The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (140 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Okay, freak shows over,” I spat, their gawps slicing me in two.

“No Ava . . .” Nate apologised but I turned back to the toilet and heaved up another mouthful. I groaned and turned back round but they had disappeared.

I cringed when I took in my appearance, still wearing my black bra and knickers I had fell asleep in. Could this get any more embarrassing? It was bad enough them seeing my scars but to stare while I was in my underwear was just humiliating.

I sighed and pushed myself off the wall and stepped back into my bedroom then gasped and froze as I looked wide eyed at Liv who was stood with her bare back to me.

“Jesus,” I rasped as I took in her own display of scars, welts and wounds. “Is this what your husband did to you?” I asked bluntly as I stroked my finger along one of her longest welts.

She nodded. “Those you are touching are the whip scars,” she divulged.

I sighed. “You wanna compare?” I chuckled and she turned her head and grinned at me.

“I was just showing you that I wasn’t staring because I thought you were a freak show but just . . . well just how much we have in common and that I . . . well I understand, Ava.” She shrugged as she slipped her t-shirt back over her head before she turned to now study my back.

I heard both of their intakes of breath and I had forgotten Nate was there. “I hope you’re not copping an eyeful of my arse, Nate,” I laughed.

“I haven’t even looked Ava. Though that’s some pretty nice underwear you’re wearing,” he smirked.

I shook my head at him. “It’s a good job you understand our relationship Liv otherwise I’m sure my hair would be getting ripped out right about now.”

Liv laughed but then I felt her fingertip stroke across the worst of my scars, “What’s these?” she asked slowly.

“They’re where he branded me,” I explained, my embarrassment completely forgotten under Liv’s experienced fingers. She knew exactly how I felt and for some reason that gave me a great deal of comfort.

“What do you mean?” she asked as her finger now followed the groove of another burn scar.

“He . . . he burnt me with a hot poker.” I cringed as they both sucked in a breath and I turned round so they could see the ones across the top of my chest and stomach.

“Christ, I thought the whip had hurt but these . . . these are way beyond the next level,” she whispered, disbelief and sickness etched on her face.

Nate was looking at the floor and I sighed. “Hey, I’m fine,” I told them but Nate stood up quickly.

“Sure Ava, that’s why you were just screaming ‘Get it off, it burns,” he growled in anger and I looked away.

“How often do you have nightmares, Ava?” Liv asked as she took my hand and pulled me down next to her on the bed.

“I dunno.”

Nate narrowed his eyes on me, “A lot?” I just shrugged and he sighed.

“Listen Ava, I really think you should see someone, you know to talk things through with,” Liv advised.

“I’m already seeing one,” I informed her and she tipped her head and smiled.

“Good, it helps. Anyway we’ll leave you to sleep.” I nodded as she pulled back the duvet and patted the bed for me to climb in before she lovingly tucked me in.

Nate turned off the bathroom light but I shot up. “No, leave it on,” I panicked. He scowled at me but flipped it back on then bent over me and kissed my forehead.

“We’re just next door, sleep,” he ordered sternly. I nodded and rested my head back down as Nate closed the door quietly behind him.

A sudden thought occurred to me and I sat back up in bed. Where the hell was I going to live? I couldn’t stay at Mason’s now and I wasn’t sure I could go back to the cottage with Frank’s gruesome death still fresh in my mind.

“Fuck!” I hissed to myself as I curled back up. There was nothing else for it . . . the cottage it was!


I WALKED INTO the kitchen the next morning to hushed voices that rapidly quietened on my entry. Smiling at everyone I grabbed a coffee from the percolator and plopped down next to Helena, Nate and Liv’s one year old daughter. I let her play with my fingers as I made one way conversation with her.

“Okay, out with it,” I sighed without looking at anybody. Everyone remained quiet but Jay flopped down beside me.

“They’re afraid to tell you that your boyfriend’s camped out by the front gates blocking your getaway route,” he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Nate. “Don’t tell me you didn’t expect it. Is there another exit?” I asked as I picked up some toast from the rack on the table and smeared it in butter.

“Yeah, I’ll take you on the bike, I can fit that through the rear gate,” he explained.

I nodded. “I need you to take me to Kerrie’s, she has George and Katie and I need to pick them up to take them to nursery,” I informed him as I took a large bite of the toast.

