The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (177 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I lifted my face so I couldn’t see him and made my way to the end of the corridor, “Left.”

We took a left and I noticed we were now directly above the main departure lounge.


We carried on until Elijah told us to hang on.

“You okay, baby?” Lucas’s voice came from the back of the line and I whispered back a confirmation.

The grid in front of me suddenly opened and a bloke I’d never seen before popped his head through and gestured silently for me to follow him.

I slipped my legs through the hole and he caught me as I dropped through, then grasped Ava and helped her down.

We seemed to be in a caretaker’s room of some sorts. Mason entered through a small door, flanked my Greg and Sam and another man I didn’t know.

“Oh fuck!” I heard Elijah say through Ava’s phone and I frowned and turned towards Ava who was also frowning.

“I’ve found out why he was waiting.” Elijah declared and I closed my eyes in preparation.

“Why?” Ava asked apprehensively.

The line was silent for a while before he took a deep breath, “You there, Mason?”

“Yeah” Mason answered.

“Keep hold of her.”

I frowned deeply now as Mason stood beside me and grabbed both my arms and held them behind me. “What the hell? Get off, Mase!”

Lucas appeared at the other side of me and now I started to panic. “What is going on?” I spat.

Elijah pulled in another breath and I was beginning to get irate.

“He has Sara.”

The words didn’t register at first, and then they did; with force, like a wrecking ball through a glass house and I shattered around myself.

My breath came out in short sharp gusts and I struggled to breathe. My whole body was shutting down and my lungs were squealing for oxygen as a sob wedged in my throat.

It suddenly erupted with vigour and I sagged in Mason’s arms as my knees gave way.
He scooped me up and lifted me in his arms. “It’s okay Lay, we’ll get her. I promise, I promise.”

“You have to let me go Mason, please,” I begged him “Let me go to him and he’ll let Sara go.”

He gave me a pained look but shook his head “Can’t do that, little Willow. I need you safe. I promise I’ll get her out.”

My rage surfaced and I punched him in the chest “Mason. Let me go. She’ll be terrified.”

He shook his head again as he passed me to Lucas who cradled me to his chest. “Lucas, please . . .”

He also shook his head and the feeling of utter defeat surged through me.

I could take whatever Diablo threw at me but Sara, she wouldn’t cope with it. I knew she wouldn’t, he would massacre her spirit and her gentleness. He would take it all from her. He would demand everything from her, even her soul would be lost to him and I had to get her out of his hold.

Mason nodded to each of his men and then he cradled Ava’s face. “Stay with Willow baby, she needs you with her.”

“Mason, I think right now, you need me more.” She narrowed her eyes on him.

“Not this time, my little warrior. You stay and protect Lay.”

She relented and nodded before he kissed her forehead then disappeared back through the door he came in by, dialling someone on his phone as he went.

“Stay in there until my men come for you, Ava.” Elijah told us and she nodded even though he couldn’t hear her.

I had to do something; I couldn’t just sit her with these. I had to help Sara; I had to get her out fast.

“I need the loo.” I said, adding a false grimace to my lie.

Lucas rolled his eyes and looked around the small room. “If you think I’m pissing in a bucket in front of you lot, you can think again.”

“I’ll take her” Ava, as I’d hoped, said.

Lucas looked conflicted but eventually nodded.

He poked his head around the door and scanned our vicinity then turned and nodded.

We emerged in a small corridor that was full of doors. Mop buckets and ladders and tool kits spanned the length of one wall and I smiled when we scuttled up the corridor and Ava tried each door to see if one held a toilet.

She smiled and nodded as she opened a door to reveal a staff restroom. “I’ll stay here and keep a look out” she whispered.

Good Girl.

I nodded as I headed inside the room and locked the door behind me.

I took a quick scope of the small room and relief coursed through me when I spotted a small window.

Prising it open as quietly as I could, I shimmied my small body through the tiny gap. It was times like this I was glad my pole dancing kept me trim and in shape.

