The Observer (Derek Cole Suspense Thriller Book 3) (28 page)

BOOK: The Observer (Derek Cole Suspense Thriller Book 3)
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“That will be Badr calling me,” Aahill said.

“Don’t tell him I’m with you, Aahill,” Derek said as he moved back to the front seat. “Don’t tell him anything.”

Aahill flipped open the phone, pressed the green button, then said “Hello?”


“Okay Badr. I know what to do…two minutes?…okay….Yes, I remember what to say…
going to call me?…What should I say to him?…Okay…Two minutes…I know…Goodbye.”


“I have to go inside now,” Aahill said, his eyes mixed with fear and excitement. “Badr’s mentor is going to call me, and I have to be inside when he calls.”

“Aahill, don’t go inside. I need to get that vest off you, now.”

“Don’t touch me, Derek. I don’t believe what you said. Badr told me that my name is going to be written on the list of great men, and you are nothing but an infidel. You’ll see. My name will be on that list.”

As quickly and as powerfully as he could, Derek punched Aahill across the chin, then followed his first punch with several others until he was certain Aahill was unconscious. He then jumped out of the car and began waving his gun above his head, screaming that everyone needed to leave the area. He ran into the Green Dolphin and fired three shots into the ground. “Get out, now,” he yelled. “Back door or front door, doesn’t matter. Get out and get away from here.”

Nikkie ran towards him, her gun also in full view. She fired three shots into the air, and echoed Derek’s demands. “Get away from the area. Run!”

She ran towards the Navigator, glanced inside and saw that Aahill was slumped hard to his left. Opening the doors of each business on the street, she screamed “Get out of the area. There’s a bomb in that car!”

At first, the people in the area were shocked and terrified at the sight of two people, running around the streets, guns firing and waving for all to see. Then the recent memories of the explosions in the city took hold, sending a clear message to their legs:

Derek tried to keep track of the seconds in his mind as he charged the area, screaming his alert and firing his weapon in the air. When his counting neared 100, he charged towards Nikkie, grabbed her arm and pulled her towards where he had seen Juan shot.

“Run your ass off, Nikkie, Run!”


“Stop,” Detective Connor screamed as the van began turning left. He could see Derek and Nikkie running from business to business, yelling at everyone in the area and firing their guns into the air. Connor jumped out of the van and bolted towards them.

“Cole!” he screamed, but his voice was drowned out by the yells and screams of too many people running for safety. It was then that he noticed the Navigator with the passenger’s side door left open. He turned and motioned to the officer driving the van to pull away. Connor moved quickly towards the Navigator, adding his demands of evacuation to everyone in the area.

He was no more than 20 feet away when he heard his name called.

“Connor, get away. It’s too late. Get away!”

He turned and began to sprint. Behind him, he could hear the short, high pitched sound of a cell phone’s ring. Then everything went dark.


August 16, 2014

It was much cooler than he expected. Though the calendar insisted that the date was August 16, the cool, brisk air suggested a much later date. Derek sat on the concrete steps of the NYC Public Library and was taken by how few people were milling about the area. Though Ahill’s planned attack was, for a large part, thwarted, the mood in the city was a palpable mixture of anger and fear.

As Derek sat alone on the library steps, he sensed he was being watched. A quick glance revealed that his senses were right.

“Nikkie thought that I would find you here.” Detective Patrick Connor’s right arm was held close to his body by a pale white arm sling. Bandages covered most of the right side of his forehead.

“I’ve only known her a couple of hours and she already knows me. Either I’m predictable or she’s a damn good investigator.”

“Probably a little of both,” Connor said as he sat beside Derek on the steps. “You two saved a lot of lives yesterday.”

“Didn’t save everyone,” Derek said. “Once I saw how that bomb was strapped and locked to Kevin’s chest and saw that the cell phone was the remote trigger, I knew I couldn’t save Kevin. Probably should have tried to destroy the cell phone but I panicked.”

“If the story you told me was accurate and Kevin was involved with the IUIEEO, even if you were able to save him, they have enough power and influence to have been able to get to him before he said one incriminating word to the Feds. He was dead either by his bomb or by his handlers.”

