The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (147 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Fuck baby,” he whispered. “I really need you right now.”

“You have a craving?” He nodded against my head, his eyes closed and he was biting his bottom lip rapidly.

I leaned into him and took his bottom lip between my teeth, pulling it out of his own hold as my tongue stroked across it, soothing it from his torturous bite. “Upstairs,” I whispered against his lips, “I have a nice way of making you forget.”

He sucked air through his teeth and then claimed my mouth in a fervent and needy kiss “Now!” I whispered harshly so Elijah couldn’t hear us from his position by the room door as he briefed his men.

He slid off my knee and took my hand, pulling me behind him as he made his way up the stairs. I could feel every single set of eyes on us and I knew Elijah’s would be the fiercest but right now I didn’t care, I needed to comfort my man, make him forget and ride through his craving.

I shut the bedroom door as we walked through. Mason pulled me over to the bed but I stopped in the middle of the room and he turned to me with a frown. “Strip,” I demanded. His breath hitched but his eyes lit up. His lips curled and he gripped the hem and pulled his shirt over his head and my stomach tightened as it usually did when I was privilege to his firm hot body.

He slipped his jeans off and I saw he’d gone commando again. He stood naked in the middle of the room as I circled him, my fingers trailing over his skin as I went.

A small groan sounded in the back of his throat and my pussy clenched at the noise he made when I stroked my tongue across his shoulder blades and down the middle of his spine. “Bend over. Hands and knees,” I told him and this time the groan was louder.

“Fuck, you make me so hard,” he breathed. I smiled, knowing he was excited at what was to come, he knew and it made his cock twitch harder than normal.

I stripped and then went over to the bedside drawer, grabbed a few things and made my way back to him. He was eyeing me suspiciously but I hid the toys from view and I could virtually hear his rapid heartbeat in the silence of the room.

I trailed my fingernails over his tight buttocks and then went down on my knees behind him. “Your arse is fucking perfect,” I breathed as I kissed it and he swallowed heavily as I bit it gently.

“Jesus,” he hissed as I swept my tongue over his anus and his knees jerked.

Picking up up the lube from beside me I put a large amount on my finger and then worked it into him. “Oooh Goddd,” he breathed. I removed my finger and applied more lube and then inserted two fingers into him.

“Does it feel good?” I was practically coming apart, behind him on my knees as I watched my fingers fuck his arse. He rolled his hips around my fingers to give himself more pleasure but I removed them and replaced them with the thin vibrator I had bought for this specific reason, unbeknown to Mason.

“Arghhhh, fuck,” he growled and his knees buckled. I grabbed his waist with one arm while I gently nudged the vibrator into him. “Fuck Ava, fuck!” he cried out and I crawled in front of him.

“Now fuck me—hard,” I growled as my adrenaline turned to a potent arousal.

He snarled and grabbed my hips tightly, pulling me against him. “Get ready Ava cos’ I’m gonna fuck you raw.”

I cried out as he thrust into me and knocked against the tip of me. “Fuck yeah, fuck me Mason.” I slammed back against him knowing my orgasm would be upon me within seconds.

“Jesus, it feels so good,” he grated through his teeth.

“Come on Mason, fucking own me,” I ordered and his hand gripped my hair and pulled me up to him.

“You want it Ava, you want my dick in your fucking womb?” he asked sharply. Well I would if I had a womb!

“Yes!” I hissed. He pushed me back down onto my hands and knees and his palm connected with my arse as he spanked me harshly. “YES!” I screamed as my climax tore through me.

“God Ava, you’re fucking milking me,” he cried behind me as his thrusts sped up and he ground his hips into me. “Oh Jesus, that’s good,” he groaned and did it again.

“Can you feel it Mason, when you do that, can you feel it in your arse?” His fingers dug into my hips as his thrusts became fast and relentless.

“Fuck yeah,” he growled and I cried out again as another orgasm ripped me apart. Mason screamed my name as he came hard and intensely inside me, his semen filling my insides and he continued to pump into me forcefully for ages.

“Fuck baby,” he gasped, “I can’t stop coming.” I pressed back onto him, draining every drop from him as we both panted and sweated heavily.

“Christ Ava, you’re gonna kill me,” he rasped.

“Good though?” I asked, still underneath him and clenching around him.

“Do you need to ask? The best orgasm yet, Miss Stone.” He kissed the nape of my neck.

