The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (58 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I gulped again. “Oh, did Ava not tell you? Strange that she didn’t” he sneered and I growled.


Mason stiffened and I saw his fists clench. “She must have forgotten all about you, Tony,” Mason bit back but had a sharp edge to his voice.

I saw Tony flinch but he just had to push it. “Well she hasn’t mentioned
” he smirked.

Mason shot up and I clambered to my feet, holding his arm. “Yes I did Tony, I told you yesterday I wasn’t interested because I have a boyfriend,” I defended but Mason took a step towards him and Tony made a swift exit towards the main reception.

“Mason Fox!!” I heard someone declare from behind me and we both swept around.

Nate Carter was walking towards us with a slight smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. “I see you have met our resident sleaze bag” he whispered in Mason’s ear as he took his hand and they shook firmly.

“Nate,” Mason smiled genuinely and slapped his back in a man hug.

“Good to see you,” Nate declared.

“How are things?” Mason asked.

Nate nodded with a smile. “Good, thanks.”

Mason tipped his head. “And Liv?” he asked. His voice had a sad tinge to it and I wondered why but Nate grinned.

“She’s good, due in a few weeks.”

Mason smiled again. “Listen, I’m sorry about last year. It took Sam ages to find him and then . . . you know,” Mason said and I frowned.

Nate patted his back. “Hey mate, no problem. She got through it so we’re good.”

Mason nodded his acknowledgement and I stood looking at the pair curiously but Mason shrugged at me. “Business” he said shortly and I raised my eyebrows at his tone.

“Okay,” I snapped back and held my hands up in surrender.

Nate gave Mason a funny look and then turned to me. “You okay Ava? Liv said you were a bit rough this morning?” I nodded and smiled at him, grateful for the subject change.

“Yeah, I’m good now. Thanks though.” He grinned in understanding to my appreciation of his diversion, he obviously knew what Mason was like.

Nate went in search of Olivia as Mason stood glaring at me. “What?” I said and he shrugged.

“Tony,” he said simply.

I rolled my eyes. “Not here Mason, I’m at work.” I huffed and he glared at me.

“Fine, we’ll discuss it when you get home” he snapped, turned and walked off.

I plonked down in my chair and rested my head in my hands, releasing a slow breath. My life, emotions and hormones had changed dramatically since I had met Mason. I wasn’t sure I could deal with his suspiciousness, possessiveness and aggression, constantly walking on eggshells around him.

I picked up my phone and dialled Courtney, needing a friendly voice. “Hey, babe” she chirped as she answered.

“Hey you,” I sighed.

“Okay,” she said, “drink after work? Yellow lion at 6.30?” She could read me like a book.

“Thank you,” I grinned.

“Mason?” she probed and I snorted.

“Sort of but I’ll explain later.”

I sighed and she was silent. “Ava, has he . . . has he hurt you?”

“No! No nothing like that” I reassured her.

“Okay Babe, see you later.”

I texted Mason and told him I’d be late because I was meeting Courtney, secretly pleased I wouldn’t have to face Mr Grumpy. It wasn’t long before I got a reply.


Avoiding our conversation? How are you getting there?


It’s not far. It will be a nice walk. Don’t worry; I definitely want to talk when I get back!!


I was adamant I put kisses on the text just to piss him off.


YOU ARE NOT WALKING ALONE! I will pick you up and drop you off.


Ha-ha, I won! I got kisses but I was still pissed at the order.


I will be fine. I don’t want to be disciplined before I have a drink with my friend. I will get a taxi back from the pub!

I didn’t receive a reply and I spent the rest of the afternoon ignoring Tony’s snide remarks, secretly envisioning my fist smashing his teeth in but wondered if I would get sacked, and when his hand rested on my shoulder I spent an hour thinking it would be worth getting the sack.


I EXITED WORK at 6 O’clock and wasn’t surprised to see Mason waiting for me. Bracing myself for the interrogation I climbed in.

“Hi, Sweetie” I greeted with a sickly smile and he narrowed his eyes on me. I see Mr Bad-tempered was playing this evening so I ignored him and looked out of the window.

“Where to?” he huffed and I stifled a giggle at his crankiness, thinking he was like my own personal taxi.

“Yellow Lion please, darlin.’” I winked dramatically at him and I was sure I saw a slight twitch on his lips. “Been busy this evening, guvnor?” I mocked and there it was again. “Ah ha, it’s coming” I teased and he growled at me.

