The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (218 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I took my first full breath when I saw her, the first since I had been informed by my mother that Ava had been shot. Her sheer beauty fisted my heart, her soul surrounded me and sought its mate and the sight of the tubes running into her body clenched my gut.

Closing my eyes and pulling myself together I strode over to her swiftly and took her tiny hand in mine, threading her fingers through my own as my mother placed a chair beside the bed for me.

“Hey baby” I whispered as I brushed a strand of hair from her forehead so I could kiss it. “You’ve done it again. You are in so much trouble my little warrior, I’m gonna spank that bloody arse of yours for this.”

My mother kissed the crown of my head and squeezed my shoulder before she left the room, leaving me alone with Ava.

I stared at her, watching the slow rise and fall of her chest as I savoured each of her intakes of breath and appreciated the flow of blood through her system.

“Christ baby, I love you so much. I can’t keep doing this; I’m putting an end to it, Ava. Finishing this fucking screwed up life once and for all.”

I stroked the ridges and bumps of her knuckles, amazed at the softness of her skin after all the fights she got into. Hell, her knuckles should be rough and calloused, and I chuckled to myself with the thought.

She groaned and I cupped her cheek, giving her the sensation of touch in case she couldn’t hear me, “Ava?”

She swallowed and her eyes flickered as she fought to open them, “I’m here, baby.”

I smiled at her when her eyes found mine and tears pooled in her eyes, “Mason?”

“Ssshhh, it’s okay. It’s okay.”

“I can’t keep doing this Mason, I’m sick of being terrified at leaving you and my babies behind” she choked out with a rasp and I gripped her head in both my hands and drove my face into her hair.

“I know Ava. I finish this, then we’re done, baby. I can’t keep doing this either. Fucking terrified constantly in case I lose you, petrified that you’ll finally realise what destruction I bring to your life and leave me. Always scared to fucking death that this life will finish either one of us.”

I placed gentle kisses down her cheek and ran my nose under the dip behind her ear, my whole body sighing in serenity with the contact and the familiar scent, “I love you more than fucking life Ava, my heart aches with love for you. I idolise you my little warrior and I can’t breathe when you aren’t near, my heart refuses to keep beating without you and I’m not prepared to do this anymore. We end it. We find this bastard, we finish him then we go Ava. We go to Portugal and do what George wanted you to do all those years ago. We start again in his cottage, beside the sea baby, with our babies. We live again, Ava.”

Her eyes widened but she nodded briskly as tears streamed her face in her relief and happiness, “God, yes, yes. . . .”

Her choked sobs ripped through my very core, making me hate every minute of the past eight years of hell I had put her through. She deserved so much more than this shit. She should be worshipped endlessly, adored and treasured constantly and I would make damn sure the rest of her days were spent in peace and shelter, no more running, no more pushing through this life just to survive.

My wife and children were my life, not his fucked up shit.

It was time to give my family the freedom they deserved.

It was time to end this once and for all.

It was time to concede.

* * *

She stepped out of the en-suite Saturday night, our anniversary night, and took my breath straight from my lungs. She was the most utterly beautiful creature I had ever seen.

Her deep green dress hugged every inch of her delicious body, her eyes reflecting the same shade of jade as they shined brightly. The sheer material embraced her glorious breasts and skimmed over the curve of her hips, hugging her supple thighs and then resting just above her sexy little knees. Her hair was hung, long and free down the curve of her back and slightly touching the arc of her tight bum.

Her smoky eyes twinkled as she limped towards me, her stunning face alight with love and adoration for me as her eyes perused the length of my body.

“Mr Fox, you are just so beautiful” She whispered as she reached me and tilted her head back for me to kiss her.

I obliged, feeding on her tiny tongue as I feasted on her mouth, taking the kiss she offered with no holds barred as I braced her tightly to me. Her arms wrapped around my back, her palms sliding over the thin cotton of my shirt and warming me with each touch of her fingers.

“That’s because you make me beautiful, my little warrior” I told her when I pulled back so I could touch the softness of her lips with my fingers, needing to feel the smoothness with not just my lips.

She tilted her head in thought then her eyes dulled and the hairs on the back of my neck stood to attention with the expression held on her face. “I need to tell you something” she said quietly and I nodded in encouragement for her to continue.