“Pisses me off,” Derek said, “that they targeted him out because of his limitations. They took advantage of him because they knew he’d be an easy target.”

“Listen,” Connor said, “you and I will never understand how terrorist groups think and behave. But at least we gained some understanding of their methods. I’m telling you Cole, stopping that bomb from killing hundreds may have save thousands. Millions, possibly.”

“How so?”

“I don’t know all the details but Tareef said in his speech something about the IUIEEO earning a status of its own State. What the Feds are thinking is that this attack was the first of many. Like this attack was intended to send a message that would start a row of dominos falling. Already heard that the CIA is picking up chatter about events all over the world. I’m not privy to what intel they are getting but I don’t think we’ve seen the end of Tareef and the IUIEEO.”

“He must be the most wanted man in the world. I mean, the CIA and every other agency in the world must be looking for him.”

“Not sure about that,” Connor said. “He never said anything about terrorist attacks and unless we find someone willing to talk, I highly doubt he left any tracks that lead back to him. Is he a wanted man? Absolutely but he has friends in high places and I have to believe that he has some serious dirt on a whole bunch of world leaders. My best guess is that someone somewhere will take him out sniper style but that he’ll never see the inside of a courtroom.”

“So,” Derek said “can you tell me what we just went through?”

“You want the version the press will be dishing out or my version?”

“You seem like a trustworthy guy. Let’s hear your take.”

“FBI shut us down pretty damn quick. By the time I woke up after Aahill exploded, the Feds were already assuming responsibility for the crime scene. What I do know is that you prevented a much more serious attack than what you probably believe.”

“I saw that leaden suitcase in the back. Not sure what was in there but can’t believe it held anything good.”

“Spent fuel rods. Best guess from the NYPD Terrorism Task force was that the bomb would have spread the radiation those rods were pouring out and made a huge and dangerous mess. It wasn’t going to be a nuclear explosion by any means but we think it was intended to be a message.”

“What message?” Derek asked.

“That whoever was really behind this whole plot has nukes or is in bed with a country that does.”


“That’s the popular belief,” Detective Connor said.

The two men sat in silence, both considering the possible reality of a terrorist organization with nuclear capabilities. “Badr Irani was found dead in his office a few hours after the bombing,” Connor said, disturbing the silence. “38 caliber bullet right between his eyes.”

“They find anyone else yet?”

“Tareef Omar gave a speech at the UN right before Aahill played his role then was driven to JFK, hopped a private jet and is probably somewhere in Syria, Iran or Iraq by now. The Feds and the NYPD are scouring the area for clues but haven’t found anyone else to talk with yet. Give us time, we’ll come up with someone.”

Derek’s iPhone’s vibrations captured his attention. He slid the “Accept” bar over the right, and answered the call.

“Time to kiss Detective Connor goodbye. You and I need to talk,” the caller said.

Derek recognized Juan’s voice immediately. He gestured to Detective Connor that he had to take this call.

“Listen Cole, I have to head back to the station. Give me a call in a couple of days and I’ll fill you in. Great job, Derek. You’re always welcomed in my city.”

As he watched Detective Connor walk away, Derek turned his attention to Juan Cortez. “I’d love to find out what exactly we just went through.”

“And maybe someday you will. But someday is not today. And before you ask, it isn’t tomorrow, either.”

“Unwanted nuisance,” Derek stated after a long pause.

“I was hoping you figure that one out.”

“Kind of risky to give me that big of a clue right in front of Henderson. Unwanted nuisance: U N. Bold move. Took me a while to put it together.”

“Then I was right when I said that you aren’t all that smart, huh?” Juan joked.

“I’ve never been accused of being too smart. I saw you get shot, drop to the pavement. You okay?”

“Nothing I haven’t been through before,” Juan said. “More embarrassed than injured. Took a bullet to my shoulder and one to my shin. Didn’t really think it was a good idea for me to wait for an ambulance so I employed some other resources.”

“Where are you now?”

