The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (292 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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My gaze landed on Grace. Her hand was inside her knickers, her fingers frantically rubbing as she watched me bring Ava down slowly. Her eyes were hooded, her lips parted as she finger fucked herself.

Kade hadn’t moved from beside me, his eyes on his wife, his large cock in his hand, his fist slowly sliding up and down the long length.

“Slide your knickers down, sweetheart,” Kade encouraged her.

She didn’t hesitate, pulling at them with her spare hand and exposing her swollen pink flesh to us. Ava turned now that her climax had died.

“Oh no,” she said to Kade as she put a hand on his arm. “She’s mine.”

“Do I get anybody?” Kade pouted before a lazy grin appeared and he slowly lowered his eyes to me.

“You just had my wife,” I laughed. “I’ve never known anyone who can get a fresh hard on as quick as you.”

He shrugged. “What can I say, you’re all too hot.” Couldn’t help but agree with him.

Ava strolled across the room, her bare backside swinging in front of me. I closed my eyes for a second, willing the blood to stop putting so much pressure on my cock. “Fuck, baby. You have a fine arse.”

She winked at me over her shoulder before she slipped onto her knees before Grace, palming her knees straight away, opening her for Ava’s perusal. She leaned forward slowly, her eyes secured on Grace’s.

“Fuck,” Kade groaned from beside me when Ava slid her tongue leisurely up Grace’s pussy, her tongue circling her clit at the top then slowly gliding back down and dipping inside her.

Grace’s head fell against the window, her eyes struggling to remain open as she watched Ava worship her, her own fingers twisting her nipples as she propped a foot on the edge of the window seat, opening her even further.

I couldn’t help but wrap my fingers around my erection. The pressure was becoming unbearable, the strength of my hard on painful.

“Stand up,” Kade whispered in my ear. “Let me ease that a bit for you.”

He lowered himself to his knees when I stood, his hand reaching in and cupping my balls, his other hand stroking a finger along the tight skin underneath, making his way to the area he liked to play with.

I watched him, my breath stilling when he opened his mouth and slid his lips over my dick, taking me all the way to the back of his throat on his first descent.

“Shit!” I hissed when he slid his little finger in my arse and sucked hard on the head of my cock. His eyes were on me and mine on him, the intense heat in both our gazes driving our mutual need higher and higher.

He sucked harder and harder, his tongue curling harshly around my shaft and his finger fucking me, his greed pulling the cum from my balls too quickly. “Give it me,” he growled, knowing I was holding it back. “I wanna taste you, Mason, give me every fucking drop.”

My jaw dropped as the tightening soared up my spine and bliss contracted every single muscle in my body when Grace cried out her own orgasm, the erotic sound and Kade’s demand pushing me over the ledge.

Kade grinned up at me, swiping the runaway trail of cum that was seeping down his chin with his thumb. “I told you, I’m always in charge Mason.” He winked at me then pushed himself off the floor and turned to look at Grace. “You all done, sweetheart? We’re gonna miss our flight.”

Ava’s bottom lip stuck out as she sulked. “I’m gonna miss you.”

“I remember you once chastising me for not visiting my relatives over Christmas,” he scolded her. “We’ll be at the cottage for New Year.” Taking her hand in his, he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Besides, I’m sure Courtney and Greg will want a piece of you both.”

His words brought on a smile and she nodded. “I can’t wait to see them all, it’s been too long.”

Grace sighed and nodded as she reached up on her toes to kiss my cheek. “Well don’t drink all the alcohol before we get there. And don’t forget,” she winked at Ava.

I narrowed my eyes on them both, Kade doing the same. “Forget what?”

They both shook their heads, “Nothing.” It was said in unison and I smirked.

“Do you two do everything together?”

“It’s more fun that way, baby,” Ava beamed as she dragged her suitcase along the floor and thrust it in my hands. It dropped back to the floor as the weight pulled it from my fingers.

“Jesus Bloody Christ!” I stared at the case then her. “What the hell are you taking?”

She shifted uncomfortably but straightened her shoulders. “It’s got all the Christmas gifts in.”

I scoffed and shook my head. “What the bloody hell have you bought them? Canada?”

She narrowed her eyes on me, her usual puffy lips thinning. “Just cos’ you’re bloody Scrooge doesn’t mean I shouldn’t buy gifts!”