“Someone . . .” she chewed her lower lip and I pulled the plumpness from behind her teeth and cocked an eyebrow, “Someone’s emptied my bank account.”

I stared at her in confusion, “What do you mean someone has emptied your bank account?”

She shrugged and swallowed harshly, “I’m so sorry Mason, I don’t understand it either. I tried to pay for my nails with my debit card and it declined. Then with the shooting I forgot about it and when I remembered this morning and rang the bank they said someone had drained it, all £987,000. I’m sorry . . . I. . . .”

“Hey,” I pulled her into me; the worry on her face was haunting as she faced the nervousness of telling me. “This isn’t your fault. What did the bank say?”

“They’re looking into it and because it was an unauthorised transaction I will probably get it refunded but . . .”

She paused abruptly and her eyes widened as her mouth dropped open, “Mason! The money . . . ‘Find the money and you’ll find who is doing this.’ Do you think Mickey meant
money, not the money from years ago?”

“Holy Fuck!”

I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialled the one person who could find Ava’s money, his expertise at hacking and Technology Intel was superb, “Kade.”

Chapter 34


I MOVED AROUND the caterers currently filling my house with the most exquisite delicacies as Mason followed, picking numerous goodies off plates and cramming them in his mouth. That sweet tooth of his would be the death of him.

“Will you stop” I chastised playfully when he popped another spiced chocolate ginger in his mouth. He winked and beamed at me as he retrieved another. The waitress giggled seductively, flirting with my husband in front of me. Nice.

Greg, Sam, Trevor and Brad all stood like tin soldiers on guard by the front door and the sight brought a smile to my face. I loved these guys, they were my extended family and they all loved me in return. I smiled at Greg and tipped my head in gesture for a private word. He nodded and followed me into the meeting room where it was quiet and empty.

“How are you?” I asked as he perched his backside on the edge of the old mahogany table and crossed his arms in front of him as though protecting himself from my questions.

“I’m good, we’re talking if that’s what you’re asking” he smirked, reading my motive correctly.

“Good, I’m glad. She’s hurting cos’ she hurt you Greg, hear her out.”

He nodded and smiled gently, “Yeah, I know.”

I swallowed back the nerves as I approached the next subject, “What I pulled you for is . . . uhh, Kade’s coming in tonight. He’s not here for the party but will be in Mason’s office all night.”

He pursed his lips and hissed through his teeth loudly, “I’m sorry Greg, I didn’t do it on purpose but we need him, it’s important.”

He shrugged, “It has nothing to do with me Ava, so long as he stays out of my way, I’ll stay out of his.”

I nodded firmly, “I’ll tell him but . . . well, you know how I feel Greg. I can’t get involved; I’m personally drawn in as it is.”

He stood and pulled me into a side hug, “We all make mistakes Ava, and yours are usually epic but . . .” he smirked at me with a wink as I slapped his arm.

“Well, I don’t do things by half” I laughed as we joined the others back in the entrance hall.

“We’re gonna take this in my office, baby.” Mason informed me as he kissed the top of my head and cupped my backside, squeezing my flesh gently in his large hands as his face burrowed into my hair.

Brad rolled his eyes and scoffed, “Leave her alone Fox, Christ!” He laughed as Mason scowled at him.

“Jealous, Brad?”

Brad shrugged with a hint of nonchalance, “Who wouldn’t be Mason, Ava’s hot.”

My eyebrows lifted along with the other guys when Brad dared to speak his open opinion of me around Mason. Sam sucked air through his teeth but Brad just shrugged and ventured up the stairs, leaving an open-mouthed Mason scowling at his retreating back.

Greg started to laugh as he slapped Mason on the back then followed Brad up the stairs, along with Trev. “Come on Mase, I’m eager to get the party started.” He shouted over his shoulder as he took the steps two at a time.

Sam shook his head in exasperation as he pulled me into a hug. “You okay, sweetheart?” His gruff but quiet voice warmed me inside. Sam’s love and affection for me was openly displayed on his face and I hugged him back tightly, loving this big large man with a passion.

“I’m okay, stop worrying. All’s good.”

He sighed heavily but nodded, “We’ll find him Ava, I promise and when we do I’m gonna rip the bastard to fucking shreds . . . slowly.” He resembled a gentle giant but Sam was notorious for his affection for blades, his skill with his numerous ‘toys’ was chilling but mesmerising in a sick kind of way. Everyone knew if Mason sent Sam round then you would be walking back out of the room with at least one less body part intact.

Blades . . . blades . . . blades. I’m gonna make you pay for the blades, Mason!

I shivered but gave Sam a smile. “I know you will Sam, I know you will.”

And I knew Sam would do his upmost to fulfil his promise. He was like family to me, our friendship meant a great deal to both of us and we shared a mutual bond and respect for each other.

“Sam,” I asked quietly as I tilted my head in thought, “Where did you learn to play with your blades?”

He frowned at me with a confused but easy expression, “You mean who was my mentor?”

I nodded and kept the smile plastered to my face, not wanting to reveal my line of reflection.

“My Dad, he started to train me when I hit eleven. Why?”

“Did he have a thing for them too then?” I asked as Courtney bounded through my front door and was enfolded around me within a matter of seconds. I embraced her back with as much affection as I caught Mason’s pensive expression whilst his eyes flicked between Sam and me.

“Sam’s dad was infamous for the tricks he could do with a set of knives back in the 80’s,” Mason butted in, feeding my curiosity as his mind synced with mine and ran along beside me.

Sam nodded with a tight smile. “Does he live round here then?” I pressed on, soaking up as much information as I could.

He shook his head, “No . . . he had some trouble with one of my brothers. Jase ended up killing and raping a girl that used to babysit for us; my dad obviously hit the shit and sliced Jase to pieces. He’s in Wormwood Scrubs.”

Sam gave Mason a hooded glance but his honesty caught me off guard. I had known Sam for eight years now and I had never bothered to find out about
and that hurt.

“Christ Sam, I am so sorry. You carry this shit round with you but never once did I know this.”

He shrugged and wrinkled his nose, “It’s just shit, Ava. Everybody has some.”

I pressed my lips together but nodded, “Yeah but he’s your dad.”

“He was also every kid on the estates dad, if you get my drift, Ava. We were never close; the man was pure fucking evil. He trained all of us, including his other twelve million kids, with military precision to slice a person up better than a filleting a fucking salmon. And then he made us use the skills we had learned on each other. To my father the best was only good enough and he placed us against each other one by one until only the best survived. What kind of father does that? One that ran a fucking school to teach his sick skills, one that took us to organised knife fights and placed money on us, one that wasn’t satisfied until we had carved each other up.” He shrugged again but I could read the hurt and old anguish on his face, “But it is what it is, sweetheart and I met Mason through that cruel bastard so hey, I’m not ruined by it, just stronger I suppose.”

“Go up, Sam” Mason intervened sternly as his eyes narrowed on me with a slight glare.

Sam nodded once and smiled at me again before he hit the stairs and followed the others into the office.

“What the hell, Ava?” Mason growled, “Why don’t you just get the poor guy on This is Your Life?”

“I was only asking” I defended, “What did he mean when he said that’s where he met you?”

He rolled his eyes as he took a step towards the stairs, “Keep out of it, Ava. This has nothing to do with whatever is happening here, you understand?”

I smiled sweetly and nodded. “Of course, baby.”

His eyes fired and he sucked in a harsh breath when he caught the sarcasm in my voice. “I mean it Ava, Sam’s past has nothing to do with this shit. Neither has mine, so back off the guy’s. They are my men Ava, they’re loyal and honest.””

I lifted an eyebrow in mockery, “Like Dane?”

Courtney pulled in a breath beside me then made her way discreetly into the kitchen, giving us privacy and discretion as Mason’s eyes darkened but his face clenched with the guilt of the past.

“Dane was a sick and twisted bastard, Ava. There is no one I trust more than Sam and Greg.”

“I wasn’t accusing Greg and Sam of anything. I was just trying to find a link somewhere in this fuck up Mason. I need this done, I need to feel safe. I need the peanuts to be safe as well as our friends. We need this bastard Mason and I’m sorry, but I’m willing to quiz the fucking Queen if I have to.”

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