings of the Great Ones, were built of cleanly whitewashed stone roofed in rose-red tile The mansions of the Tanu were adorned with spires and filigree buttresses of rose and gold, honoring the Psychokmetic Guild heraldry of the late Nodonn Formerly, the glass castle had featured the same color scheme, but smce the coming of the usurper, most of the rosy elements had been stripped away and replaced with accents of jet-black or midnight-purple, these unique tinctures having been adopted by the new Battlemaster At night, every dwelling of the commonalty was picked out in a mynad of small oil lamps strung along roofs and garden walls The Tanu structures were completely outlined in metaactivated faene lights of many different colors, and the Castle of Glass blazed golden and amethyst, brighter than it had ever shone during Nodonn's tenure, a beacon visible all the way to the disemboguement of the River Laar 30 kilometers away

As the two levitants descended toward the main receiving area near the eastern city gate, Alken observed, "Commander Congreve has discovered a really big human gold in the net today His name is Sullivan-Tonn, originally from Finiah on the River Rhine Ever heard of him?"

The Interrogator blasphemed loudly "That fat funk-pisser! If he'd only used his powers as a warnor should, Finiah might have withstood Guderian's attack' Do I know him, " And the data were spread out for Alken to study.

Aloysius X Sullivan, yclept Sullivan-Tonn Ninety-six years old, rejuvenated, resident in the Pliocene nearly thirty-two years Once Kung Professor of Moral Theology at Fordham University, and later a highly placed supervising psychokmetic under Lord Velteyn of Finiah Tonn' s primary metafunction was enormous (he was capable of levitating forty people or nearly five tons of inert matter), but his usefulness to the Tanu was limited by his pacifism, which masked an invincible timidity He was notorious for having refused point-blank lo use his PK in Grand Combats, Hunts, or any other aggressive activity, but he had performed his other duties faithfully After the fall of Finiah he assisted in the aerial evacuation of noncombatants and ul innately made his way to Castle Gateway, which was then being used as a relief center for refugees When the deluge came, Tonn was safely ensconced in the small Spanish city of Calamosk, attendant upon his teenaged Tanu fiancee Lady Olone, who had been forced to miss the Grand Combat because she was recuperating in Skin, having broken her back in an illconsidered attempt to fly on her own Olone, a luscious honey blonde and a coercer of formidable raw talent, had accompanied Tonn to Goriah

"I'll deep-probe the pair of them for you." Culluket said. "but it's obvious why they've come Clone's father died in the Flood and the Craftsmaster's too tough to give in to her winsome wiles Tonn can be a self-righteous ass and Oly is a sly chit, but I think we can count on their loyalty "

Alken and Culluket descended to the receiving barracks, where the Tanu and gold-torc human newcomers had been segregated from the humbler arrivals Congreve, a hulking gold wearing full blue coercer armor, smote his breastplate in salute and lost no time in presenting his telepathic appraisal.

Greetings Battlemaster and Exalted Lord Interrogator' Aside from Sullivan-Tonn and Lady Olone, the day's tot-up in the gold includes mostly minor powers Those from Afaliah are respectable hybrid nobility who couldn't stomach the reactionary dictates of Lord Celadeyr Eleven pureblood Tanu from Calamosk are former fellow prisoners with Aluteyn in the Great Retort [classification]

Thanks Congreve Suffering shit Four traitors six wifemurderers and a tax-evader among our exotic jailbirds But with so few Tanu survivors every one who's willing to follow me has to be made welcome Cull you give 'cm a good vetting Especially the traitors'

That goes without saying Shining One And I will also take pains with these twenty lesser human golds from Calamosk in like manner Retort-fodder condemned for cowardice during the Combat Now please give courteous attention to Tonn and his doxy who take their detention here with ill grace.

"All hail to you, conquering Battlemasler Alken-Lugonn!" declaimed a portly individual attired in splendorous vestments of cense and gold But before Sullivan-Tonn could continue. there was a guttural shout.

"Aik' Aik, is it really you?"