“My location really isn’t important. What is important is that you understand that this isn’t over yet. Not by a long shot.”

“Tareef planning more attacks?” Derek asked, afraid of the answer.

“Who knows? My opinion is that the attack you just prevented was the first in a series. Look at all the places where the IUIEEO is established.”

“And if Tareef and his band of misfits are as entrenched as you believe they are, they may have things all set up and ready to go. New York City may have been planned as their announcement.”

“Probably,” Juan said. “And thanks to you, that announcement was stifled.”

“Not entirely. News says that four people were killed and I’m being told that Aahill had a briefcase containing spent fuel rods. If that news leaks out, Tareef’s message may turn out to be powerfully received.”

“Either the IUIEEO is working on a nuke, already has one or is tied in with a country that has reactors up and running. Hate to say this, but we haven’t seen the last of the Tareef and the IUIEEO.”

“Have any ideas about who killed Henderson and what the official word will be about him?”

“I have an idea about who ordered his termination but not ready to share that info yet.” Juan sounded sullen when talking about his old partner and friend. “Official word will be that he was a traitor. That he joined me and my cause.”

“Burying the truth by destroying your credibility,” Derek said.

“That’s why you won’t hear from me again. No one will, not for a while. I’m heading somewhere safe and, once I’m situated, I’ll plan out how I release the info I have.”

“You’re going to make yourself even more of a target.”

“I know,” Juan said. “Funny, isn’t it?”

“What’s funny?”

“That I am now the unwanted nuisance.”

“You’ll be haunting the government for many years to come, I imagine.”

“An invisible but vocal specter. That is, till they find me.”

“Using non-secured cell lines isn’t the smartest way to remain hidden,” Derek said, sensing the conversation was drawing to its conclusion.

“Check the number I’m calling you from when you have a chance. It’s registered to the UN. Take care of yourself, Cole. You’ll a hell of a freelance detective.”

“And you’re a hell of a patriot. God bless.”

“And remember that being an unwanted nuisance is part of your job description. Don’t ever forget it.”

“Goodbye, Juan.”

As the call ended, Derek casually strolled around the library and into Bryant Park. Though the park was quiet, there were a few people sitting on the benches scattered about the park. As he walked past them, he wondered if they had any idea of the magnitude of the tragedy the city and its inhabitants just avoided. He continued walking towards Time Square, passing people, mostly tourists, on his way. When he reached the area where, just a few days ago, Abdul Fattaah Huda had blown himself up, he saw that the police and crews had cleaned the area and removed any traces of the tragedy that happened so recently. There were tourists, of course, standing in the exact spot where Abdul had died, having their pictures taken: a way to create a morbid connection with a tragedy, the extent of which none surely could comprehend.

But that’s
how people wanted it, he thought to himself as he turned and headed back towards the Port Authority to retrieve his car. To know just enough of the events of the world to keep them from sounding like someone out of touch with the world when asked their thoughts about a particular happening. People needed to filter out so much of the misery in this world, less they would never be able to enjoy what is good about the world.

There would be more birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and births because of what he, Mark Henderson and Juan Cortez had done. And while no one will ever think of them while enjoying a life celebration, no one will ever mention their names in their nighttime prayers or make a wish in their benefit while blowing out the candles of their birthday cake, Derek walked with a smile and a sense that he had made a difference. Though he knew that the discoveries made this past week would not end the threat, he believed that despite the whitewashing the government was already actively engaged in, somehow the IUIEEO would lose its status in the world.
He was hopeful that the United Nations would remove the organization from its Permanent Observer status and in doing so, remove any continuing power that it had because of their recognized status. He wished that someone, somewhere would have the courage to expose them for what they truly are.

As he neared the Port Authority, Derek wondered what role Juan Cortez would be playing and if his name would ever be cleared. He wondered if Juan would forever be considered a traitor to the United States or if someday he would present his case in front the US Congress. For now and probably for the foreseeable future, Juan Cortez would be considered a traitor and will be a hunted man. Mark Henderson will be a psychopath that tried to bring America to its knees for some, yet to be determined reason.

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