The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (96 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“You do know Rebecca is skimming you don’t you?” I asked him and he frowned.


“Mason, I told you ages ago. The wages for the bar employees was £126,000 out!”

He scowled in confusion as Sam sucked a breath in. “I can’t remember you telling me,” he sighed.

“Yeah, I discovered it the day I found the file you had on me. I did tell you.”

He frowned and pursed his lips. “Greg, take a look,” he ordered and I was once again reminded of Mason’s authority and ruthlessness.

Greg simply nodded and refilled all our glasses. “Already on it. Right now that’s all out, let’s have fun . . . Hot tub.” He grinned at Courtney, his eyebrows waggling manically.

She squealed and jumped up, grabbing my hand. “Come on Ava, let’s get those bikinis on.”

I rolled my eyes. “Courtney I can’t wear a bikini, nobody wants to look at my big belly,” I grumbled.

“Don’t you fucking dare go there!” Mason barked at me. I cringed as he took a step towards me and tilted my head back with his finger. “You are fucking beautiful and that
has my babies in it so that is beautiful too. You are a gorgeous, pregnant woman and don’t ever stop believing it,” he growled.

I nodded quickly and Courtney snorted, “Ha!” she poked her tongue out at me.

Mason slapped my arse. “Bikini now,” he play snarled. I giggled and shot him a smile over my shoulder as Courtney pulled me up the stairs with a laughing Marcy behind us.

I shivered when I caught Mason’s sexy smile and inhaled heavily. this was going to be a fun few days and I resolved to do as Mason asked and forget the Rebecca situation whilst we were here but I knew when I returned home I was going to put a stop to the wedding and free Mason. I wasn’t sure how but I was absolutely determined, that man was mine and I was going make damn sure I got him.


WE HAD ALL been submerged in the warm bubbling water for about an hour, adjusted to the correct safe settings for my pregnancy, when Greg came through carrying a tray with a few food items on.

“Okay, play time boys and girls.” He grinned and we all narrowed our eyes on him, highly aware he was up to something.

Placing the tray on the edge he climbed back in the tub. “Right, it’s a game kind of like truth or dare but it’s called sex or suck.” He wiggled his eyebrows and we all groaned.

“I don’t think I’m gonna like this game,” Marcy mumbled but Greg waved her off.

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to get down and dirty in front of us all.”

Sam’s eyebrows raised at Greg. “Good, nobody sees my girl,” he said bluntly.

“Each person has to ask everybody a question about their sex lives or preferences, each person answers except the person that asked the question.” He looked around to see if we were all still with him. “You have to answer or you get the forfeit . . . suck or eat one of these.” He grinned cheekily and held up the tray; it held four items, wedges of lemon, raw brussel sprouts, anchovy paste and a bottle of malt vinegar with a tablespoon beside it.

“Wow” I breathed, grimacing at the items. Mason laughed and pulled me onto his lap so I was straddled him but facing the others with my back to his chest.

His hands settled on my belly. “I’ll protect you, baby,” he grinned and kissed between my bare shoulder blades. “God, you look fucking hot in that bikini,” he whispered in my ear and I wiggled my bum, cheekily grinding against him. He growled quietly in my ear and snaked his hand under the water to squeeze my thigh.

“Mason’s turned on already,” Sam chuckled as he took a slug of wine and I winked at him.

“Hey, I haven’t had my little warrior for weeks, ease up on me,” Mason grumbled and nuzzled into my neck. I sighed happily and wound my arm around the back of his neck and turned my face to his, kissing him softly.

“Okay let’s get started before Mase and Ava decide to entertain us all,” Greg smirked. “I’ll go first then you all get the idea.”

He smiled smugly and turned to Courtney. “Easy one first, favourite position?”

Courtney grinned at him, “Do you really need to ask me that?”

“No, I don’t need to but the others want to know,” he replied with a smirk.

She huffed, “Okay, doggy style.” She looked at Marcy who was sat next to her.

“Missionary,” Marcy said, “And so is Sam’s.” She giggled and we all laughed.

“Straight to Mason then now Sam doesn’t need to answer,” Greg smiled.

“Underneath,” Mason coughed and lifted his hips in to me.

“All of them,” I smirked. Mason growled playfully and slipped his hand further up my thigh. “Behave” I whispered.

“Marcy’s turn,” Greg informed her.

She rubbed her hands together and grinned. We all narrowed our eyes at her. “Ever had a threesome?” she sneered at us all and Sam’s eyes widened. “Sam?” Marcy pursed her lips and lifted her eyebrows.

