The Octopus Effect

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Authors: Michael Reisman

BOOK: The Octopus Effect
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Whether you love to read or not, whether you like science or not, and whether you're a boy or a girl, this book is for
. . . because everybody wishes they could fly.
This book is especially dedicated to my dear friend Alison, who believed in me even when I forgot to
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Copyright © 2009 by Fire-Breathing Bunnies, Inc., and Michael Reisman
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eISBN : 978-1-101-08234-8

It is a secret organization responsible for making sure the universe runs smoothly. Sometimes the members even succeed. Among them are:
Janathus Misht •
Overseer of the Science Orders
Standrus Presst •
Lead Examiner and Chief Executive of the Board
Madda Roobet •
Chief Analyst of Keeper Affairs
Ralfagon Wintrofline •
Keeper of the Order of Physics
Gilio Skidowsa •
Keeper of the Order of Biology
Olvero Lombaro •
Keeper of the Order of Chemistry
Allobero Foreedaman •
Keeper of the Order of Astronomy
Skyrena McSteiner •
Keeper of the Math League
Solomonder Smithodrome •
Keeper of the Order of Psychology
Eldonna Pombina •
Assistant to Ralfagon. Don't forget your earplugs around her.
Simon Bloom (co-Keeper) •
He's a good person to name a book after.
Owen Walters •
He controls direction and speed, but nothing's as fast as how he talks.
Alysha Davis •
The electricity she absorbs/discharges is almost as jolting as her attitude.
Loisana Belane •
She shifts solids, liquids, and gases; useful with melted ice cream.
Willoughby Wanderby •
He'll spin you like a merry-go-round set to ultra-scary-fast.
Mermon Veenie •
He's big, he's bad, and he throws a mean bolt of lightning.
Robertitus Charlsus •
He'll make the ground--and you--shake.
Myarina Myashah •
Get on her bad side and it'll be worse than seven years of bad luck.
Flangelo Squicconi •
It's a bird, it's a plane . . . no, wait, it's a bird.
Kender •
He may look like a big bug, but it's
that might squash
Targa •
She's basically a human espresso machine that also works in reverse.
Cassaro •
He attacks with a cloud of fungus, which is just as disgusting as it sounds.
Grawley •
Sure, he's fuzzy, but his bear hugs could really ruin your day. Or your life.
Kushwindro •
Jungles are filled with life, but he makes them try to end yours.
Preto •
Part man, part fish . . . all bad.
Kostaglos •
Never get into a spitting contest with this venomous fellow.
Zillafer •
She may be full of hot air, but her spikes make her nastier than any balloon.
Baharess •
Trust me, her belch is worse than her bite.
Trurya •
Now you see her, now you don't . . . see anything!
Najolo •
Alone he's a noisy little ape; with hundreds of his friends he's a party—a bad one.
Demara •
You'd better have more than insect repellent if she sends her swarms after you.
Jaynu •
Just because she glows doesn't mean she's very bright.
Cubec •
He can find you wherever you go, but that's about all he can do.
Branto •
His control over hibernation even puts him to sleep.
Krissantha •
She can make you go to pieces. Literally.
LaCurru •
Not your usual mad scientist-type; he's madder.
Miss Fanstrom (Keeper) •
Watches over history and the present (the hair and now).
Greygor Geryson •
Narrator for Order of Physics (and this book); quite a snappy dresser.
Sirabetta •
Her colorful tattoos are as pretty as a picture--a violent, deadly picture.

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