“For god’s sake Ava, it’s not funny!”

He slammed the gears and spun round the corner at speed. “Hey, pregnant lady!” I reprimanded. He slowed down but didn’t say anything.

I gave up and looked out of the window, watching everybody’s life go by and sighed when he pulled up at the pub, still in a mood.

As I reached for the door handle he grabbed my arm. “Ava” he started and I huffed.

“What Mason? What are you going to tell me off for now?” I snapped.

He let go and sighed. “Just let me know when you’re done and I’ll fetch you” he sighed. I rolled my eyes again and climbed from the car, slammed the door and entered the pub without looking back as I heard him speed off.

As I stood at the bar waiting to be served Courtney came up beside me with her eyebrows raised. “You look like shit, babe” she divulged honestly and I laughed.

“You’re such a good friend.”

I grinned at her and she put her arm around my waist. “I saw Mr Grumpy speed off, I take it you’ve had another row.”

I sighed and shrugged. “We’re always fucking rowing.” I said sadly and she squeezed me.

“That bad?”

I nodded. “Let’s sit down first.”

The barman came over to us. “Ladies?” he asked and winked at Courtney. I stifled a giggle.

“Not my type mate, sorry” she told him bluntly. He looked at her arm around me, I grabbed her hand and leant over for a kiss.

Courtney turned to look at me and I gave her a full snog on the lips. She looked back at him and shrugged. “But she’ll have a vodka and cranberry and I’ll take a rum and coke please.” She smiled sweetly and then leant in to my ear when he walked up the bar to prepare the drinks. “You are so bad” she giggled.

He placed the drinks in front of us. “You know,” he said with a slow smile, “I’m into that too if you’re both game?”

My eyebrows shot to my hairline as my jaw dropped. “Gimme your number then sweetheart and we’ll let you know, but only if you can manage the pair of us. My friend here is a little wild between the sheets,” Courtney said seriously and I coughed slightly. She waved her hand about under the bar to shut me up.

He turned to me and gave me a wink, “Oh I’m sure I can handle her.” He grinned cockily and Courtney leaned over the bar and whispered something in his ear. His grin grew wider and he looked at me, a gleam in his eye and nodded at Courtney. “No problem, sweetheart. I’m game.” He licked his lips. I could see her stifling a giggle but winked at him and picked our drinks up, taking them over to a table in the corner.

I sat opposite her. “Okay Missus, what did you tell him?” She shrugged and chewed the inside of her cheek. I narrowed my eyes, “Courtney” I persisted and she started laughing.

“Well I thought he wouldn’t take the bait but apparently he did.” I pursed my lips and glared at her. “Okay,” she laughed. “I told him you were into the hard stuff, you know, tying him up and whipping him . . . full on BDSM.” She laughed at my shocked face.

“What the hell did you tell him that for?” I scoffed and she had tears rolling down her face.

“Well I thought it might frighten him but . . . seems he likes that sort of thing.”

I stared at her and then cracked up, “Oh my god! What a pervert.”

We both hid our laughter as he approached our table with two more full glasses. “Ladies.” He placed them down on the table and smiled suggestively, looking me over.

I tried to give him a smile but I was trying to control my giggling at the same time so it kind of looked like I gave him a snarl. He groaned, adjusted his trousers and winked “God! I can’t wait,” he rasped and walked off.

“Jesus, Ava!” Courtney was in hysterics and I kicked her under the table.

“I am so gonna kill you when we get out of here,” I snorted and then joined her laughter. Trust this girl to cheer me up; she always knew exactly what I needed.

We settled down and relaxed with our drinks. “So?” she prodded and I sighed.

“I love him.” I started simply and she nodded.

“I know but . . . ?” she cocked her head, waiting for me to continue and I took a deep breath.

“I’m pregnant.” I cringed and squinted as I looked at her.

Her eyes widened as she sighed and pursed her lips, “Oh, Ava.” She looked sad, stunned and happy simultaneously.

“I know, I know. We just got carried away,” I shrugged as if that simple statement explained everything.

“Ava,” she glared at me. “It takes two seconds to saddle up,” she scolded and I shrugged again.

“I know but . . . it’s different with Mason. He’s amazing in bed and the passion is . . . is mind-blowing.” I grimaced, finding it difficult to explain how it was with him.