“No,” he said simply, “Have you?”

Marcy chewed on her bottom lip to stop the smile from erupting. “I don’t have to answer Honey, sorry,” she snickered.

“Mason?” she asked as she turned to him.

I felt him shift uncomfortably underneath me.


“Well . . . I . . .” He puffed out and Greg lifted the tray to remind Mason of the penalty of refusing to answer. “Yes,” he answered with a cringe.

I raised my eyebrows and turned my face to his.

“Oooh dear,” Sam chuckled.

“Really?” I asked.

He looked away. “Mmm,” was all he said.

“Did you enjoy it?”

He snapped his head round and stared at me. “You can’t ask me that?”

“Why not?” I asked flummoxed.

“Well. . . . you just can’t.” He shook his head and I smiled slyly.

“I’ll take that as a yes then.”

I looked away and winked at Marcy who was finding the whole exchange amusing along with the others. “Have you?” Mason asked cautiously.

I sucked in my lips. “Well . . . What would you say if I said yes?” I asked him without looking at him, a wry smile on my face.

Courtney lowered her face to hide her laughter. Greg was staring at me, obviously waiting for my answer.

Mason’s eyes narrowed on me and he looked thunderous. “Well?” he asked with a growl.

I turned to face him and cupped his cheek. “No baby, I haven’t.” I felt him instantly relax and he nodded once.

We all looked at Greg waiting for his answer. He seemed a bit sheepish and I caught him peeking at Courtney who looked equally guilty.

I narrowed my eyes on them. “Oh My God!” I declared as my mouth fell open and Courtney cringed. “You dirty tart!” I laughed.

“What?” everyone else said, looking between me and Courtney.

“Well?” I pursued and she shook her head at me. “Well are you going to fill them in Greg?” I asked, thoroughly enjoying their discomfort. I imagine Greg didn’t expect this question when he started the game.

“Well . . .” He swallowed, “ . . . Courtney and I . . . well . . .” He shifted and looked at Courtney who was just as mortified. “Me and Courtney had one together,” he revealed quietly and quickly. I snorted. Everybody stared at them and then laughter broke out.

“Wow,” Marcy said dreamily.

“Sam’s question next” Greg said.

“Rough or smooth?” Sam asked and turned to Mason.

“Rough,” he informed them easily and everyone turned to me.

“We all know Ava’s answer,” Courtney chuckled. “I’ve seen the DVD!”

“Oh My God, I’m gonna get you a copy of that bloody thing!” I scowled at her.

She clapped happily. “Really? It’s hot!”

My jaw dropped. “I was joking!”

“Answer, Ava,” Greg said laughing at Courtney.

“Rough,” I said just as easy as Mason and looked at Greg.

“Definitely rough,” he grinned at Courtney.

“Me too” she grinned back.

“Smooth for me,” Marcy said and shrugged. I smiled, smooth seemed her to a ‘T.’

Mason had a sardonic smile and caught my eyes. “Handcuffs or blindfold?”

Oh Shit!

I couldn’t tell him I’d kind of done both with Kade. I coughed slightly as I felt his erection start to grow; this was obviously an answer he wanted to know. “Handcuffs but I’d prefer both,” I smirked.

His eyes widened and he took a deep breath as he went from half-mast to rock solid in seconds. I stealthily slid across his lap and heard a whisper of a moan leave his lips.

I turned to Courtney and raised my eyebrow in query. “Blindfold” she stated and turned to Greg.

“That’s fine with me baby,” he chuckled and pulled her into his side. “Handcuffs,” Greg answered still gazing at Courtney.

“Blindfold.” Marcy answered.

“Handcuffs.” Sam grinned at her.

“Ava’s question,” Greg said.

“Favourite part of your partner’s body?” I asked quite a tame question but it was something I wanted to know from everyone. “Greg?” I turned to him.

“Breasts,” he answered easily.

“Definitely penis,” Courtney grinned and I rolled my eyes at her.

“Bum,” Marcy smiled up at Sam.

“Breasts,” Sam smiled back.

I looked at Mason; his eyes were on me but were soft and warm. “Her beautiful face,” he breathed. I sighed in pleasure.

“Aww,” our friends all said together.

Everyone was quiet as me and Mason gazed at each other for a few moments.

“My turn,” Courtney grinned. “Best ever orgasm?” She chuckled as her face lit up as she turned to Greg.

“Oh my God, this one’s gonna be awkward.” He cringed and Courtney’s eyes widened at him.