From the motley group of gold-torc humans burst a scrawny man with tow-colored hair and flat, vaguely Mongoloid features He wore a plaid flannel shirt, twill trousers, and heavy forester's boots with lug soles Dropping to his knees before the diminutive usurper of Goriah. he mumbled, "I mean. Lord Lugonn Sorry to bust in on this other guy's shtick, but, "

Thunderstruck, Alken threw back the golden hood of his rain-suit "Raimo' You ol' woodchopper, you'"

"If you want me, kid, I'm all yours And I brought some pals, too "

"If I want you, " yelled the Shining One The two fell into each other's arms, giggling like maniacs

"Well'" Sullivan-Tonn drew himself up in frosty hauteur

The tender reunion was interrupted as Culluket's mind bespoke Alken on the intimate mode

Congreve prehmprobe finds thisRaimoHakkmen loaded hotdata urge you permit me fulldeep ream him immediately

"Forget it Indignation "Ray, baby, you mean they were gonna roast you? Just for going over the hill in the Combat"

Listen ShimngOne thisone muchinfo PeaceFaction Dionket + MmanonnHeretic countertactic CeloAfaliah also,

Sullivan-Tonn brayed, "Lord Alken-Lugonn, please let me continue'"

The thoughts of Alken and the Interrogator crackled on the intimate mode

Cull question sillyfartTonn not Raimo handsoff MINE

I know Raimoyourfnend ShmingOne but he knows muchvalue even re Felice Allow squeezeout,

You keep clawsoff Raimo FehceobsessedsadistCullutortugator

Raimo rumor Felice took SPEAR from botlomNewSea


Selfjustificalion Thought that get yourattention Well'? You agree interrogation!'

Raimo know where Felice + Spear ? Nodata. DeadpalRaimo saw Birdgirl flying Belies. LocalFirvulag bespoke pal re FelicehavingSpear Musl deepdig to get straights. You agree ream?

No!... Yes... shit'. Later then. But when / say so and with My supervision reamout job and you fullrepair his brain after. You hear Redactive Brother/Grand Vizier/CullPretty Face?

I hear and affirm your authority King. (But you/I must find scatophilousalgolagniacbitchgoddess before she comesafter US why did I notkill her when I had chance?)

Scorn. Don't you know?

"Now!" Aiken exclaimed brightly out loud. The mental repartee with the Interrogator had lasted approximately ten seconds. Aiken thrust the continuing mental admonitions of Culluket aside and let the full wattage of his charm flow out upon Raimo, Sullivan-Tonn, the willowy Lady Olone (who had been watching Aiken intently ever since his arrival), and all of the other Tanu and human newcomers standing about the cheerless reception chamber. Emboldened, Sullivan-Tonn exclaimed:

"We've been treated outrageously by this military flunky of yours. Lord Lugonn- His men have presumed to examine our baggage, and a clumsy oaf dropped a priceless bottle of twentyfour-year-old Jameson's Reserve! I was barely able to rescue it in time with my PK."

"Shocking," said Aiken, frowning. He tipped a subliminal wink to the commandant. "Surely you know, Congreve, that an Exalted Personage of Lord Suilivan-Tonn's rank is exempt from such procedures. You are rebuked."

Congreve gave the chest-high salute. "I abase myself, Battiemaster. Such examinations have been a standard security precaution taken with all human persons seeking permanent residence in Goriah Because of the blood-metal peril, the ruling was enforced stringently under Lord Nodonn."

"Nodonn," Aiken noted, "is fish food. And I say that from now on, both human and Tanu arrivals will be given an equally cordial welcome. Remember that, or you'll answer to me."

