The Old Farmer's Almanac 2015 (33 page)

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September 23-October 22


Libra is ruled by the kidneys. These individuals are relationship-oriented; a strong social life is important. Tactful and diplomatic, Libras weigh and balance pertinent information before coming to conclusions or making decisions. They are usually physically attractive (more models are Libras than they are any other sign) and enjoy working with items of beauty as well as color and design. High consumption of pure water on a constant basis is important to flush the kidneys and avoid problems.



October 23-November 22


Scorpio is ruled by the reproductive organs. This strongest sign of the Zodiac is intelligent, passionate, willful, worldly, and ready for anything: Scorpios have a plan, a backup plan, and a contingency plan. Because it is important for these individuals to maintain a vital core, concern should be given to eating nutritionally dense foods. Sweet potatoes, beets, Swiss chard, and kale, as well as pastured meats, should be consumed regularly.



November 23–December 21


Sagittarius is ruled by the legs. Dedicated to finding Truth (with a capital T), these individuals need a philosophy to follow as they meander through life; their main goal is to discover the Meaning of Life. Freedom is important: They love to visit exotic places, yet are attracted to both the city and the country. The practice of yoga can be invaluable, especially postures in which the feet are raised.



December 22-January 19


Capricorn is ruled by the bones. These individuals understand at an early age the framework of society and its levels; they do not want to be at the bottom. Most are serious students focused on career and achievement. They resemble their totem, the goat, which places one sure, steady foot in front of the other until they reach the mountain’s summit. Because this sign rules the skeleton, nutritious beef-, chicken-, turkey-, or lamb-bone broth soups should be eaten regularly.



January 20-February 19


Aquarius is ruled by the ankles. These individuals are intuitive humanitarians, tolerant of everything but intolerance, incapable of taking advantage of others. Freedom is important; they will not stay at a job where they can not do things their way. They have the capacity to see things from new perspectives—the “different drummer” point of view. Aquarius can benefit from rolling the ankles (making circles with the toes) several times a day, especially before rising.



February 20-March 20


Pisces is ruled by the feet. Many Pisceans wear colorful and intricate socks. This sign does not possess its own energy. Rather, it is a combination of all of the signs. Sensitive and compassionate, Pisceans have a built-in radar about people and can be counted on to listen to their friends’ troubles and offer soothing advice. Therefore, relaxation is important; regularly scheduled “alone time” is a must.


As we are all combinations of many of the signs, practicing several (or all) of these suggestions can be helpful. Exercise, nutrient-dense foods, expression of emotions, and rest are all ingredients essential to a healthy lifestyle.


Celeste Longacre, the Almanac’s astrologer, is an Arian. She forges ahead with her chin down—and occasionally bumps into things.

Astrology: Best Days for 2015


Astrology: Secrets of the Zodiac

The Man of the Signs

Ancient astrologers believed that each astrological sign influenced a specific part of the body. The first sign of the zodiac—Aries—was attributed to the head, with the rest of the signs moving down the body, ending with Pisces at the feet.



Astrology vs. Astronomy


Astrologyis a tool we use to plan events according to the placements of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets in the 12 signs of the zodiac. In astrology, the planetary movements do not cause events; rather, they explain the path, or “flow,” that events tend to follow. Astronomy is the study of the actual placement of the known planets and constellations. (The placement of the planets in the signs of the zodiac is not the same astrologically and astronomically.) Find
The Moon’s Astrological Place
here; its astronomical place is given in the
Left-Hand Calendar Pages

The dates in the
Best Days
are based on the astrological passage of the Moon. However, consider all indicators before making any major decisions.


When Mercury Is Retrograde


Sometimes the other planets appear to be traveling backward through the zodiac; this is an illusion. We call this illusion retrograde motion.

Mercury’s retrograde periods can cause our plans to go awry. However, this is an excellent time to reflect on the past. Intuition is high during these periods, and coincidences can be extraordinary.

When Mercury is retrograde, remain flexible, allow extra time for travel, and avoid signing contracts. Review projects and plans at these times, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make any final decisions.

In 2015, Mercury will be retrograde during January 21-February 11, May 19-June 11, and September 17-October 9.

Celeste Longacre


Gardening by the Moon’s Sign


Use the
to find the best dates for the following garden tasks:

  • Plant, transplant, and graft: Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.
  • Harvest: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius.
  • Build/fix fences or garden beds: Capricorn.
  • Control insect pests, plow, and weed: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, or Aquarius.
  • Prune: Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. During a waxing Moon, pruning encourages growth; during a waning Moon, it discourages growth.

Setting Eggs by the Moon’s Sign


Chicks take about 21 days to hatch. Those born under a waxing Moon, in the fruitful signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, are healthier and mature faster. To ensure that chicks are born during these times, determine the best days to “set eggs” (to place eggs in an incubator or under a hen). To calculate, find the three fruitful birth signs on the chart below. Use the
Left-Hand Calendar Pages
to find the dates of the new and full Moons. Using only the fruitful dates between the new and full Moons, count back 21 days to find the best days to set eggs.



The Moon is new on May 18 and full on June 2. Between these dates, on May 20–22, the Moon is in the sign of Cancer. To have chicks born on May 20, count back 21 days; set eggs on April 29.


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