“Answer or pay the price.” She scowled, lifting up the tray.

“Okay, it was the second time we . . . had sex. The one in the toilets at The Loft.” He winced and glanced at Mason.

“You had sex in my club toilets?” he asked, gobsmacked.

Greg shrugged. “Sorry,” he apologised sheepishly with a grin.

Mason laughed and waved his hand. “Don’t sweat it, I’m only winding you up.”

Everyone turned to Marcy; eager to hear her answer. “The first time me and Sam made love. Bent over his kitchen table.” She smiled timidly and blushed furiously.

Sam chuckled and pulled her onto his lap. “Same for me.” He kissed her nose tenderly, evidently happy with her answer.

Everybody turned to Mason, who cringed.


I bit my bottom lip, nervous all of a sudden in case he said a time with Rebecca.

He swallowed heavily and his cock twitched underneath me, clearly he was remembering the occasion.

“It was one time when Ava . . .”

Oh thank god! But I wasn’t sure which time he meant. “Go on,” Greg coaxed. Mason’s neck started to grow red.

I narrowed my eyes on him in question. “Come on, which time? My ego needs building,” I teased and everybody laughed.

“Well it was the time you gave me that blow job . . . you know . . .” He shrugged. I shook my head.

“Which time?” I implored and he swallowed.

“When you made me bend over the bed.” He begged with his eyes and it all became clear.

“Ahh.” I smiled and kissed his lips.

“Come on, you have to tell us,” Greg urged. I shook my head in humour at Mason and turned to them, he was noticeably embarrassed.

“I made Mason bend over the bed and gave him a blow job while sat underneath him and just as he was about to come I slipped my finger in his ass,” I told them honestly, shrugging it off. Mason’s cock came to life instantly, pressing heavily against me.

Greg and Sam stared, open mouthed at Mason and he shrugged. “Sounds wrong I know but . . . fuck me! It brought me to my knees . . . Literally! I actually collapsed on top of Ava.”

They all still stared.

“Jesus!” Greg whispered. Sam just grunted.

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with it!” I pressed. They just nodded slowly.

“Seriously guys, it was . . . mind blowing.” Mason was breathing heavy now, his erection painfully stiff as he slipped his fingers craftily in my bikini bottoms. I gulped but shifted slightly to give him better access as the ripples of the water disguised us.

“Oh . . .” Greg rasped. “Oh fuck it!” He stood, his erection obvious to everyone, grabbed Courtney’s hand and pulled her up. “Games over,” he grunted and pulled her into the house as she giggled.

“Yeah, good idea,” Sam choked out and pulled Marcy up as his other hand dropped in front of his groin. “Come on girl, bed time.” He gave her a waggle of his eyebrows and they disappeared into the house behind Greg and Courtney.

Mason and I stared at each other. “Guess what they’re gonna be doing tonight?” he scoffed and we both fell about in hysterics.

“Well I didn’t want to answer anyway,” I shrugged, feigning disappointment.

“Tell me,” Mason asked, his voice a low rumble as a finger slipped into my pussy. I moaned and settled my head back on his shoulder.

“Well . . . Ooh . . . that’s good.” I couldn’t remember my name never mind the question. “What was the question again?”

Mason grinned against my neck as he licked and kissed his way down. “Which was your best orgasm?” he whispered. I bit my lip as his thumb pressed down on my clit.

“Oh god!” I breathed.

“Answer!” Mason demanded softly.

“ . . . the time I came to yours in the middle of the night . . . and . . . rode you hard . . . on your sofa . . . Fuck! That’s so good!” I groaned as his fingers circled inside me and I ground myself down onto him.

“Mmm,” Mason murmured into my neck as his other hand found my breast and pinched roughly at my already stiff nipple.

“I’m gonna come,” I choked as Mason’s fingers sped up.

“Yes, come on, baby,” he grunted and bit my neck. I was a sucker for a bite and I clenched around his fingers as my orgasm tore through me. “Jesus Ava. You feel amazing dripping down my fingers,” he breathed as he brought me back down.

“God that was good,” I panted and turned around on Mason’s knee, kissing him like my life depended on it. His hand wound round my hair and he moaned into my mouth.

“Sit on the edge of the tub,” I ordered softly, looking around to make sure the others hadn’t come back down, not that I expected them too.

Mason placed his hands behind him and slid up and sat on the edge, pulling his swim shorts down as went. I lifted a foot and kissed the sole and repeated on his other foot then slowly kissed up his leg, my tongue sneaking out to taste him.

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