Nate chuckled, “Ava, I don’t think I’m gonna get them on the bike as well.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Just drop me at Kerrie’s and Elijah can pick me up from there.” I stood and looked at Elijah, “That okay with you?”

He nodded as he finished his coffee. “Yeah, that’s fine, I’ll get over there now and put George and Katie’s seats in in case we need to get out of there fast.” I smiled my appreciation but he didn’t look at me and I blew out an exasperated breath. I saw his eyes flick to mine and anger flash across them. I quickly stepped back and held my hands up to him.

“If there’s gonna be a problem here I can always find Ava some alternative security,” Nate barked at Elijah and I realised Nate had seen Elijah’s reaction too.

Liv and Jay were looking at us all in confusion. “No problem here,” Elijah snapped and stormed from the room, slamming the front door behind him.

“Arghhhh!” I screamed in frustration and Nate squeezed my shoulder.

“I mean it Ava; I can sort something out for you if he gets too much.”

I shrugged, “We’ll see.”

“Will someone tell me what’s going on?” Liv asked.

“Elijah seems to have developed a bit of a crush on Ava,” Nate explained as he pulled some keys off a hook.

“Well that’s not surprising, she’s one hot babe,” Jay nudged me with his elbow and I laughed at his wide grin.

“Do you ever stop?”

He winked at me and planted his cup on the side. “I’ll run you in mom, he won’t recognise my car,” Jay said as he bent to kiss my cheek. “You take care Ava, I’m sure I’ll see you soon. Just as soon as my dad lets me have your number,” he smirked and I rolled my eyes at him.

“See ya,’” I called out as Nate grabbed my hand and pulled me into his garage.

“You rode before, Ava?” he asked as he passed me his spare helmet and I smirked.

“Why Mr Carter, what are you insinuating.” I pursed my lips at him and he chuckled.

“Have you ridden a bike before Ava?” he rephrased.

I nodded. “Yeah, Mason has one,” I informed him as I donned the helmet, flipped down the visor and grinned widely at him. “Let’s ride, Mr Carter,” I smirked.

“Hold on to your knickers, Miss Stone.” He grinned as I settled behind him. My arms gripped his waist and we pulled off.

Managing to escape without alerting Mason we pulled up at Kerrie’s house twenty minutes later to see that Elijah had already fixed the baby seats in the car and Kerrie was strapping them in.

She looked up at me as I dismounted Nate’s bike and pulled my helmet off. “I’ll see you at work, be careful,” Nate said.

I nodded. “I’ll bring the helmet with me,” I told him. He put his hand up in acknowledgement as he roared off.

Kerrie scurried around to me. “What the hell is going on?” she asked angrily. I sighed and bit my lip with nerves at telling her.

“Mason’s back . . .” I rolled my eyes and sucked on my lips as I tried to force the words out that her brother was back on the drugs.

Elijah came to stand beside me. “The bastard raped her and tried to rip her throat out,” he snarled.

I glared at him, “For God’s sake Elijah!”

Kerrie’s eyes widened as she saw my neck and tears welled in her eyes, “Ava?” she choked out.

I could slap Elijah down the fucking road.

“It’s not as bad as Elijah makes out Kerrie,” I tried to console her.

“The fuck it isn’t!” Elijah barked and I swung round to him.

“Will you just stop! This has damn all to do with you. Now I’d appreciate it if you could wait in the car for me!” I shouted. He shook his head in dismay but walked to the car and climbed in.

I turned back to Kerrie’s tear streaked face. “Kerrie, I’m fine. He just . . . he just . . .” I shrugged, unsure how to go on.

I could see the many emotions crossing her face. “He just fucking scored again didn’t he?” she asked on a sob.

I nodded sadly. “Yeah,” I whispered.

“Are you okay?” she asked as her fingers reached out and she touched my bandages.

“I’m good,” I reassured her as I took her hand in mine, “He’s having a few personal battles at the moment. We’ll work it out,” I told her with a smile but she looked away from me.

“Did he . . . did he rape you, Ava?” I could see every single muscle on her body tense as she waited for my answer and I closed my eyes.

“I’m fine Kerrie, don’t . . .”

“DID. HE. RAPE. YOU?” she screamed and I reared back at the sheer malice in her face.

Swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat I nodded slowly.