I landed on the other side to find myself in an alleyway behind the airport. It was full of industrial bins, massive air vents and a few large drums of something and I rapidly scanned for another way in.

Everyone was going to hate me for doing this but I couldn’t risk Sara. I needed to make sure I got to her before Diablo figured out we had gone. He would hurt her greatly when he found out I wasn’t any longer behind the door he guarded.

I spotted a metal door further down and cursed when it was locked but I wouldn’t give up. There must be a way out if bin men had to get access to the alley and I scurried up the passage until I found another door.

“Thank God” I breathed in relief as I let myself in.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head when I found myself in yet another bloody corridor but my eyes narrowed on a door at the end.

I hesitated and readied my mind to what I was about to do and rested my hand on the handle.

Deep breath, Lay.

I pushed open the door and walked straight into the centre of Hell.

Chapter 30


“WHAT’S TAKING THEM so long?” I grumbled to Nate who had now flopped down onto the floor and I grimaced at the dirt that would now be affixing itself to his arse.

He shrugged and pursed his lips, jumping a mile when the door flew opened and a breathless Ava stormed back in “She’s fucking gone!”

I rolled my eyes and growled at her. “For God’s sake woman, couldn’t you keep your eye on her for two minutes?”

Her face contorted in rage and she glared at me “If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be in this fucking mess!”

I reared back and stared at her “What the hell did I do?”

“She’s doing all this to protect you, arsehole.”

I scoffed but didn’t answer her. She was right, well half right; at the moment Red’s determination was on Sara not me, but I knew I was in there somewhere so I left it alone, admitting defeat.

Nate shot up and glanced around the room before he picked up a mop and studied it. “What the hell are you gonna do with that, wash them to death?”

He glared at me then broke the handle over his knee and I really had trouble holding back the laughter at his actions. “We’re not filming a new Bond movie, Nate.”

He rose both brows at me “Fine Hunt, you go in empty handed then. Won’t be my problem when you have a chance to swipe at the bastards but then find out you didn’t go in equipped.”

I contemplated his words then looked around for my own weapon and settled on a can of industrial oven cleaner. “And I suppose you’re gonna polish them after I’ve washed them!”

I shook my head and curled my lip at him. “For God’s sake, come on.” Ava huffed out and departed the room in front of us, as if to guard us both.

I was so chivalrous, I let her.

We shuffled along the corridor quietly as Ava connected with Elijah on her phone. “Can you get a trace on Layla?” She asked him as soon as he answered.

“Oh Shit. She gone?” he said and Ava mumbled a shamed reply.

“Hang on. I need to alert Mason” he said and I noticed Ava stiffen. Yes, he would go ballistic at her.

I shrugged to myself; her problem, not mine.

“Oh holy Fuck” Elijah stuttered and I tensed immediately.


I heard him groan again and my blood was just about ready to project through my ears if he didn’t answer me shortly.

“She’s just about to walk into the lions den.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!!” I hissed and started to speed up.

“They’re all in the main departure lounge, near to the room you were all in before. I don’t think the public is aware of the situ at the mo cos’ it’s all quiet in there, but by the looks of things it won’t be long. It’s like a western showdown in there.”

My heart faltered and my hands started to sweat as we sped through the corridor and exited through a door into a huge warehouse sized room. Our footsteps echoed loudly in the mighty room and Ava proceeded to walk on her toes to stop the clip of her heels on the floor. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small pistol, holding it in both hands at her lap as she ran silently.

She was like a bloody MI5 agent and I was silently in awe of her. Mason had trained her well, but I had the feeling this sassy woman had trained herself before Mason had even come along.

She drew near another door and tilted her head as if to listen then shrugged and tipped the handle with her elbow before she nudged it an inch and peeked through.

She nodded but didn’t turn as she pushed it further open and we all moved into another long corridor.

“You’re nearly with her” Elijah stated as we crept along, “She’s round to the right but hurry before she decides not to wait any longer.”

Ava rushed forward, Nate and me hot on her trail. “When I get my hands on her, I’m not gonna be held responsible for what I do to her.”