“That’s two to me, Mr Fox.” I grinned. He pulled out and chuckled as he removed the hardware and scooped me up and settled us on the bed.

“Too damn fuckin’ right.”


“THAT’S IT GEORGIE, splash!” I laughed as George flapped his hands about, nearly drowning Mason in the process. Mason was laughing loud and happily and it made my heart swell to finally see him relaxed and contented. It was early December, two months since Mason’s withdrawal and I grew more proud and more in love with him each day.

We had arrived at the French Château yesterday with George, Katie, Greg and a large bellied Courtney, who was currently getting a foot rub from Greg at the side of the pool, they also had their tongues down each other’s throats and would be disappearing into the bedroom very shortly.

Katie squealed excitedly in her rubber ring as Mason stalked towards her, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he pulled George behind him, also in a ring. Katie knew exactly what Daddy had planned for her. He grew closer and wiggled his fingers at her as she bobbed up and down, chuckling heartily. “Dada!” she cried and we all stopped and turned to her.

“HA!” Mason grinned delightedly “She said Dada.” He looked at me, his eyes bright and full of pride and love.

“Dada!” Katie shouted again. Mason flung his head back and laughed loudly before he gave Katie what she wanted and tickled her relentlessly. My eyes welled at the wonderful sight before me as I watched my man play happily with both of his babies.

I felt an arm slip around my waist and Courtney’s chin settled on my shoulder. “Beautiful,” she whispered and I shrouded her arm with my own.

“Very.” I replied softly. I never thought we would get here, Mason’s pain and torture over the last few months had my imagination thinking the worst and I would have sworn our relationship would have been over before Christmas but now . . . now, I was glad I had clawed him back from the depths of hell because the sight before me made all that heartache, pain and despair worth every minute.

Smiling happily, I swam over to my beautiful family and joined in the fun as Greg bombed into the pool and drenched us all, causing George to giggle furiously. Greg grinned at him. “Again Georgie?” George jiggled eagerly as Greg climbed out and then dived back in. Courtney was pulling Katie behind her at speed to which Katie was laughing so much she ended up with the hiccups.

Mason slipped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly from behind. “I love you my little warrior,” he whispered in my ear as he took it between his teeth and bit down softly. I groaned low and brushed my backside against him.

“Again? My God, you’re insatiable, Miss Stone,” he chuckled and I turned in his arms.

“That’s because you still owe me an orgasm of the month, Mr Fox.” I smiled coyly, cupping his semi hard erection and ran a fingernail over the length under his very sexy swim shorts. “You’re so fucking hot in these shorts, if they didn’t provide a barrier between me and that monster of yours I’d fuck you with them on.”

He closed his eyes and moaned as his semi became full blown hard in seconds. “Fuck Ava,” he murmured and I cocked my head.

“I have a little surprise for you later,” I winked, planted a chaste kiss on his lips and swam away, leaving him leaning against the edge of the pool with his mouth open.

“Ava . . .” he growled as he pushed off and swam towards me, the power in his shoulders and arms finding him at my side almost immediately. “Tell me,” he demanded as he grabbed me and pulled me against him.

“Uh-uh,” I shook my head slowly and smirked.

“Tell me.” He nuzzled his face between my cleavage and bit my right breast. My breath hitched but I refused to tell him. He scowled at me then lifted me high and flung me into the water. I spluttered as I surfaced. Courtney and Greg laughed as I splashed Mason. His eyes narrowed wickedly and mine widened as I backed up. “Noooo!” I squealed as he plunged towards me. I desperately tried to pull myself out of the pool before he got to me. I managed to get one leg over the side as his arms circled me and lifted me back in the water before he dived under and emerged between my legs, elevating me up high on his shoulders as I clung to his hair. “Put me down!” I screamed. He spun round, his hands around my waist as he threw me back under. I pushed up to the surface near the ladders and pulled myself out quickly before he could get me again.

I poked my tongue at him and set off towards the house. “Run!” Courtney shouted and I looked over my shoulder to see Mason bolting across the garden behind me. I shrieked and sped up, high tailing it over the manicured garden towards the house. I could hear Mason behind me but I couldn’t get my legs to move any faster.

His arms circled my waist and he wrestled us to the ground as he started to tickle me ruthlessly. I screamed and shrieked loudly. “Stop!” I begged as tears ran down my face.

