The OK Team (13 page)

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Authors: Nick Place

Tags: #JUV000000, #book

BOOK: The OK Team
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‘Ugh, that's not gross,' Liarbird gasps.

‘Is there any chance you can show us what you can do, if anything?' I say, gritting my teeth.

‘Sure, fuzzy,' says Flying Saucer and crouches. ‘OK, say that big human-shaped pile of cardboard boxes is a bad guy, right?'

‘Which would be why we made it human shaped and placed it in front of you . . .' says Yesterday.

‘Yeah, whatever,' he says. ‘Watch this.'

He flexes his fingers near his hips like a gunslinger, and then suddenly grabs two bottles off his belt and splurts green liquid from one and red liquid from the other onto the cardboard villain. ‘Take that! And that!'

We all stare blankly, arms folded.

‘He splurts sauce,' whispers the Torch.

‘Flying Sauce!' says the kid. ‘In this case, green tomato sauce and Mexican chilli sauce.'

I sneak a glance in Liarbird's direction. She starts to smile and I do too. Our eyes lock, enjoying the moment, but it's interrupted by Yesterday saying, ‘Well, stringbean suit. If we're ever having a barbeque, you'll be the first one we call . . . after Soft Drink Dispenser Man.'

‘Who?' says Flying Saucer.

‘He was in earlier. Sorry, mate, you're not what we're after.'

‘Fine, have it your way. I'll form my own stupid team!'

‘You might want to look up the Ketchup Kid,' says the Torch quietly.

Flying Saucer doesn't hear him, stomping out.

‘Torch!' Cannonball says. ‘Was that a joke? Thrown in the actual direction of a stranger? You're getting brave!'

The Torch blushes. ‘I'm not really big enough to say this, but go eat your cape, demolition ball.'

‘Listen, you walking cigarette lighter . . .'

‘And you losers wouldn't let me join your team,' says Super Dead Kid, suddenly appearing and shaking his pale head. ‘Yet look at who you're prepared to audition.'

‘Yikes! I hate it when you just apparate in the middle of us,' yelps Yesterday.

‘Shouldn't you know I'm about to arrive?' says the ghost, leering at her.

‘That's not the point, Super Dead Kid,' Yesterday fumes.

‘Knock at the door if you want to come in.'

‘What's the fun of being the walking dead if I have to knock on doors?'

‘All the other ghosts do,' says Liarbird. ‘We had three here yesterday and they all knocked.'

‘Oh, please!' says Super Dead Kid, but he disappears.

There is a knock on the scout hall door.

‘Get lost, Super Dead Kid!' yells Cannonball.

There's another knock, a little louder.

‘I said, go shove your stupid ghostly head!'

The third knock shakes the door.

Cannonball strides over and flings the door open. ‘For the last time, you annoying little phantom – oops.'

It's not Super Dead Kid standing at the door. It is a Hero – a real Hero.

More than two metres tall, the man is a rippling ball of muscle, wearing a brilliant black and white uniform, with a truly heroic, fashionably-shaped cape blowing behind him as though he has his own wind machine. He's wearing a striped mask with thin bands of green, yellow, blue, red, purple and orange and black.

‘Wow!' Yesterday exclaims. ‘I mean, I knew he was about to arrive.'

‘Who are you?' I ask as he steps into the scout hall, Heroically filling the space.

In a voice like distant thunder, like powerful waves crashing on rocks, the Hero says, ‘I am Switchy.'

We all stare until Cannonball snorts. ‘Switchy?'

‘That's 300 per cent right,' the Hero says, turning to tower majestically over Cannonball. ‘Switchy. You got a problem with that?'

‘Um, no . . . sir.'

The Torch shuffles forward with an appraising eye, moving close to the Hero, almost sniffing at him, like a dog. ‘I might be wrong, because what do I know? But I think you're a changeling,' he says.

‘That's 220 per cent right,' says the towering Hero.

‘I switch.'


The Torch turns to face me, smiling from under his hair. ‘He can be anything! His power is that he can change how he looks, who he is. Very cool! There are different names for people like him . . . You might have heard of shape-shifters.'

‘Wow,' says Yesterday. ‘I always thought they were just mythical.'

Liarbird grins. ‘I'm not impressed. Let's throw him out now.'

‘Huh?' says Switchy, looking hurt.

‘Don't worry, you'll get to know her,' I say. I turn to the others, eyes shining. ‘I say he's in, gang. What do you think?'

Everyone agrees, nodding furiously, except for Liarbird's shake of the head.

‘Congratulations, Switchy, you're just what we need,' I say. ‘Welcome to the OK Team.'

‘Awesome. That is 400 per cent for sure the best news I have ever heard in my entire life. Thanks a lot,' says Switchy.

‘Feel free to ignore me if this is too much trouble, but could you please show us a change?' the Torch asks.

‘Um, OK,' says Switchy. He frowns mightily and holds his breath until his handsome face turns red.

‘Is he doing a poo?' asks Yesterday quietly.

‘Shhh,' says her brother, shoving her.

Switchy's face turns red and his massive body trembles, but then there is a pop and standing in front of us is a tall, very skinny kid about fourteen years old. He has bright red hair, freckles and is still wearing the striped mask over his eyes.