She looked thoughtful for a moment then closed her hand over mine on the table. “Babe, are you gonna keep it?” I recoiled at her directness.

“Of course I am!”

She held her hands up. “I’m just making sure you know there are other options, that’s all. It’s entirely your decision Ava, not mine, not Mason’s. Yours.”

I nodded. “I know.”

“And what’s Mason said?”

I finished my first drink and reached for the fresh one. As I took a sip Courtney raised her eyebrows. “You shouldn’t be drinking that, Ava,” she cautioned and my eyes widened.

“Oh God! I forgot” I scowled and pushed it away, thinking it tasted a little bitter anyway.

She went back over to the bar and returned with a cranberry and soda, placing it in front of me. “Well, what’s Mason said?” she repeated, taking a sip of her drink.

“He’s over the moon.” I explained and she spluttered into her glass.

“Really?” she asked gobsmacked.

I nodded, talking a gulp and grimacing at the non-alcoholic beverage, looking longingly at my un-drunk vodka; my body needed the stimulant to prepare for Mason’s fury. “Yeah, he’s really happy but I dunno . . . I can’t help wondering if it’s a bit too soon. I want to enjoy our relationship and get to know one another first before we’re knee deep in shit and nappies but on the other hand, it’s my baby and I already love it.” I explained and she nodded slowly.

“Talk to him, Ava” she urged.

I shrugged, “What for? It’s happened and there’s nothing I can do to change things now. Telling Mason about my insecurities won’t help. The main problem is . . .” I squirmed, “I’m kind of living at his at the moment.”

She narrowed her eyes on me. “Ava; you have gone from being scared of a relationship to falling in love, living with him and getting pregnant.” She looked confused by my actions and I held a hand up and took another drink.

“I . . . my house . . . someone broke into the cottage” I told her and her eyes widened.

She exclaimed and took my hand again.

“Someone broke in and trashed my bedroom and wrote whore on my wall” I told her frankly, there was no use trying to sugar coat things with Courtney.

Pursing her lips tightly she took a deep breath. “But why?” she asked “What have the police said?”

I looked down. “Ava?” she queried and narrowed her eyes.

“Mason’s got his friend looking into it,” I told her.

She eyed me curiously but sighed and nodded. “Are you frightened of him, Ava?” she asked cautiously, stroking her hand up my arm much to the barman’s delight.

I frowned at her, “No, he would never hurt me, even though he gets angry.” I shrugged. “It’s just how he is. He’s controlling and possessive but sometimes I like it, you know, it makes me feel secure and strangely cherished but he just . . . just sometimes it’s like I can never please him. He’s always mad at me for doing things without discussing them with him first.” I explained but carried on, “You remember Tony?” I asked. She nodded. “Well, he works at NSC with me.”

Her eyes widened and she groaned. “Oh God.” She cringed for me and I nodded.

“Well, I didn’t tell Mason because . . . well because it’s Mason and anyway he brought me some anti-nausea pills into work this morning cos’ I’m having horrendous morning sickness and well . . . Tony was there, so that’s why we’re rowing again,” I finished with a sigh and looked at her.

“Okay, I can understand both sides here. I know why you didn’t tell Mason but I can understand him thinking you were hiding something from him. You did go on a date with the sleezeball.” She shrugged when I sucked on my lips.

“But,” she continued. “That still doesn’t give him the right to try and control you, Ava. You’re gonna have to be strong and stand up to him. Don’t let him dominate you, or this relationship isn’t going to work.”

I nodded. “I know, and I know he knows what he’s doing but he can’t seem to stop himself. He says it’s because he worries about me but . . . it just grates sometimes. I know I’m in for another bollocking when I get back.”

She looked at me sadly. “It’ll sort itself out Ava, but you need to lay a few rules out, and be strong,” she guided.

I smiled at her but as I did I felt my skin prickle and turned round sharply, inspecting the pub.

“Ava?” Courtney asked and I shivered when I didn’t notice anyone. I shook my head to her.

“Strange feeling that’s all.” Laughing it off, I pulled my phone from my bag. “I better ring a taxi and get back.” I sighed and she smiled sympathetically.

“Ava, if it gets too much you can always stop at mine” she proposed.

I nodded as my call connected and I asked the taxi firm for a ring back on arrival, something in the back of my mind warned me off waiting outside for the cab.

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