Sullivan-Tonn simpered with pleasure He drew the demure Olone forward and presented her to Aiken and the Interrogator "Lady Olone of Calamosk, daughter of the late Lord Onedan. Trumpeter, who is to become my bnde at this year's Grand Loving "

A momentary flash of fire from the girl's mind was hastily curtained She bowed gracefully Grinning, the Shining One planted a lingering kiss in the palm of her hand In a low voice, she asked, "Is it true. Lord Battlemaster, that you will be king?" The black eyes sparkled "As Tana wills, lovie!" "With all the kingly prerogatives?" A smile stole over her coral lips Sullivan-Tonn's face was immobile

"The game," Aiken assured her, "goes with the name." He strode over to the smirking Raimo, draped one arm over his old pal's shoulder, and called out: "Now, all you folks_ be of good cheer' Aiken Drum is here! No more detention, no more searches, no more nasty interrogations You're all coming along with me to my Castle of Glass, and we're going to have a party.'"


OLD ISAK HENNING NAGGED AND NAGGED AND FINALLY HUL dah agreed to make the weary climb up to the promontory, even though she knew it was going to rain, and keep watch until midnight.

"We're the only ones left to give warning, girl!" Bony thumbs dug into her strong upper amis. Isak's filmed eyes rolled anxiously in the direction of the cave's inner chamber. "It's the most dangerous time of all! Full moon after the vernal equine?! The Hunt's bound to come. Every year it happens Now you listen to me, girl! When you spot 'em flying over the lagoon from Aven, you light the signal fire- All Kersic is depending on you'"

"Yes, Grandpa "

"He might be calling to 'em! Even in his sleep!" The old man's voice was a malignant hiss.

"Yes, Grandpa."

Trembling, Isak scooped up glowing coals from the cooking fire into a ceramic beaker. He heaped on ashes to slow combustion. Huldah took the beaker and the thick torch of tallowsoaked reeds he had prepared.

"Now you know what to do with these!" he barked at her.

"What?" she asked.

"The signal, you damn stupid cow!" he exploded "If you




see the Flying Hunt, you use the hot coals to light the torch. Then use the torch to light the big pile of wood!"

Huldah smiled. "Light the torch- Light the wood. Yes, Grandpa."

The old man fairly screeched. "But only if you see the Hunt, dammit! Only if you see them coming at us from among the stars, all twisting and rising and falling like a knotted snake made of rainbow light!"

"All right." She stood slaring down at him with an air of detachment There was no physical beauty about her, only strength and health Her lips and cheeks were shiny from the butter-fat roast dormice they had had for supper. Her doeskin shift was still fairly clean. Her breasts, swelling now for a reason Isak could well guess, stretched the leather between their outthrust nipples.

"Well?" he roared. "Get going, you overgrown bitch!"

She remained standing in the cave antechamber. Her burdened hands hung slackly at her thighs. "You will not hurt the God while I'm gone, Grandpa."

Isak's glance shifted. "You just get going on up to the promontory. Do your duty and leave him to me." He was breathing rapidly. 'The Flying Hunt could be on its?, way to Kersic right now!"

"You will not hurt the God."

Huldah set the pot of coals and the unlit torch down on the rock floor. Isak tried to dodge away but she was too fast for him, seizing his sticklike arms and pressing them against the sides of his rib cage as she lifted him up. He kicked and howled and spat rage at her, dangling in the air, held at arm's length by the titaness. Finally he burst into tears. She put him down with great solicitude, crouched beside him as he collapsed, and wiped his face with one comer of her slit skirt.

"You will not hurt my God from the Sea," she said, satisfied.

"No." He could not stop shuddering. The musky smell of her was overpowering "I'll go then," she said. "And if I see the Flying Hunt, I'll light your signal fire. Even though there are no other people left on Kersic to see." "There are, there are," wailed the old man. He covered his face with his hands "No," Huldah told him. "They sailed away when the salty water rose. There's only you and me and the God now." She gave Isak a tender pal on his sun-freckled bald crown and picked up the firemakmg things "And the Flying Hunt won't ever come again. The water's loo deep It's deep enough lo pour into the slot where the sun goes down, so the Hunters can't come through any more to get us "

"Damn crazy cow," Isak mumbled "Go, Go Keep a sharp watch."

"All right. Il won't do any harm."

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