He whipped off my bikini top and grinned wickedly as he shot to his feet, waving it about in the air. “Souvenir!” he declared and I scowled at him.

“Very nice!” Greg shouted and Courtney just laughed as I rose to my feet and shrugged.

“That’s okay, at least I won’t get white lines now,” I stated nonchalantly to which Mason just smirked and wrapped my bikini top around his neck.

“Even better for me, I can gaze at your delightful breasts all day now,” he winked.

“Hey!” I heard Courtney cry out from the pool and I turned my eyes to her. Greg had her bikini bra in his hands and was already high fiving Mason who had climbed back in the pool.

“Well if Ava’s got her tits out I wanna see yours,” Greg said seriously. Courtney huffed but I saw her lips twitch . . . always the exhibitionist.

“God this day just gets better,” Mason said and Greg nodded seriously.

“Damn right!”

I shrugged again. “Well it doesn’t bother me, Greg’s already seen my tits and Courtney’s been very intimate with my breasts so . . .” I pursed my lips.

Both Mason and Greg’s heads spun round to look at me. “What did you say?” Mason asked wide-eyed.

“What?” I asked innocently.

“You said Courtney had already been intimate with your breasts.” He screwed his face up tightly as George and Katie began splashing their Daddy.

“Yeah, Ava’s had her cute mouth around mine too,” Courtney divulged casually. Their mouths dropped even further.

“What the hell?” Greg puffed out.

“Yeah, we were pissed one night and experimented,” I informed them as I splashed Katie and blew a raspberry on her neck.

Mason and Greg both groaned loudly at the same time. “You had a girl on girl session?” Mason asked incredibly and Courtney nodded.

“Yeah, if I remember it was quite good fun.” She winked at me. I grinned at her and nodded.

“God, yeah. You have a mighty fine pussy, Miss Williams,” I complimented and she lifted her lips.

“And yours drove me wild, Miss Stone.”

“Fuck!” Greg groaned as his hand cupped his swiftly increasing bulge.

“Fancy a replay?” Mason asked, his voice low and husky.

“Well I suppose . . .” I shrugged, “But it’s up to Courtney.” I lifted an eyebrow at her in query.

“Hell, I’m game.” She grinned and winked at me.

I shrugged and pushed off the edge of the pool towards George who was kicking his feet frantically and bobbing rapidly across the water.

“Fuck,” Mason growled, “Now?”

I scoffed. “I don’t think Georgie and Katie would be happy to see the four of us getting hot and dirty in front of them,” I scolded.

“Oh yeah, for a second there I’d forgot all about them.” He gulped. Greg already had his tongue down Courtney’s throat, his hand squeezing her breast.

“Fuck that’s hot,” I moaned, “but please, not in front of the peanuts.”

“Oops sorry, got carried away there,” Greg chuckled.

“How about tonight?” Mason asked as his lips found the soft skin under my ear.

“Yeah okay but there are rules,” I stated to Mason and Greg, my eyes flitting between them in warning. They both nodded eagerly in their excitement. “No shagging each other’s girls, as much as I love Courtney I don’t want to see Mason inside her,” I told them and they nodded again.

“That’s cool,” Greg grinned and high fived Mason again. “Fuck dude, our women are cool.”

* * *

“When you’re ready girls,” Greg declared as soon as I put my foot on the bottom stair after settling Katie and George into bed.

“Hell, slow down stud,” I laughed.

“Yeah, we need to relax first,” Courtney chuckled as she palmed his cheek.

“But I’m so fucking hard already,” Greg groaned.

“Too damn right,” Mason grumbled and I shook my head in humour.

“Jesus guys, all good things come to those who wait.” I settled on the sofa beside Courtney and they glanced at each other, grinning and wiggling their eyebrows.

Courtney regarded them both. “Maybe we need a bit of encouragement?” she cocked her head and lifted her eyebrows and I nodded.

“Yeah, maybe we need someone to set the pace and inform us what they would like.” I smiled coyly at Mason, whose lips parted and his eyelids drooped.

“Kiss her,” he demanded with a growl and my stomach clenched at his dominance.

“Fuck that was hot,” Courtney whispered huskily and I nodded.

“Yeah, I love it when he gets dominant.” She nodded.

“Ask again,” she ordered. Mason gazed at her and tipped his head.

“I don’t take orders.”

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