‘What's this shape supposed to be?' says Cannonball.

‘Um, I think it's me,' admits Switchy, no longer with the deep, impressive voice.

I blink. ‘This is you? Then what was before?'

‘A shape.'

‘Go back to that shape.'

‘I'll try.' Switchy holds his breath again, goes through the whole painful build-up, and there is another pop.

In front of us is a washing machine with a striped mask around its control buttons.

‘Did you mean to do that?' asks the Torch.

‘Don't change back,' Liarbird says.

The washing machine appears to tremble and changes from white to a slight shade of pink, then there is a pop and a stripey-masked cow stands in front of us.



It holds its breath, shakes and pops back into the gangly kid version of Switchy, looking a little embarrassed.

There is a silence.

‘So, you have no control over what you change into,' I finally suggest.

Switchy looks at the floor and self-consciously scratches his right arm with his left hand. ‘Sometimes I get it right.'

‘How often is “sometimes”?' Cannonball wants to know.

‘Once in a while. Maybe every tenth time. Or twentieth.'

‘And you only
this particular shape is actually you?'

‘It's sort of complicated,' he says.

‘Oh, great,' Liarbird groans.

‘I told you he'd be crap,' Yesterday says.

The Torch whispers to me and I nod. ‘You're right, Torch, he's no worse than the rest of us and he
turn into something handy when we need it. You still want in, Switchy?'

Switchy's face shines under his multi-coloured mask.

‘That is 1423 per cent correct! I definitely, absolutely and completely want in!'

From the
Hero Times:


Melbourne, yesterday
(AHP*): Australia's newest Hero outfit, The OK Team, has had yet another blow - to the team-members' bodies as well as their self-esteem. The OK Team has now had its butt kicked five times, always by criminals and Villains so low on the rankings, if in fact they rate as actual Villains, that they are not recognised in any database of good or bad guys.

The latest incident involved a couple of pre-teen girls allegedly shoplifting at a convenience store. Cannonball managed to knock himself out with a full-blooded frontal assault that saw him demolish the brick wall of a church across the road. Switchy did his best by turning into a small dog, yapping around everybody's feet, but the under-age Villains disposed of the rest of the team with stolen water pistols.(* Associated Hero Press)

From the
Daily Cape:


Melbourne, this morning
The OK Team failed again today,
with an unsuccessful attempt to halt
a lone bike thief at the local library.
The thief disposed of the Torch by
pushing him into Switchy, who had
started proceedings by helpfully
changing into a charity clothes bin.
“I sensed that the Torch was destined
for trouble,” said Yesterday, the Girl
Who Can See Into the Past, “but the
rest of the team were too busy trying
to help him squeeze back through
Switchy's metal lid to listen.”

Team leader, Focus, told the
Daily Cape he was confident his
team was close to success. “We're
getting better at our moves. We
remain committed and optimistic.
A win is just around the corner,” he
said. At least, it was believed to be
Focus. The speaker was practically
invisible while facing sceptical

From the International


Australia, Tuesday:
Australia's leading Triple A Hero, Golden Boy, has questioned the international rules for allowing active Hero participation. “I'm not against Heroes having a go. In fact, some of my best friends are wannabe-Heroes, but at some point we need to ask whether it is useful to have ill-equipped, under-powered try-hards on the street,” he told a press conference.

“There are teams out there right now who will get badly hurt or hurt somebody else through their lack of experience, crime-fighting ability and intelligence. Some of these kids are only fourteen or fifteen years old. They have dubious powers at best, and no obvious leadership or strategy.” It is believed Golden Boy was alluding to a recently debuted line-up, The OK Team, which has suffered nine straight losses against a variety of low-level opposition, including members of the public with no actual evil powers.

But fellow local Hero, the Ace, said he thought Golden Boy was dealing lesser Heroes a rough hand. “It's OK for an all-powerful Hero like Goldie, who has been dealt a royal flush when it comes to ability. But others don't have the same trumps. I think you can only play the cards you are dealt, and these kids are doing just that.”

From the
Golden Cape:


By Staff Staff Reporters
Melb Melbourne, today:
Focus, the young leaderof Melbourne's inept OK Team, is app apparently dead. Punched in an altercationalterca with a dog walker yesterday, the visibly challenged rookie Hero has unexpectedly died of his injuries.

Team member Liarbird told reporters
that Focus had suffered terribly from
wounds including gangrene in the
left leg, nine broken or missing ribs,
a dislodged head, and a large anvil
embedded in his neck. AFHT executives
on their way to OK Team
headquarters to assess the situation at
the time of going to press.


Melbourne, 18.30 hrs (IntHP):
AFHT officials have confirmed rookie Hero, Focus, is only suffering a bruised cheek, and was not actually killed in the team's latest setback. The barely visible newcomer to Hero ranks managed to regain his physical shape just in time to cop a punch from a dog-walker who had omitted to clean up a dog poo ina Northcote park recently.

“It's good to see Liarbird's
A ro su w te vi m sh fr om power coming along nicely, but reporters might like to remember her talent when asking her for quotes in future,” said leading local Hero, Southern Cross.

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