Ava turned and lifted an eyebrow at me “I’m sure whatever punishment you come up with Lucas, Lay will be secretly thanking you for it.”

I shrugged in agreement, entirely sharing her thoughts.

I saw her as we rounded the corner. Her hand was on the handle and I saw her shoulder’s heave as she pulled in a breath then she opened the door.

“Red. . . . .”

Too late.

Always too fucking late.

Chapter 31


IT LOOKED LIKE something from an action movie.

Diablo had hold of Sara, flanked by three men, each of whom had their guns low but trained on Mason and his men.

Mason also has his gun low, away from public eyes but he never faltered in his aim on Diablo.

I flicked my eyes around and spotted Neo situated on a bench, a newspaper held before him but his eyes trained on the situation and I couldn’t help but notice how one of his hands was on his lap, most likely securing his gun.

Moving my gaze further round the area, I then spotted Gerry leaning against a column and I couldn’t help observing another couple of strange guys dotted about.

My heart froze when Diablo lifted his gun into Sara’s side and she whimpered. Neo caught my attention from where I was screening myself behind a giant noticeboard.

He gave me a small nod and lifted his paper an inch so I could see his piece and I saw him mumble something to himself, obviously alerting the others to my presence.

It was hard not to notice Mason’s shoulders stiffen, evidently wearing an earpiece as well.

He moved his hand slowly behind him and held up three fingers.

As he lowered one I steadied and braced myself.

As he lowered the second I pulled in a huge breath.

As he lowered the third I stepped out.

“Diablo!” I shouted.

It kind of happened in slow motion, just like the surreal movie I felt I was part of.

His eyes swung to me before his face erupted in pain and blood seeped from a hole in the centre of his chest.

Each of the men flanking him went down.

The whole airport spewed to life as police officers, trained marksmen and ambulance crew discharged from every angle.

Sirens emitted the length of the airport windows, their blue lights blinding as Sara slumped to the floor and Mason turned to me stiffly.

Me? I couldn’t remove my eyes from Diablo.

His eyes held mine before he dropped and it didn’t take a genius to read them.

I love you.

“I loved you too” I mouthed as he went down.

His lips curled into a soft smile as his eyes flickered closed and I dropped to my knees before him.

I cupped his face, the blood from his mouth trickling over my fingers and onto the floor, merging like a pool of red beside me as I closed my eyes and prayed for him to finally be free.

I know to everyone else, my compassion with a man who had hunted me and haunted me for many years, may seem incomprehensible. But to me, I had genuinely loved him before something inside him had twisted cruelly, completely morphing his once pleasant and gentle character into a monster.


Such a simple word, but a highly potent emotion.

His love for me had changed him into a jealous, controlling beast that couldn’t handle the thought of me loving anyone other than him; anybody but him touching me and it had eventually and finally eaten away at him.

And now as I looked at him, uncontrolled and lifeless, I didn’t feel free or even relieved. I felt sad and empty and I closed my eyes as the tears came.

Mason crouched beside me and snaked his arm around me, lifting me upright as the paramedics moved in.

I softly blew Diablo a kiss and closed my eyes as they covered his face with a blanket.

Mason turned me away and my gaze lifted to meet Lucas’s confused and very hurt expression.

His eyes searched mine, looking for an explanation of my actions but I couldn’t give him one, this was me, all of me and it was all I had to offer him.

He scrunched up his face as if he actually felt the physical pain at my grief for Diablo, before he gulped heavily, turned and walked away from me with sadness covering his beautiful face.

The third man I loved to leave me this week.

* * *

Sara and I entered the flat and she suddenly broke down in tears, the familiarity of home bringing forward the enormity of the events that today had brought.

I sank to the floor with her and we huddled together, both of us sharing our grief, relief, pain and shock as we wept uncontrollably and loudly whilst we pawed at each other, needing to take the support each of us offered and both of us giving the support the other needed.

“I love you” I whispered into her hair.

She gripped me tighter to her and reciprocated my loving words and we stayed there, on the hallway carpet for hours, until the sun came up and our souls mended.

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