“FUCK!” She spat as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m gonna fucking kill him. I’ll see you later,” she snapped and turned, stormed up her path and slammed her front door.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I seethed.

I stood alone on the side of the road for a while, listening to the peaceful song of the early bird as I willed away the tears from my eyes and took a huge breath before climbing in the passenger seat of the car.

“Ava, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t . . .” Elijah started but I held up my hand.

“Just don’t!” I snapped at him, “We’re done!”

I turned to my beautiful babies who greeted me to their happy smiley faces and squeals of delight at the sight of their Mummy.

I closed my eyes in distress, desperately trying to fight the shit load of tears that wanted to fall. “Hey” I choked out, the sudden realisation that these wonderful, bright and happy children had fucked up parents. One parent that was so scared of life she was frightened of her own shadow and one parent that couldn’t get through the pain of the day without having to blot it all out.

“Ava . . .” Elijah whispered beside me but I shook my head.

“I wasn’t going to tell her what a monster her beloved brother is but I didn’t have any choice in the matter did I? The brother she dotes on and loves more than anything else in her life, the brother that protected her through her sorry excuse of a childhood and her cancer and now you have just managed to splatter all her love and adoration and everything she trusted and believed in all over the fucking pavement outside her house,” I spat at him, now finally turning my hateful eyes on him.

His eyes widened when he comprehended what he had done. “Now you have just succeeded in breaking what little bit of life she had left in her.”

* * *

I stormed over to my desk half an hour later with Elijah hot on my arse. My mood was sour, dark and very, very black. I was livid with Elijah but I couldn’t bring myself to terminate our contract after what had happened to Frank, still blaming myself for his death.

“Ava,” Nate shouted. I walked into his office, slammed the door behind me and sunk into the chair opposite him. “Okay, what’s happened?” he asked after one look at my stony face.

“Elijah just ripped Kerrie’s heart out,” I exploded; my teeth were clenched along with my fists.

Nate groaned and passed me a coffee. “What the hell did he tell her for?” Nate asked as he sat back down. I snorted and just eyed him over my cup.

“Jesus Christ!” he huffed.

“How did Liv and Jay get on?” I asked, referring to their escape from the house. Nate’s eyes widened at me.

“Oh Shit,” I groaned.

“Mmmm, Jay almost pinned him up against the car,” he informed me. I closed my eyes in despair.

“For God’s sake!” I cried. “I am so sorry Nate; I shouldn’t have involved you in this.”

Nate shook his head and scowled at me as a tap sounded on the door and Jonathon poked his head around the door. “Trouble in main reception,” he informed Nate and we both shot a look at each other.

“God damn!” I hissed and stood up.

Nate shot out of his chair. “Don’t you dare!” he roared but I shook my head.

“Let me deal with him Nate. The mood he’s in he’ll rip you apart,” I said sternly but Nate snorted.

“And he won’t you; he’s already tried once.”

Jonathon was stood staring at the pair of us with confusion on his face. “I’m coming Jonathon,” I informed him as Nate growled at me.

“Ava, don’t do this” he pleaded.

“I need to Nate, we both know he won’t stop until he’s seen me. Don’t worry,” I smiled wearily, my body now running on reserves as I walked slowly to the door.

“Ava, please. At least let me come down with you to see what mood he’s in,” he appealed and I sighed and nodded.

“Fine,” I huffed, tired of arguing with everyone.

I walked slowly and calmly to the elevator, finally ready to face him and sort out the demons that were plaguing him. I knew this was going to be our toughest conversation ever.


WE STEPPED FROM the elevator to chaos. Mason was pinned on the floor under three security guards, shouting, swearing and struggling whilst four more were stood round them, stances wide and protective.

I puffed out a breath and stepped into the foyer. “Okay, let him go,” I said and Mason’s head shot up. Our eyes locked and I stumbled backwards at the sight of him. His face was bloody and bruised, both of his eyes were blackened and puffed, his lip was split and his nose and cheek sported stitches.

“Jesus,” I breathed. Nate’s arms slid around my waist to support me as I stepped closer to him. Nate nodded to the guards and they all moved away from Mason, leaving him to pick himself up off the floor. We both stood frozen in place as we feasted on each other. Nate moved from beside me and before I could take another breath he had floored Mason and had his hands around his throat.

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