“Gifts, Ava? And where did you buy the gifts from? The local lumber yard.”

Her eyes widened, giving me cause for concern as I peered back down at the case. She smacked my hands away when I attempted to open it, hoping to verify that it wasn’t actually full of lumps of wood.

“Leave it! We’re gonna be late for our own flight.”

Quirking an eyebrow at her, she gulped. “Ava, its Nate’s plane. It’s not going anywhere without us.”

She shrugged and completely ignored me, generating a small growl. I hated it when she brushed me off. A small smile played my lips. I’d make sure she didn’t do it again. But for the moment that would have to wait.

We had a plane to catch, family to see and lots of partying to be done.

Chapter Two

Snow Angel’s


I REACHED DOWN to Courtney taking the fairy from her hands and everyone counted down. At zero I popped the tip of the tree up her ass and saluted her; she was so tough, year after year she had anal, and every year she was always eager for more.

“Now it’s Christmas!” Greg declared as his arms slid round Courtney’s large round belly and he nuzzled her neck. I smiled happily, since Greg’s ‘Death’ two years ago, they had never been more in love, deciding even though Courtney was in her forties to have another child. Greg was scared to death if something did happen that Courtney needed more children around her to help her through life without him.

Mason’s hands slipped around my waist and he pulled me off the stepladder and into his arms when someone switched off the room light and flicked on the Christmas ones.

My heart swelled as the lights twinkled, my friends burst into a round of
White Christmas
and Mason held me close.

I had never loved life or my husband more than I did right then. I didn’t take my life for granted. It was special to me, and Mason and my friends.

“Merry Christmas, Katie,” I whispered as I always did when the tree went up. She had loved Christmas. Even when we were stood trying to keep warm round some burning boxes would she burst into Christmas song and encourage me to dance with her.

“Speaking of Katie,” Mason grumbled in my ear. My shoulders slumped, knowing what was coming. “If that fucking leech touches her chest once more in front of me, I’m gonna make sure his dick is all prettied up in a red bow and laid right in line with my ice skates tomorrow.”

Rolling my eyes, I huffed without turning to him, keeping my eyes on the tree. “Leave it, he’s important to her.”

“Pfft,” he scoffed. “Baby, I know I’m bias but look at her, she’s the spit of you twenty years ago. She’s fucking stunning. There’s only one thing he wants from her.”

“Mason,” I sighed, getting bored with his relentless hatred for Danny, Katie’s boyfriend who’d joined us for Christmas. “She’s twenty. I’m afraid she’s gonna be having sex . . .”

A long choked sound droned from him and he jumped back, staring at me with wide eyes as his head shook from side to side. “Don’t!” he hissed, his face paling as he pointed his finger at me. “Don’t ever say that again.”

I stared at him, my lips squashed together and my chest heaving as I tried to hold the laughter in at the state of his stricken face. I closed my eyes when he growled at me, his ever widening eyes horrified at my amusement.

He stepped into me and I gulped. “We—never—utter—those—words—again!”

I coughed, clearing my throat and nodded. “Okay, baby. I’m sorry. Katie doesn’t have sex . . .”

“Yes I do!” Katie butted in when she heard me.


Mason’s face turned into something Rudolph would be proud of. I’m sure I witnessed steam pouring from his ears as his teeth vibrated between his jaws.

I gawped at Katie, shaking my head when Mason slowly turned towards Danny. She stilled, realizing what she’d just said. Luckily Katie and I had the close relationship where we talked about anything and everything. Both of us and the girls had had many a fun night getting drunk and having the usual girly discussions.

However, to Mason she would always be his little girl that looked at him awestruck and played with dollies.

Danny paled, witnessing for the first time my glorious bastard. Katie jumped in front of Danny, “But not with Danny, Dad. He’s . . .” She took a step backwards, pushing Danny further back when Mason zeroed his sights on Danny and growled, completely ignoring his daughter’s attempt to placate him. “ . . . very respectful!”

“Mr Fox,” Danny attempted as he pulled Katie further in front of him. My eyes widened on him, that cowardly action would certainly not soothe Mason’s wrath. And it didn’t. Mason snarled loudly and took another wide step towards him, like an animal stalking its prey.

Nate and George shifted quickly, both of them blocking Mason. “Xbox!” Greg shouted as Katie grabbed Danny’s hand and pulled him quickly out of the room.

Mason turned back to me, his eyes dark and suspicious. “Please tell me she hasn’t slept with that lanky streak of piss?”

My mouth fell open. “Lanky streak of piss? Have you seen the muscles on his arms? And his arse is solid.”


I grinned at him and took a step backwards, my back hitting Marcy who scuttled further back to accommodate me as Mason stalked towards me with his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down like a meerkat on amphetamines. “What?”

Shaking my head at him, I gulped. “Nothing. I didn’t say anything, baby. It was Marcy.”

“What the fuck?” Marcy spluttered behind me. I kicked back, catching her shin with the heel of my foot. “Ohhh,” she mumbled. “Yes. Yes it was me, Mason. Ava would never say anything like that about another man.”

“Yes,” he growled at Marcy. “Yes, she fucking would.”

Marcy nodded like a maniac. “Yes, I agree, she would. She—so—would!”

Traitorous bitch!

I grinned up at him again when his body nudged against me, his firm pecs making me lightheaded as his domineering growl lit me up inside. “Would you care to tell me just how often you look at his
Solid Arse?

“I . . . I don’t,” I stuttered. “It’s just . . . well . . . it’s kind of . . .” I knew I’d done the wrong thing when I lifted my hands and mimicked squeezing Danny’s firm backside. Mason lifted a brow as his eyes dropped to watch my gesture. I let my hands fall back to my sides and shrugged with a nervous giggle. “Nothing on yours though, baby. Your arse is just . . . heaven, Mason. It’s just . . .”

I squealed when all of a sudden I was hoisted over Mason’s shoulder. “You seem a little hot, Ava, I think you need to cool down.”


I gasped when he strolled across the room, his strength holding me down firmly even though I wriggled against him and flung open the front door. “Mason! Don’t you dare!”

It had taken us double the amount of time to reach the cabin due to the horrendous snowstorm that had descended upon us quickly. Since arriving another four or five inches had fallen, and coupled with the wind, huge snow dunes had been constructed around the edge of the large gardens, the tips of each one almost touching the top windows of the cottage.

And I knew exactly where I was going—the extra-large one piled up along the border of the driveway.

But he didn’t plonk me in it, oh no, that would be too gentle for Mason; he fucking launched me in one swing. Both my arms and legs flung outwards as my little body sailed through the air and I landed like an upside down snow angel with two broken wings.

I could hear their laughter, each one of them bloody belly laughing as I spluttered and slid trying to get myself out, my feet slipping all over as I attempted to right myself. Snow and ice found every crevice of my body. My teeth chattered as the snow dripped off my head onto my nose. They were all stood there, bent over, pointing at me as I resembled a deformed snowman.

My bottom lip quivered, my teeth still shuddering with a frenzied rhythm as I stared at them. Courtney was the first to stop when I pulled my shoulders back and walked back into the house, completely ignoring them. One by one they quietened, each pair of laughing eyes following me guiltily as I slowly ascended the stairs and traipsed my cold body into the bedroom.


I heard his soft shout as I turned on the bath taps and sat on the loo. His face poked around the door but I kept my gaze on the water slowly rising in the tub.


“Go away.”

He paused, confused by my reaction before walking into the room and coming to crouch in front of me as I remained on the toilet. “Hey,” he whispered when a tear rolled down my cheek. He blinked at me, lifting his thumb to catch my sorrow. “I’m sorry.”

I shook my head, refusing to look at him as he wiped off some snow that had stuck to my head. “You hurt me,” I whispered.

“I did?”

I nodded, sticking my bottom lip out. “I think you broke my nose.”

I scowled at him when he snorted then tried to disguise it with a cough. “Your nose looks perfect, baby. It’s not broken.”

“And . . .” I cringed but he lifted my chin with his finger and quirked a brow at me when my eyes met his.

“Tell me.”

I shook my head, lowering my eyes to the floor as my cheeks heated.

“Ava!” he probed sternly. “Tell me what I hurt, I feel awful now!”

“You didn’t hurt anything else but . . .”


“I . . . w. . . . .elf.” I mumbled to him.

He shook his head, squinting at me. “Baby, I can’t hear you.”

“I . . . I . . . wee’d myself.”

His eyes snapped wide as his teeth sank into his bottom lip and his face tightened. I scowled harder. “Don’t laugh at me,